The Ultimate Fight (2 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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Chapter one

Mya Denise Daniels was born and raised in Little Rock Arkansas. At the age of twenty-five she currently resides in Atlanta Georgia where she graduated from one the top HBCU’s in the country. She graduated the top of her class with a degree as a registered nurse with hopes of one day becoming a nurse practitioner. Mya stood a cool five foot six inches tall with flats on, a well-proportioned 190 pounds, light brown caramel complexion, and long sandy brown natural hair that she wore straightened. Her favorite attire was a pair of jeans, tank top, and some flip flops on a good relaxing day outside of her work clothes that consisted of scrubs. Comfy and free was her preference when it came to fashion. She had her moments when she felt girly meaning maxi dresses, long form fitting skirts, with some cute sandals or wedges.


Although she is in her mid-twenties, the time to be living it up, she chooses to live the unpretentious life instead. Aside from her college days when she pledged a sorority mainly for the scholarship, the ‘it’ crowd was not who she strived to be around. So the many celeb parties and popping clubs her associates wanted to drag her to, was not where she wanted to be. She much preferred a night in eating her favorite foods, watching old movies, or relaxing with a glass of wine and a book. Club bopping was just not her thing. Trying to teeter on the wild side when she was in high school, it backfired on her in a major way, so a prude sounds just fine to her. Or at least that’s what some of her family, her best friend, and her associates tend to call her. 


While in high school she let her then sweetheart get a little too touchy-feely on prom night which resulted in her having a health scare. Lamont had the nerve to accuse her of giving him and STD when she was a virgin before they had intercourse so it couldn’t have been her. She reminded him of that and the fact that they wore a condom. Only to later be revealed he contracted it from another girl from another school. Not feeling totally at ease Mya had herself checked out just in case she needed a real live dummy for the gun range her father frequently took her to. Having never spoken to him again, she went about her merry way as soon as her first semester of college started. Originally the two had planned to go away to college together in Arkansas but after everything came out about his extra dealings with other girls, she chose her alternate route, Atlanta Georgia.


The college era she had no better luck in finding Mr. Right to live happily ever after with or at least happily for a little while. She was suckered by a jock that fed her false hope that she was exactly what he wanted in a companion. Said jock needed tutoring for two classes and she was assigned to do the job. After countless sessions of him flirting with her, she finally accepted a date with him thru it being a reward for passing his exams. One date, turned to two, and two turned to twenty plus, Mya thought she had found her Prince that was surrounded by frogs. He sure pulled the wool over her eyes, after months of dating and fooling around, the truth was revealed about the playboy basketball star. Since she wasn’t giving up the goods on a regular basis he thought it best he quenched his thirst elsewhere. Mr. at that time found himself charged with gang rape along with the rest of his teammates. Instead of Mya being heartbroken for the second time she was actually relieved she didn’t have to feel obligated to be with him anymore. He required too damn much, thinking that she would be the character witness for him by standing by him in his time of need. After careful consideration she believed it to be true and never accepted contact from him again.


She has only been completely open, vulnerable, and available for two men in her life. That being her wonderful father and her very best friend in the whole wide world, Damon. Damon and Mya went back to Junior High when he thought he could grab her booty in front of the football team in the cafeteria trying to show off. She was known as the quiet girl but no one knew she had a spit fire in her that would whoop the hardest person. Slapping the mess out of him not only put him to shame but it also gained much respect from him as well. They became fast friends when they both took up for each other in the assistant principal’s office only getting them detention for being disruptive. Although they are on two separate sides of the earth most of the year they both live in Atlanta and keep in touch as much as their schedules allow.


Damon is currently a light heavy weight mixed martial arts fighter. Standing a whopping six foot tall, caramel complexion with tattoos all over his upper body, muscles on top of muscles, and a shadow fade with deep waves. His boyish good looks have landed him sponsorships from all sorts of advertising agencies who want the masculine sexy eye candy type of model. He travels all over in different matches and when he’s home if he’s not in intense training he’s spending time with his ‘baby girl’, the only female he trusts with his life. Ever since his mother passed away of cancer when they were away for college they have been inseparable. Some people still have dibs that they will end up together and they just let whoever believes that bull think what they want. They will anyway. Deep down it would be nice but let’s face it they weren’t each other’s type.


“Baby girl what the hell are you doing tonight?” Damon asked on Skype.


“Nothing? Again?”

“Yeah nothing again. What is there to do?”

“Shit I don’t know. Dinner with one of them uppity doctors or them snooty nurses. Where them freaks at you associate with?”

“Damon, you need to quit. You always talking about somebody. For your information I am a, how did you put it?
Snooty nurse

“You know what I mean lil’ girl. What happened to that new physician that was trying to get at you?”

“Mm-hmm. Not interesting at all. He just stares, I mean damn take charge. Is that so much to ask for? It’s kind of stalker-ish.”

“So you want a dude like me?”

“Is that too much to ask?”

“I guess not but you can’t compare everyone to your best friend baby. That’s not how it works.”

“I know, it’s just that you are kind of perfect.”

“Kind of? The hell you tell, I’m the shit.”

“Minus the ego though. So unattractive…”

“I will ignore that because my ego makes that cheddar. Anyway where them hoes at?” Damon asked referring to the two sorority sisters that she actually still talks to on occasion. He can’t stand neither of them but so far they haven’t crossed her in any wrong way yet so she still hung with them when she felt like it.

