Two Against the Odds (17 page)

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Authors: Joan Kilby

BOOK: Two Against the Odds
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just closed the front door behind her when the phone began to ring inside the house.

“Leave it,” Rafe said. “We'll miss the sunset.”

A week had passed since the Archibald Prize luncheon. Rafe was doing everything he could to make it up to her for the disappointments she'd had—first the baby, then losing the prize. This evening they were going out on the boat for a romantic cruise, just the two of them. And of course, Murphy, the first mate.

The phone continued to ring.

Lexie hesitated, looked over her shoulder. “I feel strange. Kind of prickly all over. I want to answer that.”

“Get it then,” Rafe said. “Murphy and I will be in the car.”

She went back inside.

Rafe held the back door open and whistled. Murphy hopped in. Rafe got into the driver's seat and rolled down the window. He was tuning the radio to a classical station when Lexie stepped onto the porch.

With her graceful figure in cotton fisherman pants and a fitted top, she was quite a picture. The thought flashed through him,
I am a lucky man.

“Rafe. Guess what?” She was grinning like a fool.

“What?” he asked, laughing.

“That was Samuel. The National Gallery of Victoria wants to buy my portrait of Sienna.”

“That's good.” He turned the key in the ignition.

“Good? You don't understand. It's fantastic.” She got into the car and threw her arms around his neck. “It's better than the Archibald Prize. Sixty-five thou sand dollars!”

“Not bad for a few months' work.” He was teasing her, making her think he didn't understand what a huge deal this was. “Does this mean we'll be able to afford chicken with our two-minute noodles?”

“Hell, we'll be able to eat filet mignon.” She went quiet as she fastened her seat belt. Then she glanced at him. “Maybe we'll stick to rump steak for a while.”

He gave up the pretense and hugged her enthusiastically. “Rump steak, chicken—who cares? Congratulations, Lexie! I always knew you were the best. And now the whole country will, too.”

Rafe backed out of the driveway and set off down the quiet residential street toward the glassy bay where the setting sun was already turning the water to molten gold.

He reached for Lexie's hand and felt her fingers squeeze his. Some people might say the odds were against them as a couple….

But he thought they just might be on a winning streak.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8847-2


Copyright © 2011 by Joan Kilby

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