Turn Right At Orion (34 page)

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Authors: Mitchell Begelman

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Neon; incipient to supernovae; and red supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center, Supernova 1987A and; Trapezium stars and
Neutrinos incipient to supernovae
Neutrons; degeneracy and; jets of SS 433 and; neutron stars and
Neutron stars; black holes and; Crab II and; Crab Nebula and; definition; degeneracy and; density of matter and; equilibrium and; luminosity and; preservation from collapse; supernovae and
Nickel in Supernova 1987A
Nitrogen: Dumbbell Nebula and; in Earth's atmosphere; planetary nebulae and; and red supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center; Supernova 1987A and
Novae and interstellar dust
Nuclear reactions; cores of stars and; helium and; incipient to supernovae; and red supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center; the Sun and; temperature and; white dwarfs and
Orbit: black holes and; formation of planets and; gravitational fields and; of Magellanic Clouds about the Milky Way; merging stars and; spectral lines and; of Sun around center of Milky Way
Orbit of instability: for Cygnus X–1 black hole; for Milky Way black hole
Orion Nebula; atoms and; dust disk in the nebula; gas knots of; glossary description; jet of a protostar; matter and; nebula of; Trapezium Cluster
Oxygen; bulge of the Milky Way and; Dumbbell Nebula and; in Earth's atmosphere; incipient to supernovae; the Magellanic Clouds and; in M87; and red supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center; Ring Nebula and; Supernova 1987A and; Trapezium stars and
Parallel universes
Particles: the aurora borealis and; at the corona of the Milky Way black hole: Crab II nebula and; degeneracy and; filaments of Crab II and; gas in M87 and; incipient to supernovae; magnetic fields and; and magnetic fields in star formation; quantum mechanics and; spacecraft and;
See also
Atoms; Debris; Dust
Photons: in gap between molecular clouds and Trapezium stars; light and; Supernova 1987A and
Planetary nebulae: definition; matter and
Planet formation; asteroids and; binary stars and; dust grains and; gaps in dust disks and; gas and; ice and; planetary rings and; the Solar System and; syncopation of orbits and; water and
Planets; material layers of; rings and
Plasma: definition; jets and; magnetic lines and;
See also
Gas streams; Ions; Jets
Protons; at the corona of the Milky Way black hole; incipient to supernovae; jets of SS 433 and; neutron stars and; in vicinity of the Sun
Protoplanets; asteroids and;
See also
Planet formation
Protostars: definition; jets and; molecular gas and; plasmic jets and;
See also
Pulsars: Crab II and; Crab Nebula and;
definition; and neutron star created by Supernova 1987A, 208
Quantum mechanics; definition
Radiation: black holes and; at the corona of the Milky Way black hole; Crab II and; Crab Nebula and; disk of Cygnus X–1 and; dust and; energy and; versus gravity; jets of SS 433 and; in M87; pulsars and; Supernova 1987A and;
Synchrotron radiation
Radioactive cobalt in Supernova 1987A
Radio cirrus in M87
Radio glow: from interstellar clouds; from molecular clouds
Radio waves; Crab II neutron star and; in M87
Red giants: definition; helium and; in the Milky Way disk; shrinkage of; temperature and
Red supergiants; definition; star at Dumbbell Nebula's center; temperature and; winds from;
See also
Resonance in planet formation
Ring Nebula
Rings, planetary
Rosse, Lord
Rotation, spin: versus condensation of matter toward a common center; of Crab II pulsar; energy of Crab II pulsar and; gas knots and; gas knots in star formation and; jets of SS 433 and; shrinking cores and; star formation and
Scutum Sobieskii (constellation)
Shangra-La factor
Shapley, Harrow
Shells (surfaces): of Crab Nebula; of stars
Silicon; incipient to supernovae
Small Magellanic Cloud; in relation to Large Magellanic Cloud
Solar System, the: debris and; mass of;
See also
Sun, the
Somnium, sive Astronomia lunaris
