Trigger Happy (Girls with Guns, #2) (9 page)

Read Trigger Happy (Girls with Guns, #2) Online

Authors: Ashley Bostock

Tags: #girls with guns, #finance, #credit union, #dance competition, #Silver Slippers Saloon, #CEO, #Gun shy, #trigger happy, #handguns, #series, #sexy series, #concealed weapon, #contemporary romance, #accounting, #collections

BOOK: Trigger Happy (Girls with Guns, #2)
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“You ready, babe? I have to go back to the store.” Marilyn came over and wrapped her arm around Blake’s middle, Amber trailing behind her. Gage watched her as they approached, watched as she looked everywhere but at him.

“Yes,” he squeezed her back, “Thanks, Amber, for your help.”

“No problem. Bye guys. Mar, call me later.” She held her hand up to her ear using the universal symbol for a phone. Amber quickly glanced at Gage who silently stood there oozing male power. “See ya,” she said quickly and began to head toward her car.

“Amber? Wait. Can I talk to you?” Gage walked after Amber, ready as he’d ever be to apologize.

Neither of them noticed the shared look between Marilyn and Blake as they walked off.

Amber stopped and turned abruptly before Gage could stop himself from tripping into her. She put her arm out first, grabbing ahold of his bicep. His hands went to her waist. The instant he made contact with her skin, he could feel the sizzle in his fingertips. He could feel her warm skin through her thin sweater and had an instant urge to lift it up and rub his hands along her flat abdomen underneath. He ached to raise his hands to her breasts and settle for the feel of whatever type of material her bra was made of. Was she wearing a bra? He glanced down south. Her sweater dipped down into a vee but not low enough for him to see her goods. Just enough to confirm she was indeed wearing a bra.

Being this close to her was giving him a hard-on. When he looked back up at her, she had her head bent too. Probably wondering if he was able to see down her shirt. His hand came up to her chin and he gently tipped her head back so he could look into her eyes. Her lips were slightly parted and her tongue came out and wet her lips. Gage leaned in to kiss her. His lips were almost to their destination when his nipple reacted to a titty-twister from hell.

“Ouch! What the fuck was that for?”

Amber stepped back, “For being a narcissistic ass, that's what! You think I want to kiss you after the way you treated me the last time I saw you? Because I can tell you Gage Alexander, CEO, that I do not!”

He ran his hand through his hair, still feeling the effects of her below his belt as well as on his nipple. He blew out a sigh. She was pretty cute when she was angry. He suppressed the urge to laugh at her giving him a titty-twister. He hadn’t realized people still did that. He knew now would not be the right time to laugh at her – especially when he really was trying to apologize.

“You are absolutely right. I wasn't thinking clearly, okay? I shouldn't have tried kissing you. But you didn't have to stop right in front of me like that either.”

“Well you shouldn't have been following so close.”

“Don't run off at the mere sight of me then!”

“So now this is my fault?” She was giving him major stink eye.

This is not how he had envisioned this conversation. In his mind, it was going to be smooth sailing.

“Damn you’re touchy. I'm sorry, okay? And that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Will you quit looking at me like that and let me talk?” he couldn't resist adding, “Although you look cute when you’re mad.”

She folded her arms over her chest and waited to hear him out. “Fine,” she tried smiling.

Definitely not going as planned.

“Look, I am sorry about making you cry at my office-”

“You didn't make me cry, I had something in my eye.”

“Shut up Amber, would you? For like two minutes. I'm trying to apologize and you’re really making me want to bend you over that bench and spank you.”

Amber’s eyes fluttered over to the bench, where she immediately conjured up images of strong and silent Gage Alexander, CEO, bending her over said bench and spanking her.

She swallowed.

She swallowed again.

Why did he have to make her this hot when she was trying really hard to be mad at him? The idea of him spanking her...well, it was a good idea. A sexy! A bad idea. She shifted her eyes back to his eyes...his stormy he-wants-that-too eyes.

“What are you doing to me?” he murmured right before his lips touched hers.

This time she didn't pull away.

