The Ultimate Fight (9 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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“Fine. But get dressed, we
are going out.” When she went to protest he stopped her with a look that had her turn around to find something cuter to wear. All the while mumbling to herself at how demanding her best friend was. Most girls would be happy to have such a thoughtful and caring big brother type for a friend but she couldn’t help that she just felt like feeling sorry for herself right now.

After about thirty minutes of taking her precious time to get ready, she stepped out looking cute as ever with
her belly on display. Choosing some leggings, a button-up maternity hi-lo maternity shirt, and her Ugg boots. She looked cuter than what she felt. Since she had been crying since she woke up alone, a little concealer under her eyes was necessary to get rid of the darkness that formed. Adding some eye drops to kill the red puffy look and lip gloss for her dry lips she was ready for whatever. Damon was busy typing on his phone not even bothering to talk the entire time she was getting dressed. He didn’t want to argue anymore so he figured keeping his mouth shut was the best option.

“Ready.” Mya called out to get his attention.

“Alright let’s roll pretty girl.” He led the way to his sleek sports car opening the door for her.

“Thanks.” She mumbled still not wanting to be outside but appreciated him being a gentleman. “Where are we going?”

“Out to eat first and then do a little shopping. We haven’t gone to the movies in ages. Just out and about like we used to.”

“Okay but can we go to the Japanese restaurant? I want some hibachi chicken.”

“Anything for you sugarplum. Plus a little sake might not be such a bad idea.”

“Ugh, don’t rub it in that I can’t drink.”

“Not my fault you weren’t careful. You know better.”

“Shut up, I told you it broke. You butt-munch.”

“Depends on whose butt I’m munching but anyway…”

“Eww shut up… You are so nasty.”

“Yes I am and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Neither would any of my partners in crime.” Mya couldn’t help the explosive laughter that left her mouth. He was just too much. That’s why she loved him so much he kept her laughing. He knew exactly what he was doing by dragging her out of the house and getting her mind off of the one that made her heart flutter. If only temporarily she was distracted and that was enough for either of them.




After Barron reached his home he took a long hot shower before he sprawled out on his bed naked as the day he was born. His mind drifted to Mya and his unborn. Did he know enough about her to want to pursue a relationship with her? Did he want to pursue a relationship with her for the sake of their child or was it for his own sake? True deep down he couldn’t fathom the thought of her being with anyone else but the reality of the situation was she had every right. Hell he had been with a couple of different women since the last time he was in between her thighs. His parents would be quite excited to have another grandchild to add to the ones they have but the circumstances in which it came to be will probably disappoint them. He hated to disappoint his parents but that’s the way the cookie has crumbled this go around. The first was all a plot but this time was simply a blunder. Although he hated to look at the bundle of joy as a mistake but the fact remains that it was a blooper that they got pregnant. Mya seems like an okay addition to the family and if he decided to just be co-parents maybe she will be okay with that.

“Hello?” Barron answered his phone groggily. He doesn’t recall when he fell asleep. Thinking about Mya was doing a number on him mentally.

“Barron!” His mother called out.

“Sorry… what’s up ma?”

“Did you hear anything I just said?”

“No ma’am. I dozed off.” He lied.

“Sorry to wake you baby, I thought you would have been up hours ago. Normally you’re somewhere training. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” He lied again with a scowl on his face at hearing his mother sigh.

“You’re lying to me now. Great now you don’t feel comfortable talking to me about anything.” He knew she was pulling the guilt trip on him and dammit if it wasn’t working.

“It’s not that mama. It’s just that…” He trailed off not able to find the words.

“What is it baby? What got my baby boy so down?”

“It’s something I gotta tell you.”

“What is it? You know you can tell me anything.”

“I know ma. It’s just that this would be better said in person.”

“Well you’re in luck. Your father and I just arrived. That’s why I was calling to let you know we were in town.”

“WHAT?!” Barron shouted and then apologized for being rude. “Why didn’t you guys tell me you were coming?”

“Surprise!” His mother tried to play it off but it was hard since he was so bothered by something. “We were going to sneak up on you and I was calling to be sure you were home first before we got there.”

“Does Ebony and Thomas know?”

“No it was a surprise for all of you actually.”

“You guys are staying with me right?”

“Well no we were going to get a hotel room after we left your place.”

“Why? You two have your own quarters here.”

“I know but we didn’t want to invade your space honey.”

“It’s fine mom. I promise.”

“Okay sweetheart well we will be there in about ten minutes.”

“Okay see you soon.” They hung up and Barron couldn’t help but feel a little relieved to have his parents here. He really wanted to go ahead and get this announcement out of the way. He figured over lunch would be the best way to get it over with so he called up his siblings telling them to meet him at their favorite restaurant in two hours. Evading all the questions they had he finally convinced them it would be worth their wild to show up on time.


Once his parents arrived, they went to get settled into their room and freshen up for lunch. He went up to his room to get dressed and think some more. Contemplating on whether or not he should contact Mya so she could be in on this announcement. Then he remembered he still didn’t get her number, she only had his but he was certain she wouldn’t reach out to him. After all he did just dip out on her this morning before she woke up. All he had to do was pop up at her house again like before, knowing that would have to wait until later for now. Later tonight he was going to see about her and hopefully he could keep his hands to himself this time.

