Twelve Nights (22 page)

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Authors: Carole Remy

BOOK: Twelve Nights
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He pounced onto the bed above her.

“How do you want me?” he asked.

“Any way you want,” she replied.

He pulled the sweater up over her head and kissed her
breasts through the lacy bra.

“Do you want to try something different?”

“Probably,” Aggie agreed tentatively. “Like what?”

He eased the short skirt down off her hips and kissed her
pubic mound through the black silk panties. He looked both eager and hesitant.

“Spit it out,” Aggie told him. “I can always say no.”

Jimmy almost absently pulled off her panties and sat her up
to unhook her bra. When she sat naked on the bed, he still didn’t speak. Aggie
pulled him down to lie on the bed and snuggled into his arms.

“Whisper in my ear,” she told him. He did. Her logical
librarian brain said an emphatic no, but the limbic emotional brain was closer
to her mouth.

“All right,” she agreed.

“Have you ever done it before?” Jimmy asked out loud.

“No,” she admitted.

“But you’ve thought about it?”

She nodded.

“I want you to have an orgasm first,” Jimmy offered. “It’ll relax

“I never turn down a free orgasm, “ Aggie smiled.

Jimmy arranged himself between her spread legs and lowered
his mouth to her crotch.

“You smell so good,” he murmured.

“I taste good, too,” Aggie reminded him.

He lowered his mouth obediently and supped. Within a very
few moments Aggie crested the peak of the first orgasm. She waited for the
stimulation to continue, knowing the second would be sharper and more full. But
Jimmy lifted his head.

“One more?” she asked, suddenly nervous.

Jimmy sat her up on the bed and put his hands on her

“We don’t have to.”

“I know,” Aggie agreed. Now that the moment was here, she
wanted to continue. The opportunity might not come again. “Let’s do it.”

“It may be painful the first time,” he warned her.

She nodded. Just get on with it.

“I think you’ll like it eventually.” Was he trying to
convince himself?

“Just put your dick in my ass,” she ordered.

Jimmy smiled.

“I’ll stop if you tell me to,” he offered.

Aggie climbed off the bed and found his necktie. She wrapped
it twice around her head and over her mouth.

“Argle, agguu,” she tried.

Her voice was unrecognizable. Good. She trusted Jimmy more
than her own resolution. She didn’t want the chance to back out. Jimmy looked
out of his mind. Her self-gagging obviously aroused him tremendously. He
positioned her kneeling at the edge of the bed facing in. He walked into the
bathroom. When he returned, he stood behind her and placed his hands on her

“Bend down,” he ordered.

Aggie was hot and wet and throbbing with anticipation. How
much would it hurt? Hurt like ‘ow’ or like childbirth? She leaned her forehead
onto the bed so that her ass stood up like an invitation.

“I’ll use my fingers first,” Jimmy told her.

She heard the snap of what she thought must be rubber
gloves. Her stomach turned. One well greased finger rimmed her asshole. Mmm.
This part felt good. It slid inside. She jerked forward but Jimmy’s other hand
held her steady. Though it felt strange, the finger didn’t hurt. She remember
their other night of love and Jimmy’s finger up her ass. She had liked it, had
been aroused by the invasion. Somehow the present touch seemed more clinical,
less intimate. Jimmy slid the finger up and down inside her. Her muscles
tightened involuntarily and she tried to breathe slowly and relax. Nothing
hurt. It was just strange. He slid his finger out.

“Two now,” he warned her.

The pressure was more with the double entry and again Aggie
jerked forward. Two was more than twice one, she would swear. Still the
sensation was more fullness than pain.

“Keep breathing,” Jimmy advised, and she tried. At last she
felt her buttock muscles ease. As she relaxed, Jimmy’s motion reached through
the wall of her anus toward her vagina. She gasped and waited for the next
thrust. This wasn’t so bad. After several moments, Jimmy again eased his
fingers from her bottom. Time for the real thing?

“I’m going to stroke you with a small dildo,” Jimmy said.

She felt a hard pressure even as he said the words. He
didn’t give her time to adjust, to think, to get scared. He pushed again hard
and she jerked forward in earnest. This was a small dildo? It felt like the
Rock of Gibraltar. It was thicker and much longer than his fingers. The
ungiving rod pressed way up inside her.
Aggie yelled into the gag, but the sound didn’t emerge.

