Truth (53 page)

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Authors: Aleatha Romig

BOOK: Truth
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The bile bubbling from her stomach caused
her knees to tremble, yet her voice remained resilient. “I agreed
to attend this gala, weeks ago. I didn’t learn of your attendance
until this evening.”

His grip increased as he held her emerald
eyes toward his pits of darkness, “Then your informant is as
incompetent as the firewall at SiJo.”

Though her stance remained still, her eyes
ignited, “What did you do?”

Nothing. As long as your
friends don’t have an overwhelming sense of conscious requiring
them to inform the public of their near breach, no harm will

Claire remained motionless. Her well trained
protocol wouldn’t allow her to pull away from his hold.
Nevertheless, her eyes screamed at his manipulation. “Why?”

As his hand released her face, Claire flexed
her neck and shoulders. Taking a step back, Claire assessed the man
before her. He was still very agitated. However, she needed to
know, “Why did you do this?”

I told you Claire. I know
your weakness. It’s your concern for others. God only knows why,
but for some reason Amber McCoy has been kind to you. Her company
will not be harmed,” He paused and walked to the window. The sky of
orange and red was now darkening. The land beyond the bridge was
speckled with lights as the bridge glowed with artificial
illumination. Turning on his heels Tony’s gaze devoured her, as his
commanding voice filled the tall room, “
you follow my rules.”

Claire’s heart sunk. Her knees wobbled, and
her stomach twisted. This was her nightmare, her greatest fear.
She’d convinced herself she was able to maintain the upper hand.
Her inner voice tried to warn her, but Claire hadn’t listened. Now
it was too late. Suddenly his expression changed.

Are you not feeling well?
You’re pale.” Was there concern in the voice that only seconds ago
was harsh and authoritative?

I need to sit

Tony wrapped his arm around Claire’s waist
and directed her toward a soft leather love seat. Her knees buckled
and a sudden wave of perspiration covered her skin as she settled
against the cool plush hide. Claire lowered her head to her knees
and tried to inhale. She saw Tony’s shiny loafers move away and
return. Then his voice reassuringly offered assistance, “Here’s
some water, drink.”

Claire shook her head against the green
material of her Donna Karen gown. The feeling of queasiness
wouldn’t fade. She feared if she drank the water she’d be ill.

Dinner will be starting
downstairs in about an hour. Have you eaten recently?”

Feeling the chill that comes after the rush
of heat, Claire looked up into the softening eyes. “No, I haven’t.”
Her voice quivered, revealing the trembling within her body. She
wasn’t sure if the cause of her trembling was the recent onset of
nausea or Tony. “I don’t want to go down there with you.” She sat
straighter, trying desperately for strength. “I’m here for SiJo,
for Amber and Simon.”

Tony’s gaze lingered. He could see her still
to pale complexion. Nonetheless, his voice hardened as his posture
straightened. “Then you will do as I say.”

Her resolve was spent. She once again
lowered her head to her lap and asked, “What do you want me to






Entrepreneurs are simply
those who understand
that there is little difference between obstacle and
and are able to turn both to their advantage.
- Niccolo Machiavelli




Sophia listened as Hilary Cunningham
described Anthony Rawlings’ marriage to Claire Nichols. Hilary’s
excitement built as she spoke about both of them being present at
this function. Sophia didn’t need to feign interest; this was
better than a TV show. She couldn’t believe this kind of intrigue
existed in real life. She anxiously awaited Claire Nichols’
presence at their table. According to Mrs. Cunningham, Ms. Nichols
was a surprisingly attractive and friendly woman.

Occupied with sipping her champagne, tuning
out the crowd, and listening to Hilary’s words, Sophia almost
missed the vibrating sensation coming from her handbag. Excusing
herself from the conversation, Sophia looked at her phone and read
the screen: Mr. George 3 missed calls. Walking tentatively from the
ballroom into the quiet hall, she returned his call. He answered on
the first ring.

Mrs. Burke, I’ve been
trying to reach you.”

I’m rather busy this
evening, Mr. George. What can I do for you?”

The mystery buyer, he
wants to meet with both of us...

