Troll-y Yours (23 page)

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Authors: Sheri Fredricks

BOOK: Troll-y Yours
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ou wanted to see me, sir?”

“Yeah. Come in and shut the door.”

Eli pushed Nubbs’ office door wider, surprised to see his sister’s boyfriend sitting with his ass planted in a seat, next to the only empty chair in the room.

The commander waved him in, his face set in a frown, and pointed at the only available seat.

He lowered himself into the leather, no-fuss chair and resisted the urge to grip the arms.

Beside him, Kempor Aleksander wore the same haggard expression as the CO. His black brows were drawn down and it looked like someone currycombed circles into the Centaur’s short hair.

Nubbs made quick work of introductions. “This is Eli. He’s one of my undercover operatives. I’m sure you know who Aleksander is.”

Eli glanced to his left and noted the dark look sent his way.

The Kempor didn’t appear pleased to make his acquaintance. Little wonder why. Ella must have given a personal accounting of him as a brother.

Dirt streaked Aleksander’s face and shoulders, remnants of battle. While his upper half was filthy, he wore a clean pair of camouflage pants and boots.

A frisson of worry slipped through Eli’s composure. The last he’d seen of his sister, she had witlessly dove to the arrogant Centaur’s rescue and transported him underground.

She had placed herself in danger, and Aleksander had allowed her to do so.

Eli turned to face the Kempor. “Where’s Ella?”

“What’s it to you?”

“When my sister decides to save the sorry ass of a Centaur, I make it my business.” His hands gripping the chair, kept him from launching forward to confront the egotistical male.

Nubbs raised his brows, but said nothing. The wooden chair creaked as the male leaned back to watch the two of them snipe at each other.

Kempor Aleksander took a deep breath inward, his mouth working to fight back words. Too soon, a winner prevailed. He shifted in his seat and turned a hard gaze on Eli. “Ella is in the infirmary recovering from minor surgery. The Remedy Maker believes she’ll be released as early as tomorrow.”

The mulish set to the Kempor’s jaw gave Eli a moment’s pause. Inside, his blood turned cold at the startling news. Could it be the panty-raider held feelings for Ella?

It was doubtful. Either way, hooking up with the soldier had been bad news.

Eli returned Aleksander’s stare. The Centaur outweighed and outranked him but damn it, his sister was under the male’s protection.

“She was your responsibility while here in the palace. As far as I’m concerned, you let her down. Ella doesn’t take unnecessary risks. It’s not in her nature.” Unable to stay seated another moment; he stood to look the Kempor in the eye. “What the hell did you do to her?”

“Fuck you.” A mask of fury changed the landscape of Kempor Aleksander’s face. He leapt out of the chair and drew the sword from his hip. “If Ella had been treated right at home, she wouldn’t be here now.”

The nasty tip of the razor sharp weapon lowered to a point below Eli’s chin. Espionage and infiltration were his trades, not combat fighting. Other than the multi-tool pocket knife he carried everywhere, he had no defense against the sword.

“Enough!” Nubbs slammed a fist down on top of his desk, the wood cracking beneath the impact. “Put your fucking sword away and quit being so damn thin-skinned. Eli, watch your mouth before I bust it for you. Aleksander is many things, but he’s always respectful to the females. You girls go have your catfight on someone else’s time. I need you both to pull your heads out of your testosterone asses and listen up.”

Still pissed enough to cause his ears to ring, Eli narrowed his eyes as Kempor Aleksander sheathed his sword.

Nubbs pointed at them with the finger from his good hand, the one with all the digits. “Have a seat and behave yourselves. We’ve business to discuss.”

Resolved to ignore the Centaur seething next to him and get his mind back to the job at hand, Eli gave his full attention to his commanding officer.

“With your permission, Aleksander, I’d like to go over the details of the latest development on the rebels.”


Nubbs made a parody of steepling his fingers and leaned forward on his elbows. He addressed the Kempor. “Eli successfully infiltrated the rebel stronghold and became a trusted member of the group.” The CO nodded in his direction, approval stamped in the motion. “He has a direct contact who meets with him. A red-headed female who collects his intel and hands out orders.”

Kempor Aleksander absorbed the information.

Though, Eli noted the way his eyes flicked to the clock on the wall.

“The way she’s described,” Nubbs continued, “she’s a fucking dead ringer for someone we both thought long gone. You might even say ‘the one and only’.”

