The Ultimate Fight (33 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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“How is married life?” Davey asked. He had been hanging close real tough since they returned from Vegas.

“It’s what you make of it really.”

“Man, spending every moment with one woman for the rest of my life. You can have that.”

“It’s not so bad. I’m gonna have to see her everyday anyway.”

“Yeah for the baby not her per say.” Barron just nodded his head at what Davey was saying because it had been
a redundant point he had been making since he took the plunge over a month ago. Honestly he couldn’t wait to pin him to the hook for the mess they pulled in the strip club that night. Other things too but that was the main thing he wanted to get him for. That was a low blow that could have had a way worst outcome than what it did. He and Naomi were thinking of themselves but neither of them thought about his sponsorships that he could have lost.

“Have you spoken to Toby?” Barron asked.

“Hell nah, I ain’t got nothing to say to him honestly. I can’t believe him.”

“I would have respected him more if he would have just been honest or better yet at least tried to explain his stand point while we were in Vegas. He had ample opportunity to come clean.”

“Right but would you have heard him out?”

“Of course I’m not heartless. I have nothing against that lifestyle as long as no one points their bat in my direction.”
Davey nodded at what Barron had to say.

“Do you think he had something to do with trying to sabotage me at the strip club?” Barron continued to probe.

“Well, I wasn’t even going to throw out accusations about that night. I was pissed off for you about that though. Maybe it was Tyga’s ass trying to get you back or something.”

“I don’t think she was working alone if so. But that’s just my opinion. How would she even know you were there that night?” Thomas added.

“I thought you and her kept in touch.” Davey said.

“Nah, I hadn’t talked to her in about a year before all this happened.”

“You haven’t sought her out to ask why she did it.”

“She approached me trying to tell me something but I threatened her ass. Told her if she didn’t stay away from me I would have her ass brought up on charges. The owner of the club was livid about this turn out. He is out for blood. Once he found out it wasn’t anything to do with me and looked at his hidden camera he had in the back…”

“Extra hidden camera?” Davey cut him off.

“Yeah he said to cut down on the side deals and illegal activity such as having sex in the club.” Thomas said. “He called me just the other day. He wants us to meet up so we can discuss the findings on the tape. He said if we didn’t want in on the action he understood but he was calling his goon squad in on this.”

“Umm wow… y’all got this all figured out huh?” His nervousness was almost comical.

“Let me run to the restroom really quick.” He practically ran away from Barron and his brothers. Moving so fast he didn’t see them start to chuckle at his foolishness.

“Damn he is dumb!” Thomas said.

“You ain’t never lied. Family only from this point on.” Barron said leaning back looking through his phone for gifts for his new wife. They were technically in the newlywed stage still. Whether she still believed this was all a ruse really didn’t matter to him because he knew it was 100% legit in the state of Nevada and everywhere else where it could be questioned. She thought it was a sham but in actuality the guy that married them
was all real.

“We agree, this is so petty.” Shane said.

“Alright he bought the bait, he ran and called Naomi. Let the games officially begin.”




“What the hell are we going to do now?” Davey yelled into the phone. “The guy that owns the strip club is going to know everything in just a minute. B.A. and his nosey ass brothers are meeting with the dude when we get back.”

“No they won’t.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because B.A. will be too busy trying to find that fat cow.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I hired someone to teach the little bitch a lesson. You were taking too long to come up with some results. We need to get rid of her, NOW.”

“Man, I think we are skating on thin ice messing with B.A. on this one. He acts like he is in love with her or something.”

“Figures you would punk out when we are almost there.”

“I’m not punkin’ out on nothing I’m just stating the facts. According to them the owner is about to send out his goon squad because he had a hidden camera back there.”

“That’s illegal in itself he can’t file charges on something like that.”

“He can’t file charges of course but that means nothing to a damn GOON SQUAD. What the hell you think a GOOD SQUAD is, they ain’t the damn police.”

“It doesn’t matter, the ball is already rolling.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“I’ve already paid the down payment. The hit should be done tonight.”

“The hit? What the hell did you do?”

“What do you mean what did
do? We are a team remember?”

“Oh hell no, there is no way I’m claiming to be a part of this with you.”

“Too late you son of a bitch, we are in this together. If you even attempt to rat me out I will take you down with me. Trust.”

do you figure B.A. will believe you over me?”

“Remember his friends are the ones
that have been wilding out lately. Is Toby enough of a reminder that he is skeptical on who to trust in his clique? I’m an outsider so how would I know so much about his personal life?” Davey was silent because he knew she had him there. “Exactly!” 

“So what now?”

“Nothing because I don’t know how much more I can trust you with. Just know when I’m back in, what we had is over. I’m going to be monogamist for him since that’s what he is obviously looking for. Plus you’re too damn weak you might grow a conscience and rat us both out.”

“…” Davey remained silent and Naomi hung up. He just realized he had signed his soul over to the devil all for a piece of ass. Everything he had done up to this point he was finally starting to regret it.

“Damn that was a long bathroom break. You straight?” B.A. asked when he walked back to the table they were chilling in at the sports bar.

“Yeah, I just took a call from one of my hoes. Had to set up a meeting. You know how I roll.”

“Yeah I know.” Davey could have sworn he saw B.A. give him an all too knowing smirk but he thought for sure he had to be seeing things.

“You aight?” Shane asked him. “You look like you seen a ghost.”

“Huh, uhh Nah. I’m cool.”

