Twelve Nights (25 page)

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Authors: Carole Remy

BOOK: Twelve Nights
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“It’s not Christmas any more,” she whispered and tickled his
ear with her tongue.

He roused and aroused quickly. Jimmy told her that December
26 was called Boxing Day in Canada and suited his actions to the words. After a
hearty pillow fight, they tangled in less orthodox positions for the next hour
or two. Finally Aggie left to go back to her family at the Sylvia.

By the time she arrived, Andrew had blessedly, finally gone.
He left a note explaining that he had to get back to Cincinnati to pack up his
things and resign from the university. He was eager to take up his new job
working on the x99B nanochip. He thanked Aggie for their months together and
hoped she wasn’t too upset that he had left. Angela couldn’t stop laughing as
she read the note to her twin. While Aggie was glad he had gone and was out of
her life, she felt a little residual sadness. Andrew had been a nice boy.

The sisters spent the day with their father and Mary, who
were leaving early the following morning. Their father informed them over lunch
that he had phoned Jimmy and invited him to dine with them that evening.
Aggie’s emotions on hearing the news were confused. Being with Jimmy and her
family was a mixed blessing. When he vanished from her life in two days, the
family togetherness would eventually become a pleasant memory she supposed.
Right now it was a painful vision of things that were not to be.

Dinner passed in animated conversation. Aggie was quieter
than usual, but no one commented. As they left the restaurant, she pulled Jimmy
back to walk beside her.

“Do you want me to come back with you to the apartment?” she

“What do you want?”

Aggie thought for a moment then answered honestly.

“I’m feeling emotional tonight. Dad and Mary are leaving
tomorrow. I know there’s the contract…”

“Screw the contract,” Jimmy growled. “What do you want?”

“I want to go back with them,” Aggie admitted. “We’ll be
together tomorrow night.”

“Our twelfth night,” Jimmy commented.

“Yes,” Aggie agreed. She knew her eyes were filling with
tears, but she couldn’t stop them. Let him see her cry.

Jimmy kissed each eyelid, leaving the tears to streak down
her cheeks.

“Go with your family,” he said and patted her on the bum.
“I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

Aggie walked numbly after her father and Mary and Angela,
leaving Jimmy standing on the sidewalk. About a block away she turned and
looked. He was still there, watching. He lifted his hand and waved.

The family said their goodbyes that night at the hotel. The
next morning Aggie and Angela by unspoken twin consent both slept in till noon.
They went out for a quiet lunch then wandered back to the hotel. Aggie buried
herself in a book while Angela watched mindless television. Aggie knew Angela
was depressed by Richard’s non-appearance, but her own coming disappointment
overshadowed her thoughts and prevented her from offering comfort to her twin.
At 5:30 she dressed haphazardly and left the apartment.

She had decided to walk to Jimmy’s again and she found her
spirits comforted slightly by the brisk wind and the salty tang in the air. The
day had been dreary but the sky lightened as dusk fell. Perhaps it would be a
clear night.

Jimmy wasn’t waiting in the lobby of the apartment. Aggie
hesitated then entered and pressed the buzzer for the elevator. As she ascended
she wondered what was wrong. The doors opened to reveal an empty and dark

“I’m in here,” Jimmy’s voice called out from the living room
and stifled the worst of her fears.

She shrugged out of her coat and walked toward his voice. He
sat on the sofa in darkness with a drink in his hand.

“Are you all right?” she asked as she slipped in at his
side, her own worries forgotten in her concern for him. He draped his arm over
her shoulder.

They sat in silence for several minutes. Then Jimmy put his
drink down on the coffee table and turned to face her, his hands on her
shoulders holding her away from his body.

“I don’t want to let you go, Aggie,” he said seriously.

“I don’t want to go.”

“I know it’s asking a lot,” Jimmy ignored her words. “Your
family is in Alabama. This is a foreign country.”

“I’d have to learn a new national anthem,” Aggie agreed. She
leaned forward into his arms. “I was afraid tonight was going to be our last
night. I was so unhappy.”

“You’ll have to marry me,” Jimmy whispered into her hair.


“Can’t we just live together?” Aggie asked. Marriage?

Jimmy tipped up her chin and teased her lips with his

“Marry me,” he repeated.

Aggie swallowed.

“Do you want children?” she asked.

“Yes,” Jimmy admitted. “Lots. Is that a problem?”

Aggie shook her head, relieved.

