Triple Beat-nook (6 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

BOOK: Triple Beat-nook
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Aiden pounded the pillow a bit to fluff it up. “Just warning you now, Dani, if you tell Benji we climbed into this bed with you, we’ll both deny it. I’ll even swear on a stack of Bibles. I’d rather deal with God himself than Benji if it comes out that we slept together.”

Dani started to laugh, then realized Aiden had a valid point. Benji would most likely kill them all if he caught wind of this, regardless of how innocent it was. “I’ll never say a word. Because you guys wouldn’t be the only ones in mortal peril.”

Bryson snorted. “Yeah, right. You’re his little girl, the daughter he never had. Everybody in Nashville knows that.”

How Dani wished that were true. What would she give to have grown up with Benji as her father? How different would her childhood have been? “I love Benji. And he wouldn’t kill you if I pleaded for him to spare you.”

Aiden didn’t seem appeased. “I don’t fancy being maimed either. The man might like to brag about how Closing Time wouldn’t exist without him, but I think that would all fade into the background if he thought we took advantage of you. I need my fingers to play the fiddle.”

Benji’s was a local institution, well known for giving some of the biggest names in music their start. It wasn’t unusual for scouts and agents to appear at his weekly Songwriter Night to check out the latest talent.

Benji had long been aware of Dani’s interest in music. He’d caught her standing in front of a sink full of bar glasses, singing her heart out enough times to know she had what he called, “some damn good pipes”.

After a lot of coercion, he’d finally convinced her to sing one of her songs on Songwriter Night. Though it had been scary as hell to climb onto that tiny stage, once she’d taken her place in front of the mic, something clicked. It had been magic.

For almost a year, she was a staple on Benji’s stage and she’d sold a handful of her songs to agents shopping for their clients. She’d enjoyed the extra money, the chance to perform and her continued anonymity.

Then Bryson and Aiden walked in one night and had taken their turn on Benji’s stage. Their talent had held Dani spellbound, as they both had amazing voices. Bryson played the guitar and Aiden the fiddle. She hadn’t been able to take her eyes off them as they’d performed.

Benji was equally impressed, and then the manipulative man somehow managed to convince the three of them to sing together for that night’s grand finale. It had been off-the-cuff, unrehearsed and perfect. Benji had an ear and he’d known exactly how well their three voices would blend.

And so a union was formed. The three of them collaborated on songwriting and continued to sing the final number every Wednesday night at Benji’s for three years. That was exactly how long it had taken for Aiden and Bryson to convince her to join them on other stages.

Once they had, Closing Time was formed, the name stemming from their regular spot at Benji’s. Her inclusion—taking their duo to a trio—had happened almost effortlessly after they’d decided to give it a try.

For a couple minutes they all lay awkwardly on their backs and she could tell both men were trying to keep a proper distance.

Bryson broke first. “Fuck it. I can’t sleep like this.” He turned toward her, twisting her until she faced away from him. He wrapped his arm around her waist, spooning her.

His breath ruffled her hair as he sighed. “That’s better.

She laughed quietly. “Never pegged you for a cuddler.”

“You don’t know everything about me, Dani.”

She considered that, and then dismissed it. She knew a whole hell of a lot. From his childhood in Jersey to his lost virginity—under the bleachers at a high school football game during his sophomore year—to the first time he’d picked up a guitar. She’d spent countless hours in cars and hotel rooms with them and they’d filled the time telling stories.

While she’d always brushed over the details of her childhood in New Orleans, she hadn’t skimped when it came to talking about her Nashville life. She had shared so much of herself—her dreams and hopes—and in turn, they’d reciprocated.

She knew right down to the day the last time both men in the bed had gotten laid. It had been about six months for Aiden and four for Bryson.

As their popularity had grown, so had the sexual invitations, but she noticed neither man seemed inclined to take advantage of that. She’d been impressed by their restraint. Some of the women making the advances had been quite beautiful. No doubt the crowds of women waiting backstage after their shows would only get bigger once the album released and they started touring.

