Two Notorious Dukes (8 page)

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Authors: Lyndsey Norton

BOOK: Two Notorious Dukes
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In the morning, Robert was distracted. ‘What’s
wrong?’ Argyll asked softly after breakfast. Robert
yanked him into the drawing room and looked about,
but couldn’t see anybody

‘I had a very disturbing dream last night.’ Robert
said frowning severely.
‘In what way disturbing?’ Argyll asked his
interest piqued.
‘I dreamt that my mother was here last night!’
he said and shook his head ‘and it seemed so real.’
‘I’m not quite following you?’ Argyll said. ‘Why
would you dream your mother was here? She never
lived here, did she?’
‘No, she didn’t. I had the dream again.’ He
looked keenly at Argyll, who nodded as he knew Robert
dreamed about the siege of Copenhagen. ‘And then my
mother was there telling me I was dreaming and
comforting me and then when I woke up this morning
the lamp was on and I know I blew it out when I went to
‘Well, if it was the ghost of your mother, why
would she need a lamp?’ Argyll asked pointedly.
‘Somebody must have come to your room, maybe Sarah
or one of the maids.’ Robert was already shaking his
head. ‘You should check your balcony doors.’
Elizabeth was stood outside the door listening,
with a small smile.
Should I tell him?
She asked herself.
Or should I leave him guessing!
She walked slowly into
the room and smiled as both men jumped up for her.
‘Your Graces.’ She addressed them formally. ‘If
you would excuse us Lord Argyll, I really need to have a
private word with Lord Bosworth.’
Argyll smiled knowingly. ‘Of course, My Lady.’ He
said equally as formally and sauntered out the door to
find Sarah.
‘Please sit down, Your Grace.’ Elizabeth said as
she walked to the window. She took a deep breath and
sighed. ‘It was me.’ She said without preamble. ‘I could
hear you calling when I was on the balcony.’ She turned
to glance at him and was surprised to see a shocked
expression on his face. She smiled kindly and turned
away again. ‘I couldn’t sleep,’ she said in explanation. ‘It
was far too hot, so I braved the balcony and I heard you
moaning. I wasn’t sure whether or not you had
company at first, but then you started shouting and I
opened your window and came in. As the storm got
worse, you became more distressed. So I lit the lamp
and shook you awake.’ She smiled softly again. ‘At least
I thought you were awake, but obviously you weren’t.’
She laughed coarsely then. ‘I suppose I should be glad
that you weren’t. With your reputation I would have
been tupped quite vigorously, as most men can’t ignore
the woman in their arms for long.’ She looked at him
again. ‘You grabbed me, dragged me onto your lap and
buried your face in my bosom. I‘m ashamed to say it,
but I rocked you back to sleep and then left.’ She sighed
again. ‘So it wasn’t a dream exactly, you just weren’t
quite awake enough to realise it was me.’
Robert was dumbstruck. That it had been Lady
Elizabeth was shocking anyway, but that she did it at all
was astonishing. ‘Thank you, My Lady.’ He whispered.
‘Think nothing of it.’ She turned from the
window and looked at him coldly. ‘I often wish there
was a man who could frighten away my dreams. But
unfortunately mine were caused by a man in the first
place, so I have to be held by my maid when I wake up
screaming in the night.’ She started for the door, but
Robert stood suddenly and held out his hand.
‘I sincerely meant it, thank you.’ he said softly.
Elizabeth looked down at his proffered hand and
then back up into his face. It was square cut and
devilishly handsome, with eyes as blue as the azure
summer sky, accentuated by fine arching eyebrows, a
straight nose and very kissable lips over a chiselled jaw
line and chin. There was a small dimple in his chin and
she had the strangest urge to put her finger on it. She
studied his eyes, but they were expressionless still. She
carefully placed her hand in his and watched with a
cracking heart as he lifted her hand to his lips. She felt
the blood rush furiously up her cheeks and managed to
mumble. ‘Think nothing of it,’ again before she eased
her hand away from his lips and walked stiffly out of the
As she vanished out of the door, Robert groaned
and squeezed his throbbing manhood. ‘Damn!’ he
muttered. ‘If only I’d realised!’
‘Don’t even think about it!’ Lady Verity said as
she stood up from the armchair she’d been concealed
in. ‘I know all you’d like to do is tup her, but she can’t
have that, she’s not ready and any attempt at sex will
scare her to death!’
Robert looked suitably chastised, being caught
by the Duchess. She walked over to him, patted him on
the shoulder and said softly. ‘Be patient with her and
she’ll be yours.’ She said calmly.
Robert looked at her sharply and said harshly. ‘I
don’t want a wife; she would only be a burden.’ And as
he walked away he muttered. ‘One that will die!’ He
went out through the French door and ran down to the
He sat on the dock, stripped off his boots and
stockings to dangle his feet in the water.
Do I want a
He asked himself.
There’s no denying I need an
heir and perhaps it’s better to marry somebody you like,
rather than have to take some venal wench that’s only
interested in the money and title. Then you wouldn’t
have to sit in your bath chair and watch her shag all the
young bucks, wondering if the child is yours, until you
He sat and thought about Elizabeth and how he felt
that first sight of her at the Opera. Again his manhood
stood at attention and Robert idly massaged it. He
remembered how beautiful she looked in the sunshine
and the flames in her hair and he had a sudden urge to
see her hair spread out on a white pillow. He recalled
how much fire there was in her eyes and the steel in her
personality. He snorted with laughter as he realised it
was typical of Elizabeth’s bravery for her to just go into
a strange man’s room, to wake him from a nightmare.
She had so much love to give, he realised, as he thought
about her with the estate’s children that first afternoon
and how she treated them all like her own. He shocked
himself then, as he pictured Elizabeth with his baby in
her arms and found it a very pleasing prospect.
But do I
love her?
He asked himself harshly.
You’ve all the proof
in the world that marriage without love is a disaster.
There are so many unhappy wives out there, because
there is no love between them and their husbands.
Abigail Beresford is the same. She wants to be fucked.
That’s all she wants, but then she tells you she’s in love
with you and pregnant to boot! Was it a revelation for
her? It was certainly one for me and I’m glad I was
breaking it off at that point! But I don’t trust that her
child is mine or that she really loves me, she fucks too
many men.
He sighed deeply, still swishing his feet in
the water.
You have two choices, Robbie? You either
woo and marry Elizabeth or accept a young debutant in
a few years time and watch her tupping the young bucks
from your bath chair!
And with that he stood up and
dived into the lake.
Elizabeth watched him from the balcony outside
her bedroom, she thought about the thrill that ran
through her body as he kissed her hand and
remembered how she’d felt as he held her in the night.
His arms clamped across her back.
He must be a very
adept lover.
She thought and smiled softly.
Could I really
live my life completely without sex?
She asked herself.
already feel only half a woman; could this man be the
one that makes me whole again?
She sighed deeply,
will he run a mile.
She looked away after he’d dived in
the water and then she walked away.
Maybe you should
master the sex, before you complicate every body’s lives
with matrimony!