“Try to relax,” Jimmy urged. “Keep breathing.”

He didn’t move the dildo in and out but left it still. She
supposed he was letting her get used to the fullness. He wrapped his free arm
under her belly and leaned over her back. Aggie decided she didn’t like the
dildo. It was hard and unyielding. It didn’t feel human. Surely his cock
wouldn’t be this uncomfortable. She wanted to tell him but couldn’t. Now she
regretted the gag.

Jimmy’s hand found her pubic mound and he cupped the soft
hair. She gurgled encouragement as his finger snaked through the curls to her
moist inner lips. He found her clitoris and for a second Aggie forgot the
throbbing in her rear as a sharp spur darted from bud to vagina to anus. Could
she have an orgasm like this? When Aggie’s notice returned to her rear, she
found the throbbing had ceased. Her bottom had accustomed inself to the
intruder. Had Jimmy known this would happen? Apparently, for soon he eased the
dildo out.

Aggie panted for a moment as she waited for the next
onslaught. He had to put his cock in her now. She wanted it, she realized. He
was hers and she wanted him inside her. Jimmy might have read her mind, for he
untied the gag.

“I’m ready,” she gasped.

stop ….”

“I know. Come inside me,” she invited, still panting. “Let’s
have the biggest honking orgasm ever.”

Jimmy’s hands gripped her hips hard.

“I’m going to come in fairly quickly,” he warned her. “Try
not to fight me.”

The pressure was immense and Aggie cried out as the sheathed
head and then the length of him forced past her rectal muscles and into her
anus. No wonder he had said the dildo was small. She panted and gasped and
clamped her lips together so she wouldn’t tell him to stop.

“I’m in.”

“I know.” She tried to laugh but only panting emerged.

“Can you hold steady?” he asked.

“I’ll try.”

His right hand left her hip and reached toward her crotch.
Yes, she thought, distract me. His finger on her clitoris was an instant demand
and the willing bud obeyed. Aggie savored the arousal and ignored the ache. As
she relaxed and then tightened toward orgasm, his cock seemed to grow from her
rear into her vagina. The sensation was even more erotic than painful.

“Yes,” she gasped. “Keep going.”

Slowly Jimmy began to rock in her rear. At first each push
overwhelmed her and her arousal died with the pain. Then she grew into the
unnatural rhythm. Jimmy kept his finger hard at her clitoris and her awareness
darted from pleasure to pain and back. Then the two merged and it was all one
sensation as Jimmy grew further inside her. His thrusts took him to her gut now
and she was fleetingly glad they hadn’t eaten. Then the thought disappeared
with all others as the first climax approached.

The tremors were stronger than first climaxes had a right to
be and Aggie’s knees trembled on the bed. Jimmy groaned and stilled above her.
Aggie felt her powerful rectal muscles squeezing him unmercifully. Payback.
Slowly the trembling died down.

“Did you come?” she panted.

“Not yet.”

“Keep going.”

“Are you sure?”

“I want another climax,” Aggie insisted. “Keep going.”

He did. This time the pounding was more insistent and the
finger on her clitoris couldn’t entirely distract her. The combination of
fullnesses drove deep inside her and a primal sense of who she was filled her.
The second climax was strong, powerful enough to wrench a cry from her throat.
Again Jimmy ceased his movement.

“Keep going,” she cried. “Don’t stop now.”

Jimmy’s right hand left her crotch and he braced her hips
again with both. His pumping reached toward an insistent rhythm and then he
grew again. She knew from the pressure that he was almost there and she
contracted her vagina to help him. The contraction drowned the last vestiges of
her civilized self and Aggie’s orgasm roared from deep in her belly. She knew
rather than felt that Jimmy joined her in the final release.

Her arms and legs gave way and she would have fallen if not
still pinned by his strong hands and by his stronger organ. His pulsing joined
with hers as both emptied themselves of their vital juices. At last he withdrew
slowly from her. As his penis left her, his grip loosened. Aggie collapsed
forward onto the bed and Jimmy tumbled still trembling on top of her.



“He knows,” Aggie insisted. “We have to both go.”

“He can’t be sure,” Angela argued. “Did he know my name?”

“No,” Aggie admitted. “But he invited us both to dinner
tonight. That doesn’t sound too sinister, does it?”