Kempor Aleksander turned in his seat, dragging his dark look from Nubbs to Eli. Both dark brows pulled down and concern dug lines in the dirt on his face. “Does she smoke hand-rolled cigarettes?”

“Yes.” Eli nodded.

“Carry them in a silver case with a starburst design on the cover?”

Again, Eli slowly nodded.

“Wears a lot of bracelets?”

“It’s a wonder she can lift her arms.”

Nubbs and Aleksander shared a long silent look, his CO clicking a pen in rapid motion.

The older Centaur broke from the staring contest first and threw down his pen. “Dammit. She’s back.”

“Who’s back?” Eli bounced his glance between the two irate officers. “Back from where?”

Kempor Aleksander ignored the questions and spoke to Nubbs through tight lips. “I thought she’d been exterminated.”

Nubbs ran a fingerless hand down his face to the back of his neck. “I never stated the Troll was dead. You came to that conclusion on your own.”

“You never corrected the assumption.”

Eli found the exchange puzzling. Pennelope was in it for Pennelope, that was a given. But extermination? “What in the hell would warrant the female’s death?”

“I didn’t presume she’d return after her exile from the kingdom.” Nubbs cursed under his breath. The bleak look in his eyes unfamiliar from the calculated hard gleam Eli was used to. “I couldn’t execute my wife, Alek. So I banished her.”

He did not just say wife. The news rocked Eli back in his chair.

A Centaur—married to a Troll?

Kempor Aleksander leaned forward in his seat. “Just where in Pan’s forest did you think she’d go? You exiled her to where? And to whom?” Aleksander slid out of his chair and took up pacing along the wall. The heavy black boots stomped in wide, heavy steps. “You thought you’d just kick her out and make her someone else’s problem? That’s fucked, Nubbs.”

The CO brought the stubbed fingers of his left hand to trowel through his hair from forehead to crown, perhaps forgetting he missed the digits. Streaks of grey, like stripes on a military patch, were beginning to push through the blond strands. The male was showing signs of wear and tear in his under-the-radar position.

All this for Pennelope?
She’d be well pleased.

The stone floor didn’t deserve the Kempor’s anger and the more he paced, the more it grated on Eli’s nerves.

Kempor Aleksander made an abrupt turn when he otherwise would have kissed the wall. He rubbed that damned goatee of his and shot dark looks at Nubbs beneath his equally lowered dark brows. “We need to think of a way to bring her in.”

“I could setup—”

Nubbs cut Eli off as he addressed the Kempor. “What do you propose?”

“Think of a reason to flush her out. We’ll lay a trap for her.” Aleksander stopped his pacing to lean both hands on the back of his chair. “Pennelope isn’t stupid. She’ll have to buy into whatever we come up with.”

The glint in Nubbs’ eye had a look Eli was most familiar with. When it came to strategy and planning, the male was all over it. But when it came to throwing a lure to a deceitful Troll, neither officer had it over Eli.

“Why don’t I—?”

“Just a second, Eli.” Nubbs held up his open palm. “Let’s hash out how to bring her in, then we’ll get to you.”

Eli sat back and slumped. The problem with being a young, unseasoned soldier in Her Majesty’s military was those who had experience and authority tended to overlook your most obvious traits. Add in the distinct transgression of Troll blood flowing in his veins, and they might as well throw a blanket over his head and stick him in the corner.

The same fucking way his parents treated him.

Disregard and disinterest.

Born of anger, a tingle of sweat broke out on the back of his neck, followed closely by his white-knuckled grip on the chair arms in frustration. His eyes never left Nubbs’ face, but that didn’t mean he was in love with the male’s mug.

Kempor Aleksander rounded his chair like he meant to take a seat, but opted to lean a hip against the cold rock wall instead. “Can we rely on the Wood Nymphs to uncover her location and provide a temporary tail until she’s arrested?”

“That’s one option.” Nubbs went at the pen again, clicking the writing point up and down with a speed that set everyone one edge. “Perhaps a viable solution…”

For crying out loud, Eli thought. This had gone on long enough. He may not be an executive…
, but he sure as shit had things to do and places to be. “Sir, why don’t I set up a meeting? Pass the word that I have important information and draw her out.”