Spacetime: in general theory of relativity; time dilation and
Special theory of relativity; definition; time dilation and
Spectral lines; of Crab II;
See also
Speed of light: definition; time dilation and
Spiral arms: definition; description; gravity and; the Orion arm
Spiral galaxies; bulges and; definition; gravity and; spiral arms and. in the Virgo Cluster;
See also
Andromeda; Milky Way
SS 433 (binary system); glossary description
Stars: in the bulge of the Milky Way; condensed out Orion Nebula molecular clouds; cores of; elements of; in elliptical galaxies; formation of; formation of in the Magellanic Clouds; formation of near Trapezium Cluster; hot; Kapteyn and; merging of; Milky Way black hole and; orbital motions and; in the Orion arm; spherical shape and; spiral arms and; SS 433 companion; in the Trapezium Cluster;
Betelgeuse; Blue supergiants;
Neutron stars; Protostars; Pulsars; Red giants; Red Supergiants
Stellar bars
Sulfur: incipient to super novae; Trapezium stars and
Sun, the; in comparison to Betelgeuse; description of vicinity of; fueling of; gravity v. motion; helium and; the Orion arm and; winds of;
See also
Solar System, the
Superbubbles; definition
Supernova: Crab Nebula and; definition; interstellar dust and
Supernova 1987A (reenactment): the core incipient to explosions; explosion of; iron and; speed of debris from initial blast; supergiant's change of color from red to blue
Synchrotron radiation: Crab Nebula and; definition; magnetic fields and
Tarantula Nebula; glossary description
Temperature; Betelgeuse and; of blue supergiant Supernova 1987A; in center of the Milky Way; color and; core of self-sustaining newly formed star; cores of stars and; at the corona of the Milky Way black hole; Crab II and; of Crab II neutron star; dust and; of gas in M87; of gas knots in star formation; interstellar clouds and, molecular clouds and; nuclear reactions and; planet formation and; of red supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center; Supernova 1987A and; in vicinity of the Sun;
See also
Texas Symposium
Thermonuclear fusion.
Nuclear reactions
Tidal force
Time; age of clusters near Trapezium. Cluster; of coagulation process in planet formation; and density of neutrinos incipient to Supernova 1987A; half-life of cobalt and Supernova 1987A and; half-life of nickel and Supernova 1987A and; life of stars in center of the Milky Way
Time dilation
Trapezium Cluster (stellar); atoms and; glossary description; winds of stars
Trifid Nebula
Ultraviolet rays: Dumbbell Nebula and; planetary nebulae and; and red supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center; Ring Nebula and; Supernova 1987A and
Universe, the: Copernican Principle and; gravity and; hierarchical structure in
Uranium, atomic weight
Velocities: aging and; of dust particles in planet formation; of electrons in a synchrotron; of galaxies in the Virgo Cluster; of matter at black holes; of matter in jets of SS 433; of stars near central mass of the Milky Way; of winds from stars in the Trapezium Cluster
Virgo Cluster (galactic); glossary description; interactions of galaxies with hot gas; velocities of galaxies;
See also
M49; M87
W50 (SS 433 cavity)
Water: in molecular clouds; planet formation and
Waves and quantum mechanics
White dwarfs; definition; degeneracy and; red supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center as; supernovae and
Winds (stellar): on Betelgeuse; from blue supergiants; from Crab II neutron star; on red supergiant at Dumbbell Nebula's center; from red supergiants; Ring Nebula and; SS 433 and; from stars in the Trapezium Cluster; on the Sun; superbubbles and; Trapezium cluster and; in the Virgo Cluster
X-rays; black holes and; Crab II neutron star and; Cygnus X–1 and; in M87; neutron star of Crab II and; Supernova 1987A and
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eISBN : 978-0-465-01216-9
Copyright © 2000 by Mitchell Begelman
Previously Published by Perseus Publishing
Published by Basic Books, A Member of the Perseus Books Group
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