Read Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC Online

Authors: Jordan Marie

Tags: #Romance, #MC, #Fiction

Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC (12 page)

BOOK: Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC
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“Not good enough.” I lift her so that she has a leg on each side of me, and we’re looking straight at each other.

I swear I can feel the heat from her sweet little pussy, even through my jeans. I pull the edges of the long dress she’s wearing even further up and rest my hands on each of her hips.

“Have I told you, Doc, that I like it when you wear dresses?”

“I don’t think so.”

“I fucking
love it
when you wear dresses,” I tell her, and she smiles, looping her hands around the back of my neck.

She leans into me, kissing the side of my face, before whispering in my ear.

“I’ll see what I can do about wearing them more often.”

I’ve spent the last twenty-four hours worrying if I was going to have to give her up. Now that I know I’m not, I can’t hold back. My fingers trace the small thin strip of lace that crosses each hip. I let my hand slide down her stomach to hold the soft silk of her panties. I move further down, pushing my finger against the material, using enough pressure so that her lips are pushed apart, and her hard little clit pulsates against the pad of my finger. The fabric between us is wet with her need. I push and slide the fabric around, using it to torture her clit, while hating it, because I don’t like having it between us.

She whimpers my name, “Bull…”

“I’m going to make you come, Doc. Right here in the car, I’m going to make you come all over my hand, so that while we’re apart you will have something to remember.”

“Oh, God…”

I take my hand away, bringing it back to her hip. I loop my fingers into the soft lace on each side of her hips and pull. They snap, almost at the same time.

“I liked those panties.”

“I’ll buy you new ones.”

“I can’t believe after months of trying to run away from you, I’m letting you…”

“Letting me what, Doc?”

“You know!” she says, gasping, when I pull her torn underwear away. I put it in the pocket on the inside of my cut. “What are you going to do with those?” she asks, while rocking against my cock, which is now pushing against her heated opening.

“Wrap them around my cock while I jack off, remembering the way you looked when I finger fucked you and made you come.”

“Bull…” she whispers, bearing down on me and shuddering in my arms, her eyes go hazy with lust.

“Tell me, Skye. Tell me how much you want me to fuck you.”

“God, I do. It’s been so long, Bull.”

“I told you once before, Doc. I don’t want to hear about anything that happened before me. As far as I’m concerned, I will be your first and I’m going to make sure it blows every other memory out of your mind. Now let me hear you beg me to fuck you.”

“Please,” she says, pushing harder against me and riding the hard ridge of my jean-covered cock.

“No. I want the words. Tell me you want my fingers in your pussy. Tell me you want me to fuck you. I want to hear those words.”

“Why?” she cries when I pinch her hard nipple, for resisting.

“Because I want those dirty words falling from your lips right before I take them. Now say it, Skye.”

“I want you…to put your fingers in me and…fuck me, Bull. God, make me come. I need to come so bad.”

“Fuck yeah, I think I like this side of you, Doc.”

“You’re talking too much,” she tells me, grinding on me again.

How long have I dreamed about this?

I push two fingers into her, and groan as they sink into that swollen, slick pussy. I want my dick in there so bad my balls are screaming at me. I want to march her in the house and tell everyone to get the fuck out. I need her stretched out on a bed where I can fuck her the rest of the night. Hell, when I finally get her in a bed, I may never let her out of it.

“Jesus, Doc, you feel good.”

Her walls close in on my fingers, milking them. My cock fucking throbs, and I feel my pre-cum slowly glide down the head.
I need in her soon
. Maybe I shouldn’t wait. Maybe I could fuck her right here in the car….
God knows I want to
. I pull my fingers out, groaning at the slick wet sound it makes when her pussy is forced to release them. I hit the lever on the side of my seat again. It takes some fumbling, but I finally connect and the back of my seat extends until it lies completely flat. I praise the car maker’s ingenuity. I may hate cars and miss my bike, but right fucking now, I’m a fan for life.

“What…what are you doing?” Skye asks, her hair rumbled, and her skin flushed with desire.

“You’re going to move up here and ride my face, Doc.”

“We’ll break the seat,” she says, letting her self-consciousness close back in on her.

