Turn Right At Orion (33 page)

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Authors: Mitchell Begelman

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Black holes; of Cygnus X–1, ; definition; gravitational fields and; growth of; jets and; luminosity and; of M87; of the Milky Way; neutron stars and; stellar velocities and
Blue supergiants; temperature and;
See also
Supernova 1987A
BN-KL Cluster (stellar)
Bulges: definition; of merging stars; of Milky Way, of SS
Calcium; Supernova 1987A and
Carbon; atomic weight; bulge of the Milky Way and; incipient to supernovae; versus neutrinos; in Orion Nebula molecular clouds; planetary nebulae and; and red supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center; Supernova 1987A and
Carbon dioxide
Carbon monoxide; in molecular clouds
Clouds (electron)
Clouds (hydrogen): the Magellanic Stream; in the Milky Way disk, in the Milky Way halo; in the Virgo Cluster
Clouds (interstellar); definition; in M87;
See also
Gas; Molecular clouds
Clusters (galactic); dominant galaxies of;
Virgo Cluster
Clusters (stellar): globular; near Trapezium Cluster; tracers and;
See also
Trapezium Cluster
Coal versus hydrogen
Cobalt in Supernova 1987A
Color: at the corona of the Milky Way black hole; disk of Cygnus X–1 and; Dumbbell Nebula and; dust and; filaments of Crab II; of gas in outer layers of Orion Nebula molecular clouds; hot stars; in M87; planetary nebulae and; of radiation at black holes; spectral lines; Supernova 1987A and
Coma Bernices
Comets and evolution
Copernican Principle; definition
Cores (stellar): of Betelgeuse; mass and; of massive stars incipient to supernovae; of neutron star created by Supernova 1987A; nuclear reactions and; of red giants; of red supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center; rotation and
Cosmic rays
Crab Nebula; glossary description
Crab II (imaginary Crab Nebula); nebula of, neutron star of;
See also
Cygnus X–1 (binary system)
Debris: from Crab II supernova; in the Solar System; SS 433 and; from Supernova 1987A and;
See also
Dust; Dust disks
Degeneracy; definition; electron clouds and; and massive stars incipient to supernovae; versus neutrons; white dwarfs and
Densities: of galaxies in the Local Group; of galaxies in the Virgo Cluster; iron and Supernova 1987A; of M87 black hole; of Milky Way black hole; of neutrinos incipient to Supernova 1987A; neutron star of Crab Nebula; of neutron stars; nickel and Supernova 1987A and; surfaces of neutron stars and
Disks (of binary systems): Cygnus X–1; SS 433
Disks (galactic): orbital motions and; spiral arms and; stability and; in the Virgo Cluster;
See also
Accretion, disks
Disks (planetary)
Disks (protostellar)
Disks (stellar): as debris from star formation; planet formation and;
See also
Dust disks; Planet formation
Distances: Betelgeuse from Earth; Betelgeuse from Trapezium; and brightness of Trapezium stars; center of Milky Way from Earth; Crab Nebula from SS 433; Cygnus X–1 from center of Milky Way; and density of neutrinos incipient to Supernova 1987A; expansion of Supernova 1987A; of gap between molecular clouds and Trapezium stars; horizon of black holes and; interstellar dust and visibility; orbit of instability for Cygnus X–1 black hole; orbit of instability for Milky Way black hole; Orion Nebula from Earth; radiance of Crab II pulsar and; size of black hole of Cygnus, X–1 and; size of Crab 11 neutron star; size of Crab Nebula neutron star; size of horizon of Cygnus
X–1 black hole; size of horizon of Milky Way black hole; size of molecular clouds in the Milky Way; size of the Virgo Cluster; SS 433 from Earth; thickness off Milky Way disk; Virago Cluster from Large Magellanic Cloud; Virgo Cluster from Milky Way
Doppler shift
“Dream, or Lunar Astronomy” (Kepler)
Dumbbell Nebula (planetary); distance from Earth; glossary description; red supergiant at the center of
Dust (interstellar): creation of stars in Orion Nebula and; definition; estimating distances to stars and; in gap between molecular clouds and Trapezium stars; light rays and; mixed with Orion Nebula molecular clouds; spacecraft and; Supernova 1987A and; in vicinity of the Sun;
See also
Dust disks; binary stars and planet formation. and; as debris from star formation; gaps in during planet formation; ice in during planet formation; in planet formation
