The Ultimate Fight (23 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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“We haven’t seen him since the night he rushed out on us. He said you needed to go to the hospital. Was everything okay?” Taj asked oozing sex appeal. Mya was taken
aback that she knew about their labor scare. The fact that he talked about her to another woman at all bothered her.

“B.A. talks about you when he feels like explaining the pictures from the gossip blogs.” Naomi said with disdain. “By the disturbed look on your face, I guess he doesn’t talk to you about neither of us. I hope you didn’t think that you were special. News flash, you just got lucky enough to be the incubator to his first born. B.A. likes bad bitches as you can tell not average Lucy’s.”

“I don’t know about all of that Nay, she is pretty. Besides when the lights go out, it’s not like he shows any favoritism. Well at least he didn’t last time we were with him.” They laughed again at the inside joke. Taj licked her lips at her appraisal of Mya’s body. In turn Mya cringed from the disgusting image painted before her. Inhaling a calming breath to keep her anger at bay she caught the familiar fragrances that fumigated the air. These were the exact scents all over him two weeks ago.

“Son of a…” Mya started to curse his name but thought better of it. She would not show any more emotion in front of these broads.

“Just tell him his girls stopped by for round two of our ‘Fun comes in three’s’ series.”

“Maybe after the baby is born and you get that snapped back into shape, you can join the festivities.” Taj flirted further. “I would personally enjoy breaking you in myself if neither Nay nor B.A. want to.”

“Tell him yourself and fuck off!” Mya slammed the door in their faces with so much force she thought she broke it. One thing she was determined to do is not break down. But stay and put up with that sort of disrespect was not going to happen. It was bad enough when she knew he was with other women but to have them confront her was not cool. It’s a possibility that both hoes were just poking the sensitive bear and it could be a logical explanation for him to reek of their perfume two weeks ago. Or it could be just what it looked like, she was just a temporary hit. They needed to have a serious discussion about some things but right now just wasn’t the right time. She needed to disappear for minute to get her feelings under control, hopefully he will understand. If not, so be it, she was leaving regardless.


Chapter fourteen

Immediately after the encounter on the front porch of Barren’s home with the two women that he supposedly had just been with, she was devastated. Her skin was crawling, her stomach was doing somersaults, and her throat ached with the need to sob. Grabbing her purse, she dove into her car, and sped out of his driveway with a purpose. Damon’s house, a hotel, or even a battered women’s shelter ever sounded good at this point. The last part was all in her head the fact that she felt like she had been beat, kicked, and stomped in the gut. Assault of her feelings was enough to leave bruises for life. Opting to just drive to the park for the peace in hopes of clearing her head of all those crazy thoughts. She needed to sort her feelings out. Resting was where she was supposed to be and here she is running away from the place she now called home.


Thinking, thinking, and more thinking was all she did for the past four hours. The car was parked in the same spot with the windows cracked. Her cell phone was lit up with missed calls, voicemails, and text messages. Some were from Barron, others were from Damon, Ebony, and one unknown number. Barron was obviously worried sick by now because he was blowing her up back to back. Damon was just as demanding in his text messages telling her she had better be alright or there would be consequences to pay for worrying him sick. The unknown number didn’t leave a message so she just deleted it and kept it moving. Heading back to the house she just left, she came to the conclusion she wasn’t going to run away from this issue. It was better to face it head on and find out from the horse’s mouth is everything they said true than to believe the word of strangers. This was the man that she had fallen in love with, the least she could do is talk to him about it.


“Where the hell have you been?” Barron bombarded her at the door with a worried expression on his face.

“Out.” She said in a voice void of life.

“OUT?! You have got to be fucking kidding me. Out? I have been worried sick about you. Out where? Cause you damn sure wasn’t with Damon.”

“Don’t yell at me.”

“What part of worried sick don’t you understand?”

“You weren’t worried when you didn’t answer the phone the other night.”

“So this is some payback type shit?”

“No but at least you feel my pain even if it’s just for a minute. I’m pretty sure it’s only because I’m carrying your child that you are pretending to be worried now.”

“Don’t try that guilt trip bullshit. You’re never worried about enough attention, after all you always got Damon.”

“You’re right, I do.” Mya answered with a head nod and a sarcastic smirk.

“Speaking of your
, I meant
best friend
, you might want to give him a call to let him know you’re back safely. Wouldn’t want him to worry now would we?”

“How do you know I haven’t already let him know?”

“The way you constantly talk to and about that nigga, I would swear he was your baby’s father instead of me. Figures you would let him know you were okay before me.” That blow hurt like a bitch but Mya refused to let him see her cry.

“Huh, go figure. I guess you beat him to the punch that weekend.” At the look of utter shock on Barron’s face, Mya knew she had hit her target with that slap just as he had her. “Since I was supposed to be with him that night and not you.” She added more salt to the wound. Mya knew she was fighting with fire that would sure enough burn the hell out of her in the long run but the way he was accusing her of being reckless like him, infuriated her.

“Damn so what they say is true?”

“It’s not like my word would ever mean shit to you anyway. What does it matter what I say, when I say, or about what, you would always believe what you want. You never attempted to trust me. I’m just an easy piece of ass, right. Home booty. Just the recipient of the mistake, the mishap of the condom breaking.”

“You said it not me.” That was the last straw for Mya. The insult she meant to hurt him with he threw it back with more malice.

