The Ultimate Fight (32 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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“He would get over it in time. I can give him a baby. One day.”

“I don’t know about this.”

“Come on, what else are we going to do?” Naomi approached Davey with a seductive sway to her hips. “Think about it this way. With her out of the way or at least without the one thing that’s keeping B.A. with her, there will be no stopping how far we can go. I can convince B.A. to move you in as adding security. We could share that big ole house. Partying on the weekends. It wouldn’t be long before we could sway him to some wild orgies.” They were secluded in the back near the restrooms. No one could see them from their angle behind the plant.

“Man, I don’t…” Davey’s protest died on his lips when the head of his penis passed her lips. Engulfing his hard-on completely in her mouth made his toes curl.

“We can do this baby.” Naomi cooed still working his shaft feeling he was close to blowing his lid. It never took long for him to erupt. “You’ll see it will be for the best.”


“Go back to the room and pretend everything is all good.”

“Come to my room later?”

“Sure baby anything for you.”

“Alright, later.” Davey watched as Naomi sauntered away to the exit. Taking a deep breath before pushing himself off of the wall, he made his way back to the party room.

“Damn I thought you left.” B.A. said when he entered.

“I just needed some air. I was tripping over the details that were revealed.”

“I know right, imagine how I felt. Never would have guessed that one. At least I still have one of my boys that has my back, genuinely.”

“For sure. Somebody gotta throw you a kick ass bachelor party.”

“Actually…” B.A. said looking around awkwardly.


“My intentions are for Mya to have my last name before we depart Vegas.”

“WHAT?!” Davey and Mya both questioned.

“What? You don’t want to marry me tonight?” He asked Mya.

“Barron… wait… whew…” Mya said at a loss for words. Davey wasn’t any better trying to figure out what would make him want to do something so damn drastic.

“Don’t you think that’s a little soon?” Mya asked and from the looks on her face she had some other questions but Thomas clearing his throat ceased any further debate.

“Yeah dawg. That’s a little impromptu isn’t it?” Davey asked.

“Such a big word for a hype man.” Thomas said. Davey ignored the dig still reeling over the revelation of getting married now.

“I want my little girl born with my name with no doubts about it. Is that so much to ask?”

“Are you sure about this?”

“Most definitely.” B.A.
kissed Mya again. The mother’s and the sister in laws awed.

“Okay…” Mya said timidly as if unsure but from the look on her face she didn’t want to disappoint him.

“Well alright then.” B.A. said with a satisfied smile on his face.

Davey knew for sure they had to do something but from the sounds of the preparations being made it was going to have to wait until after they were married. Either way he knew Naomi was not going to happy about these circumstances. She was going to insist they went along with her plan of getting rid of Mya permanently. He was thinking something a little simpler but vindictive to get his way. The struggle over the things men do to get their rocks off was so real.


Chapter Twenty

Mya was having some set-backs about going to this extreme to piss off the people against them being together. Sure they had done some pretty shitty things to keep them apart even though some of it was uncalled for but having a ruse of a marriage may be taking it too far. That was sacred and shouldn’t be tampered with. Barron may have been doing this as payback but saying the traditional vows even in a Vegas wedding chapel meant something to Mya. Her love for him is the only thing that had her willing to go through with this. There was no doubt in her mind anymore that she would be this man’s fool for the rest of her life if he required such a thing. Whoever wrote the song, told the story, or invented the phrase a fool in love or for love had hit the nail on the head.


All of their family was in attendance, and it wasn’t long before Thomas intentionally leaked a picture of the happy couple kissing to seal the deed to the media. According to the leak it looked like it came from Davey which was all a part of the plan. They had even caught a picture of him off to the side with a serious look of displeasure. The social media world went into an uproar of both excitement and disappointment of the nuptial news. The mock account set up as Davey’s sent out numerous congrats and well wishes regarding the couple. To the public’s eye he was a devoted friend truly happy for his best friend’s marriage but to his coconspirator’s he was a traitor. Having one of Tracy’s employees hack into all of Davey’s accounts to give them access but block him from gaining access, they did some damage. He also didn’t receive any updates so he was clueless to everything.


The hotel had given them a complimentary honeymoon suite once they arrived back from their night on the town. Mya was far from exhausted as she thought she would be. She was a little apprehensive about deceiving her parents with false hope that they would remain married. Ebony had explained to her that Barron had handled all of that before he followed through with asking her.

She also said that Barry and Sheila would be going into detail about everything when they were sure no eavesdroppers were around. They didn’t want their plans fudged. Upon entering
the suite, Mya’s mouth dropped another two inches to the ground from the beauty that was displayed. It was decorated to perfection with all the romantic things such as candles, rose petals, chocolate covered strawberries, and even sparkling cider.

