Truth (88 page)

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Authors: Aleatha Romig

BOOK: Truth
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Her eyes flashed, “And you gave it to

He shrugged as he poured another two
fingers, “I tried. He was preoccupied -- with you. Actually, he was
in the air when I found it. I reached Ms. London instead. She’s the
one who told me your plan, very ingenious.” He tipped his glass in
Claire’s direction.

Claire realized the liquor
was helping his honesty. “What
did she say?”

She told me to bring it
to Iowa; I did. You were still in the hospital.”

So Tony never got the

She told me she’d give it
to him. He contacted me after you woke. He told me you were going
to Iowa, and my job was done. He wasn’t happy with me. I think he
blamed me for Patrick Chester getting to you. Honestly, I don’t
think we ever discussed the laptop.” Phil cocked his head to one
side, “Your ex can be difficult.”

She lowered her head near her knees; the
fullness of her midsection restricted her motion. She straightened.
“Yes, a very ingenious plan; however, I can’t take credit.” Claire
leaned toward Phil, “You told me before, you work for money. Who’s
paying you – now?”

You -- Ms. London gave me
the starter money, but you’re paying me for everything else. Did
your transaction work?”

Are you still reporting
to her?”

No, not since I told her
you were out of the U.S. She didn’t want to know more –
plausible deniability

Claire pointed to the
house phone. “Would you call for some dinner? I have many questions
and would prefer to not spend this evening in public.” She softened
her tone, “If that is all right with my

Phil smiled, “That’s fine. I enjoy the

Claire smiled a tired smile. She was
suddenly exhausted, mentally and physically drained.

After their dinner arrived, Phil and Claire
settled onto the wrought iron table on the balcony. She needed more
answers before she could decide her future or that of her child’s.
Their discussion continued as the shadows turned to twilight and
darkness prevailed. Though sitting in the center of nature’s
beauty, Geneva’s abundant artificial radiance impeded the stars.
Manufactured glitter extended everywhere, even onto Lake Geneva as
the reflection added illumination to the night.

Phil informed Claire, “Due
to your family’s insistence, Mr. Rawlings is currently being
pursued by the police and media as a
person of interest
in your

Claire frowned, “That
wasn’t supposed to happen. If anyone should be considered
a person of interest
, it
should be the person who sent me the scary things and tried to run
Clay off the road.”

Phil looked at Claire quizzically, “Well,
that would make it difficult for me to help you, then. Wouldn’t

Her hand suddenly trembled as she sat her
water glass upon the table and stared. “What are you saying?”

Phil saw Claire’s sudden fear and casually
covered her hand, “I never intended to hurt you.”

Her eyes widened as she retrieved her hand,
“I don’t understand?”

Claire, Ms. London said
you were involved. It all led to this escape. I would never have
sent those awful packages or pushed your car if I didn’t think you
were behind it.”

Did Ms. London
my plan
when you delivered the laptop?”

Well, afterwards. I
received text messages telling me to travel around and mail
different things. She was very specific about what to do.” Claire’s
complexion paled as she listened to Catherine’s complex scheme --
one that reduced both her and Tony to pawns in the ongoing game of

So, you had no intentions
of hurting me or my baby?”

Wrinkles surrounded Phil’s hazel eyes. “I
work for money. However, I believe I’ve already revealed my true
feelings on this subject,” his eyebrows rose, “in San Diego?”

Claire held her breath.

He once again covered her hand, “I’d never
hurt you.”

She exhaled. Patrick Chester didn’t have an
accomplice. The sudden relief was intoxicating. Her expression
mellowed. Instantaneously, the relief evaporated. There was another
culprit -- one Claire would have willingly allowed total access to
her child. The thought nauseated her. Could Catherine have made
Nathaniel the same promise Tony made to him?

If she did, now that she
no longer needed Tony to keep Patrick Chester silent, wasn’t Tony
a child,
a child
After all, Samuel helped convict Nathaniel...Catherine killed
Samuel...Tony is Samuel’s son. Everything was coming

Claire leaned closer -- their faces only
inches apart. “Phil, thank you.”

For what?”

For what you’re about to
do. I promise – I’ll make it worth your while.”

His hazel eyes questioned, “The next step is
getting you settled.”

Claire turned her hand
palm up and closed her fingers around his. She inhaled and exhaled
as a devious smile overtook her face. “Senior Alexander, let’s
enjoy the beautiful view and discuss the
next step


Her plan shocked, surprised, and
disappointed Phil. She truly was much smarter than he’d initially
given her credit. Now with the fortune she’d successfully acquired,
the combination was impressive. And although his role was different
than what he’d hoped, he was more than willing to accommodate.

Phil said, “I don’t think you should stay
here too long. Where do you want to go?”

With her tired eyes lingering on the vista
before her, she thoughtfully replied, “Back to Italy, I’ve been
thinking about Venice. I’ve never been.”

Then let’s decide on a
hotel. I’ll meet you there in a week. By that time, I should have
more information and some permanent destinations for you. Tell me
your requirements again.”

Claire shifted and met his expectant gaze.
“You’re worried about my plan, aren’t you?”

Yes. I’ll feel better
when you’re settled and safe.”

Thank you. It’s nice to
know someone’s worried about me.” She said as she sipped her iced

There’re many people back
in the states worried about you.”

Claire sat tall, her
expression strong. She couldn’t allow herself to think about those
people, not yet. Now that she knew the truth...
was the one putting them through
hell, not Tony, not Catherine. Nevertheless, it was Catherine’s
impending hell that forced her moves. Placing her hand on her
mid-section, she knew winning this game was truly the difference
between life and death.