“I don’t give a fuck. You have two choices. You ride my cock or my face. If you don’t pick soon, I’ll pick for you.”

She watches me briefly, and I can see her indecision. She wants my dick as much as I want to give it to her. The only thing holding me back, is that when I have her, I will not be able to leave her afterwards. When I take her, I want to make sure I can love her all night long. Still, if she chooses my dick, I’m not stupid. I’ll fuck her so hard and quick her head will spin.

Finally she makes her decision and part of me rejoices—
my balls throb in pain and curse me
. I’m scared to see what the fuckers look like at this point.

“This is crazy. We’re going to break the seat,” she mumbles, while she inches up my body. I slide down a little to make it easier. My hands bite into her thighs. I grab the dress at her back, and pull so it exposes her bare pussy to me. Sweet cream, thick and glossy, coats her lips and there is not a single hair in sight.

I flatten my tongue, licking just the outside of her lips, and when her taste hits me, I shudder in response. I push my tongue into her opening, and the tiny muscles in her pussy flutter at my entry. Cream drizzles from her, dripping into my mouth. I rake my tongue across her tender skin, trying to drink it all. I drink from her pussy, wanting…no
more. My tongue swirls around her clit, mixing her desire against the hard pulsating little nub, as I suck it in my mouth. I latch on, torturing it, I can feel it pulsating, and she cries out when I slide a finger into her pussy. I bite gently on her clit, then use my tongue to pet the same spot, while sliding yet another finger in her. Her body jerks and twists above me. My other hand bites into her thigh, keeping her where I need her.

Now with two fingers in her pussy, I bend them so they scrape the top of her walls, while my tongue continues to work her clit. Her body clamps down on me, demanding everything I’m giving it. Her greedy pussy is grinding against my face, while she takes what she needs form me. I glance up and watch her as she rides. Her head is thrown back in pleasure, her hands are caressing her breasts, and her body is moving back and forth in the same rhythm my fingers are setting.

Damnation! I could come just from watching her take what she needs. My dick is throbbing about to explode, and I can feel my balls draw up with need. It’s not happening though. When I unload for the first time, you can bet your ass, it will be inside this sweet heaven I’m feasting on.

“Bull…make me come please. Oh God honey, I’m so close.”

I shouldn’t have noticed, because I have my fingers deep inside of her, I have her taste all over my tongue and I have the best fucking fantastic show in the world happening above me, but I do.


She called
honey. She’s begging
for more.

I’ve been close before, allowing myself to have feelings for another woman, but never in my fucking life have I felt anything close to what grabs hold of me right now.

Mine. Motherfucking-son-of-a-bitching, mine. I’m not giving her the fuck up. I’m not backing down, and I sure as hell am never fucking letting go.

Her softly spoken,
is my undoing. I growl with ownership, with pride,
with complete fucking pride
. Then, I set off making her come all over my face. My fingers thrust in and out of her pussy hard and fast, while my other hand imprisons her thigh, not letting her lift away. She’s my prisoner. Harder and faster I fuck her, curling my fingers up, keeping them closed on entry, and then stretching them apart when they dive deep inside of her. I let the tops of my fingers scrape against her walls, causing her whole body to jerk in reaction.

I bring her against my lips, rewarded as her breathing gets louder. She pants, while clamping down so tight on my face I could fucking smother in her juice. The fine tremors in her pussy increase and she convulses, sucking my fingers in so deep, my dick is jerking, demanding his turn. I suck her clit in my mouth one final time and bite down on the hard nub, giving her just a small spike, and that’s all it takes.

I look up at the exact time she shatters. Her hands move up to the roof of the car and she braces herself, as her hips rock back and forth, grinding down, hard on me, and covering me in her cream. I lick her slowly, letting my tongue pet her swollen overworked cunt, until she rides out the storm I’ve created. With a final shudder she collapses against me and all I can think is I’ll never have enough of Skye.



She let him
defile her. In daylight with her son so close he could have seen what a whore his mother is. Does he mean so little to her? Do I? The times that we’ve spent together. The looks and touches we have shared. Can she ignore them so easily?

I’ve been letting things slide. Letting her discrepancies pile up because they seemed innocent enough. This can’t be forgotten. She has stained her body. She has belittled us.
She must pay.