“It sounds like the end of a hundred-twenty thousand

“Maybe Richard will be there,” Aggie mentioned seemingly

Angela threw a bed pillow at her. Richard. She couldn’t
afford to think about him. They had one fantastic night, that was all. It would
have to be enough. The pillow sailed back and hit her in the side of the head.
Angela grabbed it and flailed at her twin. By the time a sleepy Andrew wandered
in, they were in full form. The only thing missing was feathers. It seemed the
pillows were foam.

“Morning, Andrew,” Aggie called out.

Angela took advantage of her distracted attention to land a
solid blow to her rear. She knocked her off the bed. Angela jumped up and
yelled, “I’m the king of the castle!”

Andrew shook his head and muttered something of which the
only intelligible word was ‘juvenile’.

“Why is he still here?” Angela asked the twin on the floor.

“He loves me?” Aggie answered. “I don’t know. I’ve given him
enough hints.”

“Like disappearing last night. I think that’s a pretty big

“He’s supposed to be a computer genius, you know,” Aggie
giggled. “But I don’t think he has much people sense.”

“Repeat after me,” Angela coached with exaggerated lip
movements, “Andrew, go back to Cincinnati!”

“Shh,” Aggie flung her pillow at the bed. “He’ll hear you.”

“I’m going to take a shower,” Angela ended the conversation
and left the room. She heard the suite door open and snick shut. One day Aggie
would see reason and give Andrew the boot. In the meantime, at least he fetched
her bagels.

Aggie was in the shower and Angela savoring the last bite of
bagel when their father and Mary arrived at the suite.

“How are the newlyweds this morning?” she asked as the two
walked in hand in hand, their cheeks flushed.

“We just went for a walk around Stanley Park on the

Angela had a dreadful premonition.

Aggie walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around
her head.

“Hi Dad, Mary,” she called as she went into the bedroom.

“It’s six miles,” their father continued.

“That’s a long walk,” Angela commented, wanting to hurry
Aggie back into the room.

“We met up with …” Mary paused. “Oh, hello Andrew.”

The young man had been standing by the window and hadn’t
turned when the older pair entered the suite. Mary must have just noticed him.
He turned at her words and their greetings took enough time for Aggie to enter
from the bedroom.

“Anyway,” Mary continued. “We met up with that nice man,
Jimmy Buko.”

“He talked us into walking around the seawall with him,”
their father added, oblivious to the looks the twins exchanged.

Aggie’s said,
I told
you so.

Angela’s acknowledged,
You’re right. He knows.

“We invited him to come up and meet you,” Mary added. “But
he said he had a meeting to get to. He…”

“Mary,” their father cautioned.

“That’s right,” she agreed. “It’s nothing. Let’s see. What
would you girls like to do today?”

“We’ve both been invited out for dinner tonight,” Angela
announced. She threw caution out the window. If he knew, what was the harm in
being seen together? “Maybe we can go shopping for some new clothes.”

Their father groaned. “That’s women’s stuff. Do you want to
show me around Science World, Andrew?”

The younger man readily agreed and the males were
dispatched. The females took longer to exit, but eventually made their way
across to Robson Strasse, the European-looking street they had noticed earlier.
The strasse lived up to its appearance, and the three passed a happy day poking
into arty shops and spending more money than they should have.

By four o’clock everyone had returned to the hotel. Their
father and Mary departed for an evening alone together. Angela left Aggie in
the living room trying one more time to break up with Andrew. She went into the
bedroom and plopped onto the bed. The afternoon had firmed her resolve. She was
a crook. She had been a prostitute; she had tried to be a swindler for a
hundred-twenty thousand dollars; now she was going to become an art thief. The
contract was void. Richard would never want her when he found out she had been
a hooker; he probably didn’t want her anyway. She refused to go back to turning
tricks. The Giacometti was her only remaining option. Surely Jimmy wouldn’t
blame Aggie for her sister’s larceny.

Angela sat up and opened her shopping bags. She had found a
pair of harem pants with a deep hidden pocket. She was sure the Giacometti
would fit. She pulled on the pants and a thin silk blouse and twirled in front
of the mirror. Nice. If Richard could see her now… No, she banished the
thought. She tucked a silk scarf into the pocket and smoothed it out so it
didn’t bulge. She would wrap the delicate statue in the scarf to protect it.
Flat shoes and a streak of carefully applied red lipstick completed the outfit.
If Jimmy wanted to meet the real Angela, here she was.

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