Turned and Taken (Packed 1 & 2)

BOOK: Turned and Taken (Packed 1 & 2)
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Titles by Alex Anders
Romantic Comedy
Box Sets
African American
M/M/F Threesome
Hot Cuckold
Erotic Romance
Alex Anders
RateABull Books
Published by
RateABull Publishing
Copyright © 2014

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Turned and Taken



Kylie looked over at her boyfriend’s face. The orange glow of the cabin lighting cast deep shadows on his face, though his teeth glowed in the moonlight as he smiled back at her. Kylie loved her boyfriend’s looks. He was the boy that she had always wanted, and she knew that he wanted her as well.

Kylie felt her almost naked body tingle as the sea breeze brushed by her. She was excited. They were going to be alone, and where they were going, they could do anything they wanted. Kylie loved being naked. She loved walking around naked, knowing that her boyfriend couldn’t take his eyes off of her. And they were headed for an island without a soul on it. They could be as naked for as long as they wanted to be.

Unable to stop herself, Kylie giggled.

“What?” Her boyfriend asked.

Kylie couldn’t help herself. She was completely aroused, and she was sure that her face was turning red. She could hardly stand to be in her bikini, so with the boat motoring its last few meters toward the shore, she stood up and walked toward its stern.

Her boyfriend slowed the boat and allowed the gentle waves to push the hull onto the sand. Kylie leaned forward with the impact and straightened up, turning toward her boyfriend.

With a big smile on her face, she reached behind her back and untied the strings of her teeny bikini. Letting the cloth fall onto the deck, she reached toward her waist. The last of the cloth hit the ground, and Kylie lifted her hands above her head, giving her boyfriend a full view.

Her boyfriend could barely move. He needed to throw the anchor onto shore, but the rush of blood out of his head and into his shorts was distracting him. But when he steps toward her and she giggled again and jumped overboard, he snapped out of it.

Kylie swam naked through the warm, dark water. She closed her eyes and felt the waves wash over her skin. It was seductive. She rolled onto her back and gently moved her arms, keeping afloat. The movement forced water to reach the engorged flesh between her legs. Her heart raced from the pleasure.

She wanted her boyfriend to take her right there as she floated. She needed to feel his rigidness penetrate her. She needed her back to arch and her legs to wrap around his ass. Her body trembled with need, and hearing the splash as her boyfriend jumped in after her, she knew she would get what she wanted.

As her boyfriend swam toward her, the excitement was almost too much. She wanted to run. She wanted to be chased. When caught, she wanted to be taken. When she heard the splashes in the dark water approach her feet, she spun herself upright, looked into his eyes, and waded toward the shore.

Kylie giggled again, knowing the chase was on. Her boyfriend laughed, joining in with the play. Exiting the water, the soft sand gave way under her feet. The grains pushed through her toes. As she headed toward the line of trees that framed the beach, her boyfriend grabbed her from behind. Laughing and squealing, both fell onto the sand, enjoying the feel of each other’s arms.

Her boyfriend’s firm lips pressed hard against hers. He was strong. She knew that she couldn’t move even if she wanted to. She pushed her hand down his smooth young, body feeling the muscles on his back. She wanted him inside of her now. With his hard, naked flesh pressed against her stomach, she wiggled her hips, moving her swollen bean onto his hard shaft. He got the hint.

Kylie‘s lips pulled away from his as her back arched in pleasure. His tool was playing her engorged flesh like a cello. Her moans were music to his ears.

Each stroke got longer. When ridge of his head slipped past the tip of her clitoris and repositioned onto her folds, she squeaked. Breathless, she felt his large mass push into her. Unable to hold back, Kylie screamed into the breeze, knowing no one could hear her.

Slow at first, her boyfriend built up rhythm. He thrusted harder and harder. It was almost too much for her. Throwing her head from side to side was her only relief.

Kylie screamed into the air. She felt the electricity crawling up her legs, making its way to the center of her sex. Her eyes darted back and forth under her eyelids. Her toes wiggled and stretched preparing for clench. One of her arms held his back while the other dug into the sand at her side. His thrusts took her breath away.

Her boyfriend exhaled deeply. He was getting more aggressive. He moved his knees between her legs and pushed her thighs apart. Forcing her knees into the air, he let his groin slap against her swollen lips.

