Twisted Fire (13 page)

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Authors: Joanne Ellis

BOOK: Twisted Fire
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Charlotte awoke to find Jared staring at her with a pensive face.

Good morning, handsome,” she said drowsily. “Are you OK?’

Couldn’t be better, why?’

You look lost in thought.”

I was,” his expression changed, “thinking about a repeat of last night” he told her pulling her to him so she was astride him.

I can’t imagine a better way to wake up,” she declared before taking them both to the peak again.

They spent the rest of the day in this fashion, only taking time out to eat - which ended with the dishes on the floor and them both on the table - and to shower, which entailed washing each other and ending the same way.

When night came, they were both fatigued but fulfilled and equally unwilling to conclude the day. They were stretched out on the couch, arms and legs entwined watching a movie, or trying to but they kept getting distracted by each other. As the movie drew to a close, Jared broke through their idyllic mood.

I really have to go home, honey. We both have to work tomorrow and I don’t have a change of clothes.”

Go home in the morning,” she purred, caressing his chest.

I can’t. I won’t get any sleep and neither will you. Right now I’m in desperate need of some.”

More desperate than you are for me.”

Don’t tease me, babe” he gazed at her affectionately. “I’m working the afternoon shift tomorrow so I’ll be working late. I’ll pick you up from work on Tuesday.”

So you really don’t have to go home until tomorrow,” she winked.

What the hell?”


* * *


In the morning, she saw him to the door and they somehow managed to tear themselves away from each other. After he left she felt elated, unable to wipe the grin from her face. She could hardly wait to share news of her wonderful week with Chelsea.



Chapter 15


Serial Arsonist


After Charlotte collected Chelsea and Lucas from the airport, she had proceeded to fill them in on her romance with Jared.

So the first date went well, then?” Chelsea asked.

Yes, I guess it did,” she smiled smugly. “And I have discovered that first impressions are definitely not always correct.”

Very true, I didn’t like Lucas much the first time I met him either.” Chelsea swivelled in her seat so she could face him and offered a reassuring smile.

Ouch,” he said. “The feelings were not mutual.”

My point is,” she said glaring at him, “you can’t always tell.”

He’s so romantic, generous and fantastic in bed.”

I don’t think I want to hear this,” Lucas quipped.

Then don’t listen,” Chelsea chastised him again but with a smile.

He took out his phone and called Maggie to catch up on the investigation.

Please continue,” Chelsea requested. “He is very attractive.”

I heard that.”

You’re supposed to be on the phone.”

Anyway,” Charlotte continued, “this past week he either cooked dinner for me or we went out. Then on the weekend we went to the beach and, well, let’s just say that was our foreplay.” She smiled mischievously. “Anyway you know what comes next and then he went home this morning.”

Sounds promising, honey.”

I think I might be in love with him already.”

I’ve heard that before, Charlotte.” Chelsea frowned.

This time it’s different. I’ve never experienced anything like this. Obviously what I thought was the real thing before wasn’t.”

Hope it all works out for you, then.”

What are you insinuating?” she asked a little too abruptly.

Nothing, Charlotte. It’s just that you’ve changed your mind before.”

Not this time.” She tersely cut short further conversation as Lucas finished on the phone.

Well all I know is he must be pretty serious about you,” Lucas said.

How do you know that?” Charlotte asked.

Because I know he doesn’t just sleep with anyone, only girls he is serious about and that has been few. A couple of years ago a girl who was quite similar in character to you but with a deceitful streak hurt him pretty bad. She slept with one of his friends. He didn’t forgive either of them and has had trust issues ever since. So he must trust you if he’s letting you in.”

That would explain why he was so cool with me when we first met. He told me he thought I wasn’t the right girl for him.”

Yes, he probably found your flirtatious side a bit daunting regardless of how attracted he was to you. You will have to tread carefully with him. He holds a grudge.”

Thanks, Lucas. I don’t think he would have told me all this any time soon. He keeps things close to his chest. He did mention there had only been a few women in his life but no details. I’m going to tell him about Dr Shaw and his …. attention.”

Careful, he gets very jealous and possessive. His temper is pretty hot too.”

I think it would be better if he knows that I’m having problems with him, to show that he’s right to trust me and to keep things open and honest.”

Openness and honesty is a good idea, Charlotte” Chelsea agreed.

Anyway, enough about me. How was Paris?”

Wonderful,” Chelsea said reflectively.

We didn’t see much,” Lucas informed her.

Lucas,” Chelsea said indignantly, a smile playing at her lips.

