Troll-y Yours (27 page)

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Authors: Sheri Fredricks

BOOK: Troll-y Yours
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Aleksander, the Centaur who loved her.

Ella tossed her head back when the tightening began. She forced herself to gaze at him between lowered lids, watching the fierce look of male domination build upon his face. His thick fingers rubbed and thrust. They drew her up and out of her body, pushed her closer to the edge where abandon, shooting stars, and—yes, even the god Pan was found.

“You’re so fucking sexy.” Aleksander licked his parted lips as he watched her juices flow over his hand. “Come for me,

“Oh gods, I’m nearly there!” Ella bent her knees to drive his fingers deeper inside.

Then, Al kissed her. He slipped his tongue between her lips and kissed until she felt lightheaded and buzzed. After that he knelt on one foreleg and stretched his other forward.

Where she wanted him the most, is where he planted his mouth next.

Strong lips worked her clit and the flat of his tongue lapped her up. The sensations he created made her feel out of this world. And Al enjoyed himself, too, judging by his hums of approval. Strong hands held her, muscular shoulders kept her legs spread wide in a plié.

Much like a budding flower, Ella opened herself up to him. She delved her fingers into his hair and held his head to her throbbing center.

Moving in tandem with his fingers, a mind annihilating suction was created with his lips.

Deep inside, her core grew tighter. Pressure built and demanded release.

In moments, she blew apart. Head back, mouth open, Ella cried out with her orgasm. Great shudders wracked her body. Her inner muscles convulsed in every erotic way possible. If it weren’t for Aleksander’s strong arm around her waist, she would have melted to a puddle on the ground.

Gentle fingers stroked her intimately, bringing her down from the mind-numbing climax. His soft lips latched onto her sensitive nipple and sucked with lazy pulls as though he’d been the one who’d had the release.

When she stopped gulping air and stood steady on her own, she gazed at the sexy centaur.

Alek brought his hand away from her delicate throbbing bud and flashed his famous grin. The one that stole her breath and left feminine sighs throughout the kingdom.

Heat from his searing brown eyes coaxed her dampened fire to blaze once more. “I want you again,” she trailed her fingers over his chest.

Would this be her mantra for the next century?

Ella sure hoped so.

He flicked a glance at his wristwatch. “Shit.
Thirty minutes until I shift. Can you wait that long, my beautiful bride?”

For him, she would wait a century.

“Are you going to just stand there, my hybrid honey? Or did you have a destination in mind?” Could that be her voice sounding so husky and sexy?

“If we’re going to make it in time, you’d better get on.”

“Ride you?”

“Can you think of a faster way?”

No, she couldn’t.

The gold chain lay against his tanned skin, shimmering in bright flashes. Sparks of iridescent pink flared from his aura and depicted sexual desire as prominent on his mind.

Ella felt a bit like Lady Godiva with only the garters and hose as clothing. She should’ve at least put on the corset.

Al smiled and helped her to climb onto his strong equine back, settling her in, to sit sidesaddle-style with her arms wrapped about his waist. Gathering their strewn clothes into one messy bundle, he chuckled and called out, “Hang on!”






Outside the front door, Ella slid off his back like she’d ridden all her life. Her perky tits bounced when her feet hit the ground. Desire lit her almond-shaped eyes and she stared up at him, looking as if she were more than ready for what lie ahead.

His fingers searched out the cracked spot along the boulder, and he pressed the hidden knob. After a click, the door swung open—and an image of her parted thighs came to mind.

Despite Ella’s poor self-image, she weighed no more than his armor as he lifted her into his arms and carried her inside.

She caught the handle and closed the door behind them.

Her sexy mouth lay inches away and he couldn’t resist. He slipped his tongue between her lips and plunged past her teeth. Sweet as honey, Alek made sure he continued to taste until he reached their bedroom.

Inside, he set her down on the bed and smiled at the sexual need shining from her eyes.
Yeah, he’d give her what she wanted—but not just yet.
He had something else to give her first, and stepped back from the bed.

“Where are you going?” A look of surprise widened her eyes.

“Believe me, I’m not going anywhere.” At the base of his spine, the familiar tingle grew. He clopped his hooves to the dresser, the one they now shared, and picked up the package that sat on top. When he came back to the bed, he held out his wedding present to her.

Ella pushed her beautiful mane of flaming hair from her face, the flowered coronet long gone, her fancy hairstyle ruined by their canter through the woods.

Her hands shook as she took the long, thin box from him. “What is this, Al?” She carefully cracked the lid and promptly gasped.

Satisfaction flooded him. Alek reached out and lifted the elegant sword from its black velvet nest.

Her mouth formed a little
when she saw the crest engraved into the handle.

An exact replica of his armband, the twin scythes of Queen Savella. Only Ella’s emblem was surrounded by a dozen diamonds, brilliant enough to be seen from the heavens above.

There’d be no mistake when other males saw her; they’d know she belonged to him. If anyone needed a personal refresher course on the matter, he’d be only too glad to give them one. His tail swished in anticipation.

“I never want you to be afraid and unable to defend yourself again. When I saw you in the hunter’s shack—” Just the thought of it broke him out in a cold sweat.

“It’s beautiful.” Ella ran a finger down the curve of the hilt. “Will you teach me how to use it?”

The curving hilt she so lovingly caressed, reminded him of her hip, smooth and graceful. “You’ll be an expert by the time we’re through. I had it commissioned for you specifically. It’s made to fit in only your hand, balanced for your height. I know it’s not a typical wedding gift, but you’re not a typical bride.”
Gods, I’m rambling here!
“If you like it, I would be proud to have you wear it. I have the scabbard—”

Ella threw her arms around his neck and kissed him so long and so deep, he couldn’t breathe.
Air is highly overrated anyway.

