Trinity Awakening (3 page)

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Authors: K.L. Morton

BOOK: Trinity Awakening
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"Oh, I got the cutest vintage lime green scooter!" Trinny’s eyes lit up as she spoke. Emma was trying to look puzzled.

"Uh, huh..."

"You know! The one that I've wanted since forever, and you always complained every time I screamed when I saw one in a mag. Gosh, you should have heard me this morning when mum let me pull the sheet off it...." Trinny trailed off, and then realized Emma was still looking like she was pretending to understand her. "It's a '1966 VBC Vespa,' it also came with a pack of those pink flower car stickers. And bonus, it's a two-seater"

"Oooo, now that sounds like fun, and vintage is all the rage!  When can we go for a ride?" Emma was thrilled for her friend.

"A few more weeks and I’ll have my license for it and be free to take us on an adventure, or at least to the movies." They laughed together. 

"I will wait with baited breath. That really is an odd saying, it's like you're really saying I'll wait here with my fishy breath, wouldn't waiting with minty breath be far more pleasant?" Emma always had to over think things that didn't even need to be thought about. "Back to tonight, it's going to be amazing Trinny, so make sure you are ready on time. I
have to go and prepare for the party, I am soooo looking forward to this." Emma gave her friend a big hug and bounced out the door. 

"Thanks Em, I really love it!" Trinny yelled out to her friend, who was already half way down the stairs. 


Trinny spent the next hour cleaning her 'pig sty' of a room, as her mum had called it, then threw on her bikini and a light blue oversized
t-shirt, grabbed a towel and took the very short walk to the beach for a cooling swim. This was one of her favorite places to come, she came here everyday for either a swim or a walk. This was where she had spent her most memorable moments with her dad before he died. She knew he would have liked to be here today, sharing her birthday. He had always said that turning sixteen was one of the most special and significant moments of growing up. It was still a fresh pain in her memory when she thought of him. Moving to Western Australia was meant to be a new exciting chapter in their lives, but only after two months of being here her dad had been killed in a mining accident where he worked as a geologist. As Trinny and her mum had no family left in the United States, Lucille made the decision to stay. The community had rallied around them and supported Trinny and her mother through their grief, and now they could not bear to leave the beautiful seaside town. Trinny walked into the waves, the water was warm but felt cooler than the dry air around her,
had been a hot summer! She kept her baggy t-shirt on, she didn't like to show her body as she had developed a lot quicker than most girls her age and had never really accepted her womanly figure. Her long strawberry blonde hair shone in the bright sun and she tied it up into a bun at the back of her neck with the hair tie that was around
her wrist. She dived into a small wave and felt the refreshing ocean water brush over her skin. Trinny felt alive when she was in the water, she knew she inherited that love from her mother, there wasn't one morning her mother didn't get up and take a swim, even in the middle of winter, although Trinny wasn't as keen when it was cold. As she came up out of the water she looked back towards the cafe, the outside seats were empty now; the early afternoon sun had obviously moved the patrons into the comfortable air-conditioned area inside. There were a few people cooling themselves in the sea, but most had gone home for the hottest part of the day. Then Trinny noticed something odd. Around a hundred meters down the beach there were three guys in long dark pants and light colored
one was a lot bigger than the other two. She could’nt make them out, but they seemed to be looking her way. They didn't move any closer, but just talked between themselves, looking toward her every now and then,
who would wear clothes like that to the beach on a day like this,
she thought. After going under the waves a few more times, Trinny got out of the ocean and grabbed her towel, wrapped it around herself and headed back to the cafe. She noticed the three guys were now moving toward her. She felt odd, and a naturally protective instinct kicked in making her move faster even though it was broad daylight. She could now hear their voices, but did not want to look back. As she got to the cafe door she turned thinking they would be right behind her, they were nowhere to be seen. But there was also nowhere to hide, the native beach bush could only hide a child, not three fully grown men. A shiver went down her spine and she walked inside quickly. Grabbing a cold drink, she ran up to her room and looked out her window, nothing. Was she
imagining it? She lay on her bed and closed her eyes; they were a little irritated from the sea salt. She drifted off to sleep.


'Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only this meeting that a new world is born. –Annis Nin




Trinny stood in front of the full-length mirror that doubled as her wardrobe door, looking at the dress Emma gave
it fit like a latex glove. The dress was strapless with full black sequins around the bust, then attached to a beautiful dark fuchsia pink gathered fabric, which hugged Trinny's curves until it flared out in a skirt from just under her waist. The top layer of skirt was black tulle, but the layer under was a gorgeous fuchsia pink satin, with more layers of tulle under that giving it a full look that finished at her knees. She wore black strappy shoes with a small heel and had applied a small amount of pink shimmer eye shadow and black mascara, she wouldn't usually wear pink makeup as it didn't compliment her hazel eyes, but for this occasion it was subtle and suited the dress.
What's with my eyes tonight, they look different
, Trinny thought. She had always had tiny golden and green flecks mixed in with the light brown, but tonight the golden flecks seemed bigger, brighter,
I must have looked at the sun a bit to long today
. Trinny hadn't noticed her mum in the doorway looking at her.

"Wow, you look so much like your dad....
In a more feminine way of course.
That dress is gorgeous on you. But what's with the hair?"

Trinny had let her hair air-dry after her shower and had not quite made up her mind what look would go best with the dress.

