The Ultimate Fight (3 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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“I fear that I may forever be just
girl. It’s not looking good for me. I want a husband, a baby, a family, a life outside of work, and I just don’t know.” Mya rambled.

“Whoa nelly, take a breather. You’re only twenty-five. Technically you have time but if all else fails I say we get married and push out some babies. What do you say?”

“Not funny. I’m not your type you buster.”

“No you’re not but… I could still give you the baby part one day when you have given up on all other alternatives.”

“Damon be serious. You don’t even want kids.”

“I know but I do want nieces and nephews. I can just loan you my sperm.” He joked and it worked to lighten the mood a little because Mya laughed too.

“You are so damn special.”

“Thank you, so I’ve been told.”

“Why can’t I find a replica of you?”

“It’s not like you are really looking anyway. Let’s be honest baby girl, you not even attempting to get out there.”

“Just because I’m not just all out there doesn’t mean I’m not
out there.

“What the hell does that mean exactly?”

“I’m not sure.”


“What am I supposed to do?”

“Get your butt up, get sexy but not whorish, and go out even if it’s with the wicked loose
bitches of the east and west.” He stopped to laugh at his own joke. “Get it wicked bitches, wicked witches…”

“Ugh, so not helping.”

“Sorry, just let go, live a little. What’s the harm in being free flowing for once? Let’s be real for a minute. You are young, sexy, independent, and you got a good head on your shoulders. Do you know how many outsiders have ran upon your picture on my phone or in the paper from some paparazzi and went gaga over you? Most people think we are together and if no one asks to be sure, that means they are not for you. I know this because you are honest if nothing else so if they don’t have the balls to ask the questions that’s holding them back from getting to know you then they don’t deserve you.”

“Well I was going out tonight but you’re not going to be here.”

“Don’t let my absence spoil the fun. You’re still going out.”

“No I’m not.”

“Yes you are and you’re outfit should be arriving around eight this evening. Just in time for you to get dressed and be at the party by nine.”

“Damon you are smoking if you think I’m going to someone’s party I don’t know, especially without you.”

“I have pulled a few strings and managed to get three people into this party even with me not being there. So pick between them hoes you hang with or a couple of