Nubbs stared without blinking and appeared to consider his words, then blew apart the hopeful notion by cutting his gaze to Aleksander. “Dendron, the Wood Nymph advisor, can be made aware of Pennelope. If they have a bead on her, they’d pass the intel along.”

As if someone popped the airbag that kept Eli upright in his chair, he slumped lower and let his ass slide to the edge of the seat.
I get no respect.
It may not have been a great plan, but the idea sounded better than the passive back and forth crap spouted so far.

Aleksander pushed off the wall and waved a hand in Eli’s direction. “She trusts the Troll here, so what if we concoct a reason for her to meet with him?”

“That’s what—” Eli began.

“It’d have to be information she’d really want.” The pen clicking slowed as Nubbs nodded in agreement. “Might as well try for the rebellion leader too…kill two rebels with one sweep of the sword, so to speak.”

“The fact Pennelope trusts him makes up for his lack of experience. We don’t have a whole lot of time. Let’s make a decision on this.” Kempor Aleksander glanced at the clock, then turned his dark eyes on Eli. “You up for this, kid?”

“Course he’s up for it.” Nubbs slapped his hands flat on desktop and pushed to his feet. “We’ll work out the details and keep you informed.”

“You’re sure?” The Kempor edged toward the door.

“Yeah…yeah.” Nubbs patted his front shirt pockets, his mind a million miles away, mulling over plans. “Not like she trusts you, anyway. Go on, beat it. Check on your female.” Finding the pre-rolled cigarette, he stuck the thing between his lips and lit up.

The rough hewn tile lay uneven beneath Eli’s feet as he planted his boots and stood to face Aleksander, fighting to keep his arms relaxed at his sides. “Despite what you may think, I love my sister. So, if I find that you’ve hurt her, broken her heart, or used her in any way…”

The big male Centaur returned the locked stare, zeroing in from his greater height.

“Big talk from a little Troll who hid behind his parents all these years. Where the hell were you when Ella needed someone to watch her back while growing up? She’s safer with me than she ever was with you.” Kempor Aleksander punctuated the last word with a soil-crusted finger. Blood smeared the inside of his forearms.

? Eli looked intently at the red stripes racing from Aleksander’s wrist to elbow. “Tell me how she was injured.”

For a moment, pain flashed across the Kempor’s face, regret drawn in the lines between his brows. When his hand lowered, his wide shoulders took an angled slump. “She took a blade meant for me.”

The moment of truth. Eli decided to take the high road and be a male of worth, instead of jumping into a diatribe worthy of a Troll. Hopefully, he and the Centaur would have a long working relationship, if not an association through Ella.

Eli held Kempor Aleksander’s eye and offered his hand. “Give her a hug from me, and let her know I’ll come by to see her soon—if she’ll see me.”





Two weeks later…


hen Al led Ella further into the room, she smoothed a hand down her flirty short skirt and gazed around the richly appointed office.

The royal chamber was everything she thought it would be…and more. From the carved desk that stretched longer than her body’s length, to the empty red leather executive chair with the deep diamond-tucked seat behind the massive desk.

Everything spoke of regal Centaur elegance.

It even smelled good, as if the bluegrass under her royally-appointed knee-high boots had been mowed just moments before.

Fresh as the great outdoors, as large as the Boronda Forest.

In the corner of the room, on a pedestal matching the mahogany of the desk, a gorgeous bouquet of fresh flowers brightened the grey granite walls. Hot house grown, they had no scent, though it didn’t detract from the masterful arrangement.

On the opposite wall, a chiseled archway decorated with a light-brown pleated swag, led to another room, out of sight. It, too, was richly embellished with life-sized urns made of brass and marble.

Ornate and luxurious, the colors were pleasant—not garish in the least.

Seated side-by-side next to Al in matching straight back armchairs, they had only a small marble table between them. Ella gazed at ancient hand-stitched tapestries covering the bare rock walls—further adornments of Queen Savella’s office.

Bastian, the outer sanctum guard, had allowed them entry, saluting to Al and skimming an evil eye over her.

Some things will never change.

It so happened she recognized his name as the no-show from the Neigh Café speed-date session. Just let him try and sign up for another round… She’d make sure he sat with all the Minotaur females.

Intolerant, bigoted, narrow-minded—


Ella jumped and glanced at Al, seated to her left. “Pfft. Course not.”

