Twilight's Eternal Embrace (23 page)

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Authors: Karen Michelle Nutt

BOOK: Twilight's Eternal Embrace
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Her small hand rested on his.
Tell me. There is more, is there not?

You know me too well.
He gave her a small smile.
Your body needs to build up a resistance
before you can accept the

But how would we change my blood?

Sheerin believes if you took small amounts of my blood daily, your body would accept it and change on its own to be more like the Oiche Sith. Not completely,
he added,
but close enough.

Her mouth formed the
I would have to drink your blood, am I right?

Only in small amounts,
he rushed to tell her, hoping he hadn
t scared her off completely.

She stared at the vial in her hand for a few heartbeats. Then she met his gaze
determination blazing in the depths
of her eyes
I shall do it.

He hadn
t expected her to agree so readily.
You are sure? Sheerin makes assumptions that this will work. We would be the first to attempt the process. We do not know if there are side effects
or if—

She covered his lips with her forefinger, quieting his words. Her flesh felt warm against his, the heat always welcomed.
trusting storm colored eyes
found his.

It made
him feel like the devil himself for asking her to go against her nature. May
his selfishness to have her would harm her, take her away from him forever.

She moved to sit on her knees, facing him.
If we want to be together, I must try. Aye?
Her hands clasped his face, not letting him
We already know you do not change when you drink my blood. Let us see what will happen if I sample yours.
Her hand clasped his. Her fingers traced the blue line,
vein on the underside of his wrist.
I want to do this, Bram. Let me do this.
ed at him again, waiting for his consent.

With a ragged breath
he sighed with a nod.

gave him a hint of a smile, a reassuring curve of her lips.
You will have to break the skin for me. I do not possess clever sharp teeth like yours.

He lifted his hand and s
nk his teeth into his
flesh, drawing blood to the surface. He offered his wrist to her. She gripped his arm and stared at the blood oozing to the surface.
skin los
its healthy glow
, changing
to a pasty white.
You do not need to do this,
he said again.

She met his gaze with a mixture of compassion and longing. Without a word, she lowered her mouth to his wrist. She took a few swallows then choked. To her credit, she did not expel what she took in, but she had not swallowed either. Her eyes pooled as she choked down his blood. She wiped her hand across her mouth, smearing blood across her cheek.

Are you all right?
he asked.
He never knew a Lathe Sith's skin could turn so many shades of colors. Her pallor of sickly green did not flatter her.

she choked.
I am fine,
she repeated with more confidence this time.
It was not as bad as I thought it would be.

He lifted a brow that all but called her a liar.

"All right
, it was nasty.
She flashed him a grin.

He pulled his brave lass to his
, holding her like a precious bundle. He smoothed his thumb over her cheek to wipe
the blood smeared there.

If I am to drink your blood
," she said, "
ll have to see you more often.
Her eyes lit up at the prospect, making him chuckle.

I suppose you will. Unless you have a
Oiche Sith locked away somewhere.

She threw her arms around his neck.
I had one locked in my room, but he escaped.
She teased his lower lip with her teeth.

Hmm… Did he now?
He nipped her lip playfully before he covered her mouth with a kiss. He took his time tasting her, tasting blood, tasting his blood and hers mingle
together. His hands on her waist itched to remove her clothes, but he kept them still.

s hands, however, didn
t do the same. She pulled at his clothes until her hands met his flesh. She ran her palms over his chest and his back. She squirmed in his lap as she felt the pressure of his arousal against her. Her hand gripped his leine intent on lifting it, but he held her hand fast.

No. I will not lay with you. We cannot.
He kissed her pouting lips.
I could lose control. I could hurt you. You know this.

She kissed him, teasing his lip again.
I want you. You want me. I can feel how much you do.
Her eyes shifted to his lap.
Can I not at least touch you? We do not have to do more.

