Twelve Nights (18 page)

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Authors: Carole Remy

BOOK: Twelve Nights
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Jimmy’s mouth clung to her flailing cunt with tenacious
vigor. He sucked the juices that surged from her vagina again and again until
the warm fluid began to fill him to unlooked for repletion. At last her arms
lay limp on the bed and her feet no longer trembled on his shoulders but fell
dangling toward the floor. Jimmy slid his finger from her backside as she
murmured a weak protest. He laid his head on her exhausted crotch and inhaled
the scent of her deep into his heart.

After a few moments, Jimmy rose and went to the bathroom.
When he returned she had not moved a muscle. The only skin that twitched with
his arrival was her smile.

“Hi, sweetheart,” he greeted her.

“Hey, handsome,” she returned.

He gently wiped away the remaining stickiness of Aggie’s
orgasms with a thick warm washcloth. She made no attempt to move, but let him
adjust her as he would. When she was clean, he lifted her legs onto the bed and
straightened her limbs.

“Get some sleep.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead. By
the time he lifted his head, her eyes were closed. Though deeply unconscious in
seconds, Aggie’s smile lingered as she slept.

Later Jimmy crept in beside her. Afraid he might wake her,
he slowly pulled up the blankets and lay carefully separate. Sometime later in
the night he awakened. His cock was rock hard and aching, almost throbbing. And
hot and wet. He looked at the unfamiliar bulge in the bedclothes. Then Aggie’s
mouth descended over his again and he groaned as the ecstasy almost overtook
him. He wanted to be conscious to enjoy this and he strained to hold back his
orgasm for a few more precious moments. Aggie didn’t make the task easy for
him. Her mouth molded around him like moving plaster and she sucked him not
expertly but with boundless enthusiasm. Jimmy jerked as her teeth bit in a
little too hard then jerked again when her hands found his buttocks and
squeezed. What’s good for the goose…

Jimmy lost conscious thought as his energy focused in the
glowing shaft that rose from his groin. Aggie’s tongue and teeth and lips and
fingers melding into one perfect milking machine that sucked the juices out of
him with relentless insistence. Jimmy yelled and arched up into her face as he
came. The suction loosed but her mouth remained fastened to his pumping cock as
his fluids jetted out. He tried to reach her to pull her head out of the way so
she wouldn’t drown but his hands became tangled in the blankets that twisted
between them.

At last he heard a choke and a gurgle, then a smiling head
poked reassuringly from the covers.

“Was that fun?” Aggie asked, a grin full of his cum spread
across her face.

“Come here, you,” Jimmy ordered and pulled her up into his
arms. I love you, he thought but couldn’t quite say.

Instead he wrestled with her until they ended up in a tangle
of bedclothes on the floor. Both exhausted, they fell asleep again where they
lay. Once again in the early morning hours they made love, this time quietly,
languidly, almost leisurely. Until the final moments when Aggie’s screams of
coming aroused them both to a frenzy. This time she came first and then again.
Jimmy held on as long as he could, savoring the delicious sensation of his full
cock pounding inside her pulsating womb. At last the power of her orgasms lured
him beyond the edge of reason, beyond trying, beyond caring and into that
orgasmic place where he found again the union that he craved.



“I’m going to Auburn,” Jimmy announced cheerfully.

“Good morning,” Richard greeted his employer as he stepped
into Jimmy’s office. “Auburn?”

“There’s something funny in Aggie’s background. If I’m going
to help her, I have to know what it is.”

“The private detective didn’t turn up anything. The father
moved after the mother died and the girls never lived with him there.”

“I’ll find something,” Jimmy stated confidently.

“You seem chipper this morning,” Richard commented.

Jimmy grinned. “Never was one to kiss and tell.”

“That good, eh?” Richard teased.

“I want you to take Aggie out tonight. Give her a night on
the town.”

“I’m sure she’d rather be with you.” Richard’s thoughts fled
to the interview with Aggie in his office, her closeness on the terrace, her
soft kiss to his cheek. He shook his head to clear the memory.

“I’ll be in Auburn,” Jimmy reminded him. “I’m leaving in
twenty minutes for the airport. I’ll fly back either late tonight or early

“Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?” Richard
asked. He felt reluctant to see Aggie again, especially after her obviously
intimate night with Jimmy.

