Read Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC Online

Authors: Jordan Marie

Tags: #Romance, #MC, #Fiction

Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC (13 page)

BOOK: Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC
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“Well that was exciting!” I look up when I hear Carrie’s voice. “Wish I had pictures.”

I can’t help but laugh.

“Where you headed?” Dancer asks as they come to a stop in front of me. We all three turn and watch as Melissa’s taillights disappear into the night.

Dancer pulls Carrie’s back against him and wraps his arms around her, kissing the side of her neck. He isn’t doing it to be mean. He’s always touching her, holding her close. He’s totally in love with his girl. It doesn’t bother me now, like it once might have. All I can think is, I want my woman in my arms.

“Headed over to Skye’s, and I’m running late.” I damned anxious to get there too. Matty is spending the night with a friend, and this is the first night she’s had off since meeting the club. Which hopefully means that after two days of reliving Skye coming as I finger her, tonight I finally get to fuck her until we both pass out.

“You think that bitch will be a problem?” Dance asks.

“Hell, I don’t know. Probably.”

“I thought Dragon blackballed her from the club?”

“He did. One of the prospects must have fucked up—we need to let him know.”

“Will do. So this doctor? You’re hung up pretty bad on her,” Dance says with a cocky grin. Bastard, he’s happier about it, than anyone. I don’t mind it though. Hell, in his shoes, I would have kicked my ass for even talking to Carrie.

“Pretty bad,” I agree. “And you two are keeping me from her, so I’ll see you later.”

“Do you care to come in and have a beer with us in Dragon’s office? I’d like to talk to you about Jazz’s christening.”

Fuck. I don’t want to, but they hit my weak spot. So, I follow them back in. I could almost laugh when Dancer keeps his body between the party and Carrie, until he gets her back into Dragon’s office. Except I can see me doing that exact same thing with Skye. The thought makes me smile.

Chapter 24


hat asshole thinks
he can make a fool of me? I have just as much right to be part of that club as some of them other bitches. I’m tired of trying to play nice. This is all that damned Skye’s fault. I’m done rolling over. She has the doctor I’m fucking mooning after her, and everyone knows the Chief of Surgery is dying to fuck her. All of that, and she goes after Bull too?
I’ve had it

I don’t think—I just drive out to her house. I figure I’ve only got about ten minutes, maybe less, before Bull gets here. Luckily, I’ll hear his bike before he gets there. That will be the only warning I have, so I have to make sure to pay attention. I park my car about ten feet past her driveway. I pull it off to the side behind the guardrail. That way if Bull’s bike’s headlight shines out this way, he’ll still never see it.

I fish around in my purse until I find my nail clippers. Then I climb over the fence and walk through Skye’s yard. I try to stay in the shadows, away from the street light. I’m glad she doesn’t have a dog. My heart is thrumming against my chest. I probably should have thought this through further, but fuck, I’m tired of being treated like scum. Bull wanted me all the time when he could use me. Then the good doctor waves her ass at him and bam….

I look at Skye’s Volvo, and instantly wish I had paid more attention to my brother when he worked on cars. Brake lines have to be easy to find though, right? I crawl under her front of her car. I know where the brakes are, I’ve seen my brother put new pads on. I follow them till I find a line—
or at least what I hope is a line.

I use my nail file—it takes six fucking times, but I finally stab a hole through it.

Fluid squirts on my chin and neck.

“Damn it!” I hiss, crawling out from under the car. I pull the tail of my shirt up to wipe my face and chin off. I can’t stop a scream when a hand clamps down on my shoulder.

Oh fuck, fuck,
! How did I not hear Bull pull up?


My hand bites
into the whore’s shoulder. She screams, but I place my other hand over her mouth before much sound can escape. I jerk her around, keeping her screams muffled. Her eyes dilate with fear, her pupils expanding.

I feel myself harden, and I hate her for it! She’s like every other whore, trying to tempt me with her body. She wants to soil me, and bring me to his knees. I take my hand away slowly, my eyes never leaving hers.

“What? What are you doing here? Oh my God, don’t tell me she has you crawling up her ass too? Doesn’t she have enough men chasing after her ass…?”

Her words end in a croak. I wrap my hands around her throat, applying pressure. I squeeze and she claws at my hands, digging her nails in and scraping my skin.

