Read Truth Online

Authors: Aleatha Romig

Truth (49 page)

BOOK: Truth
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John nodded, “It’s a new job description for
me, but I’m excited to jump in with both feet.”

Amber smiled to her brother. She appreciated
his ability to defuse the situation. Addressing John, Amber said,
“You won’t be alone. You’ll have a staff to help with your
research. And I don’t expect miracles overnight.” Looking to Harry,
Amber added, “Neither does the board. Don’t let Harry stress you
too much.”

As the conversation within the kitchen went
to SiJo, Claire mouthed, “Thank you” to Harry.

He embraced her shoulder and whispered,
“Sorry, I didn’t know she didn’t know.”

Claire whispered, “It’s okay. I’m not used
to the protective motherly attitude.”

Really,” he whispered
with a grin, “I’d think
would be old hat to you by now. After all, you’ve
got me and don’t forget your bodyguard.”

Stifling a yawn, Claire smiled and nodded
into his shoulder.

I think you’d better call
it a night.”

The others were talking about something;
Claire had lost track of their conversation. She turned to Harry
and raised her eyebrows, “Maybe I should have taken a nap

She watched his cheeks rise and his eyes do
that half open -- half closed thing, “Perhaps the next time you
nap, you’d rather sleep.”

Blushing, Claire
whispered, “That’s not what I said; maybe I should have

Harry addressed the group, his voice once
again loud enough to be heard by all, “Good night everyone. I’m
headed home.”

Good night,” came from
the crowd.

After the front door closed, Claire turned
to a room of questioning eyes. She feigned her most innocent
expression and asked, “What?” Without waiting for them to answer
she added, “I’m tired too. See you all in the morning.” Claire
turned to walk to her room before anyone could propose the unspoken
questions. Besides, she didn’t want to revisit her conversation
with Emily.






Courage is not the absence
of fear, but rather the judgment
that something else is more important than fear.
– Ambrose Redmoon




Sophia settled into the plush, white,
leather seat and fastened her seatbelt. The tranquility of the
plane’s luxurious cabin enveloped them. Just as Sophia’s tired eyes
began to close, she felt the warm reassuring presence of Derek’s
hand covering hers. Lifting her heavy lids, she glanced at her
husband through her lashes. Despite the haze of sleepiness, Sophia
saw his soft brown eyes intently watching her every move. The
tender look filled her with affection. Smiling, she whispered,
“Thank you so much, for all your help. I’d have never gotten so
much done without you.”

His chocolate eyes sparkled. His hand
squeezed hers and he replied, “It was a fun break from

Jokingly she asked, “Oh, now I’m a

Mrs. Burke, you’re the
fun part. Coming back to Provincetown was the break. In such a
short time, I’ve forgotten how quaint and beautiful the East coast
is, so different from the West.”

They both have their
charm,” Sophia confessed, while rotating her hand so their palms
united. Instantly their fingers intertwined. “The most important
thing is being together.”

A gentleman in pressed navy slacks and a
starched white shirt appeared through the door of the airplane. “I
apologize for the delay, Mr. and Mrs. Burke; we will be taking off
in another five minutes.”

Derek responded, “That sounds wonderful. Do
you have all of Mrs. Burke’s art stowed below?”

Yes, the last crate was
just secured.”

Thank you.”

Once the gentleman was in the cockpit,
Sophia whispered, “This is so cool.”

Derek’s eyebrows rose, “I think it’s pretty
neat, too.”

I’m glad you thought of
bringing the art back with us. I feel much better having those
three pieces on board then handing them over to Fed Ex.”

I don’t blame you.
They’re kind of valuable.”

Sophia shook her head and closed her eyes,
“I still can’t believe it. And the twenty other pieces should be in
Palo Alto by next week.”

A second gentleman entered the plane; they
heard the stairs move away and the outside door close. “Mr. and
Mrs. Burke, we should arrive in Palo Alto in six and a half hours.
Once we reach altitude, there will be refreshments available.”

Thank you.” Sophia and
Derek said in unison, as the second man in uniform nodded and
joined the other in the cockpit.