"Well that's a bit of a backward compliment!" Trinny grinned back at her mum.

"Do you want me to have a play?" Lucille loved doing her daughters hair for special events and she always knew the best look for Trinny.

"Go for it!" Trinny sat on the chair at her desk and let her mum take over. Twenty minutes later Lucille turned Trinny around to look in the mirror, her strawberry blonde hair fell in long locks down her back and her long fringe was sweep to one side held back with a silver sparkling narrow hairpin. Her mother had turned her dead straight hair into lovely lengthy curls and Trinny loved it.

"Thanks mum, it's perfect, helps cover up some of the bare skin that’s screaming out 'look at me, look at me!'" Lucille gave Trinny a knowing smile.

"Not quite perfect, the whole look is missing something." Lucille put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a small natural colored box and handed it to Trinny.

"What's this? You gave me my birthday gift already, which was beyond awesome by the way!" Trinny said with gratitude in her voice.

"It's not from me, it's from your Dad." Lucille’s voice was soft as she spoke, and Trinny looked at her not saying anything for a long moment. She hadn’t noticed till now that her mother’s eyes looked a little puffy and bluer than usual, she had been crying. She looked tired and her red hair had a
wind swept look like she had been outside for a while. When Trinny did speak it was barely audible.


"Your dad had been holding on to this for you since you were born. It's a family heirloom, passed down through his family for a very long time. He had always told me he would give it to you when you turned sixteen, as traditionally that's when it's done in his family. I don't know if I am doing it the way he would of, but I know this is what he was going to give you, it's only right you have it now." Lucille’s voice cracked a little as she spoke, like she was holding back tears. Trinny took the small box in her hand and sat on her bed. She took a deep breath and opened the box slowly. She picked up the thin sterling silver chain and lifted it out of the box. Hanging on the end was the most beautiful golden colored amber gemstone. It was about one and a half centimeters wide, three centimeters long, and in the shape of a teardrop. Although it had a rough-cut look, it was beautifully smooth. Where it was attached to the chain was the most intricate silver carving, like the branches of a twisted willow tree were holding onto the amber stone, it was mesmerizing. Trinny's mum took the necklace from her daughters hand and hung it around her neck doing up the clasp at the back. It had such weight and substance that Trinny could never imagine wearing another piece of jewelry but this one for the rest of her life.

"It's beautiful!" Trinny whispered. She could feel a lump forming in the back of her throat, she swallowed to try and keep the tears at bay. She could not stop looking at the necklace in the mirror, and it was only her mother’s voice that pulled her back to reality.

"Now you look perfect!"


"I can't believe you did all this!" Trinny wasn't looking at Emma as she spoke, as her attention was totally fixated on the outside pool area of Emma’s house. There were fairy lights hanging in all the trees and around the edges of tables with a layer of organza fabric acting as a tablecloth and softening the glow of the lights. The tables were laid with chips, dip, fruit and cheese platters, sausage rolls and mini hot pasties, all the types of food a typical teenager would like. And there on the center table was a cupcake tower, Trinny knew instantly who had done the catering, only her mother could make cupcakes that good! The pool had some type of underwater disco ball at the bottom that lit up in a kaleidoscope of colors. There was dance music filling the air from the surround speakers attached to the massive two-story house. A dance floor had been set up next to the pool and on the other side were small silver tables and chairs with hot pink and black helium balloons floating as table center pieces, the colors for the party matched her dress. Emma had gone up a level in her party planning skills and by the look on her face she knew she had done an amazing job.

"I am sooooo good!" Emma exclaimed in complete self-confidence. Trinny looked at her friend and smiled in agreement.

"You look pretty good to Em." Emma always looked good, and Trinny admired how naturally pretty her friend was, her athletic figure looked great in a classic short black sleeveless dress.

"Fencing is great for the figure, you should come whip some butts with me sometime." Emma had been fencing since she was six years old, her father had done it before her and was now her coach, it was their way of having
daughter time’
. Like most things, she had excelled at it, State champion for the past two years in a row.

"Mmmmm..... and how many times have I declined that offer?" Trinny nudged her friend playfully.

"Maybe one day we'll battle it out together. But for now, you are the beautiful princess of the night, and I am your humble servant." 

"In that case humble servant, bring on the fun." They laughed together and Emma pulled Trinny out to the main seating area. There were already a few people mingling by the pool, they called out birthday greetings. The doorbell started to ring out constantly over the next 30 minutes or so, as car loads of teenagers poured into the house. The few guests who knew Trinny well gave her big hugs and Emma was happy that the gift table was filling up nicely. Those who were just there for the party, tried
best to seem like they were there for her, but she knew it was because of Emma they had come. Everyone wanted to be Emma’s friend, she was pretty, strong willed, good at anything she put her hand to, a natural leader, along with coming from one of the wealthiest families in the area, she had it all. But even though she knew these things, she was confident enough in
she was that she brushed off the fake friends and stuck like glue to those who were true to her, like Trinny. Her father was a major partner and the CEO of the mining firm Trinny's dad used to work for, so they were always looking out for Trinny and her mum.

"Ben Mathers is staring at you." Emma was enjoying the fact Trinny had interest from one of the most popular guys at school, most of the guys were only ever interested in Emma, but she could never understand why they never approached her friend, could they not see her beauty,
dumb and blind
Emma had always thought to herself. 

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