The Ultimate Fight (19 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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“What is it?”

“I am going to do something that I hope will lighten him up just a little. Or at least I hope so.” Mya went on to tell her what she planned on doing. Ebony was all ears and quite excited to gage his reaction.


The night of the fight Mya was a nervous wreck and she wasn’t even the one fighting. Never in a million years did she think he would lose by far but she damn sure didn’t expect the intensity in which he tore into his adversary. Mya has been to lots of fights being on the sidelines for Damon but watching the father of her child fight was something entirely different. This explains why she didn’t know who he was.

Damon and he are in different weight classes so she would never watch him otherwise. Plenty of snacks later, the fight had ended with him being crowned the winner. She was beyond elated, jumping up and down for her man was on his way. ‘Wait he wasn’t her man,’ she remembered when the camera zoomed in on Naomi sitting amongst the other celebrities in that area. She was the epitome of
a happy significant other, being over the moon with excitement for Barron’s win.

Mya turned the television off with a bitter sweet expression, she was both happy and sad. Happy for Barron for furthering his career and sad because she knew she wouldn’t be the one he celebrated with. Sending a quick congratulations text message to
his phone, Mya stripped out of her clothes to take a shower. Finally she got the glitter removed from her stomach but she was having a horrible time getting rid of the pain in her heart. Figuring it would be a while before Barron returned from his trip, she padded to his room to get one of his button down shirts from his closet. ‘He will never know it was missing,’ she thought. To feel closer to him she climbed into the middle of his huge bed settling under the covers inhaling the faint scent that lingered on his pillow.




Barron tipped in sometime in the middle of the night with the determination to get some answers from Mya. He didn’t give a damn if it was two in the morning he at least had to lay eyes on her. Being extra quiet he opened the door to her bedroom to find it completely empty with the bed made up. Checking the bathroom and then family room to be sure she didn’t fall asleep in there, he didn’t find her. He thought about texting or calling her cell to see where she was but quickly changed his mind. It was late, maybe she didn’t want to be alone and went to a girlfriend’s house.

It was then he remembered what Davey said about her talking bad to her friend’s so he knew she wasn’t there. The only other place would be for her is Damon’s. That thought alone almost sent him into a frenzy. Storming into his room he was startled to find none other than Mya in the center of his bed with the illuminating light from
the fragrance lamp on the nightstand casting a soft glow on her features.

His room smelling of sweet cookies and exotic vanilla with neo-soul music softly playing love ballads. He was so consumed with things he had
from other’s he immediately thought the worst of Mya all the time. Never even thinking to check his own room to see if she was in here, he automatically thought about her out doing dirt.

Removing his jacket and shoes, Barron lightly removed the covers from her body. He recognized the shirt she wore instantly bringing a smile to his face. Zeroing in her growing stomach, he release
d button after button on the shirt to get a closer look. Trying his best not to put all of the focus on the fact that she didn’t have on any bottoms, panty-less. He laid butterfly kisses in the center of her stomach. All the while whispering, how much he couldn’t wait to meet his little princess.

“Hey.” Barron heard Mya croak before he felt her hand over his waves.


“Congratulations on your fight.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. You were awesome out there.”

“You watched it?”

“Of course I did.”


“No problem.”

“This shirt looks better on you than it ever did on me. And you in my bed without me having to ask.”

“Oops sorry. I just…”

“It’s cool, I’m just teasing.” She smiled.

“I know I didn’t sleep a whole day and some so
… what are you doing here so soon? You should be out celebrating your win. Living it up in MIA!”

“I hopped on the first flight after leaving the arena.”


“Because I wanted to celebrate like this.” Barron came face to face with Mya. She had an unreadable expression on her face.


Just like a romantic movie, the scene unfolded in slow motion. They leaned into one another like magnets connecting. One peck, two peck, three peck, four until they were sharing
a passionate kiss full of electricity. Relishing in the closeness that they both had been craving over the past two weeks of being apart. Missing each other’s touch, smell, and feel caused them both to sigh grateful to be together in this moment. Nothing mattered outside of that bedroom. The rumors, the pictures of what they’ve done while in other’s presence, insecurities, and most of all doubt of what’s to come between them was forgotten. All that mattered was them in the moment even if it only lasted for a short period of time.

“Barron, I missed you.” Mya whispered with so much emotion, she felt tears tickle the back of her throat.

“Show me.”

“As you wish.” Mya helped him shed the layers of clothing that restricted skin to skin contact.

Forcing Barron onto his back, Mya started at his neck lavishing kisses and plenty of tongue action venturing lower ever so often. Enjoying the attention she was spending around his torso, he was fantasizing on how it would feel for her to go lower. From past sexual encounters with Mya, she had never hinted that she would give oral stimulation. He figured she was an oral virgin and couldn’t visualize himself asking her to try it out. When she was face to face with his hardened extremity, he then knew she was considering it. He could practically see her drooling at the up close and personal viewpoint as she stroked it lightly.

“I’ve never done this before.” She said glancing up at him.

“I know.”

“I have an idea but…”


“I don’t want to make a mistake or make you feel uncomfortable.”

“You don’t have to, you know?”

“I know… But I want to.”

“Just do what you feel is natural. Take it slow.”

“If I do something wrong will you tell me?”


