Twisted Fire (16 page)

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Authors: Joanne Ellis

BOOK: Twisted Fire
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Past Mistakes


Over the following weeks when they weren’t working Charlotte stayed at Jared’s, or Jared at Charlotte’s. Mostly she stayed with him as Mitch spent many nights away from home and Charlotte still felt shy about being amorous with her sister in the house, much to his amusement. Who would have thought a girl so full of sass would be embarrassed by such things? This simply made her more endearing in his eyes. She was a walking contradiction. She had many layers and he enjoyed peeling them off one by one.

As they both had the coming weekend off, Charlotte invited him to visit her family. It would be their two month anniversary, she’d told him the night before, and it was about time he met her parents. He mentioned perhaps she could meet his too and her worried frown appeared. Another contradiction. He smiled at the memory as he packed his bag.

He checked his watch and realised it was time to collect her. Jared threw his bag in the car and jumped in. He smiled again as he remembered their conversation that morning and wondered whether she would be ready.

As she lazed in bed, she’d urged him to get up.

Go home and pack,” she told him.

Why don’t you pack first and come with me?’

You will distract me. You go and I’ll pack when you leave.”

How do I know you won’t go back to sleep.”

Why would I do that?” She yawned and stretched.

Because you, my sexy thing, are lazy.”

I’ll be ready when you get back.”

No, you won’t.”

Well, if I’m not, you’ll have to get back in and wake me up.”

Tempting, but no.”

He dragged her with him as he got up and left her to her packing, all the while grumbling.

Charlotte stood at the front door, bag in hand, waiting for him. She sent him a disapproving look when he took her bag, and complained half-heartedly about him being late. He pulled her in close and kissed her which in turn ceased her rant.

In the car, Charlotte turned the radio up and sang along happily and loudly until Jared turned the music down and clamped a hand over her mouth.

Babe, there is only so much of your singing my ears can handle.”

Spoil sport,” she mumbled through his hand. He took it away.

OK, then, tell me how you became a captain so quick.”

I thought I told you this already.”

You just said you worked hard and got there quickly.”

Well that is pretty much how it went. When I became a rookie, I was assigned to Robert Sanderson. He’d been a captain for many years and although dedicated to his work, he had a warm, fun side. From day one he took me under his wing, said he saw potential in me. Being serious is helpful at times.” He paused and smiled. “He became my mentor and during idle hours at the station he trained me so I would be able to replace him when he retired five years later. He helped me get promoted through the ranks, taught me everything about arson investigation and, when he retired, I took his place. As I went I passed on what I had learnt to Sam so he could become my second in charge. It has been that way now for almost six years.”

Do you still see Robert?”

He died last year.”

Oh I’m sorry, Jared. You must miss him.”

Yes I do. He was also the one who taught me how to play poker.”

I’ll have to test these skills of yours out one day.”


* * *


The time passed quickly and it was late morning when they drove into town. Charlotte thought about how nervous he would be about meeting the rest of her family but, as always, he appeared calm. The thought of meeting his parents sent shivers of trepidation up her spine. Would they accept her? If Jared asked her to meet them, she would because she loved him. Thus far she’d avoided it with her previous boyfriends and this suited her perfectly. Jared, though, was different. Charlotte decided not to think about it until the time came.

When they arrived, introductions were made and Jared breezed through easily. He appeared to do everything so easily, being serious and sensible certainly had its advantages, just as he’d said. His ability to control his emotions and nerves amazed Charlotte.

After lunch she showed him to her old room. He followed her up the stairs carrying the bags. Her room was just how she left it, white walls and canopy bed with trimmings in red. Curtains, bedding, chair at her desk and love seat at the window all the same tone.

So I get to sleep in here with you then?”

Yes.” She blushed.

I thought your prudish side would have me sleeping in the opposite side of the house.”

Prudish? We’ll only be sleeping, so there is no point.”

See, prudish.” She frowned and he grinned.

I’m surprised that your sombre nature doesn’t transcend into appropriate behaviour with company present.”

He laughed. “Now who is being serious?’

Don’t you feel uncomfortable … well you know.” She blushed.

Pulling her to him, he kissed her fervently. “When there is no company present I am certainly less serious.”

How … convenient.”

He shook his head, laughing again. “You are such a contradiction.”


* * *


True to her word, after a long sleep, Charlotte decided she wanted to prepare a picnic lunch the following day. Having never cooked anything for him, she thought perhaps she should return the favour. Sandwiches and other such things couldn’t be that difficult. So while her dad showed Jared around, she attempted lunch. Satisfied with her achievement she searched out Jared armed with a picnic basket and rug.

Charlotte found them in the farthest corner of the yard chatting amicably.

