The Ultimate Fight (24 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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“I don’t know why Davey would flirt with me, I’m not even his type. I’ve overheard him say stuff behind my back. And as far as the Toby observation, Wow.”

“I don’t know baby but be careful around that Davey character. I told you, you are my girl now and I would hate to have to buss a cap in somebody’s ass. Wait no I wouldn’t hate it but they certainly will by the time I get through with them.”

“Thanks Tracy. I better get going though. Barron wants to go out to dinner tonight to talk.”

“Alright, let’s go.”



Barron had been seriously hurt from the way the conversation went with Mya a week ago. When he had arrived home to see she had left he didn’t think anything of it until he realized his door was left unlocked and the alarm wasn’t set. Then his indifference quickly turned to worry, not knowing where she was. He called her phone only to get her voicemail, then his text messages were not returned so he went with the next best thing. Call Damon. Damon claimed to have not seen her and he only believed it when he started issuing all sorts of threats. He wanted to know where she was as much as Barron did. That’s when he knew she must be somewhere alone and what if she was hurt.

That thought alone made his stomach and head hurt. If something happened to her he would be devastated and it’s not just because of the baby. Just then he realized he really cared about Mya and her well-being for more reasons than just feeling obligated. All the horrible predicaments he had ended up in had drove the nail in the coffin that he has been messing up. He should have been real with her and told her that he was feeling her on a serious level. Maybe if they had a discussion about some things he could get to the root of his drawbacks and the tiny doubts he has about her being genuine. Finally she pulled into the driveway and he found himself breathing a sigh of relief at the sound.


“Where the hell have you been?” Barron questioned before she could get inside good. He didn’t mean to sound so demanding but he was scared something had happened.


“OUT?! You have got to be fucking kidding me. Out? I have been worried sick about you. Out where? Cause you damn sure wasn’t with Damon.”

“Don’t yell at me.”

“What part of worried sick don’t you understand?” Barron was losing patients with Mya and her evasive answers. Here he was worried about her and she is being a bitch to him.

“You weren’t worried when you didn’t answer the phone the other night.”

“So this is some payback type shit?”

“No but at least you feel my pain even if it’s just for a minute. I’m pretty sure it’s only because I’m carrying your child that you are pretending to be worried now.”

“Don’t try that guilt trip bullshit. You’ve never had to worry about getting enough attention, after all you always got Damon.”

“You’re right, I do.” He was taken aback by the smirk on her face. This wasn’t the Mya he had gotten to know. 

“Speaking of your boyfriend, I meant best friend, you might want to give him a call to let him know you’re back safely. Wouldn’t want him to worry now would we?”

“How do you know I haven’t already let him know?” That cut deep but considering their history that was to be expected.

“The way you constantly talk to and about that nigga, I would swear he was your baby’s father instead of me. Figures you would let him know you were okay before me.” He threw back at her hoping to cut her just as deep. He knew deep down this was so wrong but he couldn’t reel in the dreaded question that everyone around him kept throwing out.

“Huh, go figure. I guess you beat him to the punch that weekend.” Barron was not expecting what she just said to come out. “Since I was supposed to be with him that night and not you.”

“Damn so what they say is true?”

“It’s not like my word would ever mean shit to you anyway. What does it matter what I say, when I say, or about what, you would always believe what you want. You never attempted to trust me. I’m just an easy piece of ass, right. Home booty. Just the recipient of the mistake, the mishap of the condom breaking.” He wanted to deny what she said but he couldn’t make himself show weakness.

“You said it not me.” That was the last hit for him for the night. He needed to walk away before it got any worst.

“Oh and your girlfriends stopped by earlier. They wanted to continue what you guys started the night I went into pre-term labor.” Barron felt like he had been slapped with a bag of nickels. What the hell was she talking about? When had Naomi or Taj for that matter came to his house? Is that what this whole attitude was about? “I do apologize for ruining your fun.” After hitting the nail on the head Mya left him to his own thoughts. If he would have thought that every hateful thing he said tonight came from her being confronted by those two he would have kept his mouth shut. Too bad he can’t rewind the hands of time.


It took him a we
ek of silence, the way she avoided him at all costs, and lack of sleep from withdrawals of not having her next to him to drive him mad. He was going through it, training extra hard for his upcoming fights was taxing enough. Honestly to deal with personal issues at this time is not healthy and could pose to be quite the distraction in his business. Figuring it was time to talk this out in detail. Calling and inviting her to dinner was the first step to rid himself of the actual details of that evening. Not that he owed her an explanation or anything but he wanted to rest her mind assure that he was only intimate with her. Hopefully she won’t think he is trying to smooth things out so he can slide back in. Although getting some nookie might calm his nerves a bit so as he won’t damn near kill his sparring partners but he wouldn’t push the issue. If she offered, he was down but if not he could manage. A ding of the doorbell knocked him out of his thoughts.

“Can I help you?” Barron asked the chick on his doorstep. She looked familiar but he couldn’t pinpoint exactly where he knew her from.

“Hi B.A., you don’t remember me do you?” She asked sweetly.

“No, sorry. Should I?”

“I was with Mya the night she met you at the club. My name is Kim.”

“Oh yeah. Mya isn’t here right now.”

“She hasn’t made it back yet. I was supposed to meet her here. We needed to discuss some last minute things about the baby shower.”

“Oh okay.” Barron said with a little confusion. “Well I’m not sure what time she will be home. Maybe you could call her.”

