Two Moons of Sera (16 page)

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Authors: Pavarti K. Tyler

BOOK: Two Moons of Sera
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That was good. It was a start.

“I’m.... My mother was captured. She was brought to a place
like this where Erdlanders... did things to her. Experiments and tests and—I
don’t know what else. She didn’t like to talk about it.”

“Your mother...?”

“Was a Sualwet.”

“But, you have hair and you speak Erdlander. You can’t be—”

“I can. I
. And I think you are too, at least a

“No, I can’t.”

I gave him a moment to ruminate over what I’d told him. Tor
sat quietly next to me, but he reached out and placed his hand on my back,
grounding me, warming me.

“Why did you want to see my feet?” Traz asked. In his face,
curiosity had replaced revulsion. What more could I want, really?

“Are you going to tell anyone about her?” Tor spoke up
finally, again ignoring Traz’s question. It was an annoying habit, but for now
it worked to my advantage.

“I... no... I don’t think anyone needs to know. You aren’t
hurting anyone. Are you? Are you like a spy?”

A spy for the Sualwets? I smiled at the absurdity of the
thought. “No, they don’t know about me.”

“How is it possible? I didn’t think—I mean, they lay eggs,
right? They don’t do things like we do. We aren’t compatible with them.”

“I don’t know. Science? Something the Erdlanders did to my
mother made her pregnant. The first Sualwet pregnancy, the first live birth, in
over three hundred years, and it was me. Her people hated her for it and forced
us to leave. She and I lived alone my entire life. I never knew anyone but her,
until Tor.” I smiled over my shoulder, allowing my attention to drift away from
Traz. The safety Tor provided seeped into every pore. “And then the war came to
where we lived, and she died. So now we’re here.”

“You can’t stay here,” Traz said, sounding worried. “If
anyone finds out—Sera, they’ll kill you, or worse.” He looked around the dark
room to make sure no one had awakened.

“We’re leaving,” Tor stated, his hand still grounding me. “But
I need to hear that tape first.”

“What? Tonight you almost killed someone because of it. Don’t
tell me you are Sualwet too.”

“No.” Tor was as verbose as ever.

“Okay, so Sera’s mother was Sualwet, and you think I’ve got
some genetic thing going on, and you’re

“We don’t know,” I admitted. Tor sighed. “That’s why we need
to hear that tape. It affected Tor somehow, and we don’t know why. We need to
know where it came from.”

“All right. It’s in the Linguistics archives, but I don’t
have an access code to the building.”

“I do.”

Traz and Tor stared at me.

“My security is for the Hub,” I explained. “I can get in all
the rooms, but I don’t know how to find it or where to look once I’m in there.”

“I can do that,” Traz offered. “I just have to find a reason
to get over there and find you.”

Tor grunted. “While I’m stuck in the fields.”

“With Lace.” I smiled at Tor as he grimaced.

“You two finding each other,” Traz said, “and getting away
with being here... it’s impossible. You shouldn’t exist. If we get caught....”

“You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to help—”

“Yes, he does,” Tor interrupted. “You want to know what you
are as much as we do. You can’t
help us.”

“I think I liked him better when he didn’t talk,” Traz
cracked before smiling at us both. “You’re right, though. I’m in this now. If
they really did something to me, or my parents, I want to know, and if they’re
doing it....”

“Oh my gods,” I cried louder than I meant to.

“There are rumors about things like that—captives and
experiments. I always assumed they were just horror stories—you know, things
the guys made up to spook the girls. But if they did something to your mother,
something that could create you—”

“—who knows what else they’re doing,” I finished his thought
with a shudder.

We sat for a moment, allowing the enormity of our situation
to sink in. No one would help us, no one would understand.

We were alone in this.

“Which is why we have to get out of here,” Tor stated

“Shhh,” Traz whispered, ducking his head and looking around
the chair.

I closed my eyes and peered around us with my inner sight. I
pushed my enhanced senses through the walls of the pod, searching for whatever
Traz had heard.