He pinned her wrists above her head and stared into her eyes. The ferocious energy he saw in hers were matched by his own. When he felt his skin tighten and his orgasm make its way through the channels from his loins, he could do nothing to stop it.

Kylie‘s mind floated as her orgasm exploded. She wailed in pleasure. Her breathing stopped and time stood still.

It was then that she saw it. It had to be a dog, but it wasn’t quite right. Its snout was longer, and it eyes were blue, almost human rather than canine. The way it stared down at her almost in lust made her want to scream.

Kylie now lost her breath from fear. She couldn’t think. Her orgasm still gripped her. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move. As the creature looked toward her unsuspecting boyfriend, crouched, and sprung at him, she could do nothing but watch.

Her boyfriend never said a word. His screams from his orgasm masked any other feelings he might have had. When he went silent and her voice returned, she looked up to see that that creature wasn’t alone.

The whites of their eyes hunted her as they circled her. This time, it was utter fear that silenced her. When the blue-eyed creature turned its attention toward her, she knew what it was: a wolf.

None of this made any sense. No wolves lived on deserted islands in the Bahamas. Yet they were here, and she was about to die.




Chapter 1


Sakina sat in the backseat of her mother’s minivan with disgust painted over every inch of her body. She couldn’t believe how much her mother hated her. Although her mother had never said it outright, there could be no other explanation.

Saki had grown up in the Bahamas. She was never a popular kid. Compared to the other children, she was too heavy, too smart, and too energetic. Saki considered her energy passion, but this perspective didn’t make her childhood any easier.

She had made it through elementary school, though. She ended it with two best friends, and the boy she wanted. Considering how everything was at home, she had been okay with her life, even with twin sisters she referred to as the “evil-step twins,” despite their shared parents.

It didn’t last. Her mother, who raised her and her twin sisters, met a man and followed him back to North Carolina: North Carolina. Saki was forced to leave her friends and start junior high in a culture where she didn’t know the rules.

Starting her social life over was an almost unsurmountable task. At her new school, she was the tall, heavy, 12-year-old girl with a strange accent and annoying personality. No one wanted to be friends with her.

It took Saki forever to find her new best friend and even longer to find the niche that she and her new best friend fit into. She did it, though. Years of persistence landed her on the school’s yearbook committee and in the school’s choir and band.

She didn’t like music, and she couldn’t care less about preserving memories for a high school full of people who made her life hell. But it helped her fit in.

Saki swore her senior year would be her ultimate triumph. After years of hard work, she was going to be near the top of the social ladder. She couldn’t compete with the football players and cheerleaders, but she now had her place. She was going to make the best of the opportunity.

It all came to a halt the day that she and the twins arrived home from school to find her mother packing all their belongings, interrupted only by moments of hysterical crying. Her mother informed them they would be returning to their childhood home in the Bahamas and would never be coming back. So two weeks into her senior year, Saki got onto another plane, contemplating how she had to restart her life again.

Saki looked across the minivan at Tweedledum, another nickname she had for her sisters. Tweedledum was looking out the side window. Tweedledummer was sitting in the front seat, quietly watching the car pass through the school gates.

No one spoke. Their mother, who was known for her mood swings, already had an outburst when one of the twins expressed disapproval. If that was how her mother was going to respond to her sister’s objections, Saki dared not share her own.

The one saving grace was she would be attending school with the boy of her childhood dreams. She had often thought about Clint. She wondered about how his body had transformed. As the years went by without anything to dissuade her, she pictured him as perfection incarnate. Despite all the horrible things happening, she would at least reconnect with the guy who she would certainly spend the rest of her life with.

The minivan made its way down the last few feet of the hill surrounding the school. Turning toward the window, Saki looked across the basketball court at the large track. It was just as she remembered it. She had always been afraid of this place. It had a reputation of being a tough school, academically and socially. The school created as many community leaders as it did thugs. Having read the book as a child, she pictured it as a real life
Lord of the Flies
. Only, in this version, her head would end up on the pike.

