Twelve Nights (17 page)

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Authors: Carole Remy

BOOK: Twelve Nights
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“It’s chilly.”

“Another scotch will keep me warm.”

Richard took the hint and poured her another drink. He
brought the glass and her coat. She shrugged into the jacket then took the
scotch. He opened the glass door and led her outside. The view to the mountains
was stunning. The office was on the opposite side of the building from the
seashore and looked out over the tops of other buildings past a vast expanse of
dark forest toward a lighted slope.

“Skiing?” Angela asked. She walked to the railing and
Richard followed.

“Grouse Mountain,” he explained.

“It looks like the Rainier R,” Angela commented. The lighted
slope was shaped almost exactly like the beer symbol.

“I’ve always thought they should use it in an
advertisement,” Richard agreed.

“Do you like me?” Angela turned to face him.


Angela nodded. Their faces were almost touching as they
instinctively huddled for warmth in the chill breeze.

“Yes.” The word was almost a caress.

“Even though I’m cold?” Angela reminded him of his earlier
comment. Her body edged closer to his.

“You weren’t cold the other night when you blew up,” Richard
reminded her. “I’m not very hot-blooded myself. Jimmy is though.”

“You and I; Jimmy and Aggie,” Angela whispered under her


“Nothing,” she smiled. “It’s beautiful out here.”

Angela looked up into Richard’s eyes. She saw a confused
attraction. He wanted her. He knew she wanted him. And he was thinking about

“I think I should go,” she said.

“Yes,” he agreed heartily. “You should.”

They went back inside and Angela put her untouched drink on
a side table. Richard called for a taxi.

“Thank you.” She held out her hand. Richard took it between
both his and held on.

“For what?”

“For the drink and the view,” Angela smiled. “For being

Richard released her hand and walked in front of her to the
elevator. They descended silently.

“Aggie,” Richard began as the elevator doors opened.

Angela touched his lips with one finger.

“Shh,” she whispered and kissed him on the cheek.

She smiled to herself as she climbed into the cab. Life was
still complicated, but suddenly the view seemed a lot more beguiling.

The next morning dawned drizzly and gray and found Angela
heaving over the toilet bowl. A sympathetic Mary consoled her that it was
probably just a twenty-four hour flu. Angela didn’t care. Her optimism of the
evening fled down the swirling drain with what she feared was the lining of her
stomach. When her sister squeezed her shoulder in reassurance, she didn’t even
get the message.



Jimmy didn’t hold out much hope for the coming encounter.
Richard had been right; putting an ad in the paper had been a stupid idea.
Still, he waited in the lobby of the apartment building at six o’clock, feeling
foolish but clinging to a shred of anticipation. The young woman who stepped
from the cab looked as perfect as always. Jimmy had come to distrust the
perfection and looked for even the least crack in the beautiful armor. He found

“Okay,” he greeted the smiling woman. “Come on upstairs.”

“Jimmy?” The voice was tentative. He stopped in the lobby
and turned to face her. She began again. “Jimmy, I have an apology to make. I
know you haven’t been happy with me, but tonight I want to make everything up
to you.”

“All right,” Jimmy decided on the moment. If she wanted to
prostitute herself, he wouldn’t stop her. The Aggie he wanted was a figment of
his middle-aged imagination. Tonight he would settle for the look-alike. He
turned back toward the elevator. “Tonight we’ll make up for lost time.”

When they arrived at the apartment, Jimmy was surprised when
the woman walked straight into his library. By the time he caught up with her,
she was running her hand along a row of seventeenth century leather bound

“Chaucer,” she intoned reverently.

He felt like that himself and smiled despite himself. She
caught his eye and smiled back.

“I love your library. Do you have an original Samuel Johnson

“Yes,” he admitted, hope rising. She was beginning to sound
like Aggie.

“I’ve been looking for one forever for my branch in
Cincinnati. The closest I’ve found is an 1832 revised edition and I can’t
afford even that.”

“You can buy a lot with a hundred twenty thousand dollars,”
Jimmy reminded her.

She looked startled.

“I suppose I can,” she agreed. She turned with obvious
reluctance from the books. She seemed to draw up courage with a deep breath.
“But this isn’t what you’re paying me for, is it?”