“This is so beautiful.”

“Yeah it is… come on.”

“Where are we going?”

“Don’t ask questions.” He said in such a demanding tone that Mya instantly felt the moistness in her panties. He guided her to the huge Jacuzzi tub that was in the center of the room between the sitting room and bedroom. Although erotic as hell, she couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable as Barron started to remove her clothes. She felt seriously self-conscious of her body.

“Wait Barron…” She tried to stop him from removing anything else but he silenced her.

“Don’t start… why are you tripping? I’ve seen you naked before Mya.”


“No buts, relax.” When he got down to her underwear, she blushed as he lowered them leaving him at eye level with her shaven cookie. “Damn…” He cursed to himself and bit into his lower lip. Coming back to tower over her naked frame he forced her to turn around with her back to him. In one smooth swoop he gathered her hair up in his big hands, twirled it around, and clipped it at the top of her head.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Get in.” He assisted her in sitting in the warm water letting the aroma of jasmine sooth her body. The bubbles relaxed her frazzled nerves. She had been expecting him to strip and join her when he removed his shirt. Instead he disappeared into the restroom only to reemerge in only some basketball shorts. The buzz and vibrations of the water further lulled her into relaxation mode causing her to close her eyes.

Letting her imagination take on a mind its own, she enjoyed the detailed daydream of what would happen if all her dreams was to come true. If Barron proposed to her whispering all the words of love she felt in her heart, saying his own heartfelt vows instead of the typical outdated ones, and most importantly the details that would unfold on their actual honeymoon night. Sadness soon tried
to overcome the elation she was feeling at the moment but she refused to let that feeling suffocate her.

Her hormones were already out of whack, she couldn’t handle
anymore emotions that much she knew. Tears would be flowing and there was no way she would be able to explain to Barron why the sudden change. Suddenly she felt hands washing her body soothingly. Successfully causing her body to become on high alert. Opening her eyes she watched as Barron concentrated on cleaning her body. Neither of them said a word as he washed every inch of her body even her most intimate areas.

Assisting her to stand, he wrapped a large bath towel around her body. Lifting her out of the tub as if she weighed nothing, she squealed from surprise. Looking around the room Mya couldn’t help but note that Barron had been a busy boy while she relaxed in the tub. There was now oil on the night stand in a porcelain bowl, with fresh towels around as if she was at a real live massage parlor. Helping her to stand he dried off her body from top to bottom with no words exchanged. All shame had been removed from Mya as she tried to figure out what was going on with the attentiveness that Barron was showing her.

“Lay down on your side.” He said. She did as he requested without argument. He then draped a sheet loosely across her body leaving her legs and feet out as well as her back exposed. “Now just relax.”

Starting from her shoulders he moved his warm oil coated hands in a circular motion adding just a little pressure. Every so often he would drift lower until he reached the base of her back just above her bottom. Mya didn’t even try and resist the urge to moan gratefully just as she did when he washed her most intimate parts. He didn’t utter a word as he worked her body until it felt like limp as a noodle. If Mya thought that felt amazing she was overwhelmed with glorious sensations when he moved down to her feet.

Adding her calves into the mix relieving any aches and pains she had from walking around all night. By the time he had completed her massage, she was sure if she was wearing panties they would have been creamed out. She was so consumed in her body’s relaxed state that she had started to doze off rather quickly. Barron covered her body with the same sheet leaving one final kiss to her temple before she relinquished her mind to the sleep that was calling her name. In her delusional state she could have sworn she heard him whisper, ‘I love you,’ but she knew that was just wishful thinking. Or was it?


When Mya had awaken some hours later, she was actually a little confused at her whereabouts. Looking over at the alarm clock on the table she noticed she had been asleep for most of night as all the events of the night before came flooding back. She knew for a fact they didn’t return to the room until well after one in the morning. The other details came flooding back one by one remembering the soothing bath, relaxing massage, and even her imagination of him whispering words of love to her.

With a smile of contentment on her face she adjusted herself in the bed to go to the restroom. Brushing her teeth and washing her face after she finished doing her business. She heard the hotel room door close from inside the restroom and she cursed herself for not grabbing something to put on. Tightening the sheet around her body she exited the bathroom to find Barron adjusting the food on the tray. He looked beyond sexy in his cargo shorts, t-shirt, and bare feet.


“Good morning.” Mya greeted him.

“Good morning beautiful.” He looked her over from head to toe slowly, it felt more like a sensual caress that had her short of breath. By the time her mind came out of the gutter she realized he was chuckling.

“What’s so funny?”

