Twisted Fire (2 page)

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Authors: Joanne Ellis

BOOK: Twisted Fire
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Shaking herself out of her reverie, Charlotte decided to stop feeling sorry for herself. She had plenty to look forward to and love would find her when the timing was right. Returning to her text, she got stuck into the studying she was supposed to be focusing on.

After putting in a few hours, she wandered downstairs to assist Chelsea with dinner, or rather keep her company. Charlotte wasn’t much of a chef. She located Chelsea in the kitchen organising ingredients and enjoying a glass of wine. Charlotte poured herself a glass and began chatting with Chelsea while she cooked.

Lucas arrived home just as dinner was almost complete and, after getting changed, appeared in the kitchen to greet his fiancé with a big kiss before grabbing a beer from the fridge.

How was work today, honey?” Chelsea asked.

Well, fortunately there aren’t any new investigations to work on so we have re-opened a cold case. It was an arson that occurred just after … when you were in the hospital. There was a young woman found in an arson fire and we haven’t been able to find any leads on a suspect. All we know about her is her name and she was a student. It’s very frustrating.”

Well, on a happier note, we found our dresses today,” Charlotte told him. “Wait until you see how beautiful Chelsea looks, you won’t be able to breathe. I couldn’t.”

She makes me feel like that all the time,” he said tickling Chelsea to no avail as she wasn’t ticklish, at least not the ribs anyway.

How about you go and set the table, big guy, and let me get on with cooking,” Chelsea said shooing him away.

You’re so lucky, Chelsea, he’s so sweet.”

Yes, I know but I almost wasn’t.”

Charlotte still found it difficult to believe that Lucas walked away from Chelsea after she was found alive. He thought the fear of losing her in the similar manner he had his parents was too agonising to endure. Fortunately for both of them he realised that living without her completely was much worse.

I know but now you’re getting married and I’m so happy for you,” she said giving her older sister a big hug.

You will find someone one day, Charlotte. I believe there is someone out there for everyone. You never know who you might meet at our wedding. Carrie’s husband Nathan has a couple of single brothers.”

Are they as hot as him?”

I assume they are. I’ve only met one of them. Mitch is overseas, he’s a freelance photographer and their younger brother is a fire fighter but I don’t know him very well. Both he and Lucas work different shifts so it has been difficult for all of us to get together often.”

Well, I guess I’ll just have to check them out myself, then.”

I’m sure you will,” Lucas stated as he came back into the kitchen. “I haven’t seen you let a good man get past you yet.”

I like to keep my options open and I just happen to appreciate a good looking man, nothing wrong with that.”



Chapter 2




He was winning at poker again. A quiet day at the fire house usually entailed Jared successfully cleaning out his crew members, today being no exception. In between attending to fires, maintenance at the station and checking equipment, they played poker. It was the best way in his opinion to pass the time away as he rarely lost his money.

His ability to read people and learn everybody’s tells while never giving away any of his own, was second to none. He was an accomplished player and his ability to bluff confounded many. His serious nature ensured a good poker face.

Montgomery, you have cleaned me out again,” stated Sam, his best mate. “I refuse to play with you anymore.”

Hey it’s not my fault you have no poker face, Sammy,” he grinned.

You’re too serious, man,” one of the rookies added. “I think you need to get laid and loosen up a bit.”

I don’t need your advice thanks, rookie,” Jared said with an unreadable expression. “Not that it is any of your concern but I don’t believe in casual sex and I just take life a little bit more seriously than you do.”

Jared did take life seriously which was the reason he always envisaged becoming a fire fighter, perceiving it as an important service, something he’d always wanted to be part of. Fighting fires and saving lives was incredible rush as far as he was concerned.

As he informed the rookie, he didn’t consider casual sex. He believed in respecting women and he’d only ever slept with women with whom he was in a relationship, which hadn’t been many. Jared took pride in controlling his urges and emotions. He’d learned the hard way that any woman who enjoyed casual sex was not worth his time and effort.

Most women found Jared abrasive, stoic and uncompromising, but in reality he simply brushed aside any unwelcome attention. He was looking for love with the right woman and simply hadn’t found her yet. Sure, he could take up with the women who flirted with him but he needed someone with whom he found a connection, not just an attraction. He longed to find the kind of love his oldest brother Nathan had found with Carrie. They shared everything in their lives together and had two great kids whom he cherished.

Thinking about his family reminded him he hadn’t seen them for a week or so. Jared thought perhaps he should make the effort on his next days off to pay them a visit and also call his mother. He was incredibly proud of his brother Nathan, who’d created a great life for himself as a very successful lawyer and family man. Mitch, their middle brother, whom they occasionally saw in his passing visits was missed immensely. He travelled the world taking photos for various magazines and newspapers.

Although the brothers all possessed very different dispositions, they looked similar. Nathan, easy going and compassionate, often became the mediator during heated discussions. Mitch, carefree and fun-loving, assumed the role of prankster in the Montgomery household. Jared, serious, sensitive and romantic, often became the brunt of Mitch’s jokes. Even though their differences were apparent when they were together, their bond was solid and they would always be there for each other. Their childhoods had been happy and they were fortunate.