Earth; comets and; electrical repulsion and; formation of the moon and
Einstein, Albert
Electrical currents and magnetic fields
Electrical repulsion versus gravity
Electromagnetic radiation at the corona of the Milky Way black hole;
See also
Electron clouds
Electrons: color and photons and; at the corona of the Milky Way black hole; Crab II neutron star and; Crab Nebula and; degeneracy and; in gap between molecular clouds and Trapezium stars; incipient to supernovae; ions and; magnetic fields and; and magnetic fields in star formation; in M87; neutron stars and; in Orion Nebula molecular clouds; and planetary nebulae; plasma and; spacecraft and; spectral lines and; Supernova 1987A and; surfaces of neutron stars and; synchrotron radiation and; Trapezium stars and; in vicinity of the Sun
Elliptical galaxies; definition; in the Virgo Cluster;
See also
M49; M87
Energy; black hole of Cygnus X–1 and; brightness of stars and; at the corona of the Milky Way black hole; Crab II pulsar and; at the horizon of the Milky Way black hole; motion and; quantum mechanics and; radioactive cobalt and Supernova 1987A and; red giants and; shrinkage of red giants and; the Sun's radiance and; supergiants and; synchrotron radiation and
Equilibrium; Earth and; gravity and; Milky Way halo and; neutrons stars and
Explosion: of neutron star of Crab Nebula;
See also
Supernova 1987A
Filaments: of Crab II; in M87; Supernova 1987A and
Formaldehyde in molecular clouds
Friction in accretion disks
Galaxies: black holes and; gravitational fields and; hierarchical structure of; in
the Virgo Cluster;
See also
Elliptical galaxies; Magellanic Clouds, the; Spiral galaxies
Gamma rays; Crab II neutron star and; jets of SS 433 and; Supernova 1987A and
Gas, gas clouds; accretion disks and; at black hole of M87; at the corona of the Milky Way black hole; Crab II and; degeneracy and; disk of Cygnus X–1 and; Dumbbell nebula and; dust disks and; formation of stars near Trapezium Cluster and; in gap between molecular clouds and Trapezium stars; helium; interstellar clouds and; jets of SS 433 and; the Magellanic Clouds and; orbital motions and; planetary nebulae and; plasma and; Ring Nebula and; shell of Crab Nebula and; spiral arms and; stellar bars and; superbubbles and; Trapezium cluster and; at various distances from center of M87; in vicinity of the Sun; in the Virgo Cluster;
See also
Nebulae; plasma
Gas streams; companion star of Cygnus X–1 and; companion star of SS 433 and; disk of Cygnus X–1 and; gas knots in Orion Nebula;
See also
General theory of relativity
Globular clusters
Gold, Tommy
Gould, Benjamin
Gould's Belt
Graphite in Supernova 1987A
Gravitational fields: accretion disks and; black holes and; energy and; of galaxies; and light rays at block hole of Cygnus, X–1; Milky Way black hole and; of neutron stars; in the Virgo Cluster;
See also
Black holes
Gravity; acceleration and; black holes and; in concretion of protoplanets; condensation, of matter toward a common center and; Crab II neutron star and; creation of jets and; versus electrical repulsion; galactic disks and; in general theory of relativity; incipient to supernovae; luminosity and; the Magellanic Stream and; merging stars and; Milky Way halo and; motion and; motion of dust in planet formation and; neutrons stars and; red giants and; and red supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center; shrinkage of red giants and; spiral arms and; Spiral structure of galaxies and; star formation and; stellar bars and; stellar disks and; surfaces of neutron stars and; in the Virgo Cluster; white dwarfs and; versus winds from bulge of SS 433
Halos; definition; pervading clusters of galaxies in the Virgo Cluster
Halos (galactic): matter and; orbital motions and; in the Virgo Cluster
“Headlight effect,”
Heat: black holes and; versus condensation of matter toward a common center; energy and; filaments of Crab II and; shrinkage of red giants and; spacecraft and;
See also
Helium; cores of stars and; dust disks and; filaments of Crab II and; fueling of the Sun and; incipient to supernovae; planetary nebulae; red giants and; and
red supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center; Ring Nebula and; SS 433 and; Supernova 1987A and; Trapezium stars and
Herschel, William
Horizon; of Cygnus X–1 black hole; definition
Hot stars: definition; superbubbles and;
Trapezium Cluster