Sophia collapsed against the wall, allowing
her shoulders the relief of a sturdy anchor. “Tonight? I’m with my
husband at a very important event. I can’t leave.”

Mr. George continued undeterred, “He’s at
the Saint Regis Hotel in San Francisco and wants both of us there
in fifteen minutes. Maybe I can pacify him until you arrive.”

Sophia looked toward a group of waiters with
wheeled carts and stacks of covered plates. “Mr. George, I’m at the
Saint Regis. Where are we supposed to meet?”

Consigner’s desk, before
8 PM.”

She looked at her delicate watch, 7:46 PM,
and asked, “Will you be here in time?”

Yes, I’m in a cab as we
speak. I’ve been trying to reach you for over a half an

I’ll be there.” Sophia
disconnected her call and gathered her nerve. She needed to explain
to Derek; she’d only be gone from the festivities for a very short
time. Seriously, what luck the buyer wanted to meet at




Though the large hand which held hers
radiated warmth, the unyielding grip was not intended to be
misconstrued as comfort. It was undeniably a warning. Tony made it
clear; Claire would again follow his rules. Magnanimous as ever, he
kindly reminded her of the most important ones: do as I say, public
failure is not an option, and be the perfect companion.

Tonight’s duties required obeying all three.
In order to assure SiJo Gaming’s complete recovery from its current
troubles, Claire must attend the National Center for Learning
Disabilities Gala as Anthony Rawlings’ companion. The silk wrap
covering her shoulders failed to keep the trembling at bay. Claire
stared at their perfect reflections upon the mirrored door of the
private golden Penthouse elevator. With each floor of their
descent, her mind reeled with this new reality.

Perhaps, someday she’d learn to expect the
unexpected, and his actions wouldn’t shock her. Yet, as was their
history, whenever Anthony Rawlings was in Claire’s life, so was the
potential for abrupt change. Remembering the past hour, she bowed
to the reality of her new paradigm.

In their figurative game
of chess, Anthony Rawlings had Claire in
. Every move she made, he
countered. When she wanted their dinner to be public, he made it
private. When she wanted to surprise him at a public event, he
chose to make it the stage for their refound allegiance.




After Claire regained her composure in the
St. Regis Penthouse, Tony ordered crackers and cheese to the suite.
While Claire ate and sipped a soda, Tony asked for her purse.
Although, she didn’t want to relinquish it, the recent change of
events and his familiar domineering demeanor left her momentarily
unable to resist. In a matter of minutes her world had returned to
his control.

Taking her elegant black clutch, Tony
removed her iPhone, turned it off and placed it in the breast
pocket of his silk shirt. Then he methodically unzipped and
searched each compartment of the bag.

Finally Claire asked, “What are you looking


It isn’t here. I left it
in my condo.” That statement was true in all aspects, except that
it wasn’t a
phone, but Claire’s only communication with

As you may remember,
while at a function such as this, your attention should be on me
and your duties at hand. I believe tonight you’re representing SiJo
Gaming.” Despite the recent snack, hearing Tony say Simon’s company
made Claire’s stomach twist. His tone and expression hardened, “As
well as representing
to the masses downstairs, your behavior will go a
long way in solving their current situation, or...” he paused,
“making it public.”

Claire nodded, then remembering his
propensity for verbal responses she replied, “I understand.”

I am glad you do. You’ll
get your phone back when this evening is done. I believe you’ll
have enough on your plate, you don’t need another

Next he handed her a
printed page. Compartmentalized memories of previous news articles
flooded her consciousness.
had a similar situation been favorable. There was
the Meredith Bank’s article and the information regarding Simon’s
death. Tonight’s information wasn’t as dramatic, but the
aftershocks could be. Claire’s hands trembled as she took the page
from his hand.

What is this?” she

It’s a news release. My
press secretary released it moments before you arrived to the
penthouse.” Smiling he added, “I just saw a text from Shelly; it’s

Her stomach twisted, hearing the same word
Meredith used regarding him. Move, countermove, the game continued.
Claire focused on the page before her.


