Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials (14 page)

BOOK: Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials
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2.6. A sphinx in Luxor. Author's own image.

On the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III, now kept in the British Museum, two men can be seen leading strange beings with human heads and animal bodies on short leashes-monkeys, the experts would have us believe, but they are certainly not that. Two other hybrids can be seen being led on chains. One of these chimeras seems to be sucking on its thumb, and the other almost looks a bit to be thumbing its nose at the man in front. These monsters are alive; that can be seen from the short leashes and chains. The picture speaks for itself! The accompanying cuneiform writing speaks of "captive human animals" that are to be offered up as sacrifices.

2.7. Hybrids on the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser. Author's own image.

In the subterranean caverns of far off Ecuador in South America, there lies not only a metal library,' but also a collection of hybrid creatures, at least according to the eyewitness report of one Petronio Jaramillo Abarca:

Moving to a third chamber, imagine my surprise to discover figures half human half animal as if all the mythologies had united to display themselves in gold and precious stones.... There were bodies with heads of hawks, with horses' feet, with wings; birds with human arms and legs.. .donkeys with faces of men. A multitude of combinations of beast and human .... 10

And some of these creatures, at least, are supposed to have really lived? Created by the gods? What on earth for? What use could these ominous gods possibly have had for these strange crossbreeds?

That the gods of the mythologies, the involuntary founding fathers of the major religions, were in fact visitors from distant galaxies is something I don't want to get into here. After all, I've written 25 books on the subject. The point is this: Any space-traveling species would be sure to know a whole host of other planets apart from the Earth. There would be worlds where it is hotter or colder than it is here, and yet other planets where the gravity would be greater or, alternatively, less strong. Take the Moon, for example, where we humans can make huge jumps of several yards. On Jupiter, on the other hand, we would be squashed flat by the extreme gravity.

The extraterrestrials would be sure to know all this. On the Earth, maybe they observed a scaled monster as it dozed by the Nile, seemingly unaffected by the blistering heat. We're talking, of course, about the mighty crocodile. Then they might observe the graceful might with which a lion devours a gazelle. So the aliens look at each other and wonder: What would happen if we combined the scaly armor of the crocodile with the bones and musculature of the lion to create a new life form, possibly to be used on a planet with different conditions to Earth? Thus the creation of the chimeras began. The extraterrestrials were probably only 30 or 40 years ahead of today's geneticists. Enough to decode the DNA and rearrange the building blocks of the genetic code.

The gods look on their creations with pride-while mankind looks on in fear. But then comes the point when the strangers must return to their mothership. It would, of course, be totally unnecessary and impractical for them to actually transport their artificially created monstrosities by spaceship. The extraterrestrials didn't need to take the actual chimeras with them. All they needed were a few samples of intact genetic information. That wouldn't be at all heavy, but would be enough for them to genetically engineer the creatures on a suitable planet. Ideally adapted to the local environment.

How can one back up a hypothesis like this?

pis and Other Chimeras

First, there are a number of indications that can be found again and again: Ancient historians such as Manetho, Plutarch, Strabon, Plato, Tacitus, Diodorus, Herodotus, and the later church prelate Eusebius all wrote about it. Manetho reported that the artisans and masons had depicted these creatures in paintings and sculptures. That's right. There are thousands of them! We are also more than well aware of the god cults of the ancient races. The gods climbed into their "barques" and "winged sun disks" (Egypt); rode "heavenly pearls" (Tibet), "flying seashells" (the Maoris), "vimanas" (India), or-as described in the Old Testament-the "Lord's flaming chariot"; and came down to the people of the Earth. Added to this, you have the technological legacies, such as the incredibly accurately worked stones in Puma Punku. Finally, there is the fact that the gods also taught elements of their wisdom to mankind. There was a definite flow of information. The most eloquent descriptions of this can be found in the book of the antediluvian prophet Enoch." Some random natural catastrophe-as the establishment is always trying to palm off on us-is certainly not the cause of that. They don't talk and certainly don't dictate their knowledge to willing listeners.

Extraterrestrials, worshiped and feared as gods by Stone Age peoples, were masters of the high art of genetics, and they used this knowledge on the Earth. What was their motivation? To create beings suitable for other planets.

Back in Egypt, there lived a holy monster, the Apis bull. The ancient Egyptians saw Apis as the offspring of the cosmos, a creation of the god Ptah. This earliest veneration is documented in depictions featuring star-bejeweled bull heads that were found near Abydos. Greek historian Plutarch (born around 50 AD) wrote that the divine animal was not born in a natural way, but rather was created by a beam that fell from the heavens.' Herodotus, too, noted that Apis was conceived via a "light from heaven."" Beneath the desert sands, in the so-called Serapeum, August Mariette found a stela dedicated to Apis. On it was written: "You have no father: you are born of the heavens."" Not only that, Apis also bore certain characteristics that set him apart from other bulls. Herodotus again: "The Apis bears distinctive marks: it is black with a white diamond on its forehead, the image of an eagle on its back, the hairs on its tail [are] double and [there is] a scarab under its tongue."IS

Alongside Apis there were a number of other bulls, which, however, did not merit the same high status as Apis himself. And where are the mummies of the holy Apis?

