The Ultimate Fight (35 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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“Wha… whattt…” Davey could see her face morph into frustration as she tried to get her words to form. Trying his own luck hoping his vocals will work now.

“I…I don’t, don’t know.” They both cleared their throats a few times until it seemed whatever haze they were under was slowly vanishing.

By them being handcuffed to one another
, wrist to wrist, there wasn’t much more they could do in the movement department. Toby’s almost lifeless arms were draped across her thighs so she couldn’t do much moving to get him off of her. He was dead weight holding her weak body in the position they were placed in. The way Toby’s head was situated with his tongue hanging out of his mouth resting onto her sex. At that angle Davey could only speculate that’s where the whimpers were coming from, Naomi. When he was flexing in Toby’s behind, his tongue was working her clit. To test the theory, Davey moved in and out to see. Toby groaned in obvious pain, Naomi tried to hide her embarrassment.

“STOP!” Naomi screamed.

“I just had to see something.”

“What the hell is going on?” She finally got out.

“Shit I want to know the same thing. How did we get here?”

“All I remember is making final arrangements with the… OH SHIT!”


“He did this. He was in my house.”


“The guy I hired.”

“How did you find him? What is his name?”

“I don’t remember anything else. I don’t know he never said.”

“WHAT? You trusted a complete stranger.”

“I’m sorry I don’t run with hit men in my circle.”

“You know what I mean. FUCK!”

“What the hell is happening to him?” Naomi screamed as Toby started to jerk and foam at the mouth.

“The hell if I know… I don’t even understand what happened to us.”

“Oh God, help me.”

“Don’t call on him now. I told you this was a bad idea.”

“Shut up!”



“I’m connected to him and his shit is squeezing my… AHHHHHH!!!!” Davey felt he was being broken down there. “I gotta… Ahhh…” He started trying to rip himself free screaming bloody murder at the top of his lungs. Naomi was screaming because Toby’s body started to repeatedly slam his face into her vagina violently. His teeth looked to be biting off his tongue, his skull would surely break her pelvic bone if the seizure continued.

Davey was wheezing he was breathing so hard but he was free. His dick felt broken and
the skin felt vacant but he was free. Now to worry about the cuffs. Finally Toby’s body had stopped convulsing but he wasn’t breathing either. They were in a world of trouble and couldn’t figure out for the life of them how they were going to get out of it.

“Is he dead?”

“I think so.”

“Freeze!” They both raised their joined hands in the air at the police officers request so they wouldn’t shoot.

“What the fuck is this shit?” Another officer yelled at the scene before them.

“Officer please help us.” Naomi pleaded crying tears of helplessness.

“Save it. You are both under arrest.”

“What?! But we were held captive.” Naomi argued.

“This was done to us. We didn’t do anything.” Davey pleaded.

“You have the right to remain silent…” The officer continued to read their rights off
to them as if he could give two shits about what they had to say in their defense. To top that off someone hadn’t secured the perimeter properly because one news reporter got passed the mirage of officers snapping pictures. By the time they removed the photographer he had enough to report whatever he wanted about the gory scene. They officially realized they had bit off more than they could chew!

Chapter Twenty-Two

Mya was so overwhelmed at the events of the day and she had yet to talk to Barron. He called last night as promised to say he missed her again. She was so close to revealing too much of herself. Yes she loved him but did she have to be the first to say it. What if everything he had been doing was all for the love of payback, the love of his unborn, and not what she was feeling? With a revelation such as that, she would surely be crushed for good.

When she first saw Toby at the door she didn’t know what to do actually. Tracy told her when he did come to let him come in and he would take it from there. All that time she didn’t know he was actually in the house. The fear was real when she thought she was about to die. Tracy hadn’t lied when he said he gave her
a sedative to relax her nerves, she was out like a light as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Damon showed up right after they left to ensure she was truly alright. The last thing she remembered was him rubbing her feet pushing her further into la-la land. Going to the bathroom to get herself together, she noted the house was extremely quiet. Then when she checked the clock for the time, she understood why. Anyone that was still there had more than likely gone off to bed.

She missed Barron something terrible but he should be coming back in two days and she honestly couldn’t wait. He had yet to even pretend to have sex with her and that alone was driving her berserk. She needed release, the struggle was painful. Pondering over how he was getting his rocks off came splashing to the forefront of her brain. What if he was out right at this moment doing god knows what with who? She would be devastated.

After her shower she wrapped herself in a big towel and sat in the middle of the bed. She had lit some candles just for the relaxing atmosphere. The sultry sounds of the soul station serenaded her. Loneliness consumed her but she refused to let it get her down. Instead she attempted to think ahead. The maybe’s, what if’s, and the wonderment was nagging her like a worrisome wife. While she was reaching over to grab the lotion, her
iPad dinged alerting her that she had an incoming Skype call. It couldn’t be anybody but Barron because she just opened an account for them to video chat while he was away. The night before they just talked until she fell asleep but tonight she felt a little frisky.

“Hi.” She sung her greeting.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Nothing just got out the shower.” Mya adjusted her iPad so that it was sitting up on the bed. “I was just about to put on some lotion when you rang.”

“Mm… I wish I was there right now.” He said full of lust. “You know to help you put on some lotion.”

“I wish you were here too. You know I can’t reach most places.”