Johnny Argyll found Sarah in the stables as she
was preparing her grey mare ready for a ride.
‘Would you like some company? He asked softly
and made her jump.
‘Your Grace!’ she said and turned to face him. He
found it endearing to watch the colour flush up her
‘I promise I won’t kiss you again.’ He said
laughing and she laughed with him and visibly relaxed.
She turned back to her saddle and cinched the girth
‘It was such a shock that the Prince would do
such a thing!’ she said obviously still annoyed about it.
‘But it was a very memorable kiss.’ She said and glanced
coyly over her shoulder. She adjusted the reins over the
horse’s head, checked the headgear and then led the
horse from the stable.
‘Your horse is ready, Your Grace.’ The stable boy
said and waited.
‘Thank you.’ Argyll said politely. ‘May I assist you
into the saddle?’ he asked and smiled devilishly at her.
‘That’s very kind of you.’ she said and lifted her
left foot backwards, with her knee bent. Argyll bent
down and cupped her knee with his left hand and her
ankle with his right and easily lifted her up, she swung
her body around until she was almost sat sideways on
the saddle, hooked her right knee over the pommel and
adjusted her full skirts as Argyll slipped the stirrup over
her left foot. He deliberately stroked her ankle as he
removed his hand, but the leather of her boots went
half way up her calf. So instead he thought about her
knee encased in white silk and it made him groan again
as he walked to his own horse, threw himself up onto
the saddle and started the beast into motion.
They had been trotting for about five minutes,
when Argyll pushed up the pace to a canter. He tried to
push the pace to a gallop and that’s when Sarah started
to get left behind. He slowed and walked his horse to
wait for her.
‘Do you not gallop?’ he enquired softly, trying
not to give offence.
‘I’m not actually used to riding in a proper habit.’
Sarah said apologetically. ‘On my fathers estate I rode
with my brothers and had their cast off britches to
wear. I always had a gabardine skirt over them for
propriety, but I’ve never ridden side saddle until I came
here, so I’m unsure of my balance.’
‘My Lady, when you ride with me, you can sit
how ever you like.’ He boldly stated and to his delight,
Sarah pulled up her mount and slid off its back. She
stood for a few minutes adjusting the stirrups and
twisting the knee pommel out of the way. When she
was ready, she simply put her foot in the stirrup and
launched herself into the saddle, swinging her leg over
the horse’s back and adjusting her skirts. ‘That’s more
comfortable.’ She said and sighed. She smiled brightly at
the Duke. ‘Last one to the end of the road is a coward!’
she shouted and kicked her mounts flanks vigorously.
The horse took off into a gallop and Lady Sarah’s hat
blew back off her head, hanging by the chin strap and
bouncing on her back, allowing her golden tresses to fly
The sportsman in Argyll couldn’t possibly let a
woman win, but the man was enchanted to be following
such a nymph and avidly watched her seat.
At the end of the road was the marsh. She
stopped her horse, abruptly making it rear and jumped
off it’s back. She soothed it and stroked its muzzle as
she adjusted the reins. ‘Shall we walk, Your Grace?’ she
asked and Argyll threw himself out of the saddle, taking
up the place beside her.
‘Where exactly were your family estates?’ he
‘Dorset.’ She said softly. ‘We would ride to the
white cliffs every day and play down on the beach and
my favourite place was definitely Portland Bill!’ she said
with a laugh. ‘My brothers and I would play hide and
seek among the boulders there.’ And he watched the
smile fall from her face.
‘Where are your brothers now?’ he asked softly
as he saw the first tear tremble on her lashes.
‘In the army. My father and my three brothers
have all been sent to Portugal, where they will become
cannon fodder for Napoleons army.’ She said hollowly.
He stopped her, by putting his hand on her arm and as
she turned to look at him, he put his palm on her cheek,
brushing the tears away with his thumb.
‘Not everyone dies in war. There are always
survivors.’ He said softly and pulled her against his chest
as the reality of her changed existence erupted in barely
controlled sobs. ‘What is going to happen to me now?’
she begged through the sobs racking her body.