“It’s okay,” I whispered. “It’s just Elle. She’s getting a
drink of water from her table. She isn’t coming out.”

I opened my eyes to find Tor smirking and Traz’s mouth
hanging open.

“You heard it, too,” I said defensively.

“I did. I did. Didn’t I? I heard something, but when you
described it, I could almost see it. But that’s not the right word. I couldn’t
it. I—”

“You heard it, but you heard it like I do. Like Sualwets do.”

“I don’t understand any of this.” Traz sighed, pulling his
hand through his brown hair and closing his eyes. “I need to go to bed. I... I
can’t think about this anymore. We’ll figure out how to get that disk tomorrow.”

Traz stood up and looked down at us, attempting a weak
smile. It came out more as a grimace, but I appreciated the effort.

“Goodnight,” I whispered as he turned and retreated back to
his room.

Tor and I remained on the floor for a moment. Elgon’s warm
breath had evened out into the soft rhythm of sleep. I was exhausted, tired in
a way I didn’t know how to articulate. It was like someone had flipped a switch
inside me and any reserves I had to keep going ran out.

I yawned, which made Tor smirk again before he stood and
held his hand out to me. We walked into our room together, hand in hand, Elgon
sleepily following.



My clothes had dried out but were stiff and uncomfortable. I
wanted to change into the softer sleeping clothes Ada gave me and climb into
the bed, but Tor was standing inside the door, watching me.

I pulled clothes out from the bags on the floor and turned
away from him. I don’t know why it mattered, but it seemed less frightening to
have him look at my back than my front. Besides, there was a giant hole burned
in the back of my shirt, so he could already see my skin beneath.

“We should probably find a way to hide this shirt,” I said
as I pulled it off and dropped it to the floor. The cool air of our room
warmed, and I heard Tor step back to lean against the door.

“Y-yeah, we should do that,” he stammered behind me.

Why was he acting so weird?

I pulled the loose sleeping shirt over my head. It had thin
straps over the shoulders and clung to my body. As I pulled my skirt down, I
realized Tor was watching me, not just standing there in his typical
inexplicable way, but concentrating on me. The warmth in the room came from

I turned to face him, the thin shirt the only thing covering
my chest.

“Are you going to get ready to sleep?” I asked, cocking my
head to the side.

“I... yeah. I’m.... Sure,” he stuttered again, his blue eyes
glowing with an internal fire.

I turned back around and waited until I sensed he had looked
away before untying my shoes and pulling down my skirt and underwear. I quickly
slipped on the sleeping pants and climbed onto the bed. It was softer than I
remembered. Then again, I’d spent last night on the floor, with Tor.

For a moment, I worried he was going to sleep on the floor
again, that he wouldn’t want to be so close to me. I tugged down the covers and
slid beneath them, close to the wall so there was enough room for him to climb
in, if he wanted.

I rolled on my side and ignored his movements behind me. As
much as I wanted to reach out and sense what he was doing, something restrained
my desire. I hadn’t wanted him to watch me undress, so I had no right to cheat
and watch him. Instead, I held myself as still as possible.

When the mattress shifted, I jumped. Having been
concentrating so hard on not paying attention, I hadn’t heard him approach. Tor
stood up, and I turned to look at him.

“I didn’t mean to startle you,” he apologized, looking at
the wall behind my head, not into my eyes. He was wearing thin sleep pants like
mine and no shirt. Soft light filtering in through the window above us outlined
the contours of his body. In the dimness his scars seemed invisible, and only
the amazing perfection of him remained.

“It’s okay,” I assured him.

“I can sleep on the floor again.” He stepped away from the
bed, and I sat up.

“No! I mean, you don’t have to do that. You should sleep
here. If you want to.”

“I just don’t want to—I don’t know—make you uncomfortable.”

