The Ultimate Fight

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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Ultimate Fight


When the fight for that one
love feels like the battle between

good and evil.


K. K. Harris


Copyright © 2013 K. K. Harris

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This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

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I would like to dedicate this inspiring love story to the love of my life, the inspiration for my writing, and my muse in so many words, Mr. Antonio Harris. The best husband the lord could bless a girl with.  Dedications are also in order for my closest friend since we were teeny-boppers, Miss Brittany Collins. You have always had my back through it all. Your undying support of anything I wanted to pursue has never died. Love you guys… God bless!







Shout out goes to my friends and family who have supported me by spreading the word along to your peers. To my sister Tina Harris and sister to my
Gina Jones for being my beta readers. I appreciate you ladies from the bottom of my heart for letting me use you guys as sneak readers. Also I want to send a special shout-out to the girls and boys of who kept me on my toes with your detailed comments. Thanks to the many votes and reads, I was given the motivation to keep this story going. Also shout out to the lovely ladies of the Delightful Readings Book Club, I look forward to many more meetings with you all.  Much love to all of you and everyone else who has supported me throughout my writing journey.






Before the party…

Barron along with his entourage finally arrived at the club strutting and posing for the photographers on the red carpet. Females that were still in line were screaming his name over and over. Even though he adores his fans some of the females are just too thirsty. Their dresses are none existing from what he can see from the lack of material. He likes them bad, sexy, stacked, and tempting but just giving the world a free peep is the number one no-no in his book. Number two is being too forward and having no shame in it. What man wants a woman that aims to bed him by the end of the night and makes all of the advancements? Not him, that's why he wasn't really feeling Miss Vee from earlier.

They had hooked up soon after walking into the VIP, she had already made several hints that they would hook
-up by the end of the night. At first he thought he would just give her a reality check that she ain't running shit besides her mouth but he didn’t feel like being bothered with her in the end. Too bad her outside beauty was soon replaced with her ugly inside. From giving his sister ugly glares to being a pure bitch to any female that got close enough to him to ask for an autograph, she was a turn off. If she can't handle fans asking for some attention and they just met then she definitely couldn't handle a relationship. To any outsider they looked to be in some sort of relationship at how possessive she seemed.

"Baby boy, you better get your little friend before she gets served." Ebony yelled over the music. What folks don't realize until too late is that Barron's entire family are some straight up fighters. He may be the one to get paid for it but they all possess those hands for that ass when threatened.

"She ain't no friend of mine. So handle yours sis." He said.

"It's like that B.A.? I thought we were gonna hook up later." Lady Vee snapped.

"That's what you get for thinking lil mama. You too forward for me."

"So you want a bitch you can dominate? One of them
weak bitches?"

"Nah never a weak one but I can tell you ain't
what I want by your behavior."

"Yo lil mama you gotta go. You making a scene and shit." Thomas said getting a ding from the media world that paparazzi was asking whether ‘B.A. and Lady Vee
were having their first lover’s tiff?’

"I don't have to go nowhere." She protested.

"You right. I'll leave!" Barron made his way out of the private area and into the main mix of things. He would rather kick it with everyone else than to be confined in those walls being subjected to that foolishness.

Before long Barron found himself just chilling at the bar watching the scenery. Some of the women in the place tonight were smash-able indeed. He danced with a few, signed a few autographs, and even took some pictures. Not trusting people and their sticky fingers the only thing he had on him was his watch and the clothes on his back. He gave his chain and wallet to his sister to be on the safe side. Something was
nagging him to look towards the end of the bar and that's when he saw a chick with similar features to the woman in scrubs from earlier. He thought for sure it couldn't be her because she had said she was busy. Being caught staring at her is what made him will himself to look away but before he could she gave him a dazzling smile. Returning her smile, she looked away to whomever was trying to get her attention. Recognizing the girls from earlier too he knew for a fact that this was 
‘the her’
 he found himself fantasizing about all day.

He returned to the private area looking over the balcony through the crowd for the mystery woman. Finally he spotted her near the dance floor sipping her drink watching her girls dance. Although she looked really different being out of her work clothes and into a blue and white striped body con dress that accentuated every one of her curves. The only reason he knows that specific brand of dress is because his sister and mother wear the same. Waiting on baited breath he watched from a distance for his chance at her being alone again. His brother got his attention because it was time to do the cake and toast. By the time he got back to his spot she was long gone. He started to think the girl was whodini or some sort of an illusionist cause she just vanished. Going to the restroom to get himself together and prepare to swerve with some female in the V.I.P. area, he was shocked to see they had newbies in the lion’s den.

"The bad ass girls finally arrived in this piece." Davey whisper yelled.

"They brought the dud though." Toby said. "But she does clean up nicely."

"Not as nice as her girls though." Davey continued.

