The Ultimate Fight (6 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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"Did you want to go find them?"

"No they are too busy debating over who can hook the celeb of the evening. I think I should make my way to the house. The drinks are kicking in tough." She giggled.

"Hook the celeb huh?" He laughed at that. Deciding to continue this tit for tat, he decided to ask one last question. "Do you want to meet him?"

"Not my type of hype."

"Just thought I'd ask. You know what they say birds of a feather. How envious of you would they be if you met him before them?"

“I know they are supposed to flock together but I really don't get down like that. I'm not a celebrity stalker like those two. And considering how they talk about me, they would indeed be green. Basic females like me don’t pull celebs."

“Is that how you see yourself? Basic?”

“No I don’t but I’m sure other’s think it if my own female associates say it to my face. Honestly I could care less what they say about me, I’m happy with who I am. I don’t think I should have to play thirsty to get a man. Sorry, I’m on my soapbox.”

“Don’t apologize for how you feel. But just for your information, you are very beautiful. Nothing basic about you.”

“Thanks.” She blushed.

“Stay and chill with me for a while. I’ll make sure you get home safely, scouts honor.”

“Okay scout…” She looked at him thoughtfully for a few minutes. Looked around at her surroundings before she agreed.

They drank, laughed, danced, grinded, and chilled off to the side away from everyone else at the party. A couple of times Barron saw his brother and sister look around for him until they found him. They never intruded on his intimate encounter with his company they just looked over ever once and while to be sure he was straight. Finally Mya had reached her limit with drinks and was prepared to leave. While she was in the bathroom he found out her girls had indeed dipped out with his side men probably in hopes of getting closer to him. It’s not the first time and for sure it won't be the last. More than once he and Mya had found themselves locking lips because the chemistry was outrageous when they danced to a slow jam.

"Let me give you a ride home."

"No thank you. I can just call a cab."

would rather be in a cab with a stranger than to ride in a chauffeur driven town car with the man you have spent the night with? Especially with more than a few drinks in your system."

"Don't I wish?" Barron chuckled at her gutter filled mind. "Sorry did I say that out loud? Now I know it's time to go."

"Then let’s go." Although she hesitated for a few seconds she allowed him to lead her out of the club and into the awaiting limo. She couldn't help but wonder why he came to the club in a limo. Even though guys around town often did those things to impress women, Barron didn't seem like that type. He seemed genuinely sweet and he kept to himself not at all flashy. Something had come over her that she couldn't explain, she found herself for the second time tonight initiating a kiss. His lips were so inviting and she couldn't resist.

"I think we’re here." Barron said between kisses. They had made out the entire ride to Mya's townhouse. She giggled before pulling away completely.

"Thanks for the ride."

"You’re welcome."

"Do you want to come in?" Mya said after she thought for a minute about what she was about to do. Before she lost her nerve she just let it out.

"I would love to but you and I both know what that will mean." She bit her bottom lip in thought before speaking her thoughts aloud.

"So is that a yes or no?"

"You tell me. You hold the cards." Mya slid out the backseat and adjusted her dress before turning to face Barron.

"Come on." Barron slid out behind Mya telling the driver he was no longer needed. Watching her hips sway from side to side had his mini him jumping in anticipation of interacting with the thickness placed before him. ‘What a gift! What a gift!’






Upon walking into Mya's townhouse, she became nervous and excited at the same time. Nervous because what she is doing is beyond dangerous no matter how many times people have brought a stranger home and nothing bad happened. Excited because she has never done anything such as this before so the thrill is surreal. Barron is above and beyond the sexiest man she has ever had the privilege of entertaining
. Towering over her at a good six foot three inches tall, smooth caramel skin, light brown eyes, and muscles on top of muscles. This man was sculptured not conceived and he was showing her attention with her being just average, in her opinion he could pull better. Knowing full well the outcome of this encounter could be either completely terrible or extremely pleasurable. It's been so long since she has had any sort of good sex that she can’t really recall when it was.

Her last sexual encounter was with this guy she had went on a few dates with and he talked a good game so she tried testing the waters. James claimed he could eat his way to China and that in itself didn't sound too appealing but he kept insisting. One horny night of her own doing she concluded that giving him a go wouldn't be such a bad idea. Needless to say she was sadly disappointed at his blatant lies. He nibbled when he should have been diving and his stroke was even worse.

"Lord please don't let him be a disappointment, he is too fine," she silently prayed.

"Would you like something to drink?" Not realizing how close he was to her as she sat her clutch and keys on the kitchen counter, she was stunned when he wrapped his strong arms around her waist. Bracing her hands on the countertop to keep her legs from giving out from the sweet sensations that was traveling through her body as he nibbled and suckled the sensitive flesh of her neck. His hands were doing magic as they traveled down the planes if her tummy until they reached the hem of the form fitted dress. Ashamed was the furthest thing from her mind as she felt the cool breeze of the room
glide across her exposed flesh. He had lifted the dress over her hips showcasing her ample behind that held the material of the thong she wore hostage. She couldn't help but moan at his grunt of appreciation.