What’s all this?” Jared asked as he took the basket and rug.

I thought we could have a picnic lunch.”

Did you make it?”


Her father laughed and patted Jared on the back. “Good luck.”

Charlotte shot him a murderous look as he waved and headed back to the house.

It’s only sandwiches,” she mumbled.

If you made it, I’ll eat it.”

They found a shady spot and Jared, to prove her culinary skills were edible, ate three of her sandwiches.

See I’m not completely talentless in the kitchen.”

No, but it was only sandwiches.”

She threw what remained of hers at him.


* * *


Later that afternoon Charlotte took him for a stroll through the streets in town. She showed him where she went to school and all the places she ‘hung out’ as a teenager. As they were heading out the main street back towards home Charlotte spotted a familiar face walking towards them. Great.


Hi, Evan.” She squeezed Jared’s hand, hoping to reassure him and avoid enflaming his jealous streak should Evan provoke it.

I thought you moved to the city.”

I did. We’re just visiting. How’s Sasha?”

We broke up.”

Oh, I’m sorry.”

I’m not.” Evan sent an expectant look to Jared.

This is Jared.”

They shook hands.

So, Charlotte, bringing a boyfriend home to meet the parents. Not like you.”

She shrugged.

Must be pretty serious. How long you been together?”

About two months.”

Wow, that must be some kind of record for you. Aren’t you bored yet?”

Very funny, Evan.” Jared’s hand clenched around hers and she bit her lip.

No, seriously, a dynamo in the sack like you tends to get bored easily. You dumped me after what …. a month?”

Charlotte felt Jared tense. “Be careful,” he warned Evan.

Evan, I broke up with you for different reasons.”

Oh yeah, that’s right, I wasn’t what you were looking for. To me that translates, that I couldn’t keep up with your insatiable ….. “

That’s enough,” Jared said in a low harsh voice.

Come on, are you trying to tell me she’s not.”

Evan, stop!” Charlotte said as Jared took a step forward, fist clenched. “Let’s go, Jared.”

She dragged him away and he remained silent on the walk home. When it was time to leave that afternoon, Jared exchanged pleasantries with her family but his stoic reserve did not lift on the journey home. As much as she disliked confrontation, the quiet became disconcerting and she knew Evan’s words had bothered him to a surprising extent. And, more to the point, why was he mad at her?


* * *


The tension between them was rife but Jared knew he wasn’t calm enough to speak. It had taken all his control to stop himself from decking Evan. Jared’s anger at his rudeness towards Charlotte was slowly dissipating but what was replacing that emotion was far worse - fear. Was Evan right? Would Charlotte tire of Jared as she did with Evan? Was this something she did often? He didn’t know if he wanted to hear the answer to these questions so he didn’t ask. He wondered how long it would be before she broached the subject.

Jared, please talk to me,” she finally said two hours into their three hour trip.

What is there to say, Charlotte?” She turned in her seat and placed a hand on his arm. Her eyes searched his face for a clue to his emotional state.

I’m sorry about Evan.”

You didn’t do anything.” His face remained expressionless but his jaw tightened being the only indication that something bothered him.

Except sleep with him.” She lowered her eyes.

Now that is exactly what I didn’t want to hear.”

I don’t know what you want me to say.”

He glanced at her briefly, his face a mask of reservation. “I guess it was bound to happen eventually.”

What was?”

Running into someone … you knew.”

Look I know there may have been quite a few men in my life … ”

See, Charlotte, I don’t want to know about that.”

I’m not really like he said. I broke up with him because he’s a jerk not because of the reason he said.”

Jared didn’t know what to say. Was she covering up? How long before she moved on or, worse, cheated on him? He couldn’t say this to her, he didn’t want to hear her denial.

His continued silence concerned her. She knew how seriously he took relationships and sleeping around, but she wasn’t as bad as Evan made out either. Obviously her breaking up with him was a sore point and he wanted to extract his revenge. She just wished she could work out exactly what was bothering Jared. She’d already told him about her past and her lack of serious commitment before him. Didn’t he know how she felt about him?

Jared … ”

Let’s just drop it. I’ll be OK.” He smiled at her but she knew it was forced.

They drove the rest of the journey in silence and, for once, it was an uncomfortable one. He dropped her at home and brought her bag to the door.

I have to start work at midnight so I want to get some sleep before I go.”

When are you off?”

I’m working the midnight shift for the next three days before I have Wednesday and Thursday off. I’ll pick you up from work then.”

Charlotte realised this was the first time they would go longer than a day without seeing each other. When he usually did night shift he wanted her to come over after work so she would be there when he came home. For the first time in weeks he didn’t ask her to.

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