Mya paused for a second as she took the head into her mouth releasing it with ease and repeating the step a few times before she was comfortable enough to add more of his length. Barron’s breath hitched in his throat at the glorious feel of her warm mouth surrounding his dick. She may be new to giving oral pleasure but from the feel of the pressure her mouth was applying at all the right times could have fooled him. He was speechless watching her start a slow, sensual bob and weave up, down, and then around. Just the right amount of moisture, none escaping her mouth except for a clear sheen to lubricate her hand that was at the base.


Relaxing the back of her throat remembering the blow by blow details that she studied. She has wanted to try this out on Barron for some time now and the moment just felt right to give it a go. Before long she was full out deep throating his joint, gently squeezing his balls with her free hand. From the sounds coming from Barron, she glanced up afraid she was hurting him in any way but saw his eyes shut. Continuing the torture while still looking at him, she saw him tilt his head back and grip the sheets in a death grip. ‘Obviously she was doing a better job than she thought,’ she smiled to herself.

“Shit Mya… Damn baby…”

“Mmmmmm…” Hearing her name come from his mouth in the throes of passion made her moan in satisfaction not knowing it was sending him over the edge.

“Dammit!” Barron began releasing another string of explicit words. “Just like that baby.”

“Okay daddy.” She purred. That did it for Barron he used all of his strength to transfer his release again so
didn’t unload in her mouth. Even though the feel of a warm throat swallowing every drop is electric, he didn’t feel right at the moment with her being pregnant and all. “Did I do something wrong?” She asked him with concern etched on her face.

“Hell nah, you did
more than right. First time my ass.” He joked.

“I’m a fast learner, I guess.” She said coyly while crawling slowly and seductively up his body. Just the sight made his
piece stand right back up stiff as a board. Sitting back on her haunches, she finished unbuttoning his shirt letting it slide down her arms before she discarded it completely.

“What a way to celebrate a win.” Barron said with glee.

“I couldn’t agree more.”


Mya captured his lips in another heated kiss that damn near curled his toes when the feel of her juicy box sucked him in like a whirlpool. Guiding him to sit up in an upright position while still in his lap, she adjusted her legs around him without breaking contact. With every inhale she pulled him in deeper rising up his length to a downward dip with every exhale. Up and down like she was horseback riding, making them both lightheaded from the sensations that were exploding all over their bodies.

heir bodies were acting out what their mouths didn’t dare speak. Barron felt at home in a sense that even he couldn’t comprehend. Right here with Mya, enjoying everything she is giving out and putting just as much into it. Some foreign feeling was stirring in the pit of his stomach that he couldn’t quite name but he had an inkling of what it was. For now he refuses to admit it, he still had some unanswered questions.


Barron flipped the script taking charge, using his strength and flexibility to lift Mya’s pregnant body up to maneuver them into the missionary position. He kept enough space between their bodies to keep his weight off her delicate center. Never breaking stride, he delivered strong but erotically slow strokes while breathing in her essence. They were so deep into each other they lost track of time, positions, and releases. All that mattered was this encounter, everything else could wait until another day.


When it finally ended, Mya found herself reflecting on the conversation that took place with Damon when they were in the Bahamas. Mya recalled the intimacy definition and realized this was it in a nutshell. She wanted to shout from the rooftop how much she loved him in that moment but bit her lip to keep from saying anything that would break the spell. There were still so many unanswered questions. Vowing not to be the first one to reveal their cards, Mya kept quiet.


Chapter twelve

Damon woke up feeling freer than he had in a whole month. Once he dropped Mya off, he was off to a fight of his own. Hearing how Mya described her feelings towards Barron really settled his need to protect and stand beside her. If Barron didn’t get his head out of his ass and admit his feelings, only then will he step in for the kill. Damon felt he was more than a friend, confidant, or overbearing as she tends to put it, he was her big brother. She was the only family he had left. When he was younger all he had was his mother, his father never surfaced. His mother’s family was null and void being that they were
some no good street thugs or didn’t care for her non hood ways. They always claimed that she thought she was better than everyone else because she chose not to have dealings with where she was raised.


The Southside of little rock was known as the rough side of town when she was coming up. Hell still to the day it wasn’t all the rave of places to be in after dark. Needless to say when she got her first break she booked it, bettering herself with every chance she got. Going to school full time, while working as many hours as humanly possible to keep her bills paid. Working at a small family owned restaurant, she had the pleasure of meeting a well-built gentlemen who often came in once or twice a month due to him being a truck driver.


His mother Rita explained to him how the man would start to come in more frequently than not closer to the time she was to get off. Instead of finding that creepy she thought it was charming that he wanted to try and get to know her. They would sit and talk for hours after her shift ended. She learned that his name was Devlin, he was ten years older than her at nineteen, and resided in Mississippi on his days off.


Needless to say, one thing lead to another and they had started to see each other in more intimate settings away from prying eyes. When he came to town he would get hotel rooms leaving a key for her at the desk so she could come in without any hassle. For a total of four months they had been on a time schedule of when they could see each other. Other times they would converse over the phone when time allowed. Because Damon’s mom, Rita lived in the dormitory on campus she was under curfew until the weekends with no means of phone access besides the community phone.

According to Devlin, he would often take extra runs to stack money so as he could provide for her one day when the time was right. One holiday was approaching and she wanted to spend it with him instead of going back to the projects that held nothing for her. Sadly, he declined stating he needed to work to get that double time and a half. As devastated as she was at the news she chucked it up to bad timing and remained on campus throughout the holidays awaiting his return to town.

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