Dani had received quite a few invites herself, but she was far more discerning about her partners. According to Bryson, she was

She’d slept with three men in her life. All three had been men she’d entered long-term relationships with. Of course, long-term in her book meant anywhere from four to eight months. And none of them were what she would call serious boyfriends.

Dani had issues when it came to commitment and trust. Of course, she knew exactly why she struggled with forging close sexual relationships. Another thing she could thank her asshole father for. 

It was something she’d been trying to deal with, but it was difficult when she didn’t have the opportunity to practice. She, Bryson and Aiden were all-in when it came to making it in the music business. They’d dedicated the last few years of their lives to doing whatever it took, making a lot of sacrifices in order to achieve success.

The hard work had paid off, but the price had been steep. None of them had what she would call a personal life, eschewing dating and hanging out with friends and family, in favor of the music.

That commitment—apart from her lacking sex life—hadn’t really bothered Dani. It wasn’t as if she had any family or friends to hang out with, and while there were plenty of guys who wouldn’t mind getting in her pants, they weren’t the type of men she’d ever consider dating. So, she’d simply given them all a wide berth and kept strumming her guitar. Her vibrator took the edge off and was a lot less hassle.

Bryson tugged her closer—and that was when Dani felt it.


He sighed. “Ignore it, Dani. Natural male response when he’s in bed with a half-naked woman.”

She heard Aiden snort.

“Sort of hard to ignore when it’s poking me in the ass,” she added.

Aiden laughed louder. “Damn. There’s a visual.”

She rolled her eyes. “Gross.” Even as she said the word, she considered what it would feel like to have sex with Bryson. Or Aiden. It wasn’t the first time that racy thought had crossed her mind. She’d always dismissed it because the band—and their friendship—meant too much to her to risk for sex. No matter how amazing she suspected that sex would be.

She wasn’t sure why she was so certain the guys were great in bed. Maybe it was simply a female reaction to the way they made her feel when they sang a love song, or watching their fingers fly with incredible skill over their instruments. She’d spent a little too much time lately considering those fingers strumming

“I really need to find a guy and get laid,” she muttered.

Aiden twisted to his side to face her. The moon provided enough light to allow her to see his expression clearly. “Been telling you that for nearly two years. It’s not healthy to go so long without.”

“Not sure health has anything to do with it.”

She was surprised when Aiden reached out and pushed a strand of hair away from her face. “Feeling better?” He was obviously still worried about her nightmare.

She nodded. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a pain in the ass this past week. I promise…just a few days more and I’ll be back to normal.”

Aiden gave her a friendly smile. “Don’t set your goals so high, Dani. You were never normal.”

She grinned. “Asshole.”

“I chalk that up to too many years spent with Bryson. That shit tends to rub off.”

“You wish you were as cool as me,” Bryson said in his own defense.

Dani glanced over her shoulder. Bryson looked very comfortable, his head resting on the pillow, the longish mass of jet-black hair hiding his dark-brown eyes, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist and his very erect penis pressed firmly to her backside. He was incredibly beautiful, but she was certain he’d scoff if she used that word to describe him.

Then she looked back at Aiden. He wore his light-brown hair shorter and hid his pretty blue eyes behind wire-framed glasses whenever he was working at the computer or reading a new piece of music. Bryson teased him, claiming he just wore them to look smarter, but Aiden never took offense. He just joked back that not even glasses could give Bryson an air of intelligence.

“I’m glad you guys are here.” She’d been so wrapped up in her anxieties lately that she’d pushed away the very people she needed the most.

“All you had to do was ask.” Aiden placed a soft kiss to her forehead. Then another one.

They weren’t overly affectionate friends. Most of their touching typically came in the form of high-fives or roughhousing. Kisses and cuddles weren’t part of it.

Dani reached out and cupped Aiden’s beloved face. “Thank you.”

She wasn’t sure who moved first. Maybe they both moved together. But one second she and Aiden were simply smiling at each other, and then they were much closer, their lips touching in a quick, only
chaste kiss.

They parted for a moment before they came in for another. This one lingered a second longer than the first.

Bryson’s arm tightened around her waist, but he didn’t speak, didn’t call them out or ask them what the hell they were doing.

