Truth (25 page)

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Authors: Aleatha Romig

BOOK: Truth
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If I ask you, will you
tell me something about your relationship with him?”

Claire sipped her wine, “I don’t know. It’s
difficult for me to discuss.” She looked at the man only feet away.
She entered his condo willing to take their relationship farther.
Did she honestly feel better sharing her body, than her memories?
He patiently waited, finally she exhaled, “What do you want to

Harry scooted closer, removed the glass of
wine from her hand and placed it on the table. She waited for his
question. Instead, he leaned down, his lips brushed her neck and he
gently kissed that spot between her neck and shoulder. The round
scooped neckline of her shirt exposed the sensitive site. Shivering
at the light touch of his lips to her skin, tingles descended
toward her arms, to her fingers, and down her legs, all the way to
her toes.

Claire gasped as she inclined her head,
granting him greater access. Before she realized, she was
sandwiched between him and his leather sofa. His lips were no
longer brushing her skin; they were connecting her lips and skin
with a new found urgency. Her body arched as his hands roamed over
her tight t-shirt and caressed her lacy bra covered breasts. When
her mind caught-up to their actions or more accurately her
reactions, she whispered, “I thought you wanted to ask me

He supported his head,
near her face and looked down into her beautiful gaze, “I needed to
know if I
ask.” He gently kissed her lips, “Right now, I’d rather do
something else.”

Claire smiled and purred, “Good, there’re
better things to do right now.” She arched her back, feeling her
nipples rub against the weight of his chest and nuzzled his neck.
The aroma of his aftershave combined with the stubble on his neck
electrified desires she’d compartmentalized away.

There was no question, those desires weren’t
gone. They spilled out with a vengeance.




As the airliner taxied to the San Jose gate,
Sophia summoned her brightest smile. It wasn’t too difficult. After
nearly two weeks of separation, she was truly excited to see her
husband. Without fail, they’d spoken every day. Unquestionably,
that wasn’t the same as being together. She longed to feel his
embrace and taste his lips.

Sophia consulted the
screen of her iPhone and retrieved an email she’d received earlier
in the day. It wasn’t from Derek, but from Danny, Derek’s new
personal assistant. Sophia wondered if the term
Personal Assistant
was manufactured
so men wouldn’t feel awkward being identified as secretaries. Danny
not only handled Derek’s business at work, he’d assisted Derek with
apartment hunting and learning the area.

The email said Derek would be waiting for
her in Terminal B near baggage claim. She felt her anticipation
rise as she stood to exit the plane.

With all of Sophia’s experience with
international travel, San Jose’s small easy to maneuver airport
made locating her desired destination simple. She did however, have
trouble locating her husband.

A gentleman in a
chauffer’s uniform stood near the baggage carousel. Subconsciously
Sophia read his sign:
Mrs. Derek

After three years of
marriage she should recognize her name. However, momentarily it
confused her. First, she expected Derek. And second, her name was
Sophia Burke. Other than on guest books at weddings and funerals,
she’s never referred to herself as Mrs. Derek Burke. The sensation
of the shutters came back. The clamor of voices dissipated as she
listened to the rusty hinges creak.
happened to Sophia Rossi Burke?


Sophia sat in the back seat of a company
limousine, while the chauffer drove her to Shedis-tics. In an
effort to remain calm, she peered through the tinted windows at the
unfamiliar terrain. Occasionally she’d see the mountains Derek
promised. Admittedly, she enjoyed their blue hue.

Apparently, Derek had an unexpected web
conference he couldn’t miss. He was very sorry. The apology came
through loud and clear -- on a text message. He promised a better
reunion, once they made their way to their new home.

The limousine pulled into a generous
semi-circular drive with a large fountain surrounding the
Shedis-tics sign. Tall palm trees intermingled with soft pines
created a landscaped barrier to the road. The multi-leveled glass
building was more spread out than office buildings on the East
coast. The building was actually a complex of interconnected glass
and mirrored structures.

The car stopped, the driver opened Sophia’s
door, and she thanked him for the ride. “What about my luggage?”
She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to take it into Derek’s

Mrs. Burke, I believe I
am to wait for you. We will leave it in the car until I hear

Sophia agreed, all the while questioning her
own ability to make decisions. Why would the driver be waiting if
she were leaving with Derek? Tentatively she entered the glass

The large impressive lobby glowed with
natural light. The white walls, huge windows, plants, and fountains
made her feel like she was still outside. Sophia made her way to
the information desk.

Three women were behind
the tall counter. Two wore blue blouses,
embroidered on the
front. The other wore attire screaming executive; a black pencil
skirt, white blouse, and tall black pumps. While the well-fitting
clothes accentuated her feminine gender, they also confirmed she
meant business.

Sophia approached a woman in blue. “Hello,
perhaps you could help me? I’m looking for Derek Burke.”

Before the young lady could reply, the
executive woman turned to Sophia. “Hello, you must be Mrs.

It wasn’t a conscious decision for one woman
to evaluate the other, but it happens all the time. Sophia took in
her features. Immediately she noticed the woman’s petite frame,
probably four or five inches shorter than herself, undoubtedly
younger, with blonde hair, fixed into a low bun and a beautiful
smile. The assessment took only a millisecond. Sophia extended her
hand as she responded, “Yes, please call me Sophia.”

The young executive eagerly accepted and
shook Sophia’s hand. Her strong voice was eager and energetic,
“It’s nice to finally meet you. I’m Danielle, but please call me
Danni. I’ll be glad to take you to Derek’s office. His web
conference should be almost done.”