If she was a child of a child, and Tony was
a child of a child... their baby was doubly doomed.

Her voice held no hint of emotion. “I like
tropical, secluded, and remote. I truly don’t care about amenities.
Just give me warmth, water, and sunshine.” She gazed over Lake
Geneva and turned back to Phil, “And medical care needs to be

Claire looked at her watch, 12:02 AM. She
glanced to Phil, “I’m going to do it.”

He nodded. “It’s a little after five there,
Wednesday evening... he may not be in his office.”

I have to try.” Claire
rose and went into the suite. Her disposable international phone
was on the table. She reached for it and called information in Iowa
City. “I need the office number for the Prosecutor for Iowa City,
please.” Moments later, “I would like to speak to Marcus
Evergreen.” “I’m sure he’ll talk with me.” “Tell him
it’s an out of work weather
.” Claire waited a moment and then
smiled at Phil. Her heartbeat quickened.

For the first time she
could see the entire game board, a few more moves and her opponent
would be in
. Her call was being forwarded...

The voice came through the receiver, “Hello?
This is Marcus Evergreen.”

Mr. Evergreen, I was
wondering if perhaps this time you’d be willing to listen to the






All truths are easy to
understand once they are discovered.
The trick is to discover them.




Claire Nichols, missing for over two

Tony settled into his plush leather chair.
Perhaps because of the chaos happening around him or his desire to
be away from people, his home office was the only place he could
truly concentrate. He made daily appearances at his Iowa City
office, but all traveling had been postponed, indefinitely. So far,
none of the thousands of tips produced any clues into Claire’s
disappearance. Tony rubbed his temples; it was as if she evaporated
into thin air... like every hope or dream he’d ever had for his

He didn’t want to believe she chose to leave
him. Yet, on another level, he did. If she left of her own free
will, she was safe. Their baby was safe. If, as he suspected, she’d
been lured away and was at the hands of some maniac, her future and
that of their baby’s were unknown.

With each passing day doubts infiltrated his
mind. If she left of her own free will, had any of the past four
months been real? She’d accepted his ring. He told her every day
how much he loved her. Had it all been a charade? Did she have her
own agenda of revenge for his past sins? Tony didn’t want to think
so... he just didn’t know.

Tony scanned his emails. Nothing caught his
attention. He didn’t care anymore. Thankfully he had Tim, Tom, and
Brent. For all practical purposes, Tim was running Rawlings
Industries. Brent and Tom were busy with company matters as well as
Tony’s personal matters. The Vandersols were taking every
opportunity to declare Tony’s guilt to the world. Hell, at this
point he’d turn himself in, if it would bring Claire home.

The large office doors opened. Catherine
entered. “I came to check on you.”

I’m fine.” His furrowed
brow and the dark circles under his deep wrinkled eyes said

Anton, I’m sorry I didn’t
try to stop her.”

Tony shook his head, “I’m not having this
discussion with you.”

But the Vandersols? If
they have their way, you will be taken in on questioning,

They’re vindictive
idiots. The prosecutor will see through them.”

Yes – but if her memoirs
are published,

Tony’s eyes pierced, “What did you say?”

Catherine straightened her neck. “I said, if
Claire’s memoirs are published, the world will know about your
predisposition toward violence.”

His eyes darkened with
each word, “
, you know I had nothing to do with her

She sat as her tone mellowed, “I do. But I
understand the Vandersol’s concern.”

Tony’s attention turned toward his emails.
One caught his attention. He clicked and read. According to his
informant, Sophia had returned to Provincetown following her
parents’ funeral. Under normal circumstances, he would have
attended their funeral. These, however, were anything but normal.
He looked back to Catherine.

You judge me? You haven’t
given a damn about your daughter in thirty plus years.”

Catherine sat straighter. “I’ll have that
discussion with you in another thirty years, when you haven’t had
contact with your child. Then we can discuss similarities.”

His hand hit his desk. The pen set and
wireless mouse helplessly jumped. “I’ve told you your daughter lost
her adoptive parents. Yet, you don’t give a damn!”

She leaned toward him, questioning, “Did

Of course not!” His
eyebrows rose. “Did you?”

You know, I don’t even
know her name.”

This was only their second open conversation
on the subject of Catherine’s daughter.

I doubt there is anything
in this house you don’t know. Her information is in my private

Catherine exhaled, “How did it happen? How
did her parents die?”

I’m not sure.” Tony
shrugged. “Her adoptive father was beginning to show signs of
dementia. He was driving.”

Catherine’s eyes
her thoughts immediately went to Sharron Rawls. “How bad?”
Her voice was but a whisper.

Tony sat straighter, “He wasn’t like
grandmother, not yet.”

Then she’s better off. At
least she didn’t need to witness...”

Tony closed his eyes, “Catherine, she could
use a parent.”

Her gray eyes stared; the
silence grew. Finally she replied, “
, I am sure you will do
is best. I have made my feelings clear.” She stood and started
toward the door. Suddenly she turned back toward the desk, “Mr.
Evergreen called -- again. He wants to speak with you in

Tony turned from Catherine back to the
computer screen. The NASDEQ indicator for Rawlings Industries
displayed the stock’s continued downward spiral. It didn’t matter
that he wasn’t responsible for Claire’s disappearance. The effects
of the Vandersol’s claims were also being felt on the Dow Jones. He
checked his watch. At least the weekend would stall the continued
drop. There were only a few more minutes until the end of Friday’s
trading session. The fun would resume again on Monday.

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