Hydrogen; atomic; cores of stars and; Dumbbell Nebula and; dust disks and; filaments of Crab II and; fueling of the Sun and; in gap between molecular clouds and Trapezium stars; hot stars and; incipient to supernovae; interstellar clouds and; the Magellanic Stream; in M87; molecular clouds and; red giants and; and red supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center; spacecraft and; SS 433 and; Supernova 1987A and; Trapezium stars and; in vicinity of the Sun;
See also
Clouds (hydrogen)
Ice in dust disks
Ions: definition; and magnetic fields in star formation; in Orion Nebula molecular clouds; planetary nebulae; plasma and; spacecraft and
Iron; bulge of the Milky Way and; incipient to supernovae; the Magellanic Clouds and; Supernova 1987 A and; Trapezium stars and; white dwarfs and
jets (plasmic); condensation of matter toward a common center and; definition; of M87 and; from protostar in Orion Nebula;
See also
Gas streams; Plasma; SS 433
Kapteyn, Johannes
Kepler, Johannes
Lagoon Nebula
Large Mangellanic Cloud; in relation to Small Magellanic Cloud; Supernova 1987A and;
See also
Tarantula Nebula
Light, light rays; of Betelgeuse; black hole of Cygnus X–1 and; black holes and; Crab II neutron star and; debris in the Solar System and; in gap between molecular clouds and Trapezium stars; “headlight effect,”; photons and; polarized; and red supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center; Supernova 1987A and; synchrotron radiation and;
See also
Luminosity; Speed of Light
Local Group, the; definition
Luminosity: black hole of Cygnus X–1 and; of blue supergiant Supernova 1987A; of Crab II pulsar; gravity and; shrinkage of red giants and; of Trapezium stars;
See also
Magellanic Clouds, the; glossary description; the Milky Way and;
See also
Large Magellanic Cloud; Small Magellanic Cloud
Magellanic Stream, the
Magnesium: incipient to supernovae; Supernova 1987A and
Magnetic fields; black holes and; condensation of matter toward a common center and; Crab II neutron star and; energy and; and gas knots in star formation; in M87; particles and; plasma and; rotation of protostellar disk and; synchrotron radiation and
Mass: of Betelgeuse; black hole of Cygnus X–1 and; brightness of stars and; of Crab II neutron star; Crab Nebula and; creation of jets and; of Milky Way black hole; in the Virgo Cluster
Matter: black hole of Cygnus X–1 and; black hole of M87 and; black holes and; companion star of SS 433 and; Crab II neutron star and; disk of Cygnus X–1 and; elements in planets versus the rest of space; filaments of Crab II and; galactic halos and; gas in M87 and; jets of M87; jets of SS 433; Milky Way halo and; orbital motions and; Orion Nebula v. planetary nebulae; quantum mechanics and; star formation and; in the Virgo cluster; the winds of stars and
M87 (elliptical galaxy); black hole of; gas at black hole of; gas at various distances from center; globular cluster; glossary description; jets of
Messier, Charles
Methane in dust disks
M49 (elliptical galaxy)
Milky Way, center of; atmospheric pressure; black hole; cavity of; distance from Earth; gas and; infrared radiation from; Sun's orbit around
Milky Way, disk of; interstellar dust and; stability and
Milky Way, halo of; angular momentum and; equilibrium and; the Magellanic Clouds and; matter and
Milky Way (spiral galaxy); cavity of; gas to dust ratio; globular clusters; the Magellanic Clouds and
Molecular clouds; definition, in the Milky Way disk; in the Orion Nebula; spiral arms and; star formation and; star formation near the Trapezium Cluster and; tracers and; the Trapezium Cluster and; in the Virgo Cluster;
See also
Molecules: hydrogen atoms in molecular clouds; hydrogen in molecular clouds;
See also
Moons in gaps of planetary rings
Motion: black holes and; caused by gravity of Cygnus X–1 black hole; versus collapse of supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center: creation of jets and; degeneracy and; of dust in planet formation; energy and; filaments of Crab II and; gas at black hole of M87 and; versus gravity; gravity and;
See also
Angular momentum
Nebulae (planetary); absence of accretion disks and; Ring Nebula; versus stellar nebulae;
See also
Dumbbell Nebula; Gas
Nebulae (stellar): definition; versus planetary nebulae;
See also
Crab Nebula; Gas; Orion Nebula

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