Carrie became like a sister to him and he was besotted with her wisdom and kindness. He was looking forward to attending Lucas’ wedding in the coming months as Nathan and Carrie were both in the bridal party along with their children Mabel and Tommy.

As he won yet another hand, the bell sounded. His crew slid down to the garage below, threw on their gear and piled onto the truck. Jared commanded a truck and its crew when he was on shift.

They sped through the streets to a warehouse fire that appeared to be burning out of control. They pulled in and prepared their equipment while Jared determined the best course of action and issued each man his tasks.

Even though the building had been evacuated, a small crew was dispatched to check for any signs of life and to fight the fire from within. The remainder of the crew doused the fire externally.

They fought the blaze until it simmered and smouldered. Once it was clear to enter the building for investigation, Jared headed in to check for any evidence of arson. He searched each room and discovered the cause of the fire to be an electrical fault, therefore deeming it to be accidental.

After making sure once more the building was secure, Jared instructed his men to pack up and they headed back to the station. On the ride back he thought about the last arson fire he’d investigated. It had occurred about seven months prior at a house fire. His crew had discovered a charred body amongst the debris. Seeing a burned body had always been the hardest part of his job. She’d only been a young women and it transpired smoke inhalation was the cause of death.

After Jared investigated the home, it became apparent the fire had been deliberately lit and appeared to have been the murder weapon. He’d uncovered an accelerant was used to start the fire and he’d been a liaison for the police in their investigation at the time. The detectives had been unable to make an arrest to date. There were few leads and no suspects and the case had gone cold. Lucas had phoned Jared earlier that day to advise him they were looking into the case once again. He hoped they were able to have more luck this time around.

Fortunately a repeat of the incident hadn’t occurred so they weren’t looking for a serial arsonist and killer. It may have purely been a crime of passion or opportunity. Jared sincerely hoped it was a one-off as he believed an evil mind using fire to kill could be very dangerous indeed.

Back at the station, he completed the paperwork on the building and documented it as an accidental fire. Max, his trusty German shepherd, lay on the floor next to his desk as Jared went through his reporting procedure. He was never far from Jared’s side.

Jared had saved Max from a house fire when he’d still been a pup a few years prior. They had been inseparable ever since. Jared was a little concerned about him today as Max hadn’t been eating and seemed to be a bit despondent. Since he had the next three days off, Jared decided he would visit the vet the following morning.

Hey, Max,” he said, patting him affectionately. “We’ll go and visit the doc tomorrow and get you fixed up.”

Max looked up at him with sad eyes and Jared’s heart lurched; he hoped he was alright.


* * *


Jared and Max arrived home a few hours later and although he always considered his house a sanctuary, he found the stillness and quiet lonely. It would be nice to have someone to come home to.

His house was spacious and open planned with comfortable furniture and a relaxing ambience. It comprised of three bedrooms and a large family room with all the luxuries of a home theatre. His large kitchen was where he spent the most time as he loved to cook. It was conventional, industrial and contained all the luxuries and necessities of a chef’s kitchen. The back yard was landscaped with a spacious seated patio area where he also spent considerable time.

Once he’d cooked up a feast, he grabbed a beer and sat outside with Max to watch the sunset. As the sky turned dark and the wind blowing off the water surrounded him with the scent of summer rain, Jared wondered if he would ever find the right girl to share it with.



Chapter 3




Charlotte awoke feeling energised. Today was her first day at Dr Shaw’s clinic and she was anxious to begin. Normally Charlotte was not a morning person and it would take her up to an hour and a couple of cups of coffee before she was ready to start the day. This morning however she was filled with renewed vigour.

After eating breakfast alone - both Chelsea and Lucas were not working today therefore had yet to surface - she headed off to her new job. As it was only a short distance from home she decided to walk – which was also unlike her – but she felt like taking in the sights and sounds. It was a brisk, overcast morning and although it appeared as though it might rain, the sun pushing through the clouds suggested it could turn out to be quite warm. She walked quickly to avoid the rain and being late. She cruised in the door just in time to set up.

Dr Shaw hadn’t arrived yet as he didn’t have any appointments first thing. As a result he’d entrusted Charlotte to have everything ready before opening. While working with her Mum over the last few years she’d become accustomed to procedure and therefore breezed through the set up.

Charlotte would initially be doing basic check-ups and diagnoses, giving immunisations, setting limbs and stitching wounds, thus undertaking a role where she would be doing more than assisting.

Her new role still entailed continuing to aid in surgeries, as she did with her mother, however as the year progressed she would begin conducting operations herself and by year’s end she would be fully qualified. Once qualified, she would be treating her own patients without support. It had been a long hard road and she longed to be helping her animal patients in all capacities without support.

She was in one of the consultation rooms completing the last of the restocking of supplies when the front bell jingled. Charlotte rushed to the front, excited to assist what could be her first new patient. What she found at reception took her breath away.

He was tall, quite a bit taller than her which was rare, with wavy light blonde hair and the bluest eyes she’d ever seen, deep blue like the depths of the ocean on a clear day. His mouth looked deliciously full and there was a crevice in his plump lower lip. His hard lean body was easily noticeable beneath his t-shirt. He appeared fit and muscular therefore absolutely delectable. Charlotte found herself, for the first time ever, tongue-tied.

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