Throwing her head back to squeal when his smooth movements lead him to her hairless smooth mound. Slyly opening her nether lips he massaged her swollen clit with the steady flow of juices that ran freely. Within no time flat Mya was singing praises for a quick but heavenly release from his skilled fingers. Trying to steady her breathing and stay standing on her own two feet, Mya could faintly hear him fondling with a wrapper she could only assume was a rubber. "At least he practices safe sex," she smiled to herself. Any further thoughts were halted when he turned her around and lifted her effortlessly in the air, guiding himself into her tight walls all at once.

"AAHHHH..." Honestly Mya had never been with someone as large and as strong as Barron before. Screaming from the sexy pain was her first reaction and those soon morphed into demanding screams begging him not to stop. Barron was so deep she was finding it hard to breath at times. Labored pants was all she could muster up to keep from fainting all together. The balancing act he performed holding her midair while banging her back out was one for the books. Good thing he took off his shirt cause Mya needed to dig her nails into his back for support.

"Ohhhhhh shit!"

"Shit!" One last hard thrust and they both released. Mya was trying to regain her composure while Barron was relishing in the fact that she actually hung with him even being as wild as he was. His dick was still hard just thinking about how tight she was and how she gracefully gripped him inside her.

"Please don't tell me that's all you got."

"Baby you don't know who I am or what I'm capable of. You sure you can hang?"

"Talk is cheap."

"I got ya talk." Barron helped her to stand after he came out with a plop. "Lead the way."

"Follow me." Barron couldn't help but be mindful of her comfort level in her own skin. She didn't shy away when he went straight to the point of pleasure nor does she seem ashamed to be bare assed leading him to her bedroom. He found that very attractive.

“What a happy birthday it is.” He said more to himself or at least that’s what he thought.

“It’s your birthday t
oo?” Not realizing his slip up, he just nodded his head.

Reaching her bedroom they wasted no time removing the remaining clothing from their rump in the kitchen and resuming where they left off. Barron had changed his condom before laying down beckoning Mya to climb on his stiff rod. She did with no hesitation but with a broad smile on her lovely face. Obviously pleased with his size and his ability to share the lead in this arrangement. After she was comfortably settled on his wood she began to rock slowly getting adjusted to his size and he had no problem just laying back with hands firmly on her hips enjoying the view before him. Luckily for her he wasn't a minute man and could hold out nicely.

Her riding skills were superb he had to hand it to her because she almost sent him over the threshold a few times by clenching and unclenching her walls. But he quickly regained his composure by shifting the sensations prolonging his release. When she hit her second and third high back to back he knew it was time to take over again. He wondered why she had a king sized bed if it was only her and thought to ask but let it go remembering there was nothing symbolizing a man living here as they walked through the house. Flipping her onto her stomach, she attempted to get into the position she thought he wanted her in but she was mistaken when he pushed her upper body back down but lifted her bottom just off the bed to penetrate her center.

“Just relax baby.” He soothed when she gasped. He knows that by his dick being curved in this position her g-spot is suffering some serious sensitivity from being pounded and grazed with every grind with alternating slam. Being unpredictable with how he is stroking will cause her to go stir crazy while screaming all sorts of obscenities. Although he was punishing her kitty he wouldn’t let her come and it was almost painful to hold it any longer.


“Not yet.” Barron teased as he pulled out completely leaning back to give her some room. “Turn over on your back baby.” Even though she was complaining she obliged. Opening her legs wide giving him a nice view of her glistening and swollen center. It was obvious she was a little sore from the recent events.

Barron decided he wanted to see how stimulated her body was to his touch so he gently rubbed the pad of his thumb over her swollen lower lips. She shivered from the contact but kept her stone face on, he smirked to himself thinking she was trying to be hard. Wanting to break her hard exterior and wanting her to blush, he pressed down with his thumb until he rubbed across her sensitive jewel. She hissed at the movement but tried to maintain her hardness. Dipping his thumb into her drenched cove and out again to circle her pebble repetitively until her eyes closed from the glorious feel. Allowing her body to be so lost in the feel of his finger, he stilled his movements removing them all together. Her eyes snapped open to see what was to come next. Neither said a word as he started to feast on her hardened nipples that she massaged when he was massaging her g-spot.

Without further ado he dove back into her goodies digging for gold with a new found pocket of energy. He was harder now than he was before watching her play with her
D cup breasts as he stroked hard. At his intense gaze as she assisted in bringing herself closer and closer to an orgasm she blushed with a tinge of embarrassment from being so forward. Barron was enjoying the show but he wanted her to blush letting him know this is not how she gets down for real so he felt honored to be the lucky recipient. She obviously is a quiet reserved chick on the outside but a straight up freak on the inside being the perfect fit for a wife when he gets ready for something of that magnitude. With every arch of her back, bite of her bottom lip, and eye roll Barron was getting more and more acquainted with her body. Making it hum for him with every thrust of his hips, kissing her swollen lips was a necessity at this point to keep from crying out himself. It was just that good to him.