He noticed she had walked away from her friends to look over the railing just as he had when he was looking for her. The friends were trying their best to look glamorous thinking he would give them some attention. They both said happy birthday and with a thanks he kept it moving leaving them with his boys since they said they were so bad. Finally she was alone dancing to the music, he took his chances getting all up in her personal space. She stiffened for a second but continued to sway her hips to the music. Barron was hypnotized by her body and his member kept trying to get the best of him by rearing its mushroomed head. Holding on tight to her waist with one hand and the rail with the other they grooved together song after song. Females all through the club was pissing green glob like they were packed full of hot gonorrhea from the attention he was showing this chick they considered as basic looking.

"Come sit with me." Barron whispered into her ear causing a shiver to go down her spine. Instead of answering she just nodded her head.

"What can I get you to drink sweetie?" Barron asked smoothly. Making eye contact with him for all of two seconds she
asked for a cranberry margarita. He ordered two tequila shots, her margarita, and a corona for himself.

"Can I get your name?"

"Mya, yours?" The nervousness in her voice when she asked for his name let Barron know either she really had no clue who he was or she was a good actress.

"My name is Barron. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you as well."

"What brings you out tonight?"

"Well honestly my girlfriend’s made me come out tonight spouting some crap about me being too boring. Also my best friend couldn't make it down here so my plans had changed at the last minute. Having already gotten prepared to go out tonight we came here. What about you?"

"Birthday party." He said and gave a head nod to a fellow fighter as he passed. Where had she been when they sung happy birthday and he gave a short speech? How come she didn't know who the birthday boy was? Barron thought it was very refreshing for a change that a female wasn't throwing herself at him for being B.A. the fighter but allowing Barron the man to chase the woman. Even if it might be just for one night he was going to enjoy this, so telling her who he was did not sound plausible.

"Ooohhhh yea my girlfriends were telling me about some boxer or something like that being his birthday party. They were going on and on about him. I guess they found him since I haven't seen them in a while."

"You think so?"

"Yea that's what they do. I knew I should have drove myself." Barron knew who her friends were and where they were.

"Did you want to go find them?"

"No they are too busy debating over who can hook the celeb of the evening. I think I should make my way to the house. The drinks are kicking in tough." She giggled.

"Hook the celeb huh?" He laughed at that. Deciding to continue this tit for tat, he decided to ask one last question. "Do you want to meet him?"

"Not my type of hype."

"Just thought I'd ask. You know what they say birds of a feather. How envious of you would they be if you met him before them?"

“I know they are supposed to flock together but I really don't get down like that. I'm not a celebrity stalker like those two. And considering how they talk about me, they would indeed be green. Basic females like me don’t pull celebs."

“Is that how you see yourself? Basic?”

“No I don’t but I’m sure other’s think it if my own female associates say it to my face. Honestly I could care less what they say about me, I’m happy with who I am. I don’t think I should have to play thirsty to get a man. Sorry, I’m on my soapbox.”

“Don’t apologize for how you feel. But just for your information, you are very beautiful. Nothing basic about you.”

“Thanks.” She blushed.

“Stay and chill with me for a while. I’ll make sure you get home safely, scouts honor.”

“Okay scout…” She looked at him thoughtfully for a few minutes. Looked around at her surroundings before she agreed.

They drank, laughed, danced, grinded, and chilled off to the side away from everyone else at the party. A couple of times Barron saw his brother and sister look around for him until they found him. They never intruded on his intimate encounter with his company they just looked over ever once and while to be sure he was straight. Finally Mya had reached her limit with drinks and was prepared to leave. While she was in the bathroom he found out her girls had indeed dipped out with his side men probably in hopes of getting closer to him. It’s not the first time and for sure it won't be the last. More than once he and Mya had found themselves locking lips because the chemistry was outrageous when they danced to a slow jam.

"Let me give you a ride home."

"No thank you. I can just call a cab."

“You would rather be in a cab with a stranger than to ride in a chauffeur driven town car with the man you have spent the night with? Especially with more than a few drinks in your system."

"Don't I wish?" Barron chuckled at her gutter filled mind. "Sorry did I say that out loud? Now I know it's time to go."

"Then let’s go." Although she hesitated for a few seconds she allowed him to lead her out of the club and into the awaiting limo. She couldn't help but wonder why he came to the club in a limo. Even though guys around town often did those things to impress women, Barron didn't seem like that type. He seemed genuinely sweet and he kept to himself not at all flashy. Something had come over her that she couldn't explain, she found herself for the second time tonight initiating a kiss. His lips were so inviting and she couldn't resist.

I think we’re here." Barron said between kisses. They had made out the entire ride to Mya's townhouse. She giggled before pulling away completely.

"Thanks for the ride."

"You’re welcome."

"Do you
want to come in?" Mya said after she thought for a minute about what she was about to do. Before she lost her nerve she just let it out.

"I would love to but you and I both know what that will mean." She bit her bottom lip in thought before speaking her thoughts aloud.

"So is that a yes or no?"

"You tell me. You hold the cards." Mya slid out the backseat and adjusted her dress before turning to face Barron.

"Come on." Barron slid out behind Mya telling the driver he was no longer needed. Watching her hips sway from side to side had his mini him jumping in anticipation of interacting with the thickness placed before him. ‘What a gift! What a gift!’



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