“I asked you a question. You zoned out on me.” He tilted his head to the side studying her thoughtfully before he continued. “What were you thinking so hard about?”

“What did you ask me?” She asked deliberately ignoring his second question.

“Which time? The first question or the second?”

“The first.”

“I asked how you slept.”

“Oh, I slept great. I was so relaxed. Thank you again for last night or this morning rather.”

“No problem. One question down one to go. Care to elaborate on the second question you so smoothly bypassed?”

“What was the second question?” She stalled trying to think of an answer.

“What were you thinking so hard about?” When she remained silent he kept going. “I have a feeling I know but I just wanted to hear you say it.”

“You think so?”

“Actually I know so…” Mya hadn’t realized she had moved a muscle until she was within reach of Barron. Her body had naturally gravitated to his. A shiver went down her spine when he brushed her cheek removing a tendril of her hair that was in her face. “Come sit down and eat your breakfast. Then we can go site seeing, what do you think about that?” He asked after she was settled. Mya had to snap herself out of the trance because she knew for sure he was going to kiss her. The disappointment was hard to push away but she had to remind herself that this wasn’t real.




Their trip in Vegas was over with quicker than anticipated but it was fun none the less. Time had been on crack it seemed. It was the day of the baby shower and Barron had been working non-stop leaving all sorts of traps for his ex homeboy Davey. Naomi had even fell into a trap once or twice. He almost couldn’t wait for all of this mess to be over with. Mentally he was excited to trump these bastards for the mess they have been up to but emotionally all he wanted to do was confess to Mya how he was in love with her. Physically he was just as restrained because all he could picture was joining their bodies as one. Pouring his heart out to her while listening to her moans of pleasure.


One thing that hadn’t changed was that they still shared the same bed every night. They went on dinner dates, movie dates, and cuddled on the couch during their nights in. During Thanksgiving they spent with their families and they gave off the impression of being the perfect couple in love. No one asked so they didn’t tell the details. Every once in a while he would see the longing in her eyes knowing she wanted more she was just too stubborn to ask for it. He was determined to let her stew on that for a while though especially with him hitting the road to attend business meetings with different sponsors as well as doing advertising shoots.


“Alright young lady, I will see you in a couple of days.”

“Okay, be safe.”

“I’m gonna miss you, you know?”

“I’m gonna miss you too. Now I gotta sleep all alone.”

“You and Jamie can treat it like a sleep over while we are away.” Shane added his two cents.

“Have you forgotten how horny pregnant women are? She might mistake me for Barron.” Jamie said with a shocked expression.

“JAMIE!” Mya exclaimed turning two shades darker from embarrassment. Barron chuckled at her shocked expression. “Barron that’s not funny.”

“Yeah it is. Especially since your body has a mind of its own when you are knocked out.” Barron confessed. “Aww
its okay sweetheart, I don’t mind.”

“Keep teasing me and I’m going to start sleeping in the guest room.” She threatened.

“I doubt it.” He said completely sure of himself.

“I love you sis but I’m not sleeping with you.” Jamie said blowing her a kiss and Mya scowled. “Plus Mr. Anderson unless you don’t want to Skype tonight I don’t see how that would have been possible?”

“Skype does sound like fun. What do you say babe?” Barron gave Mya the sexy bedroom eyes that he knew she loves so much.

“Bye Barron, y’all are going to miss your flight.” Mya changed the subject. She thought that would have been the end of that but she couldn’t have been further from wrong. He drew her in before she could attempt to resist even though she had no intentions on doing any such a thing. Her eyes drifted close on their own accord as he took charge of not only her lips but her senses. Moaning into his mouth was what snapped her back to reality, that and he released his hold on her.

“I’ll hit you later tonight.” He said.

“Alright… I…”

“What was that?”

“I… umm I’ll wait up for your call.” Mya smoothly changed the subject. He chuckled because he saw differently.

“Where something sexy?” He whispered in her ear for only her to hear. “Oh and me too…” With one final kiss he stepped away completely to exit the house.

“Huh?” Mya looked completely confused.

“Don’t think so hard you’ll give yourself a migraine.” He chuckled leaving out the door.


Only a select few knew what all was about to go down but he was sure when it all hit the fan and the shit started flying, his relationship with Mya would be stronger than ever. In his opinion he had finally started to date Mya, woo her, show his sentimental side, and in turn he hopes to have gained a sense of worthiness of her love. Barron was stubborn, pig-headed at times, and blind as a bat to have tried to downplay his feelings for Mya. The only reason why he doesn’t just admit his feelings to her is not only because he hasn’t heard it from her, he is trying to show her through action before his admission. Something he should have been doing from jump.

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