Argyll took the reins from her hand, hobbled
both horses and turned her around. With an arm about
her shoulders, he walked her to a style, where he sat
and pulled her onto his knee.
‘What would you like to happen now?’ he asked
softly and she laid her head on his shoulder.
‘I..I..don’t know.’ She stuttered. ‘I’ve always had
my father to tell me what was going to happen, not
letting me choose.’
‘Would you like me to point out some options
for you?’ he asked as he rubbed his cheek over her hair.
She nodded her head.
‘Well, you can stay with us and my mother will
try to find you a suitable husband, or you can try it out
in the world on your own. You could accept Prinny’s
offer of lady in waiting to Princess Caroline or you can
marry me and I’ll make you a Duchess.’
She looked up sharply. ‘Is that why you bought
me?’ she demanded and sat up straighter, wiping the
tears from her eyes.
‘No.’ He said evenly as he shook his head. ‘But
it’s just another possibility.’ He stood her up and went
to retrieve the horses. He handed her the reins and they
continued to walk around the marsh.
‘What would I do out in the world on my own?’
she asked confused.
‘Not a lot, but you would probably end up a lady
of the night.’
She inhaled sharply, embarrassed at the thought
of becoming a prostitute. He smiled at her
‘It’s an ancient and honourable profession.’ He
said laughing at the look of horror on her face. They
walked in silence for a bit longer.
‘I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked about that. If I
accept the Prince’s offer I would become exactly the
same thing for him.’
‘You would indeed and he wouldn’t have
anybody to look after you, whereas a brothel has a
madam, to protect the girls and keep them healthy.’
‘What kind of husband would your mother be
able to find for me?’ she asked curiously.
‘Conceivably any.’ He said shrugging his
shoulders. ‘She would introduce you for the new season
when we get back to London in September.’
‘But who would pay for all this?’ she asked in
‘That would be me.’ He said and smiled gently.
‘It would all come from my estate, but then as I own
you, who else would be expected to pay.’
She stopped abruptly and he didn’t notice, but
kept walking. ‘And just what would happen if I decided
to become a Duchess?’
He stopped, turned around and smiled
beatifically. ‘Why that would be the easy one. I would
court you and you would become my wife, have my
name and truly you would belong to me, just as my
heart already belongs to you.’
She frowned as she ran to catch up with him.
‘But how do you know your heart already belongs to
me?’ she demanded.
He stopped again and turned to her. ‘Because of
our first kiss! Didn’t you feel it too?’ he asked and
smiled softly again.
She looked up into his face. He could only
interpret her expression as assessing. ‘No, I don’t think I
did. Maybe if you kiss me again, I’ll recognise it.’ She
said winsomely.
‘May I kiss you the same way?’ he asked and she
nodded vigorously. He turned and spied a fallen log,
took her by the upper arm and dragged her over to it.
He sat down and still with the reins in his hand; he
pulled her into his lap and kissed her exactly as he had
in Almack’s a few weeks before. Again her lips parted
for him as she gasped and again her body became putty
in his arms and his erection almost burst out the front
of his britches as he laid her across his knee. This time
his tongue was a little more demanding as he
investigated every silky millimetre of her mouth. It
madden him as he delved deeply and crushed her body
against his chest. Suddenly he became aware of her fists
thumping his back and her body wriggling in panic. He
jerked his mouth away from hers and looked her in the
eyes, to see anger flashing there. He was somewhat
shocked to find his hand up her skirts and stroking the
silky skin of her bare thighs. He jerked his hand down
and straightened her skirts. He pulled her upright and
said ‘I’m so sorry. I got carried away.’
She leaped off his lap and went to her horse,
sorting the reins quickly, she sprang onto its back and
from the elevated height she could look down on him.
Damn! You idiot!
He berated himself.
She smiled sweetly. ‘I think it’s obvious you have
no experience with virgins!’ she said and smiled as she
kicked her horse into a canter.

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