Breaking the breathless plundering, she blurted out, “I love it and I’m never taking it off.”

He chuckled. “Oh, you’ll take it off, all right. And I need to take my cummerbund off.”

The tingle grew, climbing his spine. He made short work of the buckle and threw the sash to the side. The rest of his clothes followed, all landing in a heap on the floor.

Aleksander took her in his arms and pressed his lips to hers, then folded his four legs beneath him to lie back on the floor bed.

Ella’s enjoyable body lay draped over his chest, her soft sighs music to his ears. Her restless hands tunneled in his hair and then drifted down his neck, to his shoulders, to his chest. She pulled on his tuft of mane before it disappeared completely, the sensitive spot shooting straight to his groin. Hind legs receded, his back shortened, and four hooves shape shifted into two feet.

And the whole time, Ella’s hands wandered his body.
Gods, he loved his mate.
Unable to wait any longer, he rolled between her thighs. His hands pushed her breasts up and together. He then licked them greedily from peak to peak.



“Make love to me.”

“As you wish…my wife.”

Hearing his name—his full name—on Ella’s lips brought a heightened sense he’d never experienced. It was more than sexual intimacy.

It was the power of love.

The majestic power Ella held over him. An energy force that kept him captivated, on edge, forever in love.

Neither of them wanted to waste time with foreplay.

Alek touched her heated center and found her swollen and wet with need. The discovery thickened his hard cock. Slipping inside was a matter of lifting his hips and pushing himself in. Slow and sweet, he delighted in her body. He alternated with both his hands and mouth to caress her silky skin. His hands scooped under her hips, lifted her, and joined them deeply together.

Designed by the hands of the gods, their fit was perfect. The moment so right.

Outside the bedroom, the world dropped away. All that remained for him, was there in his arms and surrounded him like a silk glove. Every thrust and pull increased his strain, tightened his testicles, pushed toward his release.

Fate brought them together, to this moment in time, to cherish each other forever.

Together, from this point on, these are the memories he wanted to make.

“Ella—I love you.” Gods, what he felt in his heart was more than words could say.

“Oh Alek, I luh—luh—” His pumping into her, took her words away.

Oh yeah, I still have it. Only now my mate is the one who’ll experience this…nobody else.
He chuckled softly to himself as he started to plunge inside of her in earnest, changing his grip to lift her legs over his shoulders.

Her loud moan sent shudders through him, hardened him even further, if that were possible. A surge of heat blasted south to concentrate at his tip. Aleksander clenched his teeth to hold back the release. Between Ella’s soft cries that nearly had him undone and her tightening core muscles, he knew he was the luckiest Centaur on Earth.

He slammed his cock into her and felt her body’s answered response.
Pan’s flute!
He loved it so much, he did it again…and was rewarded with the arching of her back.

Eyes fixed on Ella’s beautiful face, he crashed home one more time. He drove himself deep and held still.

The slick walls that surrounded him clamped down, embracing his pal
Meat Wrench
in the most intimate way. Every muscle in his body grew taut. Waiting—waiting...for the small pulses he knew would squeeze him from deep inside of her womb.

When her silky chamber gripped the tip of his cock, he shed his Centaur self-control and delved into the sensations of his wife.

Finally, my life has its luster once again.
And all it took was one brassy Troll.

His wife.

Now, it was a glorious ride for him as he moved…Up down, up down…In out, in out.

The gods had gotten it right. Mythic life in the Boronda Forest couldn’t get any better than this.

I am Kempor Aleksander. And I married the woman I love.




emplar Khristos quietly shut the stallroom door of the Centaur couple who mourned the loss of their son. Twenty minutes after he’d arrived and given last rites, the soldier, who hadn’t seen his first full enlisted season, died from his wounds inflicted in battle.

Damn those rebel souls to mythic hell.

This made it a third death today, the first being an elderly male whose time had come, the other a stillborn foal. His duties as priest to the people were stretched to the limit.

Glancing at his watch, not in the least hungry for the evening meal, Khristos lifted his hooves and plodded his way to the sanctuary office. Unless it was an emergency, or Savella herself, he wouldn’t be bothered there.

The merchants’ mall hummed with activity. Free enterprise thrived. Not one to socialize with other species, he skipped the “scenic route” and opted for the dim passageway open only to Centaurs of his station, near the obnoxious atrium fountain.

“Templar Khristos!”

He’d half a mind to ignore the anxious caller and disappear behind the rock door. Public image in mind, he turned and waited for Bastian.

Short of breath, the guard trotted up. “How do I reach Kempor Aleksander? It’s imperative I speak with him.”

“The male is on his honeymoon. I would not recommend you seek him out.”

“The information can’t wait. I need to inform him now.”

Khristos sighed. Everything and everyone seemed in such a hurry these days. Fighting and fucking, that’s all the males thought about. “What’s the message and I’ll see he gets it.”

Bastian licked his lips. His tail swished and his foreleg pawed the soil. “Two prisoners have escaped.”

“And that’s it? You want me to interrupt Aleksander’s matrimonial bliss for…that?” Khristos turned back to the door and opened it wider. He wanted to lift his hind hoof and kick the agitated guard to the side. “Tell Petros. He’ll take care of it.”

“Petros sent me to find Aleksander.”

Templar Khristos felt a warning chill tiptoe across the width of his back. His skin twitched in response. “Which prisoners, Bastian?”

“Pennelope…and the human, sir.”

His stomach twisted like an old rag before he turned and faced the soldier again. “I’ll get word to Alek immediately.”

Khristos moved into the passage opening, and Bastian politely closed the door behind him with a thud.

, his day just got worse.


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