Trust Me II (21 page)

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Authors: D. T. Jones

BOOK: Trust Me II
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reached between her legs and switched the rabbit off, but left it positioned inside her, allowing her to slowly radiate down. After a few long seconds, she lay back gasping for air, her tongue licking her dry lips. She briefly registered the sound of the door opening and his feet padding down the hall, but could not form a full thought as of yet. A few moments later the door closed again and the echo of liquid being poured into a glass sounded like a tidal wave beside her, pounding through her ears. He reached up and unfastened her cuffs, smiling as she opened her eyes and stared blankly at him.

he insisted, helping her sit as he pressed the glass into her hand. Sandra took a drink of the cool sweet liquid; his favorite champagne
. It was very refreshing and bathed her mouth and throat with the promise of more yet to come.

I told you how amazing you are?” he asked.

a lot,” she answered breathlessly.

you are. You’ve come a long way in such a short time. I would never have dreamt that you would be able to do anything like this, telling me to make you come and then begging for me to beat you.”

didn’t beat me,” she insisted. “You…flicked me and I like being flicked.” He laughed softly as he took the glass from her hand and swallowed a large mouthful before setting it back on the bedside table. Sandra smiled as she lay down again, moving her hands up above her head as she waited for him to restrain her.

little thing, aren’t you?” he asked in amusement.

just trying to be an obedient wife.” Creighton laughed as he reached for her hands, pulling them forward he kissed each palm, sucking on the tips of her fingers in turn, before cuffing one with the feline covered restraint. He slid the other side of the cuffs through the wooden headboard and restrained her other hand to it, making certain there was enough slack for her to move. She looked at him with a frown, watching the smile that pulled at his full lips.

can’t spank you from the front,” he told her. “You want restrained and I want you back on your tummy. I love looking at that beautiful bottom of yours, especially when it’s pink.” He walked to the end of the bed and released her feet. “Do you want the cuffs or the bar?” he asked watching the blush creep up her cheeks.

bar,” she answered. He pulled the silver tube out of his bag on the floor and cuffed her ankles to the leather restraints.

you know what I like best about this bar?” he asked and without waiting for an answer he showed, sliding it open wide. Her legs were moved to resemble a pair of scissors, spreading them as far apart as she could comfortably handle. He reached down to where her rabbit lay inside her and turned the vibration back on, slowly thrusting it in and out of her, twisting it from side to side as he did.

love watching you come,” he told her honestly and increased the speed.

she asked in a soft whisper, her hips arching slightly upward against his hand.

your innocence makes it all the more precious to me, I love knowing that each orgasm you give me is mine; no man has ever experienced what you offer me. I love knowing I’m the only one who has ever touched this body.”

love the way you touch me.”

about a little more?” he asked with a wicked grin as he slid his hands up her legs. Sandra moaned, squirming at his touch when he leaned in and began spreading tiny bites across his initials again, his tongue slipping between her wet lips as he teased and bit her swollen clitoris.

not going to let you come yet,” he whispered as she began to writhe beneath his mouth. He stopped the wonderful vibrating between her legs, removing it from her tight body and grabbing the bar, quickly flipped her over to her tummy. He laughed at her surprised screech when the restraints holding her hands tightened above her, twisting with his sudden movement.

up,” he ordered helping her pull her legs up beneath her, her bottom thrust in the air, her head resting on her outstretched arms. “Ready?” he asked again and she softly nodded.

felt the warmth of the gel drip onto her bottom again and his fingers began to massage it across her soft flesh; between her butt cheeks and inside her tight, throbbing vagina. He continued to massage her for a few more moments until she felt the tip of the small beads press against her anus.

a deep breath to steady her rampaging nerves, she braced herself for the strange, erotic sensation that began building inside her. Creighton slowly pressed one bead after another into her, gently massaging her bottom with a large hand over her cheeks, spreading the heat of the gel across her until the beads were in place. She sighed deeply as he continued to caress her and then moaned again when he placed the rabbit back inside her vagina, the ears against her clitoris. Before she could form another thought the leather hand struck against her bottom and she gasped in alarm.

smiled as he massaged her with the warmth of his large bare hand, causing the gel’s temperature to increase. He increased the speed on the rabbit slightly then slapped her again before massaging her bare bottom. Again he increased the speed, slapped her and massaged her tingling buttocks. This torturous rhythm continued until she was certain she would lose her mind then felt the mattress sag when he climbed up on the bed between her legs, leaning over her and pressing her hips down slightly before removing the rabbit and thrusting his hard penis into her quivering vagina.

He allowed his penis to take the place of the vibrator as the rhythm began again. He thrust into her, spanked her hard and massaged the spot he had struck. He pulled out of her, slapped her bottom and thrust into her, slapping the other cheek than massaged both. Again and again he repeated his actions causing her to moan, her vaginal muscles tightening around him.

Sandra rode out the passion, the intensity growing until she was positive she would lose her mind. She loved how she felt with this man, loved how he touched her and how he made her feel alive and free from fear or embarrassment. It took all of four more long, deep thrusts before she found herself climaxing again, his urgent movements increasing, his spanking stinging her buttocks until she screamed a deeper release, taking him over the edge with her, growling savagely behind her as her body quivered and throbbed, tightening around his hard shaft.

few moments later he unfastened the restraints and collapsed beside her on the bed, embraced in each other’s arms, panting and sweating; spent from the events of the evening. It had been more passionate, more demanding than it had been since their wedding night and her bottom stung from the spanking; her breasts were sore and she felt like she had been ridden for days.

it?” he asked her softly, his breath warming her ear and she nodded, causing him to smile in response.

like everything you do to me. You have a very vivid imagination, for a perverted deviant.”