“What else do we need to discuss?” Jimmy continued stroking
Aggie’s lips with his tongue as he spoke. She pulled back her head.

“Can I get a job here? Will they let me work?”

“If you marry me,” Jimmy teased. “You can get dual
citizenship. Then you can work in both countries.”

“Do you mind if I work?”

“Mind? Hell no. We’ll need your salary to help with

Suddenly Jimmy turned serious. His fingers left Aggie’s
cheek and he held both her hands in his.

“Being wealthy can be a real pain sometimes,” he admitted.
“You should think about it.”

“How rich are you?”

“About half a billion,” Jimmy admitted.

Aggie swallowed.

“That’s a lot of money. Are you safe?”

“You mean kidnappers?” Jimmy answered seriously. “I try to
keep a relatively low profile.”

“This is weird,” Aggie commented. “I never thought about
being really rich.”

“It has its benefits,” Jimmy offered.

Aggie smiled. They were sitting in one of the benefits right

“I could shop,” she smiled.

Jimmy nodded.

“We could go skiing in Gstaad.”

“That we could.”

“This could be fun,” Aggie admitted.

“Then you’re saying yes?” Jimmy asked. “A serious yes?”

“There’s one thing you haven’t said.”

“That I love you?” Jimmy laughed. “I forgot. Yes, I love
you, Aggie.”

“Then the answer is yes, an unqualified yes.”

“And …,” Jimmy prompted.

“And I love you too. I have a confession to make.”


“I think I fell in love with you at lunch the first day.”

“I fell in lust. I’m not sure when it turned into love.
Maybe when I realized that I couldn’t let you go back to Cincinnati.”

“I have to go back and pack up my things. And resign my

“We’ll go together,” Jimmy stated. “For now, we’re making an
overdue trip to the bedroom.”

He picked Aggie up and carried her at a bumpy dogtrot
through the lobby and into the bedroom where he threw her onto the circular

“Open the skylight,” Aggie suggested.

Jimmy pushed a button and the cover retracted revealing a
star strewn sky.

“The weather cleared up,” Jimmy commented.

“Everything cleared up,” Aggie added. “I’m ready for a
preview of the wedding night, Mr. Buko.”

“I’m yours to command, Mrs. Buko.” Jimmy began to strip.

“Mrs. Trout-Buko?” Aggie tried and laughed. “I sound like a

She lowered her voice and intoned, “I’m sorry. The patient
died of Trout-Buko syndrome.”

“The patient is going to die of an attack of Buko if she
doesn’t get her clothes off.”

“How about Beaucoup-Trout?” Aggie giggled on the bed making
no effort to undress. “We could be a menu item.”

Jimmy removed Aggie’s shoes.

“Bu-Trout-Ko?” she giggled.

“It could be worse,” he commented as he slid her pants and
panties down her legs and off her feet.


“My grandfather was Victor Ivanovna Bukolokovitch.”

“Bukolo…” Aggie struggled.

“Bukolokovich,” Jimmy laughed.

He pulled the tunic over her head. He unhooked her bra and
wrapped it around her head in an ineffective muzzle. He spread her legs and
lowered himself between them.

“Bukoloko…?” Aggie mumbled then her giggles turned into a
moan as Jimmy rammed himself ungently inside her. She arched up into his hips
to pull him deeper, all levity lost in a rapid swirl of deeper emotion. He
rammed again and again in slow demanding rhythm, deeper and deeper. Aggie
pulled the gag from her mouth.

“Is this what I can expect when we’re married?” she gasped.

“Yes,” Jimmy growled as he jack-hammered into her.

“Good,” Aggie groaned and arched as his cock found a
sensitive corner. She leaned up and sank her teeth into his shoulder. Jimmy
grunted and she felt him grow inside her and the pace of the pumping increased.
She sucked and bit a hickey into his muscle and it hardened beneath her teeth
as he swelled inside her.

The pounding was too rapid for thought now and Aggie relaxed
her jaw and leaned back her head and let the current flow through her as the
trembling precursor to climax grew in her belly. She tightened her vagina
around Jimmy’s cock, trying to hold him somehow in place like trying to bridle
a bucking stallion and then they met in the arena and the pounding of the
horses’ hooves became the pounding of their hearts galloping in unison.

“I’m not done yet,” Aggie panted as Jimmy collapsed on her

“Neither am I,” he gasped.