Associated Press May 24, 2013

Mr. Anthony Rawlings, CEO of Rawlings
Industries, asks the public for patience at this difficult time. He
believes two years ago he and the world were deceived. Despite
circumstances and appearances, he is now convinced his ex-wife,
Claire Nichols (Rawlings), is innocent regarding her unfortunate
accusation of attempted murder.

This realization came to Mr. Rawlings
through a series of personal and private encounters with Ms.
Nichols. Listening to instinct and following his heart, a
combination of resources which have successfully helped to create
his global empire, Mr. Rawlings is now certain of Ms. Nichols

In an effort to correct the wrongful
prosecution by the state of Iowa, Mr. Rawlings attempted to reverse
the ruling of the judge, to no avail. In a moment of inspiration,
Mr. Rawlings personally contacted Governor Bosley and requested Ms.
Nichols’ pardon. With the assistance of Jane Allyson, Esquire and
the signature of the late Governor Richard Bosley, the innocent
Claire Nichols was pardoned and released from prison March 9,

Mr. Rawlings regrets initially denying
connection to her pardon. He also refuses to answer who he believes
was responsible for the poisoning which resulted in his near death
and lead to the false accusations. He will only respond, “It is a
personal issue.”

It has been reported that multiple longtime
employees of Mr. Rawlings have been released of their duties.

At the current time, Mr. Rawlings is
concentrating on renewing his relationship with Ms. Nichols. He
confirms that theirs is a complicated and passionate bond and asks
for privacy at this important time of healing.


As she processed the words, Claire’s stomach
reeled with thoughts of Harry. Did Tony say this news was already
viral? Had Harry seen it? Or was he too preoccupied trying to
defuse the problems Tony set into motion at SiJo? With all her
heart, Claire wanted to call Harry and explain. That wasn’t an
option. Obviously, that’s why Tony took her phone before he handed
her the press release.

Why are you doing this?”
Tears threatened to overflow her painted eyes. She couldn’t even
pretend to be strong as she placed the page on a nearby

I’ve tried to tell you my
feelings for you. I’ve even apologized to you for past behaviors
and attempted to explain.” Claire heard his attempted restraint as
his tone once again hardened, “And yet, you blatantly flaunt
another man at a shared function.”

Perhaps it was the food,
but strength was returning, if only enough to respond. “I was
We, you and I, are divorced. This,” she picked up the news release,
“is false. You didn’t secure my pardon. You had nothing to do with

And who’s going to refute
my claim? Governor Bosley, no, he’s dead. Jane Allyson, I think

Why Tony? What have you
done to Jane?”

Grinning triumphantly, Tony stood and looked
down at Claire, “Again, so much credit. I should be honored.”

Claire stood to meet his stance, her words
slowed, “Tell me what you’ve done.”

While I may be able to
assume some responsibility, it is quite the opposite of what you
suspect. Miss Allyson is currently enjoying the honor of an
invitation to one of the most prestigious law firms in Des Moines.”
Checking his phone, Tony read a text message. His shoulders relaxed
and he continued, “As informative as this conversation is, we can
continue it later. It’s almost eight, as you know this gala started
at seven. You may remember -- I do not like to be late.”

For the first time since
she entered the penthouse, Tony evaluated the woman before him.
“My, Claire, you do look lovely. I admit I doubted your financial
ability to dress as would warrant my companion for the evening.
There’s a complete ensemble in the master suite for you, but I like
your choice.” Scanning her from head to toe, he stepped toward her
and lifted the pearl of her grandmother’s necklace. His eyes shone
in triumph as he said, “Yes, after you touch up your make-up, I
believe we’ll be ready to attend our reunion gala.” Gently dropping
the cream colored pearl, he softly brushed the back of his hand
against her cheek. His voice dripped with bogus compassion, “Don’t
look so strained, my dear, this is a happy occasion. You wanted our
dinner public.
Your wish is my
. Besides, you came here to
represent SiJo Gaming. I promise this will bring that small company
more publicity and positive public relations than would have
originally happened.” Taking her small hands in his, he squeezed
and said, “This is a win, win.”

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