The metallic odor of blood hits me and I smile. Her eyes expand and I can see the small red vessels darken in her eyes. My smile broadens. She jerks and tries hopelessly to pull my hand away. Tears stream down from her eyes and I’m struck that finally Melissa has reached the beauty she’s always longed for.

She’s beautiful in death.

As her body sags lifelessly, I brace her against my body, and use one hand to twist her neck until I hear it snap. Then I let her fall to the ground. I pick up the small pair of clippers with the pointed nail file she had used—it fell when I grabbed her. It is only a testament to her stupidity now. I quickly jog to my car and return with my screw driver. In no time, I loosen the connectors that the brake lines in. The lines are rusty. If they hadn’t been Melissa would have never made her small hole. Of course the small hole she made would have taken years to accomplish anything. Melissa always was an idiot.

Once my work is done, I pick her up and carry her away. I came to show Skye what happens when women lower themselves into the pits of sin. Melissa at least helped me with that. Excitement runs up my spine. The way everything is snapping into place is yet another sign, all working together to show me that Skye is the one. I just hope she learns her lesson.

Chapter 25


make it
to Skye’s on autopilot. When I get there, the last thing I expect to find is the front door opened.

“Skye?” I call out, instantly concerned. I’ve been through too much shit with my brothers not to have fear run through me, when I see her door unlatched.

Nothing seems off as I look around the living room. “Skye?” I call out louder this time, she doesn’t answer, but I hear her singing. I lock the door and follow the sound of her voice. I smile at the doorway to her master bath. She’s singing in the shower. It’s horribly off key, but I love it. While I listen to her singing about bringing sexy back, I can’t help but admire the view of her body in the frosted glass door. She’s washing her hair. Other than the color of her skin, and her general outline, I can’t see much. It doesn’t stop my dick from demanding we jump in the shower and join her.
I want to
. I should just do it and not worry about how she will react. I can’t bring myself to be that person though. Besides, I’m pissed at her.

I ignore my dick and his demands and go into the kitchen. I order a pizza and turn on the television. Skye comes out a little later wearing a thick, pink fuzzy robe.

“Hey,” she says smiling, and I turn the television off.

“Why would you get in the shower with the fucking door wide open, Doc?”

“What? You texted and said you were on your way.”

“And I was, that doesn’t mean you jump in the shower and leave your fucking door open for anyone to come in.”

She takes a step back, and stops running the towel through her hair.

“Stop being grouchy. I couldn’t have been in there more than a couple of minutes. I knew if I didn’t leave the door cracked, you wouldn’t come in. There was no way I could hear you from in there, so this was just easier…”

“Then you fucking wait until I get here to shower, or you text me and tell me where your spare key is. Or fuck, give me a fucking key. What you do
not do
woman, is leave your door opened, or fucking


“You heard me.”

“I think you should go.”

“Not hardly.” I tell her, tossing the remote on the sofa. The doorbell rings and I get up to answer it, ignoring her.

“What are you doing?” She growls.

“Answering the door to get the pizza I ordered. Then, I might be nice enough to let you eat before I tan your hide.”

“Tan my hide?”

“You heard me Doc,” I tell her, yanking the door open. I give the guy some money and take the pizza back to the kitchen table, before coming back to the living room where Skye is still standing in shock.

“I don’t want you here now,” she grumbles.

“Too damned bad. Now, are you eating pizza or not?”

“You know I’m kind of rusty at this whole dating thing, but I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to be nicer to the woman you’re seeing.”

“I’ll be nice to you, later—in bed.”


“I’m only going to ask you one more time. Do you want pizza? If you keep arguing with me, I’ll punish you for giving me lip in addition to putting yourself in danger.”

“Punish me? You do realize I’m not a child right? That I’m a grown woman?”

“Believe me Doc, I am more than aware of that.”

She blushes, and I know she gets my meaning.

“You should go.”

“I told you that’s not happening.”

“You can’t treat me like a child, Bull.”

“Then you need to stop acting like one.”

“Fine! I shouldn’t have left the door open…”

“Or unlocked,” I interrupt her.

“Or unlocked! You can bet your blueberry pancakes I’ll lock you out from now on!”