On September 5, 1852, exuberant Frenchman August Mariettewho later founded the Egyptian Museum-found himself in a subterranean corridor in Saqqara. In the dust on the floor he discovered footprints, which must have been left by the priests thousands of years earlier. In front of him were two mighty sarcophagi. With great effort, the 40-ton lid of the sarcophagus was removed with crowbars and pulleys. Mariette wrote: "Thus I was certain that an Apis mummy must lay before me.... My first great concern was the head of the bull, but I found none. Within the sarcophagus lay a bituminous, stinking mass which crumbled at the slightest the midst of this confusion lay small bones and fifteen randomly positioned figurines...."16

Mariette discovered the same when he opened the second sarcophagus: "No skull, no large bones at all. Quite the contrary, an even greater multitude of tiny bone fragments.""

British explorer Sir Robert Mond, who excavated the so-called "Bucheum" (a burial chamber in the rocks under the temple ruins of Hermonthis), came to the same shattering conclusion. The sarcophagi contained either nothing or simply bitumen filled with bone fragments. In one sarcophagus, instead of the expected mummified bull, they found the mixed bones of jackals and dogs."

In the catacombs of Abusir, Mond, this time accompanied by two Frenchmen, discovered further sarcophagi which they were sure would contain mummified bulls as these mighty granite containers actually contained bulls' heads with horns. At last! Carefully the French specialists, Monsieur Lortet and Monsieur Gaillard, cut open the millennia-old cords and gently pulled off one layer after another of linen. Their amazement was indescribable. Within they found a mixture of the bones of all kinds of animals, and for some of them they could not even identify the species. The second sarcophagus, a little more than 8 feet long and 3 feet wide, contained a motley mix of seven different animals. Here too they were unable to identify the species of two of the bones.

eligion Vs. Chopped-Up Bones

The ancient Egyptians didn't just mummify people; they mummified all kinds of animals as well: dogs, cats, crocodiles, birds, fish-everything. They did this-and any Egyptologist will confirm this-because they believed in rebirth. In order to be reborn, the body must be preserved. Anything else would be a sacrilege, blasphemy. As Sir Robert Mond opined: "The burial of a royal mummy in any but complete form would have been unthinkable in Egypt.""

So why the chopped-up bones?

The giant sarcophagi in the Serapeum beneath Saqqara are made of Aswan granite. Aswan is nearly 600 miles away from Saqqara. Just imagine the effort that that must have cost. Beneath Saqqara, miles of passages with side compartments were hewn from the rock. Hundreds of miles away in Aswan, specialists were blasting the hardest granite known in Egypt from the rock face, using methods that remain unknown. Subsequently, these rocky heavyweights had to be transported about 600 miles along the Nile, which back then involved navigating three sets of rapids. (Ships today have the advantage of using the locks.) After reaching Saqqara, these stone monstrosities were smoothed and polished in an unbelievably professional manner. The pictures prove it. Each one of these sarcophagi weighs between 60 and 100 tons! Strong arms with levers and rollers jockeyed these huge containers-carved from a single block of stone-into the pre-prepared tunnels and niches. They could not be lowered down from above, as the tunnels have a solid stone roof. So why did they go to all this effort?

Just to bury some chopped-up bones? And then pour greasy tar all over them and cover them up with a 40-ton lid? Their motivation must have been something other than pure faith in reincarnation-because in that case they wouldn't have destroyed the body.

So what have we got left?

Were the coffins plundered by grave robbers? Did monks smash up the contents of the sarcophagi? Well, the grave robber theory wouldn't explain why there are bone fragments from so many different animals in the sarcophagi. That it was god-fearing monks seems more likely. They could have smashed up the contents with heavy iron bars. But this explanation isn't very plausible either. If monks had been involved, then the traces of their destructive Christian wrath would be apparent: Bandages would be ripped up; idols would be smashed or melted down.

What did Auguste Mariette write after opening the sarcophagi? "Within the stinking mass lay a number of small bones, clearly already broken at the time of burial."20 How is it that archaeologist Sir Robert Mond discover bones that he assumed to be "those of a jackal or dog"? I could hardly blame any anthropologist who didn't further examine bones that he had found under these circumstances. And how did anyone come up with the absurd idea of four-bodied dogs (Eusebius) with "fish tails protruding from their rear end"?

Dr. Ange-Pierre Leca is a doctor and a specialist for Egyptian mummies. He wrote about one sarcophagus containing "wonderfully bandaged bulls" that was discovered in the catacombs of Abusir: "...again it seemed to be just one single bull, but again we found the bones of seven animals... including one huge old bull. A third animal must have had two skulls.""

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