Derek leaned toward his wife, “Alone again.”
His eyes glistened.

Why Mr. Burke, whatever
do you have in mind?”


As Derek and Sophia drove behind the
logistics van containing her art toward Palo Alto, Derek asked, “Do
you have a dress for tomorrow night?”

Sophia’s expression fell. “Oh no, I’ve been
so excited about this sale and everything we had to do, I haven’t
had a chance.” She glanced toward her husband, “I don’t expect this
is an occasion for a dress I already own.”

Well, apparently not. The
other day I learned we’re attending with my boss, Jonas Cunningham
and his wife. But, the big news is the CEO of our parent company is
one of the featured speakers. His name is Rawlings, Anthony
Rawlings. I haven’t met him, but I’ve listened to him on web
conferences. Since we are one of his companies and he’ll be there,
everyone is supposed to do it up right.”

All right,” she said
apprehensively, “what does that mean?”

It means I’m glad you
didn’t get a dress yet.”

You’re glad?” She asked

Yes, if you’d gotten one
before, it would have been on my meager salary. Now you’ll have
your money from the sales and can get whatever your heart

Sophia pressed her lips together, “Your
salary is hardly meager, and I have no idea how to shop with that
kind of money. My heart’s desire is cotton gauze.”

Would you like some

She giggled, “Now you’re a professional

Laughing, “No, but I do know what I like to
see you wear,” he glanced toward his beautiful wife, “and what I
enjoy you not wearing.”

Well, although easier to
shop for, it sounds hardly appropriate for this gala. I do have a
hair appointment tomorrow afternoon. Do you have your

I do. And I was serious
about that help. I’m sure Danni...”

No, thank you.” Sophia

I was going to say, I’m
sure Danni knows where you could go.”

And she’d be glad to tell

I think you read too much
into things. Do you want me to ask?”

Well, since I’m in a
pinch, fine. But don’t call her now, it can wait until

Their car pulled into a parking space near
the paneled van. Mr. George eagerly emerged from the front of his
studio. Before they could enter, he spoke rapidly on the street,
“Ms. Sophia, I’m so surprised you were able to get all your art
work settled so quickly. Of course, it is wonderful. I heard from
the buyer today. The mystery investor will be in town tomorrow
night and wants the paintings delivered to his hotel.”

Sophia nodded, “Well, can that be done?”

Oh, yes!”

Listening to Mr. George’s words, Sophia
looked to Derek and her heart filled with pride as she saw his
delighted expression. Finally her manners returned, “Mr. George,
this is my husband, Derek Burke.”

The next day, sitting in the stylist’s
chair, Sophia mentally went through her wardrobe for the evening.
The day had started early with her visiting numerous boutiques in
Santa Clara, all at the recommendation of Derek’s PA. When the
visits yielded no bounty, Sophia debated more boutiques in Palo
Alto verses big department stores in San Francisco. The department
stores won. Time wasn’t her friend, Sophia needed an evening gown,
and she needed it yesterday. So remembering Derek’s comments, she
tried to shop without looking at prices. It worked until she needed
to pay.

Nevertheless, Sophia pushed on, determined
to make Derek proud at this important gala. As the young man, with
way too many piercings, pulled and pinned her long blonde hair she
hoped that the Cameron Marc Valvo silk chiffon gown would fit the
bill. It was the third dress she tried on at Saks and about the
tenth for the day. Yet, from the moment she saw herself in the full
length mirror, Sophia knew it was the one she liked.

First, the bright indigo color made her gray
eyes shimmer with a blue hue. The plunging V neckline, together
with the gathered bust and bodice accentuated her assets. In a nut
shell, her breasts looked bigger and her waist looked smaller. The
flowing silk chiffon outer layer reminded her of the gauzy skirts
she liked to wear. Based on pure esthetics, it was the gown she
wanted; she continued to avoid the dreaded price tag.

The sales associate was very helpful,
obviously working on commission. She emphatically expressed
Sophia’s need for new shoes for this exquisite dress. A mirrored
metallic leather sandal completed the ensemble. The heels were a
little over four inches, but Sophia had experience in heels while
wining and dining art investors.