Could he hear her ticker banging in her chest like a blind Satyr in a strange room? In her head, it sounded louder than the spring thaw that crashed over Boronda Falls.

Al’s huge palm reached across the little table and covered her hand, where it rested on the chair arm. “If you feel up to it, I’d like to show you something when we’re through here.”

Well, didn’t that tease her Troll curiosity? “What is it?”

The sensuous grin that undoubtedly broke a thousand hearts flashed her direction, his eyes took on a lazy, sexy allure. “What have you got to trade for early intel release?”

A quick glance over her shoulder showed a mile of empty room between them and the outer door. “Well…” Ella licked her lips. “How about a peek at what I’m wearing under this blouse?”

The satiny feel of the molded cups caressed the skin of her breasts when she’d dressed that morning, making her feel oh-so-naughty. To torment Al further, she pulled the thin material away from her cleavage and leaned toward him, tempting him with the treasures he loved to touch.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”

A bolt of lightning couldn’t have snapped Ella out of her seat faster than the musical sound of Queen Savella’s voice, though the movement pulled at the stitches in her back.

The regent floated in smooth strides from the side room to her desk, followed closely by Kempor Hippolyte in human form.

Ella had a moment of Trollish self-consciousness.

From the flashy new hairstyle to the clothes on her back, she owed the Centaur queen everything. Ella glanced at Al. If it hadn’t been for the protection of Her Majesty’s highest ranking officer, she might have been homeless in the forest.

Queen Savella’s dappled hide glowed in the chamber’s natural lighting. Her long flaxen tail dragged the ground as if it were the monarch’s royal robes trailing behind her.

Hippolyte smiled, then nodded at her and Al before diverting her path to stand guard inside of the outer sanctum door.

The ruler smiled warmly as she moved the executive chair out of the way to take her place behind the desk, gracefully folding her hind legs beneath her. She motioned with one hand. “Please, be seated.”

Al politely waited until Ella took her seat, then eased himself down, stretching his long, jean-clad legs out in front of him. He was off rotation today, and if this morning’s
physical therapy
session with him were any indication of how the rest of the day would go…

tingled with anticipation.

Never having been inside a queen’s office before, it was surreal as an electrified fence. Ella wasn’t sure what to do, she forced herself to sit with a straighter back, smooth down her skirt, and take slow, even breaths.

How undignified it would be to slump off the chair and pass out on the floor. Not that she was dignified, compared to Boronda’s ruler.

Troll pride should account for something, though.

Why in Tartarus am I thinking these abstract thoughts?
Giving herself a mental slap, she all but shook her head in hopes her grey matter would play nice and fall neatly into place.

Queen Savella pushed her blunt-cut blond hair from her forehead with a manicured hand. Void of any gargantuan-sized ruby or diamond encrusted rings; she wore a simple marquise cut emerald solitaire on the third finger of her right hand.

Simple, yet elegant.

Everything I’m not.
The old self-doubt crept in again.

The monarch settled her friendly brown-eyed gaze upon her. “Ella, it’s nice to see you again. I hope staying here has not been a burden to you or your family.”

Ha! That’s a joke.
Ella doubted her parents even noticed her gone, let alone worried for her well-being. “Oh no, your Majesty. It’s been no trouble at all. I’ve found everything about your palace to be wonderful.”

Al, who seemed much more at ease in the queen’s presence, leaned his shoulder across the little table and whispered not so softly, “Even me?” Too handsome for his own good, too playful to reprimand, Aleksander’s brows rose up and down.

His scandalous flirtation evoked Ella’s cheek-burning horror. If there wasn’t solid rock beneath the shallow layer of soil, she might have considered dissolving below the surface.

With a subtle throat clearing, Savella smiled. She shook her head and rolled her royal eyes, then focused those same knowledgeable peepers on Ella.

Ella took a deep breath and sat ramrod straight in her chair.

“On behalf of the kingdom, I thank you for your bravery and unselfish sacrifice to the Centaur Crown.” Savella opened the top right drawer of her desk and removed a slim wooden box. Removing the fitted cover with lissome fingers, Her Majesty tilted the small package toward them to show her and Al the contents. “As a small token of
appreciation, I’d like to present to you this silver necklace with the symbol of the royal seal.”

Queen Savella then pushed off the floor with her rear hooves to move from behind the desk.

Aleksander immediately stood.

