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Authors: Aleatha Romig

Truth (21 page)

BOOK: Truth
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Do you think he hurt his
own parents?”

I did at first. Maybe
it’s just wishful thinking, but now I’m not sure. I think he had
some influence over my parent’s death or maybe it was

I had no idea Rawlings
wasn’t his birth name. I wonder if Brent knows.”

I think Tony also had
some influence with Simon Johnson’s death. It’s too coincidental,
him dying after I saw him in Chicago.”

Courtney shook her head. “I knew he was
capable of a lot, but I can’t believe how deep this all goes. He
really sent you pictures showing he’s been watching you for years
before you ever met him?” Claire nodded. “What about Emily? If he’s
getting everyone related to your grandfather, wouldn’t he do
something to her too?”

I think he did. I mean
not personally. But by hurting me and John, he hurt

Courtney confirmed, Brent told her Tony was
responsible for John’s difficulties. “Is it done?” Courtney asked,
“Is there anyone else he believes deserves to pay?”

I don’t know. I mean he
seems to be after me again.” Claire shrugged, “I don’t know if he
thinks I didn’t suffer enough. Or, maybe he thinks I did. Perhaps,
he believes his vendetta is over and I’ll want to resume our
relationship. Thankfully, Emily and I are the only descendants left
of our grandfather.”

Well, Honey, only you can
decide what to do.” Smiling with blue eyes shining, Courtney
continued. “Just remember, this time it’ll be
decision.” Then as an
afterthought, “I guess be glad you don’t have cousins.”

Yeah, I’d hate to think
of anyone else enduring what I did.”

Now, tell me more about
this Harry guy. He’s kind of cute in the pictures I’ve seen in

Claire blushed, “He’s just a friend. But
you’re right, he’s kind of cute. I’d say his most endearing quality
is he’s nothing like Tony.”


So, nothing, we’re
friends. He’s Amber’s brother and has been very helpful with
rebuilding my life and researching Tony’s past.”

Sure, I believe

Watching the waves flatten the sand, Claire
confessed, “And... he might be an excellent kisser, but I can
honestly say nothing more has happened.”

Does he make you

Allowing her grin to surface, Claire

Do you live in fear of
upsetting him?”

Claire shook her head.

Honey, if you go to that
dinner with Tony... will you do me a favor? Remember those two
questions and your answers.”

The lump in Claire’s throat didn’t allow her
to verbally answer; she nodded. She’d remember.




The rented Chrysler 200 rolled along the hot
Texas pavement driving toward San Antonio. While music filled the
car, Claire contemplated Courtney’s confession. Never in a million
years would Claire have suspected Brent and Courtney were her
angels. Tony considered them his closest friends, yet Claire was
driving north on 37 toward her hotel. If it were up to him, she’d
still be locked away.

The days spent by the pool and on the beach
gave Claire’s skin a much needed dose of Vitamin D with a golden
brown bonus. It had been so long since she’d enjoyed intense
sunshine. The get-a-way strengthened her in so many ways-- mentally
and physically.

Courtney left Corpus
Christi earlier in the morning. As Claire looked at the clock, she
she should be back to Iowa by
. Claire wasn’t scheduled to fly to San
Francisco until tomorrow.

Around four thirty, Claire pulled into the
parking garage adjacent to the Hotel Valencia Riverwalk, the suite
was still hers for another twenty four hours. Obviously the
housekeeping staff knew she’d been gone for most of the week, but
she wasn’t trying to fool the housekeepers.

Searching for the key to
her suite, which was really a card, she stepped into the shiny
golden elevator. The doors closed but the compartment didn’t move.
She remembered putting the card someplace
, if only she could remember
which compartment of her purse that was.

The elevator doors opened again and a tall,
middle-aged, white haired gentleman entered. Claire smiled politely
as she dug into another zipped compartment within her cavernous
Gucci handbag.

He showed a reserved smile and acknowledged
Claire with a nod. Then he inserted his card and pushed eleven. She
exhaled as she found the key, “Here it is.” Her voice was barely a
whisper, not intended for anyone but herself.

The man stepped to the side exposing the
control panel, “I’m sorry. Am I in your way?”

No, actually you’ve
already accessed my floor.”

He looked at the small suitcase near
Claire’s feet. “You’ll enjoy this hotel, the staff is

Thank you, I’ve been here
for a few days.” Realizing the suitcase, “I just had a few things
in my car I needed to retrieve.”

She didn’t know why she was lying.
Nevertheless, she’d rehearsed her story and was glad it sounded
slightly plausible.

Well, enjoy the rest of
your stay.” The elevator stopped, and the doors opened. He politely
held the door allowing her to exit.

She smiled, “Thank you, you too.”

Claire walked toward the
right, while the gentleman walked to the left. Unlocking her door,
she quickly entered the sunlit suite. As she turned to bolt the
lock she mindlessly peered through the peep hole. Directly across
the hall from her room she saw the same gentleman opening a
That’s odd, why’d he walk the other
way if his room was there?
He looks familiar.
Maybe I saw him when I originally checked
Or, maybe I’m just

Within the bedroom, upon
the bedside stand, was the only item she’d left at the hotel, one
of her telephones, her
phone. She left it
and plugged in.

Not hearing from him in
four days was refreshing. Allowing the signals from
phone to be sent
location was priceless. That bit of deception plus a lengthy
GPS erasing procedure were Harry’s idea. His past police experience
made him suspicious. That same experience gave him invaluable
knowledge. Claire couldn’t have begun to erase the GPS permanently,
without his directions. Claire would do anything, no matter how
laboring, to protect Courtney.

