The Ultimate Fight (22 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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Earlier in the evening, Mya was experiencing a few pains that she figured were nothing but Braxton hick’s contractions. Barron had seemed distracted as they spent the day together. They went to the movies and attempted at doing the baby registries. He seemed so unfocussed that Mya decided that they could try again another time, making up an excuse about being too tired. Not picking up on the deliberate lie, he had taken her home. Going to his downstairs gym, Mya ignored the attitude figuring if he wanted her to know what was going on he would tell her. She wouldn’t pry. Later in the evening, he took a shower making his way around the room getting dressed without a word to her. Never considering herself as his guardian, she didn’t even ask what, where, and why. She just tried to ignore the anger that he was ignoring her presence once again.

“I’m going out. Don’t wait up.” He threw over his shoulder as he left the house. Of course she didn’t expect any terms of endearment,
sweet goodbyes, or anything of that nature but nothing like a brush off.

Maybe she had become a burden to him. Maybe he was already tired of her presence. She didn’t work so basically she was
a freeloader. Yes she cooked, cleaned, and played house with him but this was still his house. Maybe living here was a bad idea. Mya knew he was probably used to having his own things strictly for himself, sharing his home and time with her wasn’t a part of the deal. Earlier everything seemed to have been good but after they left the gym, his attitude was standoffish. What had she done wrong?


“Shit.” Mya hissed in pain. She didn’t intend on waiting up for Barron but she found she couldn’t drift off to sleep. Not wanting to intrude on his personal space of his bedroom anymore she went to her own room. The pain in her abdomen was growing by the hour to the point she thought it best that she go to the hospital.

She didn’t want to call Barron but the pain had grown substantially and he should know what was going on. When his voicemail picked up she left a detailed message telling him she was feeling terrible and asked that he return her phone call. An hour later he still hadn’t called back, so she sent him a text. Fifteen more minutes passed before she lost her patience with him. Just when she thought to call Ebony, he called back saying he was coming. Relief flooded her at his urgent voice. The fact that he was coming help
ed to settle the nerves that he wasn’t there when she needed him. Finally being checked by the nurses, Mya was able to admit she was afraid. Afraid she was going into labor, afraid the baby was in distress, and afraid something was wrong. Everything came to an abrupt stop when Barron leaned over to kiss her.

There it was plain as day, why he was so consumed in whatever he was doing that he couldn’t answer his phone when she actually needed him. The strong smell of not just one woman’s perfume but a mixture of another feminine scent. Two strong fragrances mingled with his favorite cologne. If that wasn’t enough, upon further inspection she could see glitter evident on his face and front of his clothes. Just with the naked eye she could clearly see that his zipper was still undone. It took everything in her not to snap right then and there but the reality that he wasn’t
to snap on came rushing back. They say the truth hurts, well that was an understatement. In every aspect of the phrase, he could do what he pleases. Barron was free to do whatever he wanted because he was a single man.


“Do you need anything?” Barron asked in a timid voice snapping Mya out of her silent musings.

“No.” It came out in a shaky voice but she quickly cleared her throat.

“Are you still in pain?”


“Then why are you crying?” Mya didn’t even know she was crying, she was so numb she didn’t feel the tears surging down her face. Her throat burned, her head felt light, and her chest ached.

“Please don’t…” Mya broke into a sob when Barron tried to embrace her. “Just stay away. Don’t touch me. Please.” She sobbed harder than she expected. He held his hands up in surrender backing away.


“Don’t…” Cutting off whatever he was going to say. “You don’t have to stay. I will be fine by myself.”

“I’m not leaving you here like this.”

“No really, I’m better now. After all I was alone earlier and I dealt with it. I was just about to call someone else when you called so…”

“I apologize that I didn’t get your call earlier.”

“…” Mya just shrugged her shoulders wiping the remaining tears away. “Actually I would prefer to be alone. If you aren’t busy when they release me, I will just give you a call.”

“I’m not leaving Mya. You might as well save your breath. Why are you trying so hard to get rid of me?”

“Because the stench of the
you were with is making me ill.” At the shock on Barron’s face she chuckled void of all humor. “From the smell of Flower bomb mixed with another I don’t recognize to the glitter all over your clothes all the way down to the open fly of your jeans. I want to fucking hurl my guts out.”

The monitor started to beep alerting her that her heart rate was slightly raised. Taking steady breaths, she got her emotions under control before the nurse rushed in. The baby monitor was whooshing with some force meaning the baby was moving around and the kicks were now hard enough to see her stomach move. Sensing Mya’s discomfort, Barron leaned over whispering into her stomach while rubbing like he normally would the baby settled down. Ignoring all else, Mya relaxed at the feel of his hands that were soothing her frazzled nerves. She thought to apologize to Barron for clicking on him that way because she had no right. Her feelings were her feelings, she couldn’t get mad at him because he didn’t return them. Remembering that he was single she would try and forget about this night. Before she knew it she was out like a light from the amount of drugs in her system.




When Mya woke up the next morning, she felt better as far as the pain in her abdomen went. As for her heart, she was dealing with it the best way she could. Barron had gotten a pair of hospital scrubs, taken a shower, and was sitting in the chair next to her bed when she opened her eyes. His head was resting on the edge of her bed with his hand resting on her stomach. She couldn’t resist moving her hand to his head, running it over his waves like she always does. He sat up with a troubled expression on his face but when their eyes locked, a faint smile appeared. Mya returned the smile with an unsure one of her own. She didn’t dare bring up the conversation of before, instead she considered it as water under the bridge.