He chuckled and whispered in her ear.
I will always want more.
He moved swiftly, laying her down on his mantle and him above her, but to the side so not to crush her. He held her hand as he nuzzled her neck. He wanted to taste her fully, not just a tease when he bit her lip. He moved his mouth back to hers.
I could ease some of your
. If you would allow me to touch you.

Her eyebrows furrowed.
How, if you will not lay with me?

He lifted his hand and wiggled his fingers.

Are you making fun of me?
she spat with irritation.

No, love. There are more ways to please each other than the actual act of

quirked a
brow and pursed her lips

Give me permission
I shall show you.

And how is it you know these ways if you have not yet taken a woman to your bed?

I have heard talk of such acts. If what I do does not please you, I shall stop.

Another experiment.
Her lips curved.
Aye. Show me.

He took her mouth again as his fingers clutched the end of her gown and drew the skirts up high on her thigh. His hand smoothed over her skin, caressing her flesh as he inched his way to the warm space between her legs. She may say she was willing, but she kept her thighs clenched together.
His hand grazed the soft curls at her apex. Open for me, love. Let me touch you.
He felt her heart speed up, but her legs relaxed, giving him access. Her hands gripped his arms.
It is all right,
he cooed in her ear.
I shall take care of you.
The furrow between her brows smoothed away to wonder
as he caressed her where no other had touched her before
. Her eyelids fluttered closed as she arched toward him, wanting more, seeking more.

"Oh dear goddess."

She sought his mouth then and he kissed her hungrily as he made her body shudder beneath his touch. He breathed in the scent of her, letting it spread through him. The indulgence triggered his lust for her blood.

A low growl escaped him and she pulled away. Her hand held his face. He knew his fangs had lengthened, painfully so, but it couldn
t be helped.
heightened the need for blood. He knew this from other blooded males. Obviously
touching flesh did the same thing.

didn't hesitate, but
guided him to her neck. He sank his teeth into her, drawing her sweet nectar into his mouth. His finger
her again. He drank as he pleasured her. The Heavens, he wanted to
join with
her. He wanted her with
ferocity that frightened him. He wanted to take her and make her
once and for all

A soft moan escaped her as she went over the edge of pleasure, her body
as waves of ecstasy took her again and again
until ebbing away to satisfied contentment.

He withdrew his fangs with a healing kiss, knowing he
not chance taking any more. He moved to
at her
winsome face

Her lips curved into a smile.
You did not tell me you knew magic.
Her eyes flew open
, her emotions an array of wonderment and excitement
He'd awakened the hidden pleasures of her body and it humbled him to know she'd trusted him so completely. "
Will it feel the same with you inside of me?
" she asked.

His fingers tangled in the rich luxurious strands of her hair
So much better.
He took her mouth again
, savoring her sweetness
. He hoped they would have the chance to find out. Their future hinged on Sheerin
s theory. He
s on her face, her throat, and again on her mouth,
their breath
mingling as one.
I will need to take a sample of your blood to my cousin. He wants to compare his notes and see if there is a change after you drank from me.

She nodded without hesitation.

He pressed his lips to her forehead.
Will you be able to stomach my blood again tomorrow?

For the possibility of us being together, I
ll do what it takes.

Chapter Thirty-One

Before the sun rose, Bram left her at the edge of the woods looking over Coomkeen. Most of the clan had retired, but Adryanna heard murmurs of lovers making their way back to their dwellings. With a smile still touching her lips, she pushed opened the door to her house fully expecting her parents to be fast asleep. Her breath caught in her throat as her gaze landed on the still figure seated at the table nursing a cup of tea.

Sit, my daughter,
Edryd demanded, leaving no room for negotiation.

She closed the door behind her and made her way to the chair her father pulled out for her.

You must be chilled.
He poured her a cup of the warm liquid.

Thank you.
Her hands warmed immediately against the mug.

Her father sighed deeply before he broke the silence between them once more.
I had hoped you would find Fergus to your liking.

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