Twisted Fire (6 page)

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Authors: Joanne Ellis

BOOK: Twisted Fire
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You’re too serious, man. It’s time you took a chance again.”

For the rest of the evening Mitch goaded his little brother until he decided it was time for bed.



Chapter 6




During the weeks leading up to Chelsea’s wedding, preparations and work at the clinic kept Charlotte’s mind occupied, but not enough to stop a handsome stranger creeping in, much to her chagrin. Between choosing cakes, helping complete the bouquets, dress fittings and double checking that all bookings and arrangements were still in place, there was barely enough time for anything else. However Jared still clouded her mind. What was with her?

There was one issue which continued to bother Charlotte – besides the blonde – and that was Dr Shaw. It emerged that the message about her workplace policy was not getting through. He enquired about dinner with her several times and then asked her if she required an escort to the wedding. On each occasion she politely refused.

She was beginning to question whether continuing working for the man would be possible. His persistence was making her extremely uncomfortable. The constant asking her out was also coupled with innuendoes which she found confronting and unprofessional. Charlotte decided enough was enough but she needed some guidance and she knew Chelsea could provide some much needed advice. Even though there were only a few days to the wedding and she didn’t want to burden her sister, Charlotte was also fed up.

She arrived home to the much loved aroma of dinner cooking and assumed Chelsea must be home. Charlotte walked into the kitchen to find her standing at the stove trying to stir while Lucas cuddled up to her from behind, nibbling at her ears and neck.

Hi, guys.”

Hi, Charlotte,” Chelsea replied. “How was your day?”

Well, I’m glad you asked. I don’t want to burden you with my problems so close to the wedding but I really need your advice.”

That’s ok. What’s wrong?” She untangled herself from Lucas and turned around to face Charlotte.

The work is great and I’m seeing more and more patients, which is good.”


But Dr Shaw keeps chatting me up and it’s making me feel … uncomfortable.”

Have you made it clear you’re not interested?”

Absolutely. I explained how business and pleasure don’t mix.”

And you’re not flirting with him?” Charlotte frowned.

No, Chelsea, I don’t flirt with every man I meet,” she said a little hurt.

I didn’t mean to offend you, honey. It’s just sometimes men misinterpret your friendliness for something else.” Chelsea bit her lower lip and Charlotte knew she hadn’t meant any affront.

Well, this time there’s no reciprocation and he’s really starting to bother me. I don’t want to leave and look for another job because it would be very difficult to find another position. I wish he would just stop.”

Maybe you should tell him that you will leave if he doesn’t back off,” Lucas said. “Besides, if he is being inappropriate, it can be sexual harassment.”

I’ll talk to him but if he doesn’t listen then I guess I’ll have to follow through and look for something else. I really hate confrontation. You know how awkward I find these things.”

I know you do but they seem to be your only options,” Chelsea said coming over to rest a hand on her arm. “I know you’ll deal with this in a way that won’t jeopardise your position. Have faith in yourself.”

Thanks for your advice. I’d already decided this was probably the best approach. I hoped there might be an easier way.” She smiled half-heartedly.

So, any more sightings of the hunky fire fighter?”

No, and I don’t know whether that is good or bad.”

First impressions aren’t usually always the right ones.”

I suppose I can seem a bit superficial sometimes and my confidence does intimidate some people.” Charlotte’s lips thinned as she considered again the impression she would have left on Jared.

Maybe he’s a very guarded person and is really nice underneath.”

Charlotte shrugged. “Anyway, I’m going to have a quick shower before dinner.”

That was a little sneaky and match making of you, Chelsea,” Lucas said to her as he pulled her to him. “You don’t even know if it was him.”

I’m pretty sure it was. I was talking to Carrie about it and she mentioned that Jared relayed a similar encounter to her.”

Well, let’s just hope they can see past each other’s barriers.”

Are you turning soft on me, Hudson?” she asked teasingly.

I think I went soft the day I met you, Summerville,” he replied, kissing her tenderly.

Charlotte walked back into the kitchen to find that dinner was ready.

Good timing,” she said sitting down at the table.

Over dinner they discussed once again the itinerary for the wedding and last minute details. Secretly Charlotte hoped that she would meet someone special at the wedding, as romance would be in the air. It would be the perfect setting.


* * *


As the days passed, Jared and Mitch were pleased to have an opportunity to become reacquainted. Their time together had been limited over the past few years. Jared was surprised to discover he actually enjoyed having someone around and was happy for Mitch to stay as long as he needed to. He realised how lonely he had been, living alone for so long. Mitch even started talking about settling down and meeting the right girl to start a family with, which shocked Jared. His brother had always been a free spirit and never one to commit to anything. He also decided to stay on indefinitely and start a collection of pieces to see if he could locate a gallery interested in exhibiting them.

After a long day which consisted of fighting a large warehouse fire, Jared was content to sit outside with Mitch and Max while talking about old times.