“What are you trying to do to me girl?”

“What do you mean?”

“You sitting in front of the screen in nothing but a towel. Fresh out of the shower. Glowing…”

“You want me to call you when I’m dressed then?”


“…” Mya couldn’t hold in her giggle at his outburst. “At least I am in something, I could be naked.”

“You are naked aren’t you?”

“Minus the towel, smartass.”

“Why don’t you do your husband a favor and take it off?”


“Okay fine. Can I at least get a birds view of that pretty kitty?”


“What? It’s been a long time. Do you honestly blame me?” He chuckled. Mya thought for a minute too long. “I tell you what. Just touch her for me.”

“Barron I don’t even think I can reach it anymore with all this stomach.”

“Just try for me baby. Lay propped up on the pillows and let your legs fall to the side. I’m going to talk you through everything, bet?”



“Don’t make me repeat myself Barron.”

“My bad. I’m ready when you are.” Mya moved the iPad to rest beside her. She adjusted her body on the pillows as he suggested, drawing her legs back as far as they could go, and then letting them fall to the side. She could already feel the breeze flow past her moist center. “Now I want you to slide your middle and ring finger between your lower lips. I know you are already wet because you always are.”

“…” She bit her lip in response to keep from smiling not wanting to let him know she was thinking the same thing.

“Let the moisture assist your glide around your clit in an up down motion. Pretend I’m there with you and it’s my hand instead of yours. What do you want me to do to your body? Mimic those movements you want me to do to make you topple over.” He said in husky voice that Mya recognized as turned on. “Tell me how it feels baby.”

“It feels… Mm.”

“Tell me how it feels Mya!” Barron demanded.

“Good daddy. It feels good.” Mya moaned from the friction she was invoking from her own digits imagining if they were his.

“It looks like it feels good.” He teased. “What would you want me to do to you if I was there?”


“Tell me Mya.” Barron cut off her attempt to refuse. “What do you want daddy to do to you baby? What do you want daddy to do to your body?”

“Ooh Daddy… I want…”

“You want?”


“Tell me baby.”

“Make love to me daddy.”

“Anything you want baby, I’ll do but first I need you to do something for me.”


“Can you do something for me baby?”

“Yes, anything Daddy.”


“Anything…” Mya moaned out thinking of no one but Barron. Wishing he was there with her. Between her thighs driving her to oblivion.

“Admit that you love me.” Barron said calmly but quickly continued to keep her mind focused on nothing but the long awaited admission. “Don’t question it, don’t second guess, just say it.” Mya was so gone she wasn’t guarded and was unprepared for that request. Being so close to a release she didn’t stop her movements.

“Don’t stop baby, keep going. And tell me…”

“TELL ME MYA, NOW!” He demanded.

“I LOVE YOU!” At the same exact time as her admission of love she went over the end with her orgasm. “I love you, Barron.”

“…” Mya was so busy coming down off her high she hadn’t noticed it was completely quiet on the other end of the call. She was breathing erratically. “I love you too.”

“I almost forgot…” She started but then stopped when she realized that voice was too close and personal to be coming from the iPad. Snapping her eyes open she saw a smirking Barron at the foot of the bed. Instead of wasting any more precious time with foreplay, Mya opened the already loosened towel to reveal the rest of her.


“So what are you waiting for? Make love to me daddy.”

“My pleasure turn on your side. This is going to be a long night.” He began removing his clothes. “I want you comfortable.” 

“Anything for you love.”

“I love the sound of that.”



After mindless hours of nonstop love making, and even a midnight snack the couple laid in a freshly made bed talking. Morning time was approaching and yet they seemed to not tire of one another. Words of love, touches, and endless kisses were shared.

“So, how was your trip?”

“It was productive.” He said. “Anything interesting happen while I was away?”

“I’m sure you already know the answer to that.”

“You would be right. I’m glad everything went according to plan.”

“What was the plan exactly? Obviously I missed some details.”

“Oh you missed all the details forget some. You may have had a pinch of salt worth of information.” He chuckled.

“Barron, why would you keep me in the dark like that?”

“Honestly, it wasn’t intentionally. I realized I was in love with you when you left me. I came to Damon’s with the intent to tell you just that but you told me we should
resume as co-parents and nothing more. I was hurt when I left and soon I realized I needed you to feel whole again. That’s when the idea came to mind to basically bathe you in love, devotion, and attention. I wanted to show you how much I loved you before I admitted to it. I was afraid if I came out with it first you weren’t going to believe it was genuine, not to mention I wanted to hear it from you as well. Call it male pride but I wanted to pull your admission from your tongue as I showed you mine through action.”

“The plans for the traitors just kind of flowed. From a simple meeting with the owner of the strip club that proved everything Taj said to be true, then I admitted to Thomas of my feelings after the
Urbanesque shoot. It seems everyone knew of our love before I did. How long have you been holding your cards close to the chest?”

“For a while now. Honesty moment, Barron you were my first one-night stand, the first to drive my body over the edge with just a glance in my direction, and most importantly the first to ever draw such powerful emotions from me with little effort. It’s like you had a hex on me or something. No matter how many times I felt a deep pain in my heart from anything that happened, I just couldn’t force myself to hate you.”

“Damn you wanted to hate me?”

“Wouldn’t you hate you in light of everything that’s happened?”

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