“Blueberry pancakes?”

“I don’t say bad words when I’m at home! I don’t want Matty to hear them!
You know that

“I know how to make you curse…maybe we need to revisit that
instead of later,” I tell her and I’m not really kidding.

“You should be glad I don’t curse, dang it! Because right now I really,
want to curse you until a fly wouldn’t light on you.”

“Do it,” I dare her.

“I…oh shut up!” She grumbles, marching down the hall.

I’m going to punish her, but now it’s become a mission to see how many filthy words I can get out of her mouth. I catch her just inside her bedroom. She tries to slam the door on me, but I push my foot against the door to stop her. I wrap my arm around her waist, bring her back hard against my chest, and lean down, whispering in her ear. “Are you getting pissy with me because I worry about you, Doc?”

“I’m pissy with you, because you’re treating me like a child. You know, Bull, I got along fine before you came along. I don’t need to be talked down to.”

“Trust me, Doc. It’s never occurred to me to treat you like a child.”

“Then what was the flipping sermon for?”

“Flipping?” I laugh and kiss behind the shell of her ear where she has a birthmark. I lick it and suck it in my mouth. My dick leaks and jerks. God, I can’t wait to fuck her.

“Let me go!” she grumbles, but I can see small bumps of excitement come alive along her neck—besides I’m not ready to let her go.
I’ll never be ready to let her go.

“I can’t yet, Doc. You haven’t learned your lesson.”

She grows completely still against me.

“What lesson?”

“You’re mine now, Skye,” I tell her, I’m done going easy. Waiting for her
ends tonight

“What? I…Bull we’ve barely started seeing each other.”

“Woman I’ve been chasing your ass for fucking months. It’s a nice ass, don’t get me wrong. But a man, especially
, doesn’t put this much effort into something if he’s not claiming it.
You’re mine.

“Claiming it?”

I untie the belt of her robe. She doesn’t fight me, so I count that as a yes. I lay my hand flat against her stomach, not moving it until she shows me some kind of sign. My tongue tastes the sweet skin of her neck, before I tease the side of her ear with my teeth. She tilts to the side to give me better access with a quiet moan.

“Claiming you. Every. Fucking. Inch. Of. You.”

“Bull…I’m supposed to be mad at you,” she says. My hand drifts against her bare pussy, I cup her heat, her hand reaches up, and her fingers bite into my neck. She pulls my head hard into her neck. I bite the tender area where her neck and shoulder meet, then brush away the sting with a kiss.

“You’re already wet for me, Doc. Does my woman need to be fucked?”

“I do…but…”

“No buts woman,” I growl, as my fingers part the lips of her pussy, and I stroke her clit. My balls are literally pulsing with need. I already know when I get inside of her, I won’t last long. I decide the best thing to do is to give her a small taste now, because fuck when I get in her it’s going to be one fucking fast ride.
I feel like I haven’t come in years

“Give me your hand, Skye.”

She turns slightly so she can see my face. I don’t let her turn further, because my fingers are going to stay on her pussy. Hell, we’ve barely started, and she’s so wet for me that I will sink up to my balls instantly. She watches as I maneuver her fingers and take them into my mouth. I suck them teasingly, letting my tongue wrap around them and play. When I release them they’re wet and glowing from my attention.

“Now,” I tell her, guiding her hand down to where mine already is—waiting. “Slide your fingers around your clit—just like you do when you make yourself come.”

“I don’t…well I mean I use my vibrator…”

“Good to know. We’ll play with that later too.”

“I…oh my…” she releases on a large breath as I slide my fingers inside her pussy.

“Tease your clit, baby.”

She does as I ask, relaxing completely against me. Her sweet cream drenches me, as I fuck her slow and easy.


“Go with it baby. Play with your clit, while I finger fuck you,” I tell her. I use my other hand to torment her breasts. Her hips start pushing against me, grinding that sweet ass against my cock. My balls are fucking screaming at me, but I don’t care.
This is too good
. Getting Skye off, is better than any sex I’ve ever had in my life. “That’s it. Grind into my hand. You’re squeezing my fingers so tight, so fucking wet and tight. I can’t wait to fuck you hard and feel you taking my cock into this tight juicy little cunt.”

BOOK: Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC
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