I watch as she walks to her house. That Neanderthal watches every move she makes. Skye opens the door and her son runs out into her arms. She holds him close and places a kiss on his head. A kiss with the same lips she kissed
with. She holds her child close,
while she still smells of

My decision is made. She was bad. She’s taken it out of my hands. It saddens me, but I must bring her down. When she is at her lowest, that is the only time I can rebuild her. I will have to spend months cleansing her body.

It didn’t have to be this hard. I was trying to be nice.

She caused this

Chapter 23


ou off to
that doctor chick’s again?” Hawk calls out. Gunner is in on leave and they’re enjoying the party tonight. Before Skye, I would have been right in the mix. The party is in full swing and a mixture of the single men from our crew, and a few of Skull’s men, most notably Torch and Beast. Torch is presently getting his cock sucked on by the twins. My cock protests. He hasn’t seen action in so long, the bastard hates me. I’ve even stopped yanking off to my own hand, because it got to where it just made me miss sex more. My damn dick has been permanently hard, since I got Skye off in the car two days ago.

“What doctor?”

Son of a bitch, I look over at the nurse from hell, Melissa. You can see the hate pouring off of her. She’s been pissed at me since I called it quits. She’s in Nailer’s lap and it’d take an idiot not to see where that’s going.

“None of your fucking business,” I growl, though I’m sure she knows. She’s just being a bitch. “Make sure you suit up man,” I warn Nailer. I’ve not advertised the fact that the fucking gash gave me the clap, but I’d feel like an ass if I didn’t warn him somehow. I need to talk to Dragon. He told me he was going to bar this bitch from coming back here.

“Always man!”

“Fuck you!” Melissa yells, and that’s it. I was just going to wait until I talked to Dragon again, but I don’t want this bitch in my club anymore. I march over to Nailer, yank her out of his lap, and pull her away.

“What the fuck are you doing? Let me go!” she bitches, pulling against my hold, but I don’t let her go. Instead, I pull her to the front door.

“You been talking about the club to Skye.”

“So?” she huffs.

“First, you are never to speak of shit that takes place in this club, but you not only did it, you did it to cause problems between me and her, and that fucking shit don’t fly.”

“If you’re dating her, she knows all about us club girls anyways. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go inside, and get with a real man.”

“Hey man, what’s going on?” Nailer asks at the door, but I ignore him.

“That fucking shit right there can end too. You aren’t part of this club, bitch. You ain’t nothing but easy pussy. You think you can cause shit, and poison my woman against me? You think you can make yourself look big by saying you’re one of ours? Fuck that shit. You’re out of here. You don’t get back through these motherfucking doors, and if one of my brothers see you, they’ll kick you out on your ass.”

“Fuck you! You couldn’t wait to get your dick in me before that fancy whore of a doctor came along. Well, she opens her legs just like the fucking rest of us. She ain’t special!”

“That’s where you’re wrong. Fuck, the only reason I ever touched you was for the fucking pills you pushed my way. If I hadn’t been blown out of my mind, my dick would have never let my dick near you. Now get the fuck out of here, before I show you exactly what Savage MC does with people who think they can talk shit about us in public.”

“You’ll regret this, and your damned girlfriend will too. Just wait and see. I have connections. You made a big, freaking mistake thinking you could tell me what to do.”

“The only fucking mistake I made, was messing with you in the first damned place. But Skye is my old lady. You want to pick a fight with her, you better fucking realize she has the club’s protection, and I think you know what that means.”

“Nailer! Tell him how….”

“You best get to walking,” Nailer says slapping my shoulder and going back in—closing the front door.

I stand there, staring Melissa down. Her body is tight with anger and the hate is rolling off of her, but thankfully, she turns and walks off.

Fuck, I really must have hit rock bottom to ever deal with her ass. I need to get out of here. Being around a party these days makes my skin feel itchy. I can’t handle it. There was a time I’d be high as a kite enjoying that shit. I don’t think my brothers even noticed how far in the hole I had sunk. Well except, Crusher and Dani. He calls me pretty often to check on my ass. I miss the sad fuck, but the two of them are damned happy with Diesel’s crew.

BOOK: Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC
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