Jimmy wanted to argue with her, to hold this fleeting
glimpse of the woman he dreamed about here in the library where she might not
try to escape. But she walked past him toward the bedroom as he stood rooted to
the polished hardwood floor. One more test, he decided. The Aggie at lunch had
told Richard she didn’t want to try discipline, while the one of the bedroom
had seemed to enjoy it. He would see how the young woman entering his bedroom
reacted to the threat of a spanking.

When Jimmy saw her standing mute beside his bed, he almost
decided not to proceed, to instead woo her as a shy bride. But no, this woman
had the hands of a pro.

“Take off your clothes,” he demanded, his voice harsher than
he intended.

She jumped. Then she turned her back as she had the first
night and began to remove her sweater and skirt. Her simple movements made no
attempt to seduce him and Jimmy found himself bewitched all the more. When his
fingers touched her back to unhook her bra, she stepped forward out of his
reach and undid the fastening herself. Last, she slid her sheer silk panties to
the floor. Jimmy wallowed in the sensuous curve of her hip, the delicate
calves, even the arch of her slender neck. Still he didn’t touch her.

“Turn around,” he muttered, his voice hoarse.

“I can’t,” she admitted. She tried to laugh. “I’m sorry, but
I really can’t.”

She had given Jimmy the perfect opening.

“I’ll spank you for your disobedience.”

Her reaction was all he could have imagined and more. She
whirled toward him and almost caught him off guard with her fist as he gazed at
her perfect beauty. He caught her wrist at the last moment. Then she wrenched
back out of his grasp.

“You touch me and you’ll never touch anyone again,” she

Jimmy backed up and held out his hands placatingly.

“You liked it the other night,” he reminded her.

“I pretended to. You won’t touch me again.”

She stood with balled fists hugging her hips and Jimmy’s
eyes were drawn to the thick thatch of auburn curls that nestled between her legs.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he breathed out on a sigh.

The fight drained out of her as swiftly as it had arisen.
She was a tsunami, dreadful in its force but quickly spent. Jimmy waited
cautiously for the backwash. She looked into his eyes and suddenly laughed.

“You got what you wanted, didn’t you,” she chuckled. “I
turned around.”

They stared at each other.

“Well, are you just going to look, are you going to get
naked and have some fun?”

Jimmy didn’t need a second invitation. By some miracle, the
enchanting woman he had met with his brother had finally returned. She stood
naked before him and challenged him to love her. Jimmy stripped off his clothes
under her watchful eye. He wished he had kept up his jogging. Her body was
incredible and his was … well, a lot less than perfect. Still, she didn’t seem
to mind. Her eyes grew large when he stripped off his underwear. His cock
swayed full and ready, but her eyes remained riveted to his prize possessions.

“Would you like to touch?” he teased.

She took him up on his offer and hefted his balls in her

“Impressive,” she commented. “Let’s see what you can do with

Somehow her suggestive humor felt real to Jimmy, not
professional. He picked her up and dumped her on the bed.

“Be careful what you wish for, strumpet.”

“Hoist the galliard!” she rejoined.

“I think you mean the petard, wench. The galliard is a

“Whatever,” she agreed and opened her arms and legs.

Jimmy fell down between her open legs and lowered himself
above her.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“Try me,” she smiled.

Jimmy pulled back in dismay and the woman frowned. He had
almost forgotten to use a condom. She smiled as he pulled a reef of rubbers
from the bedside drawer. As she unrolled one down his ripe cock with eager
seduction, Jimmy groaned. His frustration eased as he again lowered himself
above her.

“No preliminaries?” he asked. He didn’t want to rush her.

“Let’s eat dessert first,” she suggested.

Her hand found his straining cock and guided it toward her
opening. His entry was sure and swift down her slick slope. He moaned and
moisture sheened his eyes as he slid deep home. He looked down and saw echoing
tears in her eyes.

“Aggie,” he whispered.

She nodded as a lone teardrop drifted down her cheek. Jimmy
kissed the salty spot where it landed and then closed his eyes and relaxed into
her soft depths. His Aggie lifted her legs and wrapped them tightly around him.
Her hands found his shoulders and gripped him hard. Jimmy began slowly, giving
her time to adjust to his pace. Her hips rose and fell with his movement and
soon her vagina squeezed once, tentatively.