“I would but my damn phone died after we hung up about five minutes ago. Do you mind if I wait for her? I mean if it’s not too much of an inconvenience. It’s just that I gotta get these invites in the mail first thing in the morning.”

“Uhh… Sure I guess that would be fine.” He stepped to the side to let her pass. “Right this way.” He led her to the family room.

“Your house is beautiful.”

“Thanks, can I get you something?”

“No thank you.” She took a seat on the couch and crossed her legs revealing some thigh through the slit of her short skirt.

“Well alright. The remotes are there so… yeah. I gotta get showered and shit before Mya gets back.”

“Oh okay, don’t mind me.”

“Yeah okay.” Barron hesitated for a minute thinking maybe he should just wait to do any of that but thought against that. She should be fine down
there. He was sure Mya wouldn’t invite her friends to his home if they weren’t respectable.




“What the fuck are you doing in my room?” Barron felt his skin crawl at Mya’s ‘so called’ friend standing in his bedroom in nothing but a thong.

“You know what this is B.A. I saw the way you hesitated downstairs.”

“I hesitated because I didn’t know if you would steal something or not. I didn’t know if I could leave you alone in my house while I was in the shower.”

“The only thing I wanna steal is a little bit of time. I know Mya’s fat ass can’t be fucking you right.”

“Bitch, you ain’t trying to get no time, you trying to get dick’d down. And Mya is pregnant not fat. Trust she satisfies just fine.”

“Oh really is that why you had that threesome a few weeks ago. Cause she is so satisfying. Quit cheating yourself.”

“You are supposed to be her damn friend and you are in here trying to fuck me behind her back. What kind of friend are you?”

“Fuck Mya. She thinks she is all that because she got all the nigga’s fooled into thinking she is this goody two shoes. She ain’t all that. Damon wrapped around her little finger and you on her other hand.”

“Nah lil’ mama, you must think she all that because you the one complaining.”

“You still taking up for her even though she always with Damon. I know her pussy ain’t dripping kryptonite cause if it was you wouldn’t have been fucking that stripper Tyg
a and some other broad whose face was blurred out.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? Bitch you don’t know shit about me.”

“I know what I saw on that video that’s been leaked online.” Just as that statement left her mouth his phone started blowing up. “Oops, you didn’t know. Pity.”

“Get the fuck out of my house!” Barron snapped going to retrieve his ringing phone. He had turned his back on the hoe in his room. Thomas was blowing him up.


“What the fuck is this shit?” Thomas was yelling before he could answer good.

“I don’t know shit about a video.”

“You know something cause we gotta do damage control, now.” Before Barron could answer he heard the broad say something. “See you around B.A.”

“Oh hey Mya…” The bitch said like she was shocked to see her. At that moment Barron knew he was being setup from too many damn angles to defend himself.

“You stupid, conniving bitch.” He heard Mya say with enough hate to kill an innocent puppy.

“Shit Mya…” Barron went to try and explain the situation.

“Fuck both of you.” Mya walked away too quick and he remembered he still had Thomas on the phone. Life could not get any worst right now.


Chapter fifteen

“What the fuck is this shit?” Taj yelled through the phone at Naomi.


“Bitch don’t what me. This was not a part of the plan.”

“I don’t know what you’re referring too.”

“You know what payback is a grey haired bitch. Both you muthafucka’s will regret the day you threw me under the bus. The truth will come out and we will see if Barron fools with either one of you.”

“Who is going to believe anything a nasty stripper has to say? I mean really, it’s not like you weren’t in on it all.”

“Up until you made the shit go viral, I was all in. B.A. is going to come for blood when he hears the truth. I mean this shit.” Taj screamed in the phone before hanging up.


Naomi was determined she was going to get B.A. back there was no way in the hell he was
into little miss piggy. She was pretty in the face, her hair was naturally long, and she seemed like a nice person but she had something that Naomi wanted. For a whole year off and on, she had been seeing him when they could find time to steal away. The times they would spend doing things that only couples do, she felt like she was in heaven. He never once slipped up with protection no matter how many times she tried to stage a slip-up. Somehow he always bested her in some way. Sure she was seeing other people and so was he but she knew when it came down to settling down he would choose her. Why wouldn’t he?


Naomi is one of the top paid African American models in the country as well as surrounding. She travels all over taking sexy pictures for some of the top magazines, clothing designers, and make-up empires. Her name was a household name. Pair her name with the success B.A.’s name, they would be unstoppable. Considering that her beauty wouldn’t last her forever with the new faces showing up on the scene, she needed to bag money rather quickly. She was far from perfect this was evident but she could pretend. B.A. was so closed off that she only met his sister because she is his stylist and his brother because he is his publicist. If it weren’t for those things she would be just as clueless as the fans.

When the rumors started about him having been seen with some pregnant nobody, Naomi instantly started to blow him up. The blogs were saying that she was thrown to the curb and he had moved on. There was no way in hell she would be discarded by a big fat nobody. At least let the chick be another celeb that even she would be envious of but a
. What kind of shit is that? B.A. called back to explain that they never had a commitment to one another nor did he ever plan on committing to her. No matter how many times he said those words she refused to believe them, he had to want her. Yes, she had been sleeping with Davey every time he would deny her advances or ignore her requests but he didn’t know that. Or did he?


“Damn you horny again?” He chuckled as he answered his phone. Naomi didn’t find shit funny. “I just left three hours ago.”

“Screw you. Does B.A. know about us?”

“Hell no. Nor does he need to know I’ve fucked just about everybody he has ever dealt with. Why?”

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