Trinity: Heart of the Shifters (2 page)

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Suddenly, a few days ago, Trinity had been called into her boss"s office and told she had to pack her belongings. Her parents had been adamant that she not ask questions, only telling her that it was time to fulfill her destiny. She did not question them, she never did and nodded, then went to pack her meager belongings.

Now here she was, in the United States, and she had flown on an airplane. It had been very exciting, so much so she had forgotten to ask where they were going. Now that they were in a huge car driving next to beautiful mountains, Trinity finally decided it was time for some answers.

“Father, mother, Mr. Spencer? Can I ask where we are going?” She asked quietly and waited while they looked at one another. Her parents and the older Council member had been whispering and talking since they left. Whatever was going on it was huge.

“Trinity, I know you have a lot of questions and we will answer every one of them as soon as we get where we are going. For now, I will tell you we are on our way to the New Council compound. They are in Milliken, Colorado and we should be arriving soon. I am sorry for all the secrecy, but for now it would be easiest if we wait.” Mr. Spencer said. She trusted him; he had been her boss and confidant for the last seven years.

Trinity had received all of her education from tutors he provided. She had a degree in Public Relations. Not that she had been given a chance to use it. Trinity always figured that when the time was right she would approach Mr. Spencer for a job with the Old Council. She had not heard anything about the New Council starting. Of course, she knew what it was. Everyone did. She had just not been aware that they had been found.

The stories of all the Chosen were the things fairy tales were made of. She loved to dream about being one of their mates and being part of something so important. Trinity of course knew that would never happen. She was not stupid. She could see in the mirror. She had mousy brown hair that hung to her waist. She was not that skinny or pretty. She decided she could pass for cute if the guy was not looking very close. Her eyes were too big. She thought it made her look like a frightened doe. The only thing nice about them was they were green. She had common looks and was rounded in all the wrong places. Her hips were to wide and her breasts too big. She was also tall and awkward. She had never been on a date before, because either all the younger wolves in her Pack went to other Packs or they were interested in the slim and cute wolves.

Trinity did not mind. She figured one of these days a nice wolf would wander into their Pack and see her for what she was. A nice calm wolf that would look after the house and children just fine. She wanted a calm life with her mate and a nice little house she could be proud of. Her dreams were interrupted when she felt the car moving to get off the interstate. She frowned a little when they moved away from the mountains.

Like any shifter, she preferred to be surrounded by the outdoors. Why were they headed away from the perfect spot? She glanced behind her longingly and then shrugged. Who was she to question anything?

Trinity tuned out the people in the car that were discussing how they were going to handle their arrival. She really did not care, she was just tired and wanted to get where they were going so someone would explain to her why she was here.

They pulled through a quaint little town and she watched as neighbors talked and raised their hands in greetings to one another. It would be nice to live in such a friendly place, she thought. Although Mr. Spencer had made his home very comfortable, the shifters and people who ran the house were not close. They tended to keep to themselves and do their jobs. The small village that was closest was about the same way. The shifters who were in the area did not promote the fact that they were shifters. Humans had discovered their little paradise many years ago, and because they moved in the area, everyone was very hesitant to make friends.

She frowned when they came upon a large gate that was an entrance into enormous walls. The walls were made of brick and looked like they were ready for a siege. She sucked in a breath when five large men, obviously shifters, opened the gate slightly and walked to their car.

“State your business.” One of them said softly. Trinity was certain if the shifter did not like the answer they would be torn to pieces. She shivered and sank lower in the seat, trying to make herself look small.

“Mr. Spencer, of the Old Council, to see Quin and the New Council. I have important information that he needs to hear.” Her boss said. The man held up a small phone like device and spoke into it. Leaning down he looked at everyone in the car. When his gaze fell on her, his eyes widened and then he raised his head and sniffed. Well she had been traveling for a whole day without cleaning up. But it was kinda rude for him to point that out. Trinity frowned, raised her chin a little, and turned her head.

Her head whipped back when she heard the low growl come from outside the car. Mr.

Spencer cleared his throat and said, “May we pass?” The large man stood and grinned widely and then nodded. “To the main house.” The man said and walked back to help open the gate wide enough for them to get inside.

Trinity looked around in wonder. Inside the walls was a small community. In front of them was a large house, even larger than Mr. Spencer"s was. She looked in awe, although she hoped she was not brought here to clean that thing. Every night she would drop from exhaustion. To the right of the house was smaller but just as beautiful houses. There were about twelve of them from what she counted. Some of them still under construction. She smiled at the small differences of each hose. They were so beautiful, each three stories and had decks at most of the windows. Trinity sighed, it was her dream home. Her gaze turned again and she saw to the left was a small community. It looked like stores and a bed and breakfast, with a large camper parked behind it. There were people out working and talking as they passed. Some of them looked at the car curiously and then went back to talking. She watched with interest as they pulled up in front of the large house and a group of people stepped out onto the porch. The largest man she had ever seen stood in the front with his arms folded.

Mr. Spencer got out of the car and held up his hand to the man. “Quin, it has been a long time.” He said loudly.

The man stepped down the stairs and approached the man with his hand out. “Sir, I am assuming you are coming to help us with Oliver. This is quite a mess.” The deep voice questioned.

“Well, that is part of it. I have heard that you were seeking people who were at the Old Council Pack house that night and may have seen something. I think that we can help with that, as well as with something else. Can we go inside and talk? I believe you will want the privacy.”

Trinity leaned over her mother and looked up at the people. She was drawn to them for some reason. Although she had never seen them before, she was sure they were connected to her somehow. “Mother, what is going on?” Her father leaned over and patted her hand. “We are sorry that we have had to hide you all these years, but we were trying to protect you. I hope you remember that when we get inside.”