“I thought of something,” Aggie gasped. “I can’t remember…”

“Shh,” Jimmy begged. “Let’s catch our breath.”

Slowly their breathing deepened. Jimmy rolled off Aggie’s
chest and they lay side by side.

“We didn’t use a condom,” Aggie found the thought.

“Do you think we made a baby?” Jimmy sighed.

Aggie counted for a moment.

“I don’t think so,” she answered. “Maybe we should try

Jimmy pulled her to him and purred in her ear. “I want to
make love to you in every room in the apartment. Tomorrow I want to smell you
in the library and the kitchen and the dining room.”

“Library…” Aggie murmured as Jimmy nuzzled.

Ten minutes later their naked bodies stood by the library
desk, poring over a book of ancient Greek statuary.

“Do you think that can actually be done?” Aggie asked.

Jimmy shrugged. “Maybe. Do you want to try?”

Aggie studied the angles of the bodies in the photograph.

“There are only two of us,” she commented. “Where’s your box
of goodies?”

“Box?” Jimmy protested. “What box?”

“You have a box, big boy,” Aggie insisted. “Haul it out.”

Jimmy pulled the shelf ladder to the end of one wall. He
climbed up and brought down an oblong plastic container.

“Fishing tackle,” Aggie laughed. She lifted the lid. Inside
were dildoes and nipple clamps, handcuffs and paddles. She looked at Jimmy with
raised eyebrows.

“Semper paratus…” he responded with a smile.

“Always prepared,” she echoed. “Classically appropriate.”

She selected two dildoes, a tube of grease and a strip of
condoms. She went back to the photo.

“This is a menage a quatre.”

“You and me and two dildoes?” Jimmy asked. “Wait a minute…”

“Have you ever…?”


“Do you hate the idea?”

Jimmy squirmed then grinned as his rising penis answered for
him. “Let’s try it.”

Aggie positioned Jimmy behind a large overstuffed chair. She
handed him a greased and condomed dildo and grasped the other in her left hand.
She lifted her right leg to sit bent on the back of the chair.

“Which do you think we ought to do first?” she asked.

“Me inside you,” Jimmy answered promptly.

He lifted her slightly and positioned her slit above his
rigid penis. Aggie slid down onto his shaft with a sigh. Jimmy pumped
experimentally and she felt her vagina tighten in response.

“Maybe we should just…” she offered.

“No,” Jimmy stopped her. “Put it in me.”

Jimmy wrapped his right leg around her, opening himself to
her. He held her steady as Aggie reached around her lover and parted his
buttocks with both hands.

“I’m not sure…”

“It’s okay.”

He bent forward slightly to give her better access. Aggie
gripped the dildo hard and pressed the tip against his anal opening. He grunted
as the rigid shaft slid inside. Aggie pushed harder and his penis grew inside
her. She had the absurd sense that she was pushing his penis into her vagina,
rather than a dildo into his rear. Jimmy was panting. They stood motionless for
several seconds.

“Your turn,” Jimmy grunted. “Hold onto the chair.”

His hands parted Aggie’s rear and the shaft, she had
stupidly given him the larger one, pressed against her. Aggie stiffened as the
hard slick tip entered her anus. Her nails dug into the leather chair back as
her other hand struggled to hold the dildo steady in Jimmy’s rear. She realized
a moment later that her concentration had dulled the pain of entry; the dildo
was fully engulfed.

“Now what?” she gasped.

Jimmy began to move inside her. He held the dildo firmly to
her rear and the motion and the stiffness were an exquisite agony. Her left
hand relaxed and the dildo slid a scant inch outwards in Jimmy’s backside. She
pushed it back in, and he plunged into her with unaccustomed force. Aggie
pulled the dildo out a fraction and pushed it back in. Jimmy again slammed into
her. She could control his motion and she did. The in-thrust pushed her to
within touch of orgasm and she teased herself and him. In and out, grunt and
moan, she orchestrated his pumping and her almost-coming.

Then his thrusting grew purposeful and his organ grew again
inside her. The next near-orgasm became the real thing and she cried out as her
senses shattered. All she could do now was hold on. The motion rolled over and
through her, again and again, shuddering waves of emotion and sensation. Jimmy
cushioned their fall to the floor with his arms. The dildoes slipped from
uncaring rears and still Jimmy pounded inside her. Insistent and relentless, he
pursued her up peak after peak, as she cried out in forfeit and release.

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