“Stay here and take care of Aggie for me.”

Richard could see no way out and agreed to squire the young
woman around for the evening. He returned to his office torn between loyalty
and anticipation. Loyalty won. Richard banished all thoughts of long legs and
tousled auburn hair. He wouldn’t think about gray eyes and high firm breasts.
Wouldn’t imagine soft lips against his cheek. He told his secretary to reserve
tickets for the
Phantom of the Opera
at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre and to make a reservation at a small Mexican
restaurant a block away. The key was to stay in public, to avoid any private
moments or conversations.

The evening began better than he had feared. Aggie seemed
less reluctant than he had anticipated to accept his escort instead of Jimmy’s.
She was dressed in a long slim black skirt and a dark gray silk blouse, fine
for the theater. After he explained the change of plans, they climbed back into
the cab and headed downtown.

The small restaurant was a favorite of Richard’s. He
appreciated the cozy atmosphere, unobtrusive waiters and excellent Mexican
cuisine. Aggie suggested that he order for both of them. They started with
ensalada de calabacitas, a spicy zucchini and chili pepper salad with feta
cheese. Halfway through the salad, Richard sidled toward the image that had
disrupted his concentration all day.

“Jimmy was a happy man this morning, Aggie.” He hoped his
smile looked sincere.

Aggie’s eyes seemed stuck to her fork as she lifted it
toward her mouth. She shrugged almost as though Jimmy’s happiness didn’t
interest her. Could she possibly be that cold? Then she looked up into
Richard’s eyes and the impression of coldness vanished. The eyes were alive with
heat and confusion and attraction. He would have sworn she was looking
affectionately, almost lovingly, at him.

“I’m glad,” she said simply, her face solemn.

Richard attacked his salad. He hardly tasted the main course
of nopalitos con carne de puerco y chile verde, cactus with pork and green
chile. Aggie seemed unaffected by his reticence and asked him questions about
his work, obviously working to draw him out, to charm him. Richard tried to
keep his armor up, but her smile penetrated his cynicism. She couldn’t be both
so heartless and yet so warm. By dessert he admitted his defeat. She had won
him over. Whatever her game, he was prepared to play it.

Aggie’s reaction to the sticky sweet pastel de pecana, a
pecan cake with honey glaze, turned the rest of the meal into a subtle
seduction. She lifted the first bite to her mouth and as the taste hit, her
expression turned inward in bliss. Richard imagined her beneath him, eyes
glazed in satiation. As her lips opened eagerly for the next morsel, he felt her
draw his tongue into her mouth as his lips pressed hard into hers.

Richard’s fork clattered to the table. Aggie smiled
knowingly and picked it up. She speared a bite of his cake and raised it to his
mouth. She teased him with the sweet-filled fork, just brushing his lips.
Richard’s mouth lunged and captured the bite of cake as Aggie grinned. Richard
struggled to return to his senses.

“What are you doing?” His voice came out hoarse.

“Nothing,” Aggie teased.

Richard tried to remind himself that she had spent the last
night with his boss, his friend. That Jimmy was crazy about her. But all he
could see were her lust-filled eyes. She wanted him and intended to have him.
Somehow he had changed from escort to prey. They would skip the theater and he
would take her to the nearest hotel room. In the morning he would apologize to
Jimmy and resign as his employee. And marry the woman across the table and live
happy and penniless for the rest of their lives. Penniless. Richard stood

“We need to go,” he growled. He understood now where the
gruffness in Jimmy’s voice came from.

Aggie stood silently and walked in front of him toward the
entrance to the restaurant. He wouldn’t look at her, Richard resolved. At least
her back was turned so he couldn’t see those amazing eyes. He wouldn’t watch
the hips that swayed gently as she walked down the aisle ahead of him. The
waiter handed Aggie her coat and she passed it on to Richard. Her shoulders
weren’t slender and sleek beneath his hands. Her breath wasn’t warm on his
cheek as she turned in his arms. Richard stepped back.

“Thank you.” Aggie spoke softly.

She reached for his arm as they exited the restaurant. The
block-long walk to the theater became an exercise in self-control. So far
Richard had managed to restrain his ripening erection to half-cock. What would
happen in the dark theater, with her perfume in his head and her shoulder
brushing his?