Well, we didn’t.” He laughed. “Relax, honey, you are talking to a girl that spent most of her weekend in bed.”

Not just in bed,” Charlotte said raising her eyebrows.

Please don’t tell me anymore,” Chelsea said pretending to be horrified.

OK, I won’t tell you about the stairs, or the shower, or the … ”

No please don’t. We have to live there too,” Chelsea said and Lucas laughed again.

Upon arriving home, Charlotte helped Chelsea unpack and spent the afternoon looking through photos taken while in Paris.


* * *


When Jared arrived for his shift he discovered the files he required waiting on his desk. The previous week he’d searched the computer for similar arson cases in the surrounding areas. His hunch had been correct - this wasn’t a first time arsonist. He’d located three arson cases in a town two hours north of the city, and had requested the files.

The fires occurred five years ago, over a two year period and as the computer system had only been updated two years prior to accommodate full reports and photographs, only the bare details of the cases could be found. He didn’t want to jump the gun and inform Maggie of them yet, at least not until he studied the files thoroughly.

After reading through all three files, he was reasonably certain these arsons were committed by the same person. All three buildings were set ablaze using an accelerant and with female victims found inside. It was time to let the police know of his discoveries.

He picked up the phone and dialled Maggie’s number.


Hello, Maggie, it’s Jared Montgomery”

Hey, Jared, got something for me?”

Yes, I went through our computer and found three arson cases in Newberry from five years ago. As our computer system didn’t have the capabilities at the time, not all details were present, so I requested the files and received them today. The evidence in my opinion points to the same arsonist.”

Any others that you have found that cover the five year break?”

No but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any. They could have occurred out of state and our records don’t stretch that far. I could make some calls if you like?”

That would be helpful, thanks. Hopefully putting them all together will help us get a clearer picture. Can you have copies of the files sent to me?”

Yes, I have organised for them to be delivered to you tomorrow.”

Great and I’ll look up the police reports which correspond and hopefully we’ll have extra leads to follow. Thanks for your assistance, Jared.”

Anytime. Have a nice evening.”

After calling Maggie he decided it was time for another call, the one he had longed to do the entire day. He was impatient to hear her voice and smiled at the memories from the previous week. He looked at his watch and deduced she would be home from collecting Chelsea and Lucas from the airport.

Hello.” It was Chelsea.

Good evening, Chelsea, its Jared Montgomery. How was your honeymoon?’

Wonderful thanks, Jared. How are you?” she asked with a teasing tone. “I have heard nothing but stories about you since my sister picked us up.”

All good, I hope.”

Yes and a little too much information I’m afraid to say. My sister doesn’t have a no kiss and tell policy.”

Oh.” He found he was suddenly lost for words.

Don’t worry, she won’t divulge the details to anyone but me and your secret is safe.”

Thanks …. I think.” He paused. “Is she home?”

Yes, I’ll find her for you.”

What seemed like endless moments later, her deep husky tone came on the line.

Hey there, lover boy.”

Good evening, Charlotte.”

Oh, so we’re being formal today are we?”

I’m at work,” he said and paused. He lowered his voice before speaking again. “I miss you, sexy girl, and I can’t wait to get you alone again.”

That’s better.”

How was your day?’


Is that it?”

There is something I want to talk to you about but I want to do it in person.”

Now I’m concerned.” He spun in his chair to face the window, anxiety seizing hold of his heart.

Don’t worry, I’m not tired of you yet,” she said mischievously. “It’s about work and I wanted to see what you think I should do, seeing as you’re Mr Sensible.”

You didn’t think that yesterday.”

No, you are two different men. I like it.”

I’m glad to hear that. I’ll pick you up after work tomorrow. I have to work the midnight shift but I thought we might …. have dinner before I have to leave. It would be nice to come home and see you there in the morning.”

Oh, that is very presumptuous of you, Captain. I’m not that type of girl.”

Yes you are and I’m discovering it is the kind of girl I like after all.”

Just like I’m discovering I like a bit of serious in a man too. Now I think I’ll go and finish my bath before it gets cold.”

You really know how to tease a guy, don’t you?”

I try.”

They said their goodbyes and were both already anxious for the next day.

After Jared hung up, he heard a voice in the doorway. “Well, well, well,” Sam said. “Sounds like Jared has let loose his romantic side.”

Do you always eavesdrop on other people’s private phone calls?” Jared swung has chair around to face Sam and shoot him a frown.

Yes, when it’s yours and you don’t give me anything.” Sam strolled in and sat on the seat across from Jared at his desk.

It’s only new and I don’t want to get too ahead of myself.”

So who is she?”

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