Unfamiliar with courtly protocol, Ella followed suit, her eyes riveted to the carved box held in her direction. The flight of a thousand butterflies launched in her stomach. She hoped her knees wouldn’t give out.

The queen stopped in front of them with an elegant pause.

Ella raised her stunned gaze from the beautiful gift.

Savella shook back her hair, smiling gently. “You’re always welcome in my home, Ella. I hope you’ll visit often.” With the ever graceful charm as her regent station required, the queen lifted the delicate silver chain within and handed the box to Al. Unhooking the catch, she held the two ends up. “Lift your hair, dear, and I’ll put it around your neck.”

Ella raised her chin
. She even smells good

Queen Savella leaned forward and clasped the chain by touch alone. While she lingered, she whispered in Ella’s ear. “Sorry, we intruded on your time with Alek the other day. I fully intend to make up for it.” When she pulled away and straightened, she regarded the emblem hanging off the chain with a tilt of her head. “You are the first Troll citizen ever gifted with my royal seal. And you are worthy of this honor. Wear it well, Ella of Boronda.”

Stunned, Ella lifted the silver charm to view it better. Twin scythes, inverted to face each other, winked with the luminescent light from above. The demeanor of calm and confidence she’d worked hard to project was failing her. This private honor ceremony seriously undermined her tough-ass persona and a dam of gratitude broke free. The tickle of tears slid down her cheek.

“And well deserved.” Al’s eyes shone with approval…and something else. Pride? “Look, I have one, too.”

On his right arm, above the tattoo of twin rows of barbed-wire at his bicep, he wore an armband made of silver with the identical royal symbol. For good measure, Al pumped his muscle and made the tat jump, causing the armband to squeeze his brawny strength.

Savella laughed and moved to stand aside. “Centaur males—”

“What about us?”

Ella swiveled her head and saw the man named Mr. Nubbs.

He crossed his arms and leaned on the doorjamb which separated the queen’s place of work from her other private room. Dressed for a day in the office with pleated trousers and a buttery soft button-up, he raised his brows in question.

She wondered if the male ever smiled.

“Never mind.” Queen Savella made a good show of swishing her silky tail as if she were irritated. Though, it was clear her face was blushing from the moment she saw the lounging male, and her eyes were lit with an unmistakable twinkle.

“Your Majesty,” Kempor Hippolyte interrupted. “Your appointment in Templar Khristos’s chamber is in five minutes.”

Queen Savella’s eyes cut to Mr. Nubbs.

“Don’t worry. I’m coming with you,” he informed her, as he pushed from the wall.

“Anything going on I need to know about?” Al frowned first at the queen, then at Mr. Nubbs. As always, he was duty first, loyal to the crown.

Ella swallowed a sigh of regret. Lucky was the mythic female who finally caught Kempor Aleksander’s heart. Her eyes went over his huge body from the wide shoulders to his powerful biceps and tremendous thighs—and she found herself wishing she could be that female.

“Got it covered,” Mr. Nubbs replied. “Private matter. By the way, Alek, the work we spoke of earlier is finished. Feel free to go by any time.”

Al took a step toward the outer sanctum door, then extended his hand toward the older male. “Thanks, Nubbs.”

The hard-eyed male grasped Al’s forearm without hesitation in the formal tradition of a Centaur handshake. “No prob.” He released Al’s arm and stepped back. “Okay, Your Majesty. Time to shake your tail. Let’s get this meeting with the priest, done and over with.”

Hippolyte smiled as she passed to cross the room and take up the bodyguard position, next to Queen Savella. “Nice hairstyle, Ella. Looks great on you.”

The party of three moved to exit through the fancy side room, where they’d first entered.

Al applied fist to chest and bowed low to Savella.

Ella dropped into the deepest curtsey she could manage without reinjuring her back.

In return, the queen inclined her head and turned away.

Mr. Nubbs’ broad shoulders were beside her, while Hippolyte guarded the white-blonde tail that swayed with each hoof step.

Familiar warmth pressed the small of Ella’s back and gently coaxed her toward the outer hall door.

She scraped her new boots forward, willing her knees to cease their trembling.“Where to now?” Dinner alone with Aleksander would be nice. Then again, anything that involved his hands on her skin, his mouth on hers, his body lined up against her own—that, not food, was what she craved.

His intense, smoldering eyes dropped to her lips.

Ella’s heart soared to new heights.


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