“Oh and your girlfriends stopped by earlier. They wanted to continue what you guys started the night I went into pre-term labor.” The look on Barron’s face spoke volumes, it was more than likely true. He looked as if he’d seen a ghost. “I do apologize for ruining your fun.” After hitting the nail on the head Mya left him to his own thoughts. She was done with adding insult to injury. He had said some things and she had said some things. Neither denied any of the subtle accusations the other threw out, so they basically got nowhere.




An entire week had gone by with Mya pretty much dodging coming face to face with Barron at all costs. They didn’t speak, smile, or share any part of the house at the same time as the other for longer than a few minutes. To her he spent a lot of time outside of the house and even if he was there she tried to make herself disappear. Staying cooped up in her room watching movies, reading books, and relaxing with a cup of tea or snacks is how she spent her time. Damon and Tracy had been worried about her because she would often decline offers to take her out of the house. Truth is she was feeling a wee-bit jealous that they could be together while she was a single mother to be.

They had tried on numerous occasions to get her to have a descent conversation with Barron but she wasn’t going. She would politely decline and then change the subject. Ebony was busy getting the details together for the baby shower. The time for her to do her baby registry was nearing and she hadn’t done a damn thing about it. She decided that today would be the day that she ventured out of the house and quit hiding from the world. Getting herself together was tiring as hell but she was determined to get it done the best she could. Donning her pregnant glory in some maternity skinny denim jeans, cream color off the shoulder sweater, and brown flat wide-calf knee high boots. Lately she had been wearing her hair in the natural state due to lack of energy to do anything else to it.


“Hey girl what’s up?” She heard the now annoying voice of Kim. The perkiness of her voice was driving her bananas.

“Nothing about to head out. What about you?”

“I was calling to see if you wanted to get together for lunch or something. It’s been a while.”

“Not today, I’m going to be tied up doing my registries for the baby shower.”

“I still think we should be the one’s throwing your baby shower but whatever.”

“No offense but I don’t want to hear this shit again. I gotta go, I will call you later in the week. Maybe we can get together then.”

“Okay girl, my bad. Do you need me to help you today?”

“No thank you, I’m good.”

“Alright girl. I guess I will talk to you later then.”

“Yeah for sure, later.” Mya hung up with a tiny headache just from talking to her then. Something in the back of her mind is telling her something else is about to come up. For the life of her she can’t even attempt to guess what.



“Tracy, thanks so much for coming out with me. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem Mya. I’m glad you think of me as a friend.”

“Of course. We are going to be in each other’s lives for a long time to come, I can see it now. Finally Damon has found a good one.”

“I’m so lucky to have met him. He makes me really happy. You know we started off as a one-night stand as well.”

“He told me.”

“Look, I know we just met and I’m not pretending to be this know-it-all type of person but I have a feeling that there are forces against you being happy with Barron. Don’t tell Damon I said this but I feel that you got a keeper there it’s just that he is living in denial. I saw the pictures of you and Barron, the way they’ve managed to catch some longing looks at you when he thinks no one is paying attention. He is or has falling in love with you. But you know how men are, they will fight it tooth and nail if they have any reasons to hold off on expressing those feelings.”

“What reason would he have to hold out though?”

“Scared, trust issues, and don’t get mad at me.” Mya nodded to his request. “Your relationship with Damon. I know I know… but does he know.”

“No, I guess you’re right.”

“Of course I am.”

“I don’t like neither one of you right now. Y’all always gotta be right. You two make a perfect pair.”

Boohoo…. Doesn’t matter you are stuck with us now. And I hope you are right we do make it last forever.” Tracy mimicked Keith Sweats song.

“Shit hold on, this is Barron calling.”

“Okay, just meet me by the pretzel stand. You want something.”

“A cinnamon pretzel. Thanks babe.” Mya said while answering her call. “Hello?”

“Where are you?”

“At the mall doing some of the baby registries. Did you need me something?”

“No, I was just checking on you but I see you aren’t alone anyway.”

“Yeah, I’m with my friend Tracy.”

“Tracy huh? Well I was calling to see if we can go to dinner later so we can discuss something’s but I see you are already busy.”

“No it’s fine. We can.”

“Okay I will see you when you get home.”

“Okay see you then.” They disconnected the call and Mya proceeded to the food court to meet Tracy. She felt she was being watched but brushed it off. ‘Why was she being so damn paranoid?’ She thought to herself.


“Hey Mya.”

“Hey Davey, Toby.” She spoke to Barron’s friends.

“Who do we have here?” Davey asked with a weird smirk as if he knew something she didn’t.

“This is Tracy, Tracy this is Davey and Toby. They are friends of Barron’s.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Same here.” Davey spoke but Toby just mugged before walking away.

“What the hell is his problem?” Mya muttered.

“No telling.” Davey said brushing off his abrupt departure with a wave of the hand. “Well I’ll catch you later lil’ mama.” He added all too cheery like.

“Yeah okay.” He walked away with one last smile and wink.

“Eww was he really just trying to flirt with you on the sly. And that’s what Barron surrounds himself with? On second thought, I’m not sure if I like Barron as much anymore.”

“Why do you say that?” Mya laughed at Tracy.

“First off he has a punk as one of his crew that obviously doesn’t favor you and second he has this flirty one on the other end, which sucks at it at that.”

“Punk? As in gay? Toby?”

“Hell yes. Toby or whatever his name is, it should be Tabitha cause he is definitely a queen. He has it written all over his face boo. Listen to Tracy and I shall tell you know lies. I am normally accurate about shit like this.”

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