Trinity looked at her parents and frowned. She did not like the sound of that. Suddenly, she wanted nothing more that to fly back to Mr. Spencer"s house and resume her life.

She wanted her small little room and uncomplicated life. Everything here seemed like it was going to be confusing and scary.

“Strength, Trinity. You were born for this.” Her mother whispered and then slid from the car. Her father opened the door on the other side and got out as well. It left Trinity in the car by herself. She supposed she looked a little strange, but she was comfortable in the small place. If she got out of the car, she would be accepting whatever was to come. Trinity was not sure she was going to do that.

Mr. Spencer turned toward the car and waved for her to get out. Trinity thought for a moment and then shook her head. Her mother leaned in and whispered, “Trinity, it is okay.”

Trinity once again looked around and shook her head. “I will wait for you to come back.

You and father go about your business, I will be right here.” She whispered.

Her father came to the side her mother was on and smiled gently inside the door.

“Honey, please?”

Trinity sighed; she had never disappointed her parents or went against something they asked. She was a good girl. But this time she looked at her parents with a determined look on her face and shook her head. “I don"t want to be here. I will wait and then we will go home when you are done.” She said firmly.

“We are not going home, honey, this is our home now. Your father and I will be pledging to the New Council Pack today.” Her mother said.

“What?” She squeaked and then looked at her parents to make sure they were not lying.

When had they made this decision? How could they make it without her? She was old enough to make her own decisions. Trinity looked at them and raised her head defiantly. “You may pledge all you want. I am and will always be a member of the Old Council Pack. If this is your choice, I will wait and return with Mr. Spencer.” Her parents looked at her like she had grown a second head. She had never talked to them like this before. She heard a soft chuckle come from behind her parents and looked to see who was listening. The Alpha had stepped closer obviously and heard every word she uttered.

“Please. I can"t let you sit in the car in this heat while we talk. I would appreciate and would consider it a personal favor if you come inside and have a snack and clean up. If you want to leave when this is all over, so be it.” Quin said smoothly.

Her parents gasped and looked at Mr. Spencer who came bustling forward. “Quin, please let me handle this.” Mr. Spencer said and then took a deep breath when Quin stepped back.

“Trinity, please, you wanted an explanation and I am going to give you one. Just as soon as we get inside and talk.” Mr. Spencer said desperately.

Trinity frowned at her boss"s tone. He had never spoken to her like this. Usually, he quietly asked her to complete something and then he would give her a sweet. She knew the other servants hated her because he treated her so differently. She did not want to cause problems for him. They were at the New Council compound.

She nodded and slowly stepped out of the car. She looked up at the women that were standing on the porch and grimaced. They were all so beautiful and dressed so nicely.

Trinity looked down at her clothes and frowned a little. She wore a long dress that she usually worked in. It was all she had. It covered her from neck to feet. She probably looked like an old school marm. But she could not compete with them. With one more glance, she allowed her father to pull her behind him up the stairs.

They were led into a grand hallway. Everything was shiny and beautiful. The floor shone from being buffed. Good God"s she really did not want to clean this house.

The Alpha led them into a large meeting room. All the presumed New Council members followed ahead of them. Trinity watched as they each took a seat. The way they sat, it was easy to see who were mates. Her eyes widened when she realized that most of the women were seated in between two men. They were both touching her in an affectionate way. Trinity gulped and looked around. She had never seen tri-mates before. Although she heard they were very rare, and only given to those who possess great power. These people obviously were the New Council and had received their gifts from the Gods.

Trinity looked and counted the pregnant women. Wow, and for some reason, half of them were in various stages of pregnancy. Trinity wondered with all the sex going on around her, how they ever got anything accomplished. She shook her head, smiled to herself, and blushed. What was wrong with her? In a new place for five minutes and already having thoughts of sex and freedom, she needed to get herself together.

Chapter 2

Braden stood next to his car in the back of the New Council house. He was finally leaving. It had taken him a few days to make sure that his bugs and tracking devices were still on. Even if he was not here, Braden and the Rogues would be able to tell what the New Council was planning. But if they discovered the tracking devices, Braden had set up a little surprise for them.

Yesterday, he had gone to Quin and Jaden and told them that he was going to travel to find the only witness to Jordan"s parent"s death. They heard she was still in Europe and he was going after her. They had both agreed, thinking that Braden was doing everything in his power to save his old friend. It was laughable, if they had the balls, Oliver would have been killed when they first heard that he had killed innocent humans in a fit of rage. But no, they were too noble and needed proof. Braden spat at the thought of the goody two shoes the New Alphas had become.

He would not make these mistakes. When Braden took over as the Alpha of the New Council, he would rule with an iron fist. Humans would beg him for their lives if they refused to give him what he wanted. Money and power, that is what humans liked and responded to. Well he was going to have plenty of that. Braden knew how much was already in the New Council funds, more than this Council could spend in a lifetime.

With that money, he would strategically place people in positions around the world. He would be the puppet master to all the major countries in the world. They would all answer to him, whether they knew it or not. It was a matter of having the power behind him. With his two female mates, he would have that power.

It sucked that he had not gotten to be with his mates yet. Lacy and Jordan were perfect for him. They possessed the characteristics he required for a mate. And they had no idea that power their children were going to possess. Braden did. His Seer had told him which of the female members of the New Council Pack were the best matches to gain what he wanted. So he focused on Jordan and Lacy. Unfortunately, their supposed mates had gotten in his way. Braden growled and frowned at the house. Right now, his mates were inside being touched and sullied by the common men who claimed they were mates to his females. It was laughable to think they would ever replace him.

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