I have a lot of ideas my love. We have only scratched the surface of playing.” Sandra grinned then yawned, snuggling closer to his chest.

he asked her, watching her nod her head.

“I should have taken a nap so I could keep up with you,” she told him followed by another yawn. Creighton reached down to the foot of the bed and pulled the blanket up across them.

“You more than kept up with me. Sleep now my darling,” he told her gently, kissing her cheek and spooning behind her. “You’ll need your strength for tomorrow.”

“You know we still have to call Miriam,” she insisted sleepily.

“I know.”

“Tomorrow,” she told him with yet another yawn, relenting to the intoxicating need for sleep.

Tomorrow held the promise of another incredible day with this man as they both drifted to sleep; a day in the life of Creighton Ashford, dark overlord of perverted passion and owner of her heart.


“I have a present for you,” Creighton said with a childish grin causing her to draw a deep breath. Telling him to stop spending money on her was getting to be an old argument and she knew she was losing.

They had slept in that morning and then enjoyed a pleasant breakfast of croissants and espresso while discussing plans for the day. Creighton agreed he would call Miriam later that day and arrange a time to meet with her before returning to England, though neither one was very eager. They spent their wedding night apart because of a woman and Sandra didn’t want to jeopardize their honeymoon to the same reason.

“What is it?” she asked with a deep sigh. Creighton’s smile widened as walked with her to the sofa and sat beside her, handing her a small brown package. Sandra wasn’t immune to receiving presents but he seemed to go overboard with them; jewelry was his favorite gift for her, next to vibrators. She pulled the paper off and lifted the box with the expensive cell phone out and looked up to him.

“You’ve used mine enough to become familiar with it. This is exactly the same; I’ve had all of your numbers from your old phone programmed in as well as my family and the office. You can do everything with it; play games, surf the web, email; it even has a writing program so you can make notes when the inspiration strikes you. If you want I can sync your iPod to it as well as your Kindle so you can listen to your music and read your books.” He reached for the box and began pulling it apart as they spoke, removing the phone, charger, battery and earphones. Sandra took the small black device from him once he inserted the battery and turned it on. It was such a wonder and she felt the sudden surge of panic; she had never had anything this fancy before.

“You’ll have to play with it to get used to how it works.”

“This is wonderful,” Sandra said with a slight frown as she scrolled through the many buttons.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, bringing her eyes to his.

“Nothing, it’s just that I have never used anything like this, except for yours and you were always right there to guide me. I’m afraid I’ll delete everything if I press the wrong button.”

“You won’t,” he smiled. “I have it all backed up and it’s harder than you think to wipe out your information.”

“Why did you do this?” Sandra couldn’t help but wonder what the importance was to have a cell phone this advanced. She normally used the house phone and her cell was only for emergencies or when she traveled.

“Because I’m very protective and I want to be able to stay in contact with you when I’m away, or during long meetings. It has a GPS so you won’t get lost when you go running, you’ll have the freedom of getting to know the neighborhood. Once the house is finished I’ll be working at home most of the time, but I will need to go to my office occasionally, and unless I can convince you into coming with me, I’d like to know you’re just a call away.”

“So you’re going to stalk me with a cell phone now?” she teased, smiling at his innocent expression.

“What can I say? Old habits die hard.” Sandra smiled as he reached for his own phone to silence the annoying buzz.

“I thought you told everyone you weren’t going to be available by phone?” she said, watching him press the button for his voicemail.

“Considering everything that is going on back on the farm, I figured it would be a good idea to stay close in case Andrew has news.” He was silent as he listened to the messages, allowing her time to sort through her own phone. It really was a marvelous device, but she still feared the technology.

“Andrew has a preliminary on the first three bodies,” he said quietly as he hung up his phone and slid it back into his pants pocket. “The first one is Lynette Stone and according to forensics she has been dead for fifteen years, give or take a few weeks. They are questioning her husband and Miriam, considering all she wrote about in her book.”

“What about the others? Does Andrew know who they were?” she asked watching the haunted look cross his face.

“The second body has been identified as Angela Meacham. She’s the granddaughter of an old neighbor who died about the same time Lynette disappeared. Angela was from Scotland and came to Yorks to bury her grandmother. She stayed about two weeks to close out the property and left, but she never returned home. Her former job said they received a letter of resignation from her saying she was quitting her job and staying in Yorkshire. She was never cashed her last check and hadn’t been seen or heard from since.”

“What about her family?” Sandra asked in a hushed tone. “Didn’t they report her as missing?”

“She didn’t have one. Her grandmother was the only family she had; when she died there was nobody left. It would be easy for her to disappear and no one would be the wiser.”

“What about the third one?”

“They suspect that she was killed around ten years ago, but they are still doing their examinations.”

“Miriam’s father was in Germany ten years ago, wasn’t he?” Creighton nodded in answer. “Then he couldn’t have been the killer.”

“Ten years ago, the old man left Germany for several days; he claimed he was in Paris to see Miriam, but until she clarifies that, we have nothing more to go on.”

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