Twilight's Eternal Embrace (9 page)

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Authors: Karen Michelle Nutt

BOOK: Twilight's Eternal Embrace
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For sure
you will be yourself soon
," Bram agreed,
ut Camden
s words haunted him. What if it were true? What if the Lathe Sith could drink their blood for strength?

Chapter Fifteen

Adryanna didn
t venture far from the edge of the forest as she waited for Bram to arrive. Her mount grazed nearby. The warmth from the fading sun kissed the sky with yellow, red
and purple for its final good night caress. Her lips curved when she finally heard the sound of hoof beats.

Bram looked magnificent upon his stallion
like a dark angel with his midnight strands haloing his features. His blue-eyed gaze met hers and she would swear the color deepened to violet as the red of passion shaded them.

He brought his mount to a halt, pulling back on the mane and giving a sharp whistle. He stepped down with ease and strode toward her. She couldn
t wait and met him half way.

Before she knew it, she was in his arms, in an embrace she welcomed with her own.

I knew you would come,
she told him.

You know me so well, do you?
The low rumble from his chest made her
quirk a brow
at him
in question
What if I had not heard your request?
" His mouth twitched at one end before widening to a full grin.

Then I would be standing here alone, enjoying the sunset.
She took his hand and led him closer to the
but not so close that the wind would whip around them like spirits bent on teasing.

His voice lowered to a mere whisper.

She turned to
im and realized he wasn
t looking toward the horizon, but at her.
How do you know I speak the truth when you have not
glimpsed its brilliance?"

I see all I need to see.
His hand cupped her cheek and she leaned into his palm.

Is that so?

He leaned toward her and pressed his lips to hers. He was a warrior, but his touch was like a tender caress. Her body reacted to his kiss as if his hands had moved over her with wanton pleasure. She sighed and moved closer. He pulled her to him so their bodies melded together.

His hard body pressed to hers was another delight in heightened sensations. Hard muscles fit to her as if the gods had created them to enjoy this moment.
wanted her. She could feel him against her, but he made not
move to do more than ravish her lips. Ravish, he did with teeth and tongue. When
he allowed her to
me up for air, she inhaled deeply
let it out
with a satisfied sigh.

wore a thoughtful expression as he
her hair

What are you thinking?
wanted to know everything about him. His hopes and dreams. What he did when the sun rose high in the sky. Why he held back from taking more
from her

The pad of his thumb circled over the bruised skin at her neck, the only telltale sign of her close encounter with the Draugr. She clasped his forearm, stilling his movement
. His gaze met hers and she gave him a whisper of a smile.
I am fine. If this is why worry mars your features.

I wanted the brute
to suffer more for doing
this to you.
His swift death was a mercy he did not deserve."
His growl proved his point well enough.

t is over now
" Her words did not comfort him. It shone plainly in the way he pursed his lips.

He placed his palms on her shoulders. "
You fought bravely, like a warrior of my clan.

She knew he meant this as a compliment.
Thank you.

He nodded.
But you could have perished so easily at his hands. He drank from you.
His brows furrowed in concentration. Something more troubled him, but she could not fathom what it could be.

He did not take too much blood and you healed me
," she reminded him.

He bent to kiss the area with small kisses.
It is healed.

She wondered if he wanted to drink from her. In truth, she wanted him to. When the Draugr took her blood, he hurt her as if her fear egged him on. Bram
s bite had set her blood burning for more. His Oiche Sith kiss was erotic and gave her pleasure she had never felt before. She wanted to feel the sensation again.
Will you drink from me?

His movements stilled. He pulled away to meet her gaze.
It would not be wise. You lost too much blood last night. Taking more could harm you.

Her lips curved
, but Bram did not care for her humor.

The lines of his face etched into a scowl
Do you find something amusing?

She gripped his vest.
I am not amused, but pleased. You are concerned with my welfare. If I were not depleted last night, would you then take my blood?

He opened his mouth then closed it again, hiding his pointed teeth from her sight.
I would like to pledge that I would not drink from you again, but I fear it would prove a lie.
is smoldering gaze clashed with hers, revealing the truth of his confession

er finger
tips caressed
his lips.
I give my blood freely
to you and to you alone

He gripped her hand, stilling her
It is not wise to pledge such things. It is a vow to an Oiche Sith. A promise when we wed.

Then I pledge—

He leaned down and captured her mouth in a fierce kiss, swallowing her words as if he somehow feared them floating away on the wind.
No promises, Adryanna. I want you,
all of you
He paused as if letting her digest his words and what they meant.

A thrill swept
her. He
If you were trying to frighten me, you are failing.

He chuckled and shook his head.
I should have known you would not frighten easily. Come.
He took her hand.
Let us walk beneath the night sky and get to know each other better.

The last colorful rays of
faded to navy blue. They could hear the thundering crash of waves against the rocks, a reminder of the turbulent sea below. The wind always blew cool this close to the
. Adryanna dressed warm, but she still felt the chill through her cloak.

You shiver.
He glanced at her.

I am fine.

He halted their steps. He unclasped the amber jeweled fibula at his throat, most likely a family brooch. He removed his dark mantle and placed it around her shoulders. His fingers pulled the hood up on the top of her head.
It is a little big, but it is a wee bit warmer than your cloak.

It is. Thank you.
Her hand slid over the fabric.
It is so soft.

My mother designed the mantle with rich velvet. We traded for the material with the Dearg-due clan in the west.

Your mother is indeed talented.

Aye. She can create anything given a thread and needle. She
s wicked fast with her hands. We
ve traded many of her designs for goods needed.

We, you say. Do you have siblings then?

Aye. Three brothers
and one sister. The eldest brother
died half a century ago. I did not know him.
My sister was a sweet lass with a carefree smile, but she died when I was a young lad."

His expression revealed how he had loved his sister and still grieved her death. She held his hand and gave it a quick squeeze, encouraging him to continue.

"My brother
Gareth left Dungannon when I was a lad. He hoped that on his travels he would find other of our kind. Females to bring home.
He cleared his throat as if embarrassed.
We have few women left and no children
have been
to our clan in over a decade

This is why you sought females of our clan. It is not a secret to me. And the other brother?

Loreto. He is older by two years. He has gone through the change.

Her gaze wavered over him as she wondered what it would be like to grow up in a clan of blood drinkers. Did they play as children? Were they all that different from her own clan? They had families and loved ones they care

Why the frown, Adryanna?

There are no children in your clan, is that right?

He sighed a heavy sigh that spoke of grief.
I cannot pinpoint the time, but the women are older than I. Most are the age of my mother. Even though they are mated, no children have been born
the unions.

You do not know what an infant looks like, do you?

I have only seen an infant from your clan, but from afar. They stink do they not and they cry too much for my taste.
His brow furrowed dramatically, making her chuckle.

They do have their good qualities as well. Babies trust so freely and love unconditionally. I
at one time
wished to have many children.
They walked again as they conversed. Bram
s commanding presence beside her made her feel safe rather than fearful to be out so late and far from her village.

You once wanted many children. What changed your mind?

I feared I would have a girl and she would be chosen.
The moment she said the words, she wished she could take them back.
I am sorry.
She glanced at him. He wasn
t angry though.

I cannot imagine handing over a child, knowing she would most likely die.

As I cannot imagine knowing my clan was doomed because no children would ever be born.

He gave her a whisper of a smile and took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips to bestow a kiss. He then tucked her arm through his.
We live long lives. We are not doomed just yet.

Aye, you never grow old.

He chuckled.
We age. We just do not age as quickly as your clan does. We have no ancients.

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