The Ultimate Fight (7 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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Chapter four

Barron went home to Little Rock after his
fascinating night with Mya so that he and his family could go on vacation together. Around this time of year they always take some much needed time off to visit their vacation spot on Lake Hamilton... Before long it was time to get back into the grind of things. For the next two to three months he was going to be traveling quite a bit depending on how he fared in his fights. Having a tournament to be in he completely removed any thoughts of Mya from his mind.

There was no room for error or clouded judgment
from the outside world, only room for a focused mind on the matter at hand. Winning. His siblings that were in attendance at his party constantly asked about the young lady he was seen with but he would just blow it off as nothing. From the looks on their faces they didn’t believe him but he didn’t elaborate any further. His boys on the other hand had no problems telling him of what all they did with her friends. He figured they were some freaks. Never hearing from Mya led him to believe that nothing came of the rubber breaking. She never so much as texted and that slightly bothered him.

Choosing not to dwell on the idea that the night they spent together obviously meant more to him than to her, he moved on. Meeting up with super model Naomi
Clarkson at one of New York’s hotspots, he pushed thoughts of Mya from his mind as best he could. He originally met Naomi about a year ago when he was asked to walk in a runway show for one of his sponsors. She was the leading lady on his arm posing for the camera and because of the sparks lit in their many pictures together the press went wild. Speculations surfaced when they were later seen together having dinner, neither denied the rumors. Having the feeling that she was beginning to develop feelings and trying to attach herself to him for the long haul he severed ties. If the need arose that he wanted some familiar snatch he would hook up with her if they so happened to be in the same place. Strangely enough this time didn’t feel like a coincidence that she was everywhere he happened to be over the course of the three months he was away. Either way he cut her off again when it was time to go back home, making the decision to ignore her phone calls in the process. They were too consistent.


Soon he would be touching down in Atlanta after so many months away. His first appearance after being on the road is at the local pediatric hospital for a little boy who is not expected to make it to his eighth birthday without a special surgery. The little boy and his father were big fans so he couldn’t deny that wish. Asking that the family please not make any announcements to the press, he arrived at the hospital as incognito as he could. Besides a few passer-byers on the elevator he didn’t have to hide himself, meaning no one was the wiser as to him being famous. He didn’t want this act of kindness broadcasted as a publicity stunt and his brother agreed with his choice. The father gave Barron the room number so he could just pop-up without the staff knowing as well to keep anyone else from leaking that he was in the building. Some people will do anything to be in the spotlight.

“B.A.!” The little boy yelled
being truly surprised when he entered. Barron was only accompanied by one of his security guards, Leo, and Thomas. Thomas carried all of his autographed gifts that he was bringing the family. Barron carried the balloons and teddy bear. The family shared the story of the little boy’s illness. Barron gave the family their gifts and everyone was in tears because of this being a very special moment for the little boy.

“We have one more gift that we would like to present to the family.” Barron stated as he pulled out a crisp white envelope from his portfolio his brother carried. “This is from my family to yours. We really hope it helps.” The mother screamed when the father showed her what it was. The father was in tears of disbelief at this athlete’s generosity.

“We can’t take this.” The father said.

“Although it is generous we didn’t ask you to be here to give
us a handout or anything.” The mother started but Barron cut her off.

“I know and I didn’t mean to offend you in any way. This is something that we as a family wanted to bless your family with. Please accept this gift from us to you to do as you see fit.”

“Excuse you but I’m the nurse for this patient.” Everyone heard a lady saying from the hall. “Who are you anyway?” Thomas went to go smooth out the situation before there was any further commotion. Barron had pulled his baseball cap down further covering most of his features as he leaned against the wall with his back facing the door.

“Is everything okay guys? I heard a scream and some commotion but nothing was on the call system.” Barron thought he recognized the voice but thought his mind was just playing tricks on him.

“Yes we’re fine Mya. I’m so sorry for frightening you.” The mother stated.

“Nurse Mya, my favorite fighter came to visit me. He even signed some stuff for me. Look!” Ethan was showing the nurse his stuff and she was encouraging him by saying that it was
nice. Barron turned around to see if it was in fact
Mya. The father explained that their guest didn’t want to be bothered with the press, that this was secret visit. She was very understanding.

“Can I get you guys anything?” She asked as she checked his lines, monitors, and wrote something down on a piece of paper.

“No thank you.” Barron finally spoke which successfully snapped her out of her writing. Slowly raising her eyes to meet his. At the initial shock of seeing him she clutched the front of her scrub top but quickly removed her hand with a gasp.

“Barron… I mean B.A...” She stuttered.

“Look daddy, Nurse Mya is a fan of B.A’s too.”

“Mya are you okay, you are so pale? Have you been taking care of yourself?” The mother fussed and Mya flushed further from embarrassment.

“Yea I’m fine. You know how things are around here.” She rushed out. “Well if there’s nothing else I will leave you to your visit. Just call if you guys need anything.” The parents agreed not seeing anything wrong with what she said. Barron on the other hand had some unanswered questions and he was going to get those answers come hell or high water.

“She’s expecting her first baby.” The mother confessed when she walked out. Barron would have been next to turn white as snow but he was pissed and seeing red
instead. With a nudge from his big brother he quickly masked the confusion, anger, and stewing that he was experiencing. He wouldn’t burden these people with his issues when they have their own.

“Isn’t that the
from the party?” Thomas asked once they bid the family goodbye. They were walking down the hallway.