She shivered at the memory
of paying for her outfit. Her sensible-self screamed --
it’s an outfit, for one night!
However, her rarely touched shopping side,
but you look gorgeous in it. And
Derek will be pleased with the result
Sophia quieted the internal debate by reasoning
I just made a ton of money on three paintings. I deserve

It was that voice that sang triumphantly, as
she signed the receipt for $1600.00 give or take a few dollars. The
hairstyle, facial, and professionally applied make-up added to the
total of her day.

The man with the piercings
slowly spun her. Peering into the large mirror, Sophia viewed his
masterpiece from all angles. Completely outside of her comfort
zone, Sophia eyed the woman in the mirror. Courageously, she nodded
in approval. The make-up was next.
, Sophia told herself,
I can do this, for Derek




Amber clapped her hands like a school girl
when Harry entered her condominium. “You look so handsome all
cleaned up; you should try it more often.”

His expression warned his sister to not get
too excited about this. “Since you’re dating Keaton, you two should
be attending this.”

I really don’t like these
kinds of things. I mean, the charity is worthy and all, but the
hob-knobbing isn’t my thing.”

Harry eyed her suspiciously, “And what makes
you think it’s mine?”

She grunted a stifled laugh, “I know it’s
not, but it is Claire’s. She’s good at this kind of thing. She’ll
be good for SiJo.”

Harry walked around nervously, not sure if
he should sit or stand. The tuxedo felt like a suit of armor.

Will you relax? You look
very handsome and wait until you see Claire’s ...” The ringing of
Amber’s cellphone interrupted her thought. “Sorry, it’s Liz. It
might be about your car, I have a SiJo driver coming to get you two
in about twenty-five minutes.”

Harry could only hear Amber’s side of the
conversation: “Yes, Liz, is everything all right?” “Really?” “When
did you find this out?” “All right, well thank you for letting me
know. However, I find it hard to believe this information wasn’t
available sooner.” “No, no, it’s all right.” “Oh. What about the
car?” “Okay then, twenty more minutes.” “Bye”.

He could tell by the change in his sister’s
tone something was amiss. “What’s that all about?”

Amber sighed, “Remember the confrontation in
the kitchen between Claire and Emily?”

How could I

Well, do you think she
meant what she said?”

Who, Emily or

Either, but I’m more
concerned about Claire.”

Harry thought for a moment and then replied,
“Do I think she’d still go to this, if Mr. Rawlings were present?
Yes. Why?”

It seems he isn’t sitting
at your table, because he’s one of the speakers. He’ll be sitting
at the head table.”

Forgetting his tailored tuxedo, Harry sank
onto the sofa. Subconsciously he blew his blonde hair from his
eyes. However, this evening his normally unruly hair was gelled
back. The only movement from his deep exhale was a subtle
repositioning of his long lashes.

His tone was one not often heard, Amber
recognized her brother’s pinned up animosity, “You know damn well
Liz knew about this, before now.”

No, I don’t. She’s a good
assistant. I can’t fire her because you two have

Then fire her because of
shit like this. She’s trying to derail this evening. It has nothing
to do with SiJo; she’s doing it because it’s
with Claire.”

You don’t know

Like hell I


Claire took one last, long look at herself
in the mirror. She did a slow spin trying to see the whole package.
The dress she’d choose with Emily’s help was a Donna Karan emerald
green gown. It created an hour glass figure, better in Claire’s
opinion, than the one hidden underneath. Its sweetheart neckline
was perfect to showcase her grandmother’s necklace. The cap sleeves
and crossover design on both the front and back fit perfectly. Of
course she’d had it shortened. Now with the Jimmy Choo, sling-back,
peep-toed pumps complete with four and a half inch heels, the hem
brushed the top of her toes, making her closer to Harry’s six plus
foot height. Turning ever so slowly her gaze lingered on the
cut-out back. It didn’t go as low as her white sundress, but
nonetheless, it exposed a large portion of skin. Smiling, Claire
knew Harry would like that.

BOOK: Truth
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