“Excuse me, I gotta take this call real quick.” Thomas excused himself from the table.

Davey couldn’t help the feeling that something wasn’t right. He just had a bad feeling that was nagging the hell out of him. Something bad was about to happen and he prayed he wasn’t on the receiving end. He would much rather prefer to be on the giving end. The devil must be watching him, plotting the spot where he is going to spend eternity. That was the only way he could explain the hairs on the back of his neck standing to full attention.

“I think I’m gonna head back to the room to get some rest.” Davey conceded it was time to get out of there.

“Aight, you sure you feeling alright. You need us to walk with you?”

“No, I will be cool. I’ll see y’all in the morning.”

“Okay cool. Bright and early we got business to handle.”

“Alright, later.” Davey’s mind was so far gone to a point where he didn’t figure out he was indeed being watched until it was too late. One minute he was walking down the dark street
heading back to the hotel and the next everything went black. He never knew what hit him.

Chapter Twenty-one

After the incident in the back room at the Vegas restaurant, Toby was dropped off in an alleyway to recover all alone. The men he had grown up with and thought of as brothers hadn’t stepped up even a smidgen to aid him. He was basically assaulted with no backup. Sure he was ousted as being the black sheep in so many words, the gay one or the undercover brother but he never thought they would react like this. B.A. accepts that Tracy character and Damon but he turns his back on him.

What kind of foolery
was that? And that Mya broad was nothing spectacular. B.A. has not only proposed to her he has secretly married the bitch. Davey was against this thing they had going on from the beginning but he making posts about it on the social media sites. Plus he isn’t answering the calls from Toby’s phone. The only other person he felt he could turn to for inflicting revenge of some sort was Naomi.


He couldn’t stand her ass either but they had an enemy in common at this point. B.A. was basically dead to him from his betrayal of looking the other way when he was punched out. When she brought up the elaborate scheme to kidnap and beat her pretty bad, it was clear what her intentions were towards B.A. Unfortunately for Naomi he had a one better, he wanted her D.E.A.D. Technically she took any pleasant thoughts he harbored for B.A. and crushed them in the garbage disposal. For sure she should die for wronging him in that manner. Sure B.A. had no clue how he felt for him and damn sure probably wasn’t going to return the favor but one could always hope. Hope that one drunken night things would get really out of hand, one thing would lead to another and voila… Hopefully they have already counted him out thinking he wouldn’t be a problem for them anymore so his plan can work effortlessly.


When Mya was found dead with the baby successfully cut from her womb, B.A. will be devastated but worried for the child. Toby will be the hero when he mysteriously takes an interest in aiding him to find his lost child. The day he shows up pledging his never ending friendship and loyalty to him, bridging the gap by offering his services to help with the child. Pinning all of the mishaps on Naomi and Davey, he will have no other friends to turn to. On that faithful night when he drowns his sorrows in an alcoholic beverage that will be laced with enough drug to make an elephant delusional, only then will he finally feel the hard body of his crush. The shame of what a drunken night had produced will help them form a bond that only God himself can break a part.


“Is everything all set on your end?” The annoying voice of Naomi asked. ‘Maybe he should kill her too just for general purposes,’ he thought to himself.

“Of course. They won’t know what hit them.”

“Davey was saying something about the strip club owner getting wise to what happened at the club that night. What did you find out in that department?”

“I tried cozying up to the dancers in the place but they are tight lipped about the dealings in the club. So they say the guy has mafia connects.”

“Shit. That’s not good.”

“As long as B.A. gets distracted with his
blushing bride
missing he won’t be thinking about the club owner and their meeting. Now you and Davey may have to worry they will be coming for you two but that has nothing to do with me.”

“Speaking of Davey, have you spoken with him?”

“No.” Toby said like it was sour taste in his mouth. “Not since that night.”

“Serves you right. Why on earth
did you think you would had a snowballs chance in hell to be with B.A.?” She cackled further pissing him off. “I heard his brother packed a mean punch.”

“Fuck you, you simple bitch
. You think you are so irresistible that he will come running back to you once she is out of the picture. So sad of you to think such a thing.”

“And for you to think he will suddenly toss your salad or vice versa. Now who is delusional?”

“We’ll see.”

“That we will.”



Naomi was so ready for all of this mess to be over with. They will be rid of the nuisance known as Mrs. Anderson leaving just enough room for her to slide into that place like a player sliding into home plate. Of course Naomi didn’t think it would be real easy to get back in but he shouldn’t be too hard to win over. B.A. is a sexual creature, he feeds of getting his rocks off. The way he would bang her back out from behind would always leave her sore the next day. He was so domineering and forceful. She often wondered how someone as reserved looking as this Mya took the roughness of the infamous B.A. To her she looked like someone who liked it soft and easy, whenever they were together that was never the case. Cuddling never even came to pass let alone kissing in the mouth, so to see how gentle he was with this girl infuriated Naomi more.

The pictures they had together were so soft as if he thought she was fine China. Reflecting on the pictures he and Naomi had taken she was always draped on him like a fur coat. Any affectionate poses for the camera’s came from her and her alone. Looking through the new issue of
Urbanesque magazine, she wanted to throw herself off of the nearest bridge from the love that was evident in their eyes at every snap. She imagined she was in Mya’s place looking lovingly into B.A.’s eyes that held promises of forever. Tears actually came to her eyes as she read the article. He said how much he was in love with the mother of his child, his soon to be wife, and how he looked forward to many more children in the future.

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