She opened the French doors to her balcony
and inhaled the warm spring air. The beautiful wrought-iron railing
added to the French ambiance. Looking down she watched the people
stories below on the famous Riverwalk. It was beautiful, filled
with flowing water, flowers, people, and giant cypress trees. A
faint breeze blew the curtains of the open doors as she relaxed
upon her king sized bed and checked the phone. There were seven
missed calls and three text messages. Claire closed the phone. The
get-a-way was too fresh in her mind, too many good memories. Her
mood was too high; she would read the messages later.

Next, she checked in with
Emily, her daily
text. Today she added,

With Emily’s husband John,
back in Indiana, the two sisters no longer spoke every day.
However, they made a point to
daily. Claire spoke to John a few times
since his prison release. At first it was even more uncomfortable
than her first talks with Emily. Thinking about her time with
Courtney, Claire decided they needed some face-to-face time. It was
much better than phone calls.

She also sent text
messages to Amber and Harry informing them of her location. Knowing
there were people who cared and worried about her, added to
Claire’s euphoria. Closing her eyes she debated napping. The
Emily phone’s
ring stopped her descent into the drowsy abyss.
Eyes still closed, she reached for the small black cellphone.

Hi, Claire, I hope you
don’t mind me calling.” The voice caught her off guard, her eyes
opened wide. Napping disappeared from her radar. She hadn’t heard
this voice since last July at Iowa’s Woman’s


Yes.” She held her
breath, unsure what to say. Brent continued. “Courtney’s home

Claire’s mind spun. She wanted to trust him;
after all, according to Courtney he was also responsible for her
freedom and was too a victim of Tony. Claire knew that. She’d
witnessed their interaction. “I’m glad.” She swallowed and
continued, “Brent ... thank you.”

Please don’t thank me.
I’ve done much more to hurt you, than help you.”

She heard the anguish in
his voice. “Just tell me, of all the things you’ve done, which ones
want to

I wanted to help you. I
never wanted to hurt you, even before I read the preliminary brief.
It’s just that sometimes I had no…”

Claire stopped him, “I understand.” She
inhaled and continued, “You know that though -- don’t you?”

I do. And, we understand

Her entire body filled with warmth. She’d
known this man for less than three years. Her ex-husband claimed
him as his best friend, and he’d endured much of the same
domination as Claire. She couldn’t suppress her smile as tears
trickled down her cheeks. “I offered to pay Courtney back. I can

She told me. I agree with
her. Please, keep your money. Watching and listening to Tony’s
response when he learned of your unorthodox release, seeing him
unable to control or influence the situation, more than made it
worth every penny.”

If there is anything I
can do for either of you…”

Actually, there is...”
The two continued their conversation for almost an hour. Brent
wanted to know all about Tony’s box. The information fascinated
him. He also asked about the information she’d learned from their
detective work. Brent vowed to do what he could from his end. He
also explained the things he’d done to hurt Claire: the divorce
with no financial compensation, his attitude when he visited her in
prison, hiring a private detective to find her, and supporting Tony
along the way.

Claire reassured Brent, she understood. He
didn’t have a choice and she appreciated his current clandestine
support. Fearfully, Claire asked Brent a question she’d
contemplated of and on again for a while, “Is Jane Allyson all
right? I mean, has Tony done anything to her?” Claire’s heart
skipped a beat as her question met silence.

Finally, he answered, “She is, for now.”

Can you please

When we left her office,
Tony voiced his displeasure.” Claire nodded, although Brent
couldn’t possibly see her from Iowa. He went on, “I’ve tried on
numerous occasions to remind him, if something would suddenly
happen to her up-and-coming career, immediately following your
petition for pardon, it would appear suspicious.”

Claire smiled; Brent knew
the game. Tony’s kryptonite was indeed
Claire replied, “I don’t
want her to pay because she helped me.”

I put her in that
position. I promise I’ve done all I can to protect her.” Brent
replied, then he chuckled. “She knew what she was doing when she
did it. That’s why I chose her. She is one tough lady and a great
attorney! You should’ve heard her when we went to her

I bet. She’s the only
one, in a room full of males, who stood up to Tony, at the jail in

Other than

Claire stammered, “I... me... I didn’t stand
up to him. I never did.”

That isn’t true. You
never would’ve survived if he didn’t consider you a challenge. He
truly thought you’d take the insanity plea.”

Well, the fact I didn’t,
probably confirms, I am insane.”

Brent laughed. “That’s why you and Courtney
get along so well.”

He went on to tell her
about Phillip Roach, the private detective who’s been watching her
for the last month, sending photos and information to Tony. Brent
wasn’t privy to all the information, but Tony’s attitude regarding
Claire seemed to be changing. Brent assessed, he’s no longer
would be a better word.

Brent assured Claire she’d successfully lost
the private detective during the last week. “If Tony knew you and
Cort were together I would have heard. I even called Mr. Roach once
to confirm my theory. He was rather allusive about the past four
days and promised more information in the future.” Claire heard the
smile in Brent’s voice, “It’s all making Tony a little crazy.”

Have you met this Phillip
Roach? What does he look like?” Claire asked.


The clock read 7:23 PM. Originally, Claire
planned a quiet evening with room service. Her TV had an attached
gaming system, and she’d contemplated practicing her skills in
anticipation of another gaming session with Harry. However,
finishing her make-up, stepping into the Marc Jacobs white silk
sundress, and fastening her Prada sandals, she mentally reviewed
her new plan.

BOOK: Truth
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