“She talking to me.”

“Mmhmm…” It was getting too damn good to stop or pull back so Barron just let her reach her peak with pleasure because his wasn’t too far behind. She was squeezing his wood like a vise grip but he didn’t slow his strides magnifying her release. “Oh Barron!” Hearing his name on her tongue during an orgasm was like an aphrodisiac. Suddenly he felt her release feeling his own at the tip but something was different, it felt too close. The warmness caused him to blow his top right after her but he felt no barrier, attempting to pull out she instead wrapped her legs around his body keeping him trapped inside. Flooding her insides with his hot seed rocking her into another powerful orgasm while her womanhood milked him stream after stream.

“Fuck!” He growled because it felt so good even though he knew something really wrong just happened.

“Well shit…” Her body collapsed releasing him completely. Pulling out he saw the evidence of what he suspected, the only remnants of a condom was now half way over the head of his penis. IT BROKE! Mya fell asleep instantly and Barron just laid there for a few before he fell asleep as well. He knew he had to be up and out by eight so that left him with three hours to rest his aching body.




“What’s wrong?” She suddenly asked looking at Barron with a puzzled look. He had woke up and was now sitting on the side of the bed thinking.

“Are you on birth control?”

“No. Why? We used a condom.”

“Well we used one but it didn’t stick around to the end.”


“It broke.” Mya collapsed on the bed with worry etched on her face.

“My doctor took me off my birth control because it made me sick.”

“I promise you I’m clean. I just had a physical two weeks ago.”

“I’m clean as well. My annual was a month ago.”

“So our only concern is whether you will be pregnant.”

“Yeah pretty much.”

“What’s the earliest you can find out?”

“Blood work can be done in about two weeks or so. But technically a urine test won’t be the most accurate until a month. My cycle is due soon so we may have dodged that bullet. I’m just not sure when I’m ovulating because my cycle is too unpredictable. ”

“You sound like a doctor.”

“Close I’m a nurse.”

“Really?” She nodded. “Cool. Hold on for a minute.” Barron answered his phone for his brother who was looking for him. He told him he spent the night at a friends and was just about to leave. Thomas was calling to remind him that he had a plane to catch in 2 hours meaning he needed to get a move on it if he is going to make that flight.

Unfortunately for him he had a five minute telephone interview that he had to do real fast and it couldn’t wait for him to leave. Mya had long ago excused herself to go to the bathroom. Going into B.A. mode he blocked out his present state and did the interview without a hitch. Talking about the upcoming events, fights, and how his birthday was. The paparazzi snapped a picture with him leaving the club with a young lady who the world will not know about unless he wants them to know. Thankfully her identity was unknown and he planned to keep it that way. After he hung up, he went back into Barron mode and looked at Mya to gage her reaction at finding out who he really is. She had long ago returned to the room and was silently looking ahead.

“Am I being punk’
d?” Barron shook his head with a smirk at her referring to the old Ashton Kutcher show. “You’re B.A. the fighter?”

“Pretty much.”

“Oh shit!”

“By your
response, I’m assuming you really had no clue who I was.”

“You thought I was lying? Oh my god, I can’t believe I was so reckless last night. You must have plenty of one-night encounters but believe it or not this is my first. I let you have my one-night stand virginity and now I find out your famous. I feel like a damn groupie.” Barron tried to mask his chuckle but it didn’t work, Mya turned hard eyes on him. “I don’t see anything funny about this situation. I feel so damn stupid.”

“Don’t be, we just got caught up in the moment. The chemistry was crazy last night.”

“I am so embarrassed right now.”

“Why now? You didn’t seem embarrassed when you first woke up.” Mya didn’t utter a sound. “Don’t tell me it’s because of who I am now you feel some type of way.”

“I overheard you have a plane to catch. You better get going.” Barron couldn’t lie and say his feelings weren’t a little hurt at hearing her tone change towards him.

“Call me when you find out whether you’re pregnant or not. Okay?” She nodded in agreement writing his number down as he recited it. “My ride is here, walk me out.” Once they reached the front door he couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her goodbye. He has never had a one-night stand end this bitter sweet. Mostly he would kick them out or if he accompanied them somewhere he would have dipped out while they slept.

“Happy Birthday Barron aka B.A.” Mya
said sadly.

“Thanks.” Barron knew then that he might not see Mya again after this morning but he had to remain hopeful. It was one night no need to go all sentimental. He would just have to call her when he got back in town. Only thing was that he gave her his number meaning he had to wait on her call. Shit, hopefully she called and if not it just wasn’t meant to be. Simple as that.

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