“You are so special but I don’t have a clue probably somewhere trying to burst into a celeb party.” They laughed together.

“I’m taking you out next week when I get back into town.”


“To a party of a fellow fighter.”

“I don’t know if I’m feeling that one.”

“I’m sorry did you hear me ask. NOPE!”

“Ooh so demanding… I love it.”

“You freak.”

“I’ll be that.”

“Again you don’t have a choice. Baby girl room service just arrived I’m about to let you get back to reading your book and being a prude for the rest of the weekend.”

“Whatever sugar bear. Love you.”

“Love you too boo.” They disconnected each going to do their own thing.



Mya happily only worked Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday all twelve hour shifts. Having the weekend with the very first day after to recoup if she was out and about like some people she knows. Every so often Damon will demand she fly out on Friday morning to spend some time with him in a different state. She was the envy of most of the ward’s nurses because of her set schedule that she locked in with being that she is the charge nurse on those days. Being available for overtime when needed also helped her rise in the ranks faster than other nurses that had been there longer. She needed the experience in the pediatric department for when she decided to take her exam to become a certified nurse practitioner. Having already taken the classes to achieve that position the only thing required is the exam.

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen.” Mya greeted the group when she entered their break room for the morning staff meeting.

“Good morning Mya.” Everyone greeted.

“How was your weekend Mya?” A nurse named Kelly asked.

“It was cool.”

“By cool you mean quiet.” She added causing some to snicker.

“Pretty much.” Mya didn’t hide the fact that she was a homebody.

“Girl I’m surprised you don’t have about ten cats by now.” A nurse named Gail added.

“I don’t like cats.” Everyone laughed. “Let’s get the shift change going and change the subject off of let’s predict
Mya’s weekend
.” She joked but everyone got serious. They were in the business of saving lives, taking care of the sick, and prolonging life.

She listened to the report from each night nurse and wrote notes about each patient that was admitted over the weekend. After report was completed the day beg
an with the nurses pairing up one from the night and one for the day to have a personal one on one about what patients they were taking. Mya assigned the nurses when she got there so no one would be confused on who to talk to about what. After doing her rounds to make sure all of the medical rooms and supply closets had the things they needed to run smoothly, she sat down to go over her own patient load for the night. She loved being a nurse and had always wanted to be one since she could remember. Always dressing her bears and dolls up to be sick patients which she would make well. This was her dream job on a good and bad day, working on the critical care floor not wishing to have it any other way.

“Mya?” Kelly sung her name.

“Yes Kelly.”

“What are you doing this weekend?”

“The same I did this weekend.” Mya was quick to answer but then thought about her conversation with Damon. “Oops I lied. Damon is coming back into town and wants me to accompany him to some jocks party.”

“Your so-called best friend Damon?”

“That would be him.”

“Oowee, I don’t see how you can be just friends with somebody that damn fine.”

“I know that’s right.”

“That’s coming from someone who doesn’t know him as well as I do.”

“He’s a famous fighter or something right?”

“MMA, light heavy weight class, yup.”

“He could lift my…”

“Kelly…” Mya cut her off from saying anything else vulgar.

“I’m just saying.”

“Anyway excuse Miss hot pants right here. What party are you all going to again?” Gail asked.

“I don’t have a clue. Some fighter friend is all I know.”

“It’s probably the fighter they call B.A. he fights in one of those initial clubs. They were advertising it on the radio.”

“Probably so and I don’t have a choice in the matter so yeah.”

“Well I will trade places with you.” Danny the only male nurse on their floor said.

“I will have to ask him.” They all laughed.


The rest of the day went by smoothly with minimal issues. They discharged three but admitted four in their place keeping them busy up until it was time for them to turn things over to the night nurses. Before long she was on her way home to relax and prepare for the next day. The weekend would be here before she knew it. It was best that she be fully prepared to not get any sleep until Monday knowing Damon. No doubt she is going to run into her associates Kim and Shannon at the party if they can get in. Knowing how scantily they dress they will probably be in there like swimwear with bells on. Oh goody hoes, groupies, drunken celebs, equaling a shit load of comedy for later. Now what to wear?




“Sorry baby girl, I’m not going to be able to make it to town after all. One of the sponsors requested I be available for a new ad.”

“It’s okay. When will you be back?”

“Sometime next week. Why don’t we skip town next weekend?”

“I can’t, I already signed up for overtime.”

“You suck. You work so much because…” Damon dramatically let that statement die off.

“Cause vacation is coming up soon and you promised me a trip.”

“Oh yeah that’s right but that still doesn’t explain anything. I promised you a trip so why wouldn’t I take care of everything?”

“You know better. That’s why I work, to provide for myself. Just because you have money doesn’t mean I want you taking care of me.”

“I didn’t say I was taking care of you but I can damn sure treat you. You are so damn stubborn.”

“No I’m not. I just want to spend my own money on things I want. Is that too much to ask?”

“I love that you’re so independent. The man that you get will be so lucky to have you in his corner.”

“Thanks sugar bear. You always know what to say when I’m feeling sucky.”

“What’s wrong boo? Why are you feeling sucky?”

“I don’t want to be a nag.”

“Come on and tell daddy what’s wrong. I may not be there but I’m available for you to vent to. Let’s face it, you don’t have a lot of confidant’s so get to it.”

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