As the minivan slowed in front of the administration building, Saki scanned every face, looking for Clint. She knew his freckled face and the dark hair would stand out from the other students. The school didn’t have many white kids, 20 or so out of 150 kids in her grade at most. She wasn’t sure whether she and her evil step-twins would be considered part of that group, but it didn’t matter to her anyway.

As Saki got out of the minivan, she spotted him. Clint was just as she imagined. His body and face had slimmed down. To Saki’s surprise, a thin wisp of mustache undercut his boyishness.

Seeing him in the first moments of her new life was a sign. Perhaps everything was going to be all right after all. Saki‘s spirit rose.

“Clint!” She yelled exiting the minivan. “Clint!”

When Clint turned toward Saki, their eyes met. Her body immediately tingled. She had thought about him so much and in such intimate detail that her 18-year-old body yearned for him. So when Clint turned toward the guy standing next to him and abruptly walked away, Saki froze in her tracks.

“That bastard!” Saki said, loud enough for those around her to hear.

“Watch your language, Sakina.” Her mother ordered.

Saki turned to her mother, who had focused her attention on the administration building. “But you don’t understand. I know that guy.” Saki searched for words to explain her disappointment. She was devastated. How could she put it into words?

“Shut up, and let’s get this over with,” her mother said, leaving the girls behind.

Yep, she really is a horrible mother
, Saki thought.

Saki hung back as the twins followed their mother. She took a better look at her new surroundings. In front of her, all of the cider brick buildings were aligned in rows with quads and walkways connecting them. Three rows were directly in front of her, and in the distance, two more were lined up on the lower campus.

Coconut trees and flowering plants were scattered throughout. All of the grass was well-manicured, and students were everywhere. All of the students wore white shirts, and most wore black shoes. The girls wore blue plaid skirts while the boys wore solid green slacks.

Saki entered the administration building to find her family gathered at the counter. Trying to stay as far away from them as possible, she found a seat at the opposite corner of the large empty room. She sat and waited quietly, observing the students as they entered and left.

One person immediately caught her eye. He had to be one of those thugs-in-the-making that the school was famous for. He was tall and had a deep tan that could just be his ethnicity. He had wavy black hair and a look of disgust on his face rivalling her own.

Unlike most of the other kids, he entered the waiting room from the hallway that led to the administrative offices. Instead of immediately heading for the door, he found a seat next to Saki and sat down.

Saki‘s heart raced. He scared her, but she had to admit he had something exciting about him as well. She had never hung out with bad kids, but something about this guy made her think he wasn’t as bad as he seemed. Saki was caught staring at him when he turned and looked directly into her eyes.

“What?” He said in a rich, seductive tone.

Saki couldn’t speak and was actually grateful when she heard her mother’s shrill voice.


Saki joined her family at the counter. The administrative assistant wanted to give her a class schedule. Saki reached for it, only half paying attention. When she thought it was safe to turn around again, she looked back for the bad boy. To her disappointment, he had gone.

Once Saki got her schedule and homeroom location, she stepped back and waited for the twins. They looked a little frightened at the fact they’d been separated into different classes. Although Saki didn’t doubt their feelings, she felt irked by their display. It was like they were putting on a show for everyone. As usual, their mom was sucked into their performance, throwing her arms around them both.

Saki couldn’t take a moment more. Sucking her teeth, showing her disgust, she headed out.

“Aren’t you going to say goodbye?” She heard her mother ask.

Saki turned around and stared at the trio. All three of them could go to hell as far as she cared. Together, they were Tweedledum, Tweedledummer, and the mother.

“Bye,” she said, rolling her eyes and leaving the room.

As Saki stepped outside, she wondered how hard this life experience would be. The one person she knew had already rejected her, and she’d never been good at making friends.

At once, the weight of it hit her, and she was only awakened by the sound of the school bell. She took a last look around. She noted the pond that was across the street from the admin building. She looked back up the hill at the school’s monastery. It was all impressive but also intimidating.

When Saki heard the administration building’s doors open behind her, she started toward her homeroom. She examined everything: the flagpole-sized cross with concrete benches around it that stood at the beginning of the path toward the first quad; the classroom windows with metal shutters and no screens; and the way the cider brick buildings visually separated the classrooms from the outside with 1-foot wide white lines. Having grown up in this country, it all felt familiar to her. At the same time, it was all foreign.