Arriving at the restaurant they met up with Ebony and Thomas, seeing their parents just made their day that much better. Their parents had definitely pulled one over on them because they had no clue they were coming to visit. They explained they wanted to be closer to their children. It was a feeling they had deep down that one of three needed them close and they just didn’t realize how accurate their feelings were. When they found out what was going on no doubt they were going to flip out, Barron just hoped they wouldn’t flip for the worse. Thomas on the other hand was probably just buying his time for his baby brother to spill the beans about the pretty nurse or the ‘nothing’ he had referred to her as. He didn’t even attempt to ask him about her as they left the hospital for he knew Barron wasn’t in a talkative mood. Ebony on the other hand was just clueless at what he was about to profess.

“What’s going on baby boy?” His father asked. They had been seated and his mind started drifting off to no man’s land again.

“You seem distracted. What’s up?” Ebony asked.

“Well… umm.”

“Just spit it out Barron.” His mother said.

“There was a slip-up about oh three months or so months ago.” Barron was beating around every bush he could think of and his family’s patience was growing thin. “I’m going to be a father in about six months.” He blurted out.

“What the…” “Oh snap…” “OOhhh!” “Uh-oh…” They all gave off different responses to his announcement. He just sighed.

“By who?” “Please tell me it’s not that stuck-up broad you have been with.” “It’s the nurse isn’t it?” Again the
re were all different responses but they all came to a halt when Thomas asked about the nurse.

“What nurse?” Now they were in sync.

“Ebony you remember the girl from his party don’t you?”

“Yeah the pretty one he hung out with….”

“She’s a nurse and they ran into each other yesterday.”

“Well thanks for finishing my announcement.” Barron sarcastically said to Thomas.

“Barron B.A. Anderson, long time no see playboy.” Someone announced themselves. Barron looked up to see a fellow fighter.

the Destructor Johnson, it’s been a long time fo’ sho.” They greeted with a male handshake and shoulder bump. He hadn’t seen him in a while but who he was with is what caught his attention. “Mya what are you doing here?”

“How do you two know each other?” Damon asked looking between the two of them. Mya was speechless staring into her baby’s father menacing eyes. She could tell he was jumping to conclusions with her showing up with
Damon. Tearing her eyes away from his to see the questioning gaze of her best friend, the light bulb went off as they both on cue looked down at her stomach. She seemed to be showing big time today or was it what she was wearing. “Ain’t this bout a bit…” Damon started but just stopped.

“Small damn world…”

“Ma’am, sir?” The waitress was waiting for Damon and Mya to have a seat. Since the restaurant’s policy is to try filling up the seating around the grill, it was coincidental they were seated together. This was going to be an awkward lunch no doubt.

Barron noticed Damon and Mya having a heated discussion in hushed voices. No one at the table were privy to what they were talking about. Barron’s family on the other hand was putting two and two together that this was no doubt the woman that’s carrying his baby. The man she arrived with they knew through the fighting world but who he was to her was the
unknown. Obviously they were close but how close was the question. The silence at the table was tense as everyone was lost in their own thoughts. His parents were having a silent conversation with their eyes and his siblings were assessing the situation in front of them. Barron was simmering with jealousy while Mya was trying her hardest to avoid eye contact with him. Damon was staring at Barron with an unreadable expression.

“So Barron what’s been going on?” Damon asked laced with hidden meaning.

“I guess I could ask you the same thing.” All the while staring a hole into Mya’s head.

“Well from the looks of things you have been a busy boy.”

“Damon, don’t.”

“I was just asking how my associate has been.” She gave him a pleading look and he dropped it with a huff.

“Mya, can I speak with you in private?”


“What the hell is going on?” Barron asked when they were out of earshot from their family.

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t bullshit me Mya. Who is Damon to you?”

“Why does it matter?”

“What the fuck do you mean why does it matter?”

“Look Barron I’m just a piece of ass for the moment anyway so why does it matter who I’m with and what I’m doing? I was fully prepared to be a single parent before we met up again and I have no problem with doing it now if you don’t prefer to be around. I will be just fine, trust me.”

“Did I say I didn’t want to be there for the baby?”

“Actually you didn’t say much of anything.”

“I was just telling my family about the baby and in you walk with a friend of mine in the business. Imagine my shock to see you two together.”

“I told you the night I first met you that a friend of mine was the reason I was at the party. But since I didn’t know you were you, I didn’t put two and two together that you two knew each other.”

“We have a lot to talk about.”

“Yes we do.”

“I’m glad we could agree. Call me when you get home and I will come by.”

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. We were supposed to be talking last night but we did other things instead.”

“If memory serves me correctly, it was your suggestion.”

“I will call you.”

“Screw that I forgot we tried that already. What’s your number? I’ll do the calling this time.” Mya gave him her number. They both returned to the table without any further words spoken between the two.

Everyone at the table remained silent as well. Until they made the formal introductions it was going to be what it was. The silence was filled with uncertainty and quiet accusations. The party ordered their meals and engaged in quiet, polite conversations amongst themselves. Sheila really wanted to attempt at connecting with the young lady, Mya, but Barry
ceased her from doing so. He politely whispered that they will meet in due time when the time was right. Also pointing out that their son and Miss Mya obviously have some unresolved issues they must address before others will become involved. Even though she didn’t like it she obliged. When Mya and Damon finished their meal, he simply paid and bid everyone a good day. Mya shyly said ‘have a good afternoon’ and gave one final glance at Barron before leaving.

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