Truth (34 page)

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Authors: Aleatha Romig

BOOK: Truth
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I want to hear more about
that visit. Why did
come here?”

I was going to tell you
about it and other things I learned...” She pulled from his hold
and reached for the water goblet. It shook as she tried to make it
reach her lips. “I just haven’t had a chance.” Her voice sounded
stronger than she appeared.

Harry watched as Claire regrouped. He saw a
mixture of emotions passing like clouds before her emerald eyes.
Once again, he put his arm around her shoulders, “How about we eat
some of this delicious food and then talk?”

Claire stared momentarily into his pale blue
eyes. The intensity she’d witnessed as she told Amber about Tony
was gone. Now, she saw concern. Claire replied, “I think I need to
find a new place to live.”

Let’s eat and sleep and
then discuss it.”

Claire steadied her stance. “We can eat. We
can sleep. But it’s my decision and I’m not putting you or Amber is
harm’s way for my vendetta.”

Harry carried the dish of
tilapia to the table and walked back to the stove for the sauce.
Drizzling the white cream over the rewarmed filets, he said,
decision. But I’m the head of security at SiJo Gaming. I’m pretty
sure I can take care of myself. And as for Amber, we’ll arrange
additional security.” He smiled a feigned smile. “Now eat. Someone
made us a wonderful meal.”

Claire obediently picked up her fork. With
her hand lingering above the plate he’d dished for her, she
considered his words. Finally, she nodded.

Taking his seat across from Claire, Harry
added, “And as of tomorrow, you’ll also have around the clock
security. No more surprise visits.”

Her chewing stopped mid-mastication.
Swallowing became difficult as her mouth dried. She didn’t like his
authoritative tone; she’d lived through that once and didn’t plan
on doing it again, no matter how pure his intentions. After a much
needed drink of water, she said, “I don’t think that’s necessary.
Tony won’t hurt me. He wants me back in Iowa, besides; I have Phil
Roach watching me.”

Harry started to speak
when Claire interrupted, “What are we going to do, ask Phil and the
security detail to share a car? I mean with the occasional
paparazzi, a private detective
a security guard, I might as well lead a

Ignoring her attempt at humor, Harry asked,
“What do you mean he wants you back in Iowa?”

Claire looked back to Harry. The intense
stare from earlier glowed. It surprised her, how the normally soft
shade could stay the same, yet appear so different. She answered,
“When he was here, he told me the reason he came to California was
to take me back to Iowa.”

Did you respond?” During
the last two months, Harry witnessed Claire’s transition from a
quiet guarded woman, into one who spoke more freely. Nonetheless,
he wasn’t sure she possessed that ability while with Mr. Rawlings.
That was part of the reason he’d waited for her after their dinner.
He wanted to be sure the stronger Claire still existed. Last night,
he wasn’t sure.

Of course I responded. I

And he was fine with
that, and left?”

He left. He isn’t still
here.” Claire looked down at her plate as she stabbed another leaf
from her salad. “He didn’t argue, but...”

But what?”

He said he wasn’t giving
his quest
She ate some more salad and added, “I’ll consider the

Harry nodded, and Claire began to relax. The
food provided the much needed subsistence to her weakened body and
mind. Without saying it aloud, they’d agreed to table the Tony,
security, and housing discussion until later. Soon they fell into a
benign chat about superficial monumental events. Apparently the
Giants were tied one to one in a three game series with Boston. The
next game was tomorrow; Harry wasn’t sure the Giants’ pitcher would
be ready...

They fooled themselves, if they thought
their conversation could be avoided the entire evening. After
dinner, they moved to the living room. It was hard for Claire to
fathom earlier the same day she’d sat in the same room with Tony.
Now instead of sitting one on the sofa and the other on the chair,
Claire sat nestled into the crook of Harry’s arm. Somehow the
embrace didn’t feel sexual, only protective.

With her head against his shoulder, she
pulled from his strength and thought about his patience. In the
last hour she’d dropped a few bomb shells, and she had more to
drop. Yet, unlike her ex-husband, Harry didn’t demand answers.
Instead, he provided space and support. She said she would tell him
more; he waited, allowing her the luxury of choosing her time and

With a deep inhale
followed by an audible exhale, Claire began. “What do you want to
know?” The warmth of his embrace on her shoulder and side, as they
both stared into the Palo Alto night, fueled her courage. Before
the night was done, she’d share the secrets of her life with
Anthony Rawlings. She didn’t know what it would mean for their
relationship, or if this was what he’d wanted to
about. However, she
couldn’t imagine being with a man who didn’t know her past, to
understand her present.

When her history became
difficult to articulate, he’d rub her shoulder and remain silent.
There were times as she spoke about her
kidnapping, agreement of duties, glitches,
or her accident
, she
felt his body tense. Never once did he question her choices. It was
if he knew she’d questioned herself too many times to count. She’d
asked herself:
Why did you agree to marry
him? Did you really fall in love? Did you think he loved you? Why
did you keep up appearances?
questions was much easier than answering them.

Harry continued to listen without judgment.
Many times he squeezed her shoulder or kissed the top of her head.
Each affirmation fortified her resolve.

She didn’t spare any aspect of her life with
Tony. She also didn’t dwell on details. No secrets remained.
Nearing dawn, she told him about the dinner. She explained how Tony
arranged for an empty restaurant. Then she told Harry about Tony’s
reaction to her knowledge regarding his birth name.

For the first time, Harry asked for
verification, “Are you saying he didn’t send that box of
information to you in prison?”

That’s what I’m saying.”
She turned her weary eyes to his face. “He was really stunned.
That’s why he came here, to find out more about what I

Did you tell

I told him the package
held pictures, articles, and a letter. He wanted to see

Again Harry prompted, “And?”