Claire’s plan progressed smoother than she’d
hoped. She hadn’t heard Tony’s voice since she answered his call,
over three weeks earlier. As she dialed his number, she wondered
what big meeting she may be interrupting. While married, after she
had a cellphone, she was specifically instructed to only text
during business hours. Actual calls were prohibited, except in the
case of an emergency. After all, he’s a busy man. He didn’t want
her interrupting some multimillion dollar deal. The memory of that
instruction came rushing back as she listened to the rings on her
end. Utilizing the telephone that he called, she knew her number
and probably name, would appear when he checked the screen.

Surprisingly, he answered on the second
ring. She heard a combination of amusement and surprise in his
voice. “Hello, Claire. I hope you’re not calling to cancel our

Her heart momentarily forgot to beat. Damn,
if he wouldn’t have used her name – but he did. Feigning strength,
she pressed forward. “I wouldn’t do that, Tony.” She could use his
name too. “That would be rude, to cancel something at the last

I must admit, I’m
surprised to receive your call... on my private cell.”

I presume you are. I
wanted to contact you about tonight.”


You see, I’ve been living
in this area for a while. There’s a lovely French restaurant I
believe you’ll enjoy.” She didn’t wait for him to respond, she
continued, “I realize you made reservations, but so have I. I’d be
glad to meet you at Bon Vivant on Bryant, at 7.”

Well, there is a car
coming to pick you up...”

She interrupted, “I appreciate that. It’s
very kind of you; however, I have my own car and am more than
willing to drive.” She heard his soft chuckle.

If that is what you

She exhaled, “I do.”

Very well, I must return
to this table of directors and web conference. Until


Her next decision involved attire. The
outfit he sent was exquisite. She tried it on and expectantly,
everything fit perfectly. However, the day before their reunion,
she returned it to Neiman Marcus, having the money returned to the
purchasing credit card. Claire planned on presenting the receipt to
Tony during their meal.

She decided to wear the white dress and Dior
sandals she’d worn during her discussion with Phillip Roach, in San
Antonio. When considering hairstyle, she purposely styled it in a
way she knew her ex-husband liked. She also figured this outing
would make at least one or two publications and most likely be
plastered all over the internet before she settled down for bed.
Claire Rawlings Nichols intended to look the part.

Before she walked to the parking garage,
Claire exited the elevator on the ground level. It was 6 PM, and
the restaurant was only minutes away. She was ready to go. Her
nerves were stretched to an inflexible tautness which didn’t allow
her to linger in the condo any longer. Besides, Amber was out of
town on business, and Claire wasn’t ready to face Harry as he
returned from SiJo. She’d feel better talking to him after the
dinner. Until then, she couldn’t stand to see that look in his soft
blue eyes. For some reason, the way they looked at her made her
feel like she was cheating, which was ridiculous. Especially since
she and Harry didn’t have anything official on which she could
cheat. Their mutual admiration hadn’t yet progressed to sex.
Although when Claire recalled their encounters, she felt like a
school girl, warm and aroused, anticipating the next move.

Exiting the front doors of the condominium,
Claire walked boldly to Phillip Roach’s inconspicuous grey sedan.
She watched him shake his head, as she knocked on his window.
Suspiciously, he lowered the pane. “Yes, Ms. Nichols? I see you’re
wearing your trapping clothes.”

Claire smiled, “I’m not sure if your
employer informed you, but we’re meeting for dinner this evening.
We’ll be dining at Bon Vivant on Bryant.” She handed him an
envelope; slowly he accepted. “The restaurant is often crowded, and
I didn’t want you to miss the fun. There’s a small shadowed table
reserved in your name, please accept this gift certificate and
enjoy your meal on me.” With her eyes twinkling, she turned and
walked toward her building. Claire felt Phillip’s eyes upon her,
not an unfamiliar feeling.






What happened in the past
that was painful
has a great deal to do with what we are
--William Glasser




Arriving thirty-five minutes early, Claire
noticed the parking lot wasn’t as busy as normal. She’d only eaten
at Bon Vivant once, but found the service exceptional and the food
delicious. It was a popular and highly acclaimed destination in
Silicon Valley. Her last visit was a weekend, and it had been
packed with patrons. Claire reassured herself, this was a week
night; many people were still at work.

The maître d' politely greeted her as she
entered alone, “Good evening Mademoiselle, do you have

Claire looked around the
nearly empty restaurant.
“Oui, deux pour Nichols.” (Yes, two for

Oui, Mademoiselle.
Your table is
not yet ready. Perhaps you would like to wait for your companion in
our lounge. I will personally inform you when your table is

Thank you, I left
specific instructions for a conspicuous table, near the center of
the main dining room.”

Oui, we will do
everything we can to accommodate you and your companion. The lounge
is to the right.”

Merci.” Thanking the
maître d’, she followed the piano music and made her way to the
posh lounge. Years before, when Claire accompanied Tony to a French
restaurant, she was at a complete loss as he spoke to the wait
staff. While in France, she began to pick-up a few words. However,
it was while in prison, she had time to study both French and
Italian. She wouldn’t be considered fluent in either; however, she
could understand what was said around her. Undoubtedly, her speech
held a very American accent.

The lounge was beautifully contemporary,
mostly white with colored lights, creating an awe-inspiring
ambience. She noticed a few other couples at nearby tables. Claire
checked her watch, as the other couples were escorted from the
lounge. At two minutes before seven, she found herself sitting
alone, in the great expanse of the lounge. Maintaining her mask of
calm she watched as the archway filled with the man from her

Memories of their last meeting in the Iowa
City jail flooded her consciousness. Tony’s presence filled the
otherwise empty room. The earth no longer rotated on its own axis,
but on him. She had compartmentalized away his utter dominance. As
much as she tried to appear aloof, the mixture of emotions raging
through her, threatened to propel her from the soft luxurious seat.
Unconsciously, she gripped the arms of the chair, hoping for
stability. Claire feared, if not for the anchor, she might possibly
become airborne.

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