So, Jared, do you know if there will be any available girls at this wedding on Saturday?’

I’m not sure. I don’t really know anyone besides the bride and groom, and of course Nath and Carrie.”

I hear the bride is a stunner.”

Yes, she’s beautiful and she’s a sweet girl too. Lucas is a lucky man.”

She’s your type, then?” he prodded. “Are you harbouring a secret crush there, brother?”

No,” he said purposely. “I like blondes.”

Doesn’t she have a sister?”

Yes, but she’s a bit superficial from what I have heard.” Charlotte flashed into his mind again and he frowned, wondering why she kept creeping back in. Weeks had passed. He should have forgotten her by now.

Well, then if you’re not interested and she is anything like Chelsea, I might have to have a crack.”

Be my guest.”

You know, a little fun in your life might be good for you.”

I have been playing with the wrong girls quite long enough, thanks. I just want to settle down and not waste my time with flirtations.”

Mitch laughed which provoked another scowl from Jared. “Man, I’d forgotten how tight you’re wound up.”

I just take life more seriously than other people do, that’s all. You know this about me. I’ve always been this way.”

Too serious, if you ask me,” he grinned.

I didn’t.”

Jared changed the subject back to the common ground of sports and family, and they spent the rest of the evening disagreeing about everything.


* * *


Charlotte decided she would wait until after the wedding to talk to Dr Shaw. It was Friday and one more day had to be manageable. She was hoping that the novelty would wear off and he might stop of his own accord. Maybe he would meet someone else. That would definitely make her life easier.

She’d been grateful the day ended up being a hectic one and therefore limited the chances for conversation. The opportunity for him to be inappropriate didn’t present itself. Charlotte decided the next time he was, she would be truthful and tell him how she really felt about the situation, again but more firmly this time.

When the day was finally over, she said goodbye to Dr Shaw and ran out the door. Her excitement over the following day was so high she could barely contain it. Chelsea was getting married! She was thrilled for her sister, although still slightly envious, and this feeling threatened to linger. She pushed it aside with vehemence. This wasn’t about her.

To celebrate for the following day, the bridal party were going out for dinner, presenting a perfect opportunity for their families to connect with each other further. Charlotte’s parents and her brother Hayden – who was also in the bridal party – arrived earlier that day and were staying at the hotel where the nuptials were being held. Lucas’s partner Maggie and her husband Steve were also joining them.

The discussion briefly fell on the current case that Lucas and Maggie were working on with regard to the two murders resulting from arson. They were unsettled as it seemed the two cases were now linked.

Do you think that the arson was a cover up?” Nathan asked Lucas.

No, it appears that both girls were alive when the fire started and it was the cause.”

Gruesome. Are you working with my brother on the case?”

Yes, Maggie is meeting with him on Monday to see if what we’ve discovered and the arson evidence corroborates.”

I’m working solo for a week while these two lovebirds consummate their marriage,” Maggie said affectionately.

On a more pleasant topic, where are you two going on your honeymoon?” Steve asked.

The city of love - Paris!” Chelsea smiled. “I have always wanted to go and never got around to it and Lucas, well he was a workaholic and never went anywhere.”

Yes but now I have a reason not to work all the time,” he said to her quietly but they all heard.

Charlotte sighed. Lucas was such a sweet man, although Charlotte was a little worried when they’d first met. Lucas carried baggage. After his parents were callously murdered in a robbery, he was afraid to get close to anyone as he never wanted to suffer that much grief again. When Chelsea met him he maintained a cool, tough and restrained exterior which disappeared after they’d fallen in love and the true Lucas resurfaced. Charlotte knew how happy Carrie was to see the brother she thought was gone for good return. She watched them intermittently for the rest of the evening, wondering how it felt to have someone love you so completely and to feel the same in return.

After they’d returned home later that evening Charlotte proceeded to the balcony which was becoming a nightly ritual, as was wondering what tomorrow would bring.



Chapter 7


Wedding Surprises


Charlotte woke the morning of Chelsea’s wedding excited and eager to start what was going to be a wonderful day. Lucas spent the night at Carrie’s, so his preparations for the day could be shared with Nathan, Hayden and Tommy. Carrie was due to arrive later that morning with Mabel to prepare their hair and make-up, as these were her specialties. Sarah and Bradley were also due to appear before lunch.

Charlotte bounded down the stairs and found the bride-to-be making coffee, looking radiant and exhilarated.

Today’s the day, honey. Are you as excited as you look?”

Absolutely!” She offered her usual beaming smile. “Want some coffee?”

You bet.”

Carrie should be here any minute,” Chelsea said, pouring Charlotte a coffee from the pot and handing it to her.

Is it that late already?”

Yes, sleepyhead, it is.” Chelsea grinned as Charlotte rubbed her eyes. She sipped at her coffee and attempted to fully wake up.

I’ve been so busy lately. I’ve obviously worn myself out.”

Any excuse.” Charlotte’s response was to poke out her tongue.

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