She enjoyed his probing hot mouth seeking entrance into hers. It was heavy desire, his wet tongue finding its way into her space. She opened her mouth and let him intrude. He wanted this as much as she did – she could feel it on her lower stomach. This was wrong and yet so right all at the same time.

She didn't know how much time had gone by when Gage pulled away from the kiss. His eyes were heavy with need...and irritation.

He didn't say anything to her as he walked away.


mber woke up bright and early on Saturday. Today was the day. Their performance was at two and she couldn't sleep. She managed to practice yoga and read her horoscope without so much as a thought about Gage Alexander, CEO.

Gemini, now is the time for you to get everything you’ve wished for. Today is your day to be your best. Everything will come to you easily today, Gemini. All you have to do is put your best foot forward and show up

Amber liked the sound of that. She knew she wouldn't be seeing Gage today so that meant her good day was related to her dancing girls. Oh God, how she prayed they would win. They had come so far. They could win, she knew. They worked hard, were dedicated and had a great routine. They could do it. She tried not to focus too much on the performance, as she didn’t want to get too caught up in pre-performance jitters. She felt good about it in her heart and that was all that mattered.

Even though she knew she wasn’t going to see Gage, a small part of her hoped that he would show up and watch her competition. She didn’t know why it mattered, but she couldn’t ignore the deep want in her heart that he would show up. Wanting him was like a pendulum. Back and forth, back and forth. Her body and soul wanted him beyond comprehension, but her mind was a whole different story. In her right mind, she knew she didn’t know him, didn’t understand his fantasies and what made him tick. She didn’t know how he ran his credit union or what kind of boss he was to his employees. Nor did she know anything about his family – who they were or how many of them there were.

What she did know was that she was attracted to him on some spiritual level. In this crazy way that she had a hard time comprehending herself. It was like she knew him but didn’t. There were moments where she felt like she knew what he might say or think but didn’t really have a clue. Because she didn’t know him at all. What was his favorite color? Did he enjoy reading? Laughing? The thought of him laughing made her heart slow. Surely he did enjoy that every now and then, right? Maybe not around her but somewhere or with someone, she hoped. Was he as serious in life as he was when he was around her? Or was that just because of her? Because he was tested to his limit when she was around.

Why did he keep kissing her then? Why did she let him? She knew why she let him – cause she knew what was waiting underneath his button fly and knew exactly how it felt to have it inside her. But why did he kiss her, not once but twice? And he kissed her like he meant it. Like he needed it big time. She basically convinced herself that he did want her. She knew it! He wanted her just as much as she wanted him. She was determined to figure out what was stopping him from making the next move. She wasn’t sure when she would have the opportunity but she was definitely going to figure out.


age walked through the park eyeing all of the booths and chaos of people hauling in their various items that would make their booths complete. He could already smell the grease emanating from a few of the food stands. The festival would officially be open in twenty-seven minutes. The park was packed with various businesses from town vying for new business – gymnastics, churches, boutiques, dentists, banks and credit unions, the list was endless. Also on hand were things geared toward children – petting zoos, bounce castles, trampoline launchers, et cetera. Food Alley was set up with all things that screamed and smelled carnival – funnel cakes, BBQ, corn dogs, cotton candy, you name it and Gage was certain it could be found.

He made his way to the beer garden first. He figured he’d talk to Blake and then head over to the credit union’s booth and see how things were there. Lisa had managed to fill the slots for everyone to man the booth without any hassle. Most of the employees were happy to help knowing that being out in the community and making the credit union known was more important than any business they would garner from being out there. The general public enjoyed the feeling of community as well as developing relationships with local businesses. And for Gage, that was exactly the sort of thing the credit union thrived upon.

Technically the beer garden didn’t open until noon but Gage knew Blake would be there anyway making sure all the kegs were running smoothly and that he had everything on hand that he would need. The nice part about being so close to home was the fact that Blake could run and get any beer he would happen to run out of, only a mile and a half away from the park. He knew Blake better than that though. He was somewhat compulsive like himself and he knew he had it dialed down to the ounce, how much beer he could sell and how many cups would come out of a keg. Hence, how many kegs he was projecting he would need for the day.

“Hey man, I think you’re going to need more cups.”

Blake turned around, “Why? You gonna come and throw back a few?”