Aiden pulled farther away after the second kiss, his brows furrowed, confusion in his eyes. She suspected that expression was mirrored in her face.

And then it cleared. He relaxed, and so did she.

When they moved in for the third kiss, it was as if they were prepared, ready for it.

He stroked her lower lip with his tongue and she opened her mouth on a gasp. Aiden took advantage. This kiss lasted much longer, the two of them taking their time to explore each other’s mouths. Aiden’s fingers tangled in her hair and he used that grip to gently twist her head this way or that to help him deepen the kiss.

Bryson was silent through it all, but Dani knew he wasn’t oblivious to what was happening. He also didn’t seem content to merely observe. His hand slipped beneath the hem of her t-shirt, stroking the bare skin of her stomach, and then moving up to her breast.

Dani’s breathing became erratic as she tried to keep up with the sensations drowning her. Bryson grasped her breast firmly, his large hand plumping the flesh, his fingers pinching her nipple.

Aiden either didn’t notice or he didn’t care about Bryson’s touches. He tightened his grip on her hair and kissed her harder.

Dani was helpless to resist any of it. She pushed her ass against Bryson’s cock, seeking more stimulation. The movement was a blatant invitation. One that Bryson didn’t hesitate to accept.

His hand left her breast, traveling to her hip. He gripped it, tugging her back as he pushed forward, letting her feel exactly how much he wanted her.

It was
much. Dani broke off the kiss, desperately attempting to suck in some much-needed air. Aiden didn’t attempt to resume it, but he didn’t let her slow him down either. He ran his fingers along her neck, his gaze following the touch. Then he grasped the comforter covering them and pulled it down, not stopping until the bulk of it rested around her knees.

Regardless of the number of times they’d seen her dressed exactly like this, this was the first time she’d felt exposed, almost naked in front of them. Aiden’s gaze traveled over her, studying things he’d never appeared to notice before. Or was it things he’d tried not to see? Had they had lustful thoughts about her as well?

Aiden reached out and ran his fingers over her covered breast, the same one Bryson had just released.

Neither Dani nor Bryson had stopped moving, the humping motion imitating exactly what Dani wanted to do.

With both of them.

The insane thought hovered for only a second before Aiden wiped it away. He lifted her shirt to her neck, hissing with approval as he looked at her bare breasts.

“Jesus,” he muttered, just before he leaned down and took one of her tight nipples into his mouth.

Dani reared back, not to escape, but in response to the sheer bliss of it. Bryson was right there behind her, keeping her in place, holding her steady for Aiden’s ministrations.

“Oh my God,” she said when he increased the suction. “Aiden.”

Her mind whirled, trying to land on what exactly was happening, but it felt as if her brain had shut down, taken a vacation. All that was left was a body that made decisions based solely on sensation.

And it liked what was happening.

A lot.

She felt rather than saw Bryson shift, his head lifting from the pillow to watch as Aiden continued to drive her closer to heavenly insanity with his lips on her breast.

“So fucking hot,” Bryson said, his voice more breath than sound. He added his own brand of fuel to the fire when he released her hip, his hand coming around her, lower.

She jerked once more when Bryson’s fingers grazed her mound, still covered by her cotton panties. Her face flushed when she considered what he must be feeling.

She was wet.

Bryson confirmed that fact with an approving moan that he followed with a soft kiss to her ear. “God, Dani. Baby.” She wasn’t sure she’d ever heard that tone of awe in Bryson’s voice. He was a hard man to impress. She liked to tease him, calling him the world’s biggest cynic.

“Bryson,” she said when his fingers dipped beneath the elastic, grazing her clit.

She saw stars. Instantly.

“Fuck. Me.”

Both men froze. Dani could practically feel them trying to work out if she’d just issued an invitation or simply voiced an exclamation. She sort of wondered the same.

Her damn thoughtless, selfish body answered first. “Please.”

Aiden lifted his head from her breast, capturing her gaze. Meanwhile, Bryson forged on. He stroked her clit again, harder this time, applying just the right amount of pressure. Dani lost sight of Aiden as her eyelids drifted shut. She was too overwhelmed, too ready for the next adventure to attempt any sort of focus.

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