The kids were all already filing into their homerooms when Saki found the row of classes that contained hers. She stood on the outside of her row staring down the sidewalk at the mob of kids. They didn’t look friendly. Her heart pounded, and she felt herself lose her breath. She was ready to turn around and walk home if it meant not having to do this again. She was about to do it when something shiny caught her eye in the grass.

Looking closer, it appeared to be a charm or medallion. She looked back up the row of classes to see if anyone else had seen it. No one was paying any attention. Although everyone was avoiding walking on the grass, she stepped over, squatted and slipped the metal between her fingers.

She looked at it. It was about 2 inches in diameter, round, and had a green gem in the center of it. Surrounding the gem were a series of etchings. She couldn’t tell what they were. One of them almost looked like a dog and another looked like a human. All the ones in between looked like imaginary creatures. It certainly looked valuable.

“Young lady,” an older male voice said, snapping her out of her observations. Saki looked up and found a dark-skinned bearded man wearing the typical teacher attire of a buttoned-up short-sleeve shirt and dress pants. “Get off the grass.”

Saki slid the medallion into her palm and did as he said.

The teacher didn’t wait for her to return to the sidewalk before continuing on his way. Saki followed behind him, eventually realizing they were both headed to the same place. She had hoped to make a better first impression on her new homeroom teacher than breaking a school rule in front of him.

Waiting at the classroom door for students to enter, the teacher turned around and saw Saki. “Are you my new student?”

“I guess.”

The teacher conspicuously looked her up and down and offered a stilted chuckle. Saki couldn’t understand why. Without a further word, he turned around and entered the classroom. Saki followed.

Saki entered her homeroom and found a combination of items both foreign and familiar. It had the usual things like the chalkboard and the bulletin boards around the room. However, all of it was hanging on unpainted concrete blocks. The metal pane windows were open, and two ceiling fans circulated the increasingly muggy morning air.

The students were also a mixture of foreign and familiar. The faces and uniforms looked similar to all of the students she had seen walking to and from the school as a child. They all looked very Bahamian. The girls had braided pigtails and permed hair, while the boys looked rough, sitting in their chairs with attitude. Like everywhere else in the Bahamas, all of the kids were a multitude of shades between black and white.

Out of the classroom of 30 people, though, two groups stood out. At the center of one of them was the bad boy she had seen in the administrative office. Saki‘s heart clenched upon seeing him again. He looked even more intimidating with one girl and three guys corralling around his desk. He had seen her enter and was staring her down.

He wasn’t the only one with his eyes focused on her. The other pair belonged to the fair-skinned blonde boy on one side of the room. The four boys surrounding him all looked similar.

These kids all wore designer white shirts, whereas every other student wore the cheap white uniform shirts that were sold at any school uniform store. On top of that, the sleeves of their short-sleeved shirts were rolled up, and their straight hair was slicked back. Instead of black uniform shoes, they wore beige boat shoes. All of them looked like they had stepped out of a cologne commercial.

“Settle down everyone,” the teacher said, bringing the rabble to a din. “This is a new student.” The teacher began wading through his paperwork. “I’m sorry, what’s your name?”

“Sakina. But you can call me Saki,” she said to the class.

“Your full name, dear.”

Saki looked back at the teacher, convinced that he should have known that information. “Sakina Lightbourn.”

“Everyone make Sakina feel welcome.”

Saki scanned the young faces. They weren’t very welcoming. She looked for an open seat. The only one was the center desk in the front row. She looked at the teacher for instruction. He stretched out his hand pointing at the seat. Saki slithered into the chair, wondering if she could possibly have a worse seat.

Saki could feel all of the eyes in the room staring at her. She hated her mother for this moment. Why couldn’t she just have finished out her senior year in North Carolina? Or why did she have to move them in the first place? She didn’t understand any of it. But stuck where she was, it was time for her to sink or swim.

Once the morning announcements began over the PA system, the rabble of student voices returned. She felt a sense of relief. Looking over her left shoulder, she examined the group against the wall, who had to be the cool kids. They were all good-looking, but the one in the center was especially so. He looked like a model. His face was narrow and his body was lean. He moved with authority and the other four boys seemed to hang on his every word.

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