“Just try not to set anything on fire and we’ll be all
right,” I teased, lying back down, hoping he would smile and relax. This wasn’t
the first time we’d slept next to each other or the first time I’d seen him
without his shirt on. But as he slipped into bed next to me, I was thinking
less about sleep and more about his kiss.

He sank into the mattress next to me, creating a dip that
pulled me closer to him.

“Hi,” I whispered, rolling to my side and propping my head
up on my hand.

“Hi.” He smiled and stretched his arms above him before
putting them behind his head. The heat from his skin wrapped around me, pulled
me closer. He didn’t move, but the air itself urged me to touch him. I reached
over and touched his chest, just lying my hand against his skin. The contact
was soft, innocent.

Tor closed his eyes, and I watched his face. The side of his
mouth curled up, and with his beard shaved close like other male Erdlanders, I
could see a small dimple. My thumb moved against his skin, enjoying the warmth,
and I leaned down and kissed the divot in his cheek.

“You have dimples,” I whispered, my face next to his.

“What are dimples?” he asked, opening his eyes and bringing
his arms down. One slipped around me, and he placed the other atop my hand
resting on his chest.

“These.” I giggled, kissing his cheek again. “Your smile

“I don’t have those.”



“And why is that?”

“I don’t smile much.” His voice sank, suddenly serious.

Instead of arguing, I leaned down and kissed him again.
First on his cheek, then down and around his ear.

Tor’s arm tightened around me, and his breath sped up as I
kissed down his neck. He was warm and tasted familiar, sweet and salty like the
sea. After pulling my hand from his, I wrapped my arm around his body and drew
him closer. As I kissed him, my leg moved over his, bringing my stomach against
his side.

At first Tor held still and didn’t move, but when I licked
along the muscle running up his neck, he exhaled with a groan and turned toward
me. His mouth found mine in the dark. We fit together. His strong arms wrapped
around me and held me tight. My hands gripped his back as we kissed.

His lips were soft—I always expected them to be rougher,
like his demeanor, but when he touched me, everything relaxed. The room
shimmered with his glow, and I smiled.

“Are you going to start a fire?” I whispered, kissing his

“I don’t think so.” His voice sounded so serious.

“If you do, just make sure we can put it out before anyone
comes running in.”

“Sera, I’m not going to set anything on fire.” He pulled
away from me to look into my eyes.

“You sure? What about my shirt?” I teased and poked him in
the ribs.

“That was different.” He smirked, unable to hide the grin
forming on his face.

“I don’t know. You have a tendency to get a little...

“I didn’t used to.”

“It must be me.” I kissed him lightly on the lips.

“Must be.”

Tor turned his body so he lay facing me. I left my leg
between his and rubbed my toes against his pants, feeling the soft fabric
against the webbing between my toes.

Lifting my face, I greeted him with a smile, and a light
sparked between us before he kissed me. This time his hands didn’t hold me
tight. He didn’t crush me to him like he had in the rain. This time he kissed
me slowly, his lips molding to mine, his tongue reaching out, tasting me.

I sighed and pushed against him. The heat of his bare skin
seared my chest, but it didn’t hurt, not like a real fire would. Instead I was
finally warm.

Tor’s hands roamed my back, his fingers gentle as he
explored the length of my spine. I shivered despite the flame erupting along
the lines of his touch. When he reached beneath my shirt and pressed his palms
against my flesh, I gasped. I could feel the outline of his hand, each finger,
pressed against me.

“Are you okay?” he whispered between kisses.

All I could do was whimper against his lips, begging for

I’d never been kissed before Tor. I’d never really known I
wanted to be, but I’d read about the princes in storybooks who would save the
maidens from the monsters beneath the sea. Yet, here I was the monster and he
was the one who needed rescuing.

When Tor’s lips migrated to my neck, the sensations
traveling along my nerves overwhelmed me. Every part of me tingled. I wanted
him to touch every inch of me. I submitted to his caress and let my hands trace
the lines of his scars.