“Hold that thought, block this hallway.” Barron said and walked towards Mya as she stood writing something on a clipboard. Her back was to him so she wasn’t aware of what was going on around her until she was snatched into an empty patient room and the door was closed.

“What the…” The words died on her tongue at the seething look she was getting from Barron. She had never feared any man but her father but right now she honestly could possibly shit bricks she was so nervous. Once she considered his stature was sexy but now it looked extremely intimidating.

“Hello to you too Mya.”


“Is that all you have to say for never calling me?”

“B.A. or Barron, what do you want me to call you?”

“Call me what the hell you want they are both my names. One is just a nickname.” He mocked.

“I didn’t know what to say.”

“Oh I don’t know how about; how are you? Maybe even filled me in on how the tests went. Something, I never heard from you once I left.”

“You may have experience in calling a perfect stranger whom you had a one-night stand with but unfortunately I wasn’t blessed with that knowledge. Excuse the hell out of me.”

“Miss me with that attitude Lil mama, you know damn well why you were supposed to call me. Screw the small talk, why don’t you start with how far along you are?”

“Three months.”

“Three months?!” Barron shouted causing her to flinch away from him. Instead of continuing to scream he reached out to touch her stomach only to have her recoil away from him as if he was going to hit her. He held his hands up in surrender. Suddenly he knew this wasn’t the place for this conversation. Soon there was a knock on the door letting him know that his thoughts were accurate. “Obviously this isn’t a good place to talk. What time do you get off?”

“I get off at seven tonight.”

I will be at your house at seven and don’t even think about trying to dodge me. Understood?” She nodded and he left to cool down before their conversation later tonight. He feared that this wasn’t going to be good at all.



Three weeks after Barron left her she was still in a state of disbelief that she had been with him. Kim and Shannon couldn’t wait to rub in her face that she was now one of them having bagged the infamous B.A. This whole time they knew she was with him at the party and never said a thing. They figured if she already had him why not kick it with his henchmen. Well that’s how it started but they turned out to be some losers. Shannon was convinced the Toby guy was gay and Kim said that Davey had no head game so she just faked a cramp saying her period felt near getting as far away from dodge as possible. Not wanting to kiss and tell she kept to the excuse that nothing happened between them. They just kissed and fooled around a little before he had to leave.

Damon on the other hand wasn’t as easily fooled as he started to notice something different about her as soon as he touched down three days after their rump. His face lit up like a light bulb as realization had set in that she not only got her some but she got some so fierce she had a different walk. Blushing profusely didn’t help her argument that it was nothing, Damon wasn’t buying it. He didn’t push thankfully but once her appetite started to shift, became extremely moody, and sleepy all the time he knew then that this wasn’t just about some goody good. She had gotten herself knocked up. Denying it for over a month had him kidnap her taking her to the drug store against her will. Once there they grabbed three different tests and checked out.

“Damn do you have to stand right by the door?” Mya asked with an attitude when they got back to her townhouse. Damon waited for her to piss on all three sticks with his back against the wall near the bathroom door.

“Shut up and just do it.”

“Why are you being so mean to me?”

“Cause you living in denial, ass walking around here pregnant as all get up and not taking proper care of yourself. Knowing how ugly you are being, you might try and throw the damn things away without even taking them.”

“But you gotta watch me pee on them?”

“Quit acting bashful, I’ve seen or heard you do a lot more than just piss. Remember when you had that stomach virus?” He started bringing up old stuff but it gained a groan and a laugh from her. That was his goal, she was so down on herself for letting the one time she get careless possibly affect her life from this day forward.

“Shut up! Do not bring up that embarrassment.”

“I’m just saying.” Mya washed her hands and sat on the ledge of the garden tub. Damon was now leaning against the sink. The tests had already changed to give her the answers to what her head or heart may not be prepared for. “Are you ready?”

“No not really.”

“Well get ready.”

“What does the test say?”

“Normally folks would say congratulations but since I know better I’m gonna say I got your back whichever way you want to handle this.” Mya just cried silently because she didn’t have words to express how she felt at that moment. Damon just hugged her tight rocking her back and forth.

“It’s okay baby girl.”


“What do you want to do?”

“Abortion is not an option. Adoption is not going to happen, my family would kill me. Hell they may kill me anyway for getting pregnant and by someone I don’t know at that.”

“You never told me who this cat is you bumped.”

“It doesn’t matter. I can’t tell him.”

“It does matter and why not?”

“Please can we just drop it? I’m tired.” Damon wanted to continue to push because he wanted to find this dude to at least give him an opportunity to step up before he has to kill him for being a deadbeat. He didn’t want to add stress to her so he let the argument die down. For now anyway.

“Go lie down and I will go fix you something to eat.”

“Okay. Thanks Damon.”

“You’re welcome baby girl.”

“Damon.” She called before he left out of the room. “Love you.”

“Love you too boo. Get some rest. I’ll be back.”


Two months later she was adjusting to the fact that she was expecting a little person in six months or so. She contemplated several times on whether she wanted to call Barron to let him know that he was going to be a father but she would always chicken out before the phone would fully ring. Once she planned on calling late one night but was yanked from that thought when she saw him on entertainment news with a cute model on his arm. The caption read ‘Fighter and his love interest,’ right then the jealousy that poured out of her was suffocating. How could he just move on and never look back? He didn’t even try and get in contact with her. Sure he only left his number and didn’t get hers but how hard is it to find her.

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