Two weeks later, they were in a co-existent state under the same roof. Living together, eating together, and an occasional conversation on safe topics. The only thing they d
idn’t do, was sleep together. Mya chose to ignore all of his attempts at having her sleep in his bed. He hadn’t tried anything inappropriate since that night for fear of hurting the baby and for that Mya was grateful. Mainly because she didn’t know if she would have the will-power to deny him. His affection, attention, and imitation of love making is what she craved.

“Coming!” She yelled to whoever was ringing the hell out of the doorbell.

“It’s about time you got to the door.”

“Shut it up. I can’t help it with all this extra weight holding me hostage.”

“Hey baby girl.” Damon greeted pulling her into a big bear hug. She missed him and his hugs so much.

“Hey sugar bear. I missed you.”

“I missed you too girl.”

“Oh I’m sorry, how rude of me. Hello.” She said when she noticed Damon wasn’t alone. Wiping a tear that slipped out from her eye. They both gave her a questioning look.

“It’s fine. Are you okay?”

“Baby girl what’s wrong?” Damon questioned not looking at all friendly at the moment.

“Screw my drama. You need to make introductions sir.”

“Bossy ass…” Damon said under his breath. “Anyway, this bossy chick here is my ride or die, Mya Daniels. Mya this is Tracy Fields.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you Miss Mya.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you too Tracy. I told him I was going to steal his phone and call you myself if he didn’t get to the introductions.”

“To be honest I was feeling some type of way as well. I thought he had something to hide.”

“Honey, you and every damn
body else. It’s always somebody saying something.”

“You two would make a beautiful couple to the outside world so I can see why.”

“That would be nice if I didn’t already know him as well as I do. Damon can be too sure of himself for me.”

“That he can.”

“Okay so are you two going to bash Damon the entire time we are here or do I get some sort of say so in the matter?”

“Bash you!” Mya and Tracy said in unison.

“Glad y’all getting along and all but why were you so damn emotional when we first got here?”

“Barron, what else?”

“What now?”

“Do we need to bust a cap in his ass?” Tracy asked causing them all to bust a gut laughing at the seriousness.

“No, I would prefer my baby daddy to be alive.”

“I didn’t say kill him, I said shoot him. I bet you I can shoot some common sense into that ass. Give him some get right.”

“Damn you violent. Don’t be trying to taint Mya. She already got some underlying anger issues that took us all four years in college to master.”

“Whatever Damon. I’m a work in progress.” Mya laughed. “The other night I had a scare with the baby. When he finally showed up to take me to the hospital, I was in so much pain that I didn’t pay much attention to his appearance. Oh but when we got in the triage room, I smelt and saw the evidence that he was with other women. So… I guess my feelings are still a little raw.”

“That mutha-f…”

“Wait Damon before you fly off the deep end. Remember we are not together. We are just playing house in so many words. Not my choice but whatever.”

“Either way, I know it hurt like hell.”

“Yeah it did.” Mya pouted.

“Maybe it’s time to put your feelings on the table baby. He needs to know that he is hurting your feelings with the shit he is doing. How will he know it bothers you
he is with other women when you haven’t told him that you want to be with him? And not just live with him or be at his beck and call but be in a relationship.”

? You say that as if he possibly isn’t.”

“You don’t know for sure that he is either.”

“Well dammit Damon… You’ve seen the pictures and articles about the Naomi bitch.”

“Don’t dammit Damon me… What I’m saying is hoes, including celebrity hoes throw themselves at other celebs all the time. Especially if they feel it would boost their stock. Folks all over will try and hitch their wagon to a person if they feel they will be on top. Just because this Naomi broad is walking around saying they are together doesn’t mean shit. For one YOU are the one in his house not her. Two, let’s be real, if he was bringing her to Miami he wouldn’t have invited YOU. Three, he didn’t kick it worth a damn in Miami after he won, he came home to YOU.”

“Damon is right. From the sounds of it, he wants you just as much as you want him. But if you two never discuss it then it will never be.”

Damon and Tracy stayed for a couple of hours keeping her company. They talked about them being an official couple and Tracy thinking about moving to Atlanta to be closer to Damon. Tracy and Mya vowed to be good friends despite both of their prior inhabitations of meeting. So many of Damon’s relationships don’t last past meeting his best friend of choice because they assumed something else was going on between them. The same went for Mya’s relationships. From secrets that would probably rock some parts of the world to the fact that their always there for one of another
, others couldn’t stand their bond. This type of friendship could outlast some family members. Just as Mya was considering writing her feelings in her journal on her laptop someone rang the doorbell again. She slowly made her way to the door.

“Can I help you?” Mya asked the woman on the door step.

“We’re looking for B.A. Is he available?”

“He isn’t here at the moment.” Mya suddenly felt fat as hell staring at the tall exotic woman who was watching her as well. “May I ask who’s asking?”

“You must be… Tyra, Toya?”

“Actually it’s Mya. And who are you?”

“My apologies. My stage name is Tyga but you can call me Taj sweetie. We’ve heard a lot about you.” She introduced herself smiling sweetly at a flustered Mya.


“Taj, sorry I had to take that call. It was my agent.” Mya recognized the new face instantly. “Mika, right? What are you doing here?”

“Excuse me, I live here. And the name is Mya. What are you two doing here and how do you think you know me?”

“Oh my apologies, close enough.” The two women laughed at her frustrated face. “Listen we just came to discuss some things with B.A. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want to hear what about. With your fragile state, I wouldn’t want you to get stressed out.”

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