After I thought I couldn’t take anymore, that I would
combust from the amazing draw of his mouth, he gripped me tighter and I wrapped
my leg around him. Our bodies pressed flush against each other, and for the
first time I felt how much he wanted me.

I giggled. I couldn’t help it.

Tor pulled away from me, leaving blackness between us. He
even withdrew his hands.

“Don’t,” I began but stopped when he looked at me. The fire
in his eyes seemed so alive I worried he might actually set something aflame.


“I’ll just—goodnight.” He rolled away from me.

What had I done? What had happened? He was just kissing me,
his body against mine. The phantom warmth of his hands still tickled my skin.
Now he was gone.

“Are you mad?” I asked, unable to imagine why he would be.
My laughter hadn’t been at him. I’d just never felt...

Now that he faced away from me, I wanted him to come back.
My body yearned for him to press himself against me again. I wanted to know
what happened next.

“Tor?” I asked when he didn’t reply.

His voice was low, so low I barely heard him. “What?”

“Why... why did you go away?”

“Never mind, Sera. Go to sleep.”

“I can’t.”

I reached out and touched his back, but he jerked away from
me, retreating from my hand like it might burn him. How had the tables turned
like this?

“Tor!” I smacked his back and pushed him, but he ignored me.

Annoyance and anger and frustration and confusion warred
within me. In the end, my need for him won. Instead of fighting him I slid up
against him, conforming myself around his shape so that my hips were behind his
and my legs bent at the same angle. I wrapped my arm around his waist, letting
my hand settle on his hip bone. It was so sharp, sticking out from his thin
waist, but the skin was softer than his lips.

Tor said nothing, but he didn’t push me away, which was all
the encouragement I needed. My fingers stroked his hip as I pressed my lips to
his back. The rise and fall of his old scars mimicked his breathing. I kissed
along them, wishing I could soothe the memory of pain lingering within his

I dragged my hand over his stomach, feeling the rhythm of
each breath he took, until I reached the muscles of his chest. I pulled my body
higher, brought my lips to the back of his shoulder, and nuzzled against the
hair lying against his neck.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered behind his ear before placing
another kiss against his neck.

Instead of replying, Tor turned back to me. I welcomed him
back into my arms.

I may be a mutant hybrid and he may be the most dangerous
creature ever created, but there, in the darkness of our room, only twenty-four
hours after our first tentative kiss, everything was perfect.

I rolled onto my back, bringing Tor with me so he hovered
above, his body in a rigid position so he didn’t touch me other than the kiss
we shared.

“Don’t laugh at me,” he said.

“I’m sorry.” I smiled at him, and his smirk reappeared.

“I don’t... I don’t know how this works.”

“I don’t either. I’m sorry, Tor. I wasn’t laughing at you. I
was just surprised.”

Tor’s tanned skin warmed to a reddish hue, and he turned
away from me. “Oh.”


He looked back at me, his nose only fractions of an inch
from mine.

“Do it again.”

Tor’s breath hitched, and for a moment I was afraid he was
going to move away. Instead he shifted above me and settled between my legs.
When he kissed me, our entire bodies came together. The heat of him spread
through the thin sleeping clothes I wore, and while I knew about love and sex
from books, I’d never thought the feelings washing over me really existed.

We kissed and touched and moved together until the world
faded away and there was no war, no secrets—only us. Tor’s hand cupped my
breast, and the fabric turned to ash until nothing separated us.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, and I tried not to giggle again.

“Ada’s going to wonder what’s happening to all my clothes.”

He pushed against me again, eliciting another breathless
gasp from me, making me forget about anything other than his body against mine.

It seemed like hours passed as we explored each other, but
eventually fatigue settled in. Our kisses slowed until I was curled into his
side, my head on his chest, his arm wrapped under and around me so his hand
rested on my hip.

He placed gentle kisses in my hair while our breathing
slowed. Shortly thereafter, I fell into a blissfully perfect sleep.

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