“Have you seen
before?” Aggie asked as she settled into the seat.

Richard watched her bottom wiggle itself to comfort. The
curve of her left breast swelled into his view as he sat to her right. Better
to keep his eyes straight ahead.

“No,” he answered her. “Have you?”

“No,” she smiled. “I’ve always wanted to. This is such a

She hugged his arm then leaned back as the overture began,
leaving their arms entwined. She slid her hand into his. He squeezed her
fingers in automatic response. By the time the chandelier fell, his arm was
around her shoulders and her elbow pressed comfortably against his ribs.
Richard hardly heard the rest of the show.

They held hands as they waited for the cab. Inside, Aggie
leaned into him.

“Try not to worry too much,” she advised him.

Richard rubbed his forehead with his free hand.

“I feel like I’m betraying Jimmy,” he confessed.

“You’re not,” Aggie said firmly. “Can you trust me?”

“Probably not,” Richard grinned. “But at the moment, I don’t

He directed the driver to take them to the Waterfront Hotel.
He registered for a room as Aggie stood a pace behind his shoulder. She took his
arm again as they walked to the bank of elevators.

“This will change everything,” Richard said as they waited.
“You can still back out.”

“So can you,” Aggie reminded him.

But he couldn’t.

Richard lifted Aggie and carried her over the threshold of
the room. She began to remove his clothes even as he still held her. He kicked
the door shut and set her on her feet. By now his tie was around her neck and
his shirt in a puddle on the floor. Aggie slid her hand inside the front of his
pants. She grasped his now upright cock and squeezed. Richard groaned and began
to pull at her clothing. She stepped back a pace, though her hand still kept a
tight grip on his manhood.

“What’s the kinkiest thing you ever wanted to do?” she

Richard groaned. His arms fell limp to his sides.

“I haven’t,” he began. “I don’t…I’m …”

Aggie squeezed and his attempt at apology fled.

“I can’t tell you,” he blurted.

Aggie squeezed harder.

“Tell me,” she coaxed.

“I always wanted to tie somebody up,” Richard admitted. The
fantasy seemed bizarre under the circumstances. Aggie was clearly in charge.

“We’ll try it both ways,” Aggie agreed.

Both ways? Richard let himself be led by the cock to the
bedside. Aggie pushed him down onto his back. When she released his cock and
climbed astride his chest, Richard felt first abandoned and then submissive.
She tied his hands together above his head. He could easily have stopped her,
but her eyes held him more captive than the flimsy silk.

“Leave your arms above your head,” she ordered. He felt no
urge to disobey.

She climbed off him and lifted first one leg and then the
other, loosening and removing his shoes and socks. Then without touching his
now pulsing cock, she unzipped him and pulled off pants and underwear. Richard
lay naked before her fully dressed form and felt mastered, controlled. He loved
it. He waited for Aggie to strip for him but somehow wasn’t surprised when she

“Don’t move,” she warned him.

Still without touching him with her hands, she lowered her
mouth over his crotch. Her lips touched him first with a kiss as light as the
one to his cheek. His cock bobbed up toward her. She kissed him again lightly
and he groaned.

“Shh,” she whispered.

Her mouth lowered and this time she took the full length of
him inside her. Richard lifted his hips thrusting and brought his hands down to
steady her head. She lifted her mouth off him.

“You have to hold still,” she ordered. “Don’t move your hips
and leave your arms above your head.”

“I don’t think I can.”

“You can.”

Aggie waited while he slowly lowered his backside and raised
his arms. She leaned toward his armpit and nipped him sharply. The bite stung
and then spread to his nipple and down to his groin. Richard’s arms lifted
involuntarily but lowered as Aggie’s eyes commanded. He gave himself into her
hands. More accurately, he found, he gave himself over to her mouth. She took
the full length of him inside her and slowly tightened her cheeks. Richard
groaned and fought to still the automatic pumping of his hips.

Then her lips and tongue and teeth went wild over him. He
strained against his upright arms and pulled his hips down to the bed in
obedience. The dual control and release were a powerful aphrodisiac. Her mouth
teased and squeezed and tormented his cock and the aching grew in his belly until
he knew he must explode. His hips rocked and her hands pinned him and the fluid
built inside him until he must let go, he must.

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