The Ultimate Fight (37 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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Barron was the happiest man in the world at the moment, his
magnificent wife had just given birth to his precious baby girl. Watching Mya take the pain like a true gee made him proud to call her his better half. She didn’t curse him out like they do in the movies as she held his hand through the pain. Never being more thankful for his high pain tolerance at the moment because the death grip she had on his hand was indeed deadly. He showcased more emotions than she did during the birthing process. Thankfully his mother still kept up with her certification as a midwife since Mya decided she wanted a home birth instead dealing with noisy hospitals. Too much could happen if they were there in her opinion. Barron wanted to give her whatever she wanted so he agreed to let his mother be the midwife and bring his girls through this experience safely.

Sheila couldn’t have been more pleased with the decision to change their birthing plan to include her into the mix. Dr. Jacobs had no problem turning over all of Mya’s records to Sheila because he had checked out her license to be sure she would serve to be beneficial. Everyone who wanted to be a part of the birth was allowed to participate making the entire thing more special. Barron had walked with Mya, rubbed her lower back, held her steady as she positioned over the birthing ball, and when the time came to start pushing he held her legs. The very first cry his little angel let out his heart leaped by bounds and he almost panicked at the tears that fell from Mya’s eyes. She confirmed to him that she was just so happy to give him the gift of his own little replica of himself. Bianca Ava Anderson was born January 10th at one o’clock in the afternoon weighing nine pounds two ounces, and twenty-two inches long.


“You did great baby.” Barron said to Mya after he helped her take a shower and change into more comfortable clothes. She was now propped up in their bed breast feeding their little blessing for the first time.

“Thank you baby. You did great as well.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“Yes you did. You were here.”

“Of course I was, where else would I be?”

“You could have been a number of places. You haven’t left my side in damn near two days when the contractions first started at low speed.” She giggled.

“True. I’m officially retired so I can do that.” Barron joked. He had announced after his last fight that he was retiring from fighting for good.

“I still can’t believe you actually went through with it.”

“We talked about this before I even made the announcement.”

“I know but still in the back of my mind I knew you didn’t really mean it. You came to that conclusion before you even fought. I just knew you would change your mind after you won. I mean you are the champion in your division.”

“All the more reason to quit while I’m ahead.”

“Barron, are you sure you’re not doing this for any other reason?”

“What other reason would that be dear?”

“You know I fully support your career right? I wouldn’t try and change anything about you that includes your profession. Your passion.” Barron looked at Mya’s concerned face and smiled. She didn’t know how much she really meant to him still. So many times he had heard from those bastards that was supposed to be his friends that she would try and change him. They had no clue what they were talking about. This woman, his woman, was spectacular.

“You are so special to me. I am so blessed to have you in my life. You have given me the greatest gift with this little princess and no doubt bathed me in your love even when I was too stubborn to know it. You and Bianca are my world. I don’t ever want to miss a moment of my girl growing up and not to mention I can’t wait to see you swollen with many more of our babies.”

“Aww baby, that’s so sweet. I feel the same way.” Mya said kissing Barron softly on the lips. “But you still didn’t answer my question.”

“Didn’t I?”


“I loved fighting but we all know it wasn’t going to last forever. I achieved my goal when I won the championship. Thanks to our impromptu one night stand and malfunctioned protection, I have also reached my ultimate goal. To marry a wonderful woman and start a family. I have everything I need and want right here. This is my lifelong passion, unconditional love everlasting.” Barron said sincerely. “The ultimate fight for our love was well worth every bit of the struggle. I now feel worthy of your love.”

“You know I still have an overflow of hormones flowing through my body. The baby will soon think that’s all you do is make me cry.” Mya wiped away the tears that tried to pick up. “I love you so much, Barron.”

“I know baby. I love you times infinity.”

The two relaxed in each other’s presence enjoying the quiet with their little one before everyone was allowed in to visit with the happy family. Through all the drama, struggles, and the rain they made it to the finish line together. The haters that want nothing more than to split them apart hadn’t won and any others in the future better take a second guess. As the officiator who married them said in the end, "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate." That was more than a threat it was a promise that Barron and everyone else who protects this union took to heart.




Kanika K. Harris was born and raised in Little Rock, AR. She attended and graduated from the historical Little Rock Central High School in 1999. Kanika is married to her soul-mate and a mother of three
rambunctious children. She currently spends her days writing and her nights alongside her husband of close to ten years building their businesses to be successful.

Wanting to be an urban fiction novelist has always been a dream of Kanika’s and finally she is headed in the right direction with her first
self-published novel being ‘Love Drug’. If she isn't writing she spends the remainder of her time with her church duties as the choir director and praise dance coordinator. With writing being the ultimate passion her laptop is a permanent attachment, going everywhere she goes. Every extra moment available in a day she spends jotting down ideas for the new books or finishing works in progress. During her journey as a writer she has developed all sorts of new found talents that she had no clue she was capable of. Although she considers herself as an urban fiction novelist she has uncovered her talents in writing in several other types of genres. This is only the beginning, stay tuned for what is to come.

Other Titles available by this Author

*Love Drug

*Mo’ Better

*Questionable Intentions

Austin’s Desire

The Ultimate Fight

*Represents those part of a series.


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