“The way I’ve been feeling lately, I just might.”

“Amber got your panties in a bunch?”

Gage laughed, “Something like that. Is it that obvious?”

“Only to a virtual playboy turned fiancé. I still haven’t figured out your problem with her by the way.”

“Well once I put in my volunteer hours with you and you pay me in kind, I might feel like telling you all about it. I have to go check out our booth. I will be back to help.”

“You know she’s performing today, right?”

“Who? Amber? Performing what?”

“Not her exactly. But she’s led her dance team to the finals and the team performs today at two. It’s a good thing you have a clear view of the stage from here.” Blake gestured with his free hand.

Gage followed his gesture toward the stage. “Yeah, it’s a good thing,” he replied before walking off.


mber and the girls were behind the stage, waiting for their call out to get up there and perform their number. Amber was nervous. Her girls were nervous. She kept trying to give them a pep talk but none of them really seemed to care what she had to say. They just kept hopping on one foot, fiddling with each other’s dance costumes and pretty much ignored everything else. She was a nervous wreck too. This was the most important thing she had going on in her life and it meant more to her than she cared to admit. The thought of losing this competition was such a detriment that she couldn’t fathom what she would do if that were the case.

Amber checked the time. Three minutes and twenty-one seconds. She ran into Gabbie and Marilyn a short while ago and all of their support and talk about her parents made her cry. It was a happy and heartbreaking cry at the same time. Letting it all out to them had made her feel unbelievably good. It felt good to have great friends she could count on. Then she had to run to the makeshift area where the girls were working on last minute touch-ups and re-applied her eye make-up.

The announcer’s voice boomed over the speakers, “Ladies and gentleman, the next finalists call themselves the Classy Cats and hail from our very own Windsor, Colorado.”

The crowd went wild. Amber’s palms were sweaty. Her girls were silent, unmoving, until she snapped to attention and shooed them out on stage. She watched from the back as they all took their places and the music started – Show Me How You Burlesque by Christina Aguilera. She snuck around to the front and found the perfect spot. She knew she was biased, but they were perfect. The song had a slow, funky start and the girls were at the top of their game. She watched on pins and needles as the girls strutted around the stage, performing in-sync with one another as well as with the music. The crowd was going crazy. That was a great benefit about having the finals in town – the audience loved them the most. Amber was taken aback by how amazing they were doing. She knew they were awesome, but watching them up there all dressed up, was something else. She felt a huge sense of pride for all her girls and couldn’t be happier for them.

The song came to an end and the girls finished on cue. Amber got to her feet and ran up there with the girls screaming and hugging each other on stage. The applause was all Amber could hear as they continued to jump around and hug each other. She could vaguely hear the announcer speaking to the audience as they followed one another off stage.

“You guys were amazing,” Marilyn told them as she came around the stage.

“Unbelievable. I know you guys are going to win, I know it,” Gabbie said.

“They were great, weren’t they?”

“Yes!” Marilyn and Gabbie said in unison.

“Can you guys come back tomorrow and be here with me when they announce the winner? Please.”

“Of course!”

“I will be here for a while, I will be helping Blake. Listen, I didn’t want to ask before but are you free now? Blake had someone bail out with helping at the stand, can you help us?” Marilyn asked Amber.

“Of course I can. Let me finish this up and I will head over. Do you have to go back to Lolita?”

“Yes. My grand opening is only a week away so I feel like there are tons of last minute things to do. But call me you guys, promise? Amber your mother would be proud.”

“Thank you. Don’t make me start crying though. Talk to you later. Mar, I will be over in a second.”

Amber finished chatting with the girls and packed up her few belongings, took them to her car and made her way back through the park. She passed Colorado Financial Federal Credit Union’s booth where she exchanged pleasantries with Lisa. There was no Gage Alexander, CEO in sight. Which suited her fine, she supposed. The more she saw him, the more her desire to watch his naked body climb on to her bed and do unspeakable things to her taunted her. Maybe she could show up naked on his doorstep – he could fuck her brains out and that would put the issue to rest. ‘Cause was there a guy in the world who could say no to a naked woman begging for sex?

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