“Yes,” Jimmy groaned.

Aggie squeezed again. They soon found a pace that suited
both and he rode her like a beloved racehorse, coaxing her gently with his cock
and then spurring her with hard deep thrusts. Soon she began to make noise,
half moan, half croon. The lullaby urged Jimmy on and he rode her faster and
harder. She matched his pounding and her crooning became a cry of first release
and Jimmy felt her vagina tighten and pulse around him. He was beyond conscious
effort to hold back and he pounded vigorously unheeding into her throbbing
cavity. Miraculously she screamed out just as he came and his moan mingled with
her cry and he felt their hearts entwine.

“You’re mine, Aggie,” he groaned into her ear. “Mine.”

“Yes,” she gasped.

Jimmy felt his cock begin to wilt. He expected to be
disappointed but felt instead only blessed relief. This is what he had needed,
this is what he had striven for again and again. This perfect joining of soul touching
soul. He felt completed and the driving urge to mindlessly copulate over and
over abated with his exhaled breath. He lay still atop her then shifted so that
his weight eased off her slender frame.

“Don’t go yet,” she gasped. “I want to feel you inside me.”

Jimmy pulled her so that they lay on their sides, still
joined. He smoothed back her damp hair and kissed her forehead. He didn’t need
to ask if she had come, didn’t need to wonder whether she felt as incredible as
he did. He knew. Finally his limp cock slipped out of her and they rolled
apart. Her fingers found his and they lay back, side by side holding hands,

Eventually she roused herself and slid from the bed. She
eased the condom off his spent cock. A few moments later he heard the toilet
flush and then the running water of a shower. Did he have the energy to join
her? Jimmy pictured Aggie’s naked wet body under the hot spray and his cock
raised its head. He had the energy. They washed and teased and fondled and
aroused in the misty heat then returned still dripping to the bed.

“Will you let me eat you?” Jimmy asked.

“I’d love that,” Aggie admitted with no attempt at
reluctance. “Do you want me to do you too?”

“Later,” Jimmy suggested. “Let’s concentrate on one thing at
a time.”

He positioned her with her buttocks at the edge of the bed
and knelt between her legs.

“Take a pillow,” she advised.

Jimmy grinned and grabbed a pillow from the head of the bed.
Trust his Aggie to make sure he was comfortable. He resolved to bring her to so
many orgasms she lost count. He lifted her feet to his shoulders. Her knees
slid obligingly open and he kissed her soft still damp pubic curls.

“Natural,” she commented.

“Natural everything,” he murmured.

He lowered his head to her softness and parted the delicate
lips with gentle fingers. His tongue found her little bud of desire and flicked
it hard. She arched up into his mouth and immediately began the low crooning
moaning noises of arousal.

“Tell me what you like,” he lifted his head and requested.

“I like it all, everything you do,” she responded. “Do

He did. He squeezed and nipped and flicked and prodded until
Aggie writhed in prerelease beneath him. When her hips began to pump, he
latched his mouth hard to her throbbing and beautiful cunt and stroked
furiously with the tip of his tongue until she cried out and arched in a spasm
of joy. He dipped his finger into the viscous pool of her coming and dragged
the moisture up her labia to his eager lips. Bypassing the middleman he plunged
his tongue deep inside her and sucked at the sticky sweet healthy outpouring of
her juices. His tongue deep inside her brought her to a second orgasm and his
cock rose rigid as the hot flood entered his mouth.

“Come inside me,” she begged but he wasn’t done yet.

Jimmy lifted his head inches above Aggie’s crotch and
grasped her buttocks and squeezed hard. She arched up into his waiting mouth
with a cry of surprise that quickly turned into a scream of coming as he bit
and drove her now sensitive bud past agitation to fulfillment. As she came,
Jimmy slid a finger along the crack in her bottom and pressed against the
delicate opening to her anus. Though she arched up away from his hand she
screamed “Yes!” and Jimmy slid his finger inside her. Her orgasms were near
continuous now and her arms flopped like beached fish on the bed and her legs
and torso trembled unceasingly.

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