And I told him I’d burnt
it -- he laughed. I could tell he was relieved. But before he left,
he told me not to share my information with anyone.” Her eyes
widened. “Oh my god!” She jumped from Harry’s embrace to see his
eyes, “I told him it was too late.” Her trembling resumed. “That’s
why you were almost in that accident. He thinks I’ve shared the
information with you and Amber. I need to get a hold of Emily.
And...” Claire just remembered, “I dropped the phone I use with her
and Courtney. It’s broken. I need to reach them.” Her words came in
short increasingly sharp stiletto sentences. “I can’t let anything
happen to her or John.”

Harry held Claire’s hands, restraining the
explosive panic that surged through her no longer calm body. His
voice was now calm and slow. “Do you possibly think you’re giving
him too much credit? That accident was caused by a sixteen year old
girl, how could that conceivably be traced back to Mr.

Claire shook her head, “I
don’t know. What about the sudden computer
at SiJo?”

Sometimes shit

I’ll feel better after I
talk to Emily. But, I need another phone.”

I understand the need for
another untraceable phone to speak with Courtney, but why Emily? He
knows where you are. He knows where she is; you’re

Claire stared at him momentarily, “You’re
right.” She reached for her iPhone.




The angry sound of Derek’s voice brought
Sophia out of her restless sleep. She could hear his tone and see
his expression; she couldn’t understand the cause. With his hands
on her shoulders, he turned her to face him. “Why Sophia? Why in
the hell are you sleeping in here?” Disorientation from the sudden
wake, muted her ability to speak. “I reached for you and you still
weren’t in bed. I thought you might still be drawing. But you’re
sleeping, without me!”

Her mind reeled, “How did you know I was
drawing?” Her soft voice didn’t mirror his irritation, though it
did a poor job of hiding her unhappiness.

What’s the matter? Why
are you crying?”

This time a little stronger, “How did you
know I was drawing?”

I watched you.” As he
spoke and her body convulsed with repressed sobs. “You looked so
beautiful with your hair up, that sexy nightgown and charcoaled

But, you didn’t say
anything. I never knew you were there.”

I didn’t want to disturb
you. It’s the first time you’ve drawn since you moved

She tried to turn her face away. His
expression was no longer upset, she saw the man she loved. Even
with limited light she could see the concern and relief in his soft
brown eyes.

Please don’t look away.
Talk to me.”

She couldn’t move her arms with his hands on
her shoulders, so she lifted her head to reach his lips. His hands
left her shoulders and scooped her body into his arms. Between
kisses, surrounded by his embrace, she whispered, “I thought you
didn’t want me because I can’t be what you want.”

Derek stopped kissing and looked into
Sophia’s beautiful gray eyes. The sadness made his heart wrench,
“What are you talking about. You’re everything I want. When did I
ever say anything different?”

She pushed herself up to
sit. “You didn’t. But ever since I got here, I feel like I’m
expected to be someone else, you know,
Mrs. Derek Burke
.” She wiped her
eyes on the clean sheets, “I’ve been trying...”

Stop trying. Stop trying
to be someone you’re not. I love
.” His embrace squeezed the air
from her lungs. Her body collapsed against his. “I’ve missed
Sophia. Besides, who
the hell is
Mrs. Derek

Sophia smiled from behind her tears as the
sparkle returned to her eyes. It was the glimmer Derek hadn’t seen
in what seemed like ages. It was the most beautiful sight he could

The last two weeks of stress melted into a
fury of passion. For the next few weeks, every time Sophia walked
by their guest room, she’d blush.

Together they reconnected their bodies and
minds. Glorious sensations sent both of them to untold heights.
When their exhausted bodies finally fell into tender embraces,
their words revealed more of their misconceptions.

I don’t want you to be
anyone else. Not, Mrs. Derek Burke. You’re Sophia Burke and I
!” His
heart swelled with the recent vision of blue clouds floating across
his wife’s beautiful eyes.

Sophia revealed her insecurity around people
like Danielle and how she felt inadequate amongst the professionals
in his life.

While allowing his lips to roam over her
full breasts and tight midsection he tried to ex-plain and
demonstrate his approval. Yes, she’s his wife. Nevertheless, he
didn’t want her identity to be a reflection of him, only of her.
“If you want to work at an art studio, and it’ll make you happy,”
his smile shimmered in the darkened room, “go for it. Do what makes
you happy.” Never once did he want to marry someone like him.
Truthfully, he never wanted to marry, until he was awestruck by the
most amazing, energetic, caring, and possibly crazy, woman he’d
ever met.

They both knew they’d just overcome a
difficult time for their marriage, learning a valuable lesson --
the need to communicate. Neither should assume they know the
other’s thoughts. They don’t. That ignorance keeps life

Inhaling deeply, Sophia
nestled into his warm shoulder, listened to the beat of his steady
heart, and drifted into a peaceful sleep. When she awoke he was
gone, presumably off to work. For the last two weeks she’d tried to
get up and make him coffee and breakfast. Smiling into the tear
stained pillow, she realized he didn’t want or need that. He
Relishing the soft sheets of the guestroom bed, Sophia
drifted back to sleep.






Before you embark on a
journey of revenge, dig two graves.
-- Confucius




Claire reread the email:


To: Claire Nichols

Date: May 8, 2013

Subject: Printed Retraction

From: Meredith Banks

Claire, here is the final copy of the
retraction we discussed. It will appear in coming issues
People, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair
and various on-line
publications. There is always potential, in this mass media world,
for it to be picked-up by other sources. I hope you find this final
draft acceptable. If I do not hear from you, it will be submitted.
Therefore, if you request changes, please contact me immediately. I
look forward to furthering this agreement. I appreciate your
decision to work with me on this endeavor. I promise to represent
your interests to the best of my ability. Meredith

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