The Ultimate Fight (34 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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Never in the time had they spent together had she heard B.A. speak of the future or having children. Whenever she would broach the conversation he would steer clear of the path she would try and take. Stating his infamous ‘I don’t do relationships’ spiel. He would often remind her they weren’t in a relationship, nothing about what they were doing was serious, and it was all for show. She thought for sure that he was just a man that needed to be conquered and
needed to be showed another way. Obviously she was right in a way because he turned over a new leaf when he encountered his

“Hello?” Naomi answered the anonymous caller.

“Last chance to back out.” The mysterious deep voice said. She had to admit even she was scared to go through with this but she felt she had no other choice. This man put fear into her like no other but not having B.A. scared her more.

t back out.”

“Can I ask you a question?”


“Why are you doing this?” The voice drawled. “You are a beautiful woman why would you stoop to such lengths for a man who doesn’t want you.”

“You wouldn’t understand if I told you.”

“Try me.”

“I love him.”


“I do.”

“You don’t have to lie to me I’m not him.”

“…” Naomi sighed thinking why not just lay her cards out for someone to hear. It’s not like she has any friends or family. Her shrink is the only one who knows her deepest darkest secrets. “I don’t have anyone. No family, I was an orphan who wasn’t even worthy enough to be adopted. I was used in the two foster homes I was sent to by the men of the house while the women looked the other way. The first one got his rocks off by forcing himself into my tiny virgin body while his wife was in the other room. No one responded to my screams but it didn’t stop there, it continued into the next home I was placed in. One of the women told me girls like me was what kept their husbands satisfied enough to stick around. The other told me it was my purpose for being on this earth, to satisfy men.”

“By the time I turned sixteen, even the foster father’s didn’t want me anymore. They moved on to the new little girls brought into the house because their holes were tighter. Even though I was told it still felt good but
since I didn’t kick or scream anymore, the luster was gone. I started to enjoy sex instead. I was discovered when I turned eighteen by a talent scout while I was walking around the mall. That’s when I caught my big break but it was no easy climb. I sucked and fucked anything to keep climbing until I reached the top. I had my pick of the litter but they were always married until I saw B.A. Being with B.A. felt safe, he didn’t call me out of my name and he would actually be seen in public with me. He wasn’t attached to anyone so I decided to attach myself to him. Together we could be a power couple.”

“The fact still remains he doesn’t want you.”

“He’s a man. He can be persuaded and once the distraction is removed I will make myself available for him.”

“What about fucking his friend?”

“Wait, what?” Naomi realized something wasn’t right at all. She flashed back to him telling her she was too beautiful for this. Why hadn’t she thought this through before she started rambling off at the mouth?

“Now, now Naomi no need to play coy.” How did he know her name and why did she feel a cold chill when he said it?

“How did you know my name? I never told it to you. Who is this?” Her voice trembled.

“I go by many names.” He cryptically stated. “The real question is, what don’t I know?”

“Because you know who I am it changes nothing, I want what I paid for. I have already wired you the money, now produce!” She barked.

“As you wish.” The line went dead. Although she had come too far to turn back, she couldn’t help the feeling that she may have stepped in some shit that’s too deep to keep from drowning in it.

“Davey, where the fuck are you? I have been calling you nonstop you little shit. Call me back A.S.A.P. We may be in over our heads with this one.” She hung up the phone with her nerves on edge.

“How right you are.” The deadly voice from the phone said so close to her she couldn’t get a scream out from being frozen with fear. “SLEEP.” First she felt a pinch
, then everything went black.



Toby had been scoping out the house B.A. and Mya shared for a while now. While B.A. and his brothers were out of town on business, he knew this was his time to strike. Thanks to Naomi who found out from Davey, everyone was gone except Mya and her sister in law Jamie which was Shane’s wife. Toby wanted to bust into the house and shoot Jamie just because her husband snuck one in on him while he wasn’t looking. That would sure enough hurt him to the core, maybe take out one of their kids. Nah, he couldn’t dream of hurting a child. When Jamie left with her kids leaving Mya alone he couldn’t help but smile a triumphant smile. She would be all alone making it an opportune time to put his plan in motion. Naomi would be sending her hit man soon and he needed to trump her quickly. If he was watching no doubt her man was too.

“Toby, what are you doing here?” Mya answered the door big as ever looking around as if she were looking for someone to protect her. ‘Good,’ he thought she must be alone for sure.

“Mya, I know my actions in Vegas are unexplainable but I’m here trying to be a friend.” Toby put on his award winning acting skills. “Someone is out to hurt you and the least I can do is try to protect you. B.A. is my boy and I can’t let anything happen to you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Can I come in? We don’t have much time.” He said looking around as if he was waiting on something to happen just then.

“I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.”

“Please Mya, they have sent someone to kill you.” He pleaded.

“Who is they?”

“Davey and Naomi. Please Mya we don’t have much time.”

“Come in.” She stepped back to let him pass. He thought to himself, she was a gullible one. This was almost too easy. “Now, explain to me again what’s going on.”

“I just said they sent someone to kill you.”

“How do you know this though?”

“I pretended to be on their side but I was really trying to get information to hopefully win back B.A.’s friendship
. In a way letting him know I got his back.”

“BULL!” Mya said forcefully.


“That’s bullshit and you know it. I don’t believe a word of it. You are all probably in on this together. For all I know this is a part of the setup. My question is what do you possibly think will happen if something does happen to me? Do you think he will turn into a turd burglar like you?” She asked and then laughed as if that was absurd. “If something happens to me, you all will be the first people he looks at. I surely hope Naomi’s nasty ass doesn’t think he would return to that hazard zone she calls a pussy. That’s just nasty. All three of you are losers.”

“Taunting me will get you nowhere Mya, I’m trying to help you and you talk this way to me.”

“You aren’t trying to help me, you are trying to make yourself look good.”

“You know what, fuck it. You’re right, I do plan to make myself look good and it’s going to work too. No matter how much I would really love to shoot you in the head right now, I have to stick to the plan. So no more of this talking shit bit, let’s take this show on the road.”

“Fuck you, I know you don’t think I would willingly go anywhere with you.”

“Either you go willingly or I leave you here for the hit man that Naomi has hired.”

“No one is leaving.” A cold voice said from the shadows. Neither of them could see the persons face but they knew he was massive in size.

“I told your ass.” Toby hissed.

“Shut up.” Mya sneered. “Who are you?” She asked.

“That’s not important.”

“He’s with me.” Another voice joined the room that felt eerily crowded
all of a sudden.

“Tracy, what’s going on?” Mya actually looked a little afraid. “How did you two get in without me hearing neither of you?”

“I can do a lot of things in my line of work.”

“Security?” She nodded her head in recognition. “What kind of security do you do

“A little of this, a little of that.” Tracy said casually leaning against the wall with a chrome pistol in his hands. “You see my company was hired to handle a little business in this house.”

“Oh shit.” Toby said.

“Oh shit is right.” Tracy chuckled darkly. “You see, my company was hired by Naomi
Clarkson anonymously but nothing is anonymous when it comes to any business I touch.”

“So he was telling the truth. They hired someone to kill me.” She stated more than questioned.

“That would be correct.” He said. “And you just had to try to fuck up my plans. What was your angle
? Make Mya leave with you, sedate her, cut the baby out, and run back like the hero. So you and Barron could live happily ever after once you drugged him, having your way with him, and possibly blackmailing him that you would keep his secret. The shame that would come to a well-known playboy who had a drunken night with his
best friend. So as long as he kept you around you would be his undercover brother. Does that about sum everything up?” Toby didn’t even bother answering that question because obviously he was outsmarted from the jump. He never stood a chance.

“What are you going to do to me?” Toby asked after he was silent for far too long.

“Not what you wanted Barron to do to you, that’s for sure.” Tracy chuckled darkly. “No I have much better plans for you sir. But don’t worry, you won’t be alone.”

“At least if I can’t have him neither can you.” Toby sneered at Mya.

“That’s not exactly accurate.”

“What…” Toby didn’t get to finish any of that question because he felt a pinch in his left ass cheek that rendered him paralyzed. Falling
heavily onto the floor he heard Mya’s sharp intake of breath.

Its okay baby girl, Barron will be home soon. Relax.” He saw Tracy’s feet stand in front of Mya’s socked feet. “I love you sissy. I will always have your back. No harm will ever come to you as long as I’m breathing.”

“Okay, okay… I love you too Tracy. Thank you.”

“I left you a sedative on the bedside table. It won’t harm the baby, go rest.” He heard Tracy say. “Oh and quit procrastinating, read the damn magazine article in Urbanesque. You might learn something. Stubborn ass…” He mumbled walking away.



Davey woke up with a serious head banger headache. He didn’t really know how long he had been asleep all he knew was he wasn’t where he should have been. Much of his memory was foggy about any time before now and after he left Atlanta on a plane with B.A. Suddenly flashes started to reappear like a slide show. He remembered hearing B.A. and his brother’s discussing the strip club incident. The owner wants blood for what happened since legal charges can’t be brought up. The conversation he had with Naomi came back like a tidal wave, then he left to walk back to the hotel and that’s all he remembered. Where was he? Was that him groaning in pain like that? Or was it pleasure? He was so confused.


From the chill in the room he could tell he was missing some clothing, his man hood felt hard as a rock but it was sheathed in something tight and warm. Maybe he had gotten loaded and hooked up with some woman. His voice was vacant
allowing him only to make grunting noises like a pig. What was it about his vocals that wouldn’t come out? Moving his midsection around in whatever he was connected to was the only movement he could muster. He had to admit something freaky was going on but his penis was happy at least. Slapping himself mentally for enjoying the tightness around him, he tried to pull out but the head was enlarged in a way that made it impossible to pull out. It’s like he was super glued in something. That’s not possible. Or is it?

Why couldn’t he see? Where
could he be that was so dark there wasn’t even a sliver of light in the room? Now that he thought harder he did feel he was lying on top of a warm body. Maybe if he came he could pull out. It could be some weird drug he tried that has him so hard he knotted at the end like a dog who needed to release. It sounded stupid even to his own mind just thinking it but he had to do something.

So he did what was natural he started moving in the hole trying to bring release but release just wouldn’t come. Only groans left his throat from both pain and pleasure. Straining his ears he could faintly hear other human sounds like grunts, whimpering, and heavy breathing. After he couldn’t decipher how
much time had passed, he still hadn’t found any relief from his predicament so he tried to pull himself free again. This time the body he was connected to sounded like she was screaming deep in her throat.


Suddenly light started to creep into the room as if the curtains were on a timer. The light was so bright, he had to squint to adjust to the abrupt intrusion. Although he welcomed the ability to be able to see where he was and what predicament he had wound up in, nothing could have prepared him for the sight before him. The body below him, that he was connected to intimately was not a woman at all, it was a man. Not just any man either, from the tattoo on the back it was Toby. He was there when he got the tattoo. His mouth hung open in shock, confusion, and lastly fury. Upon further perusal of his current position he saw another familiar face with legs gapped wide open and Toby’s head rested face first into her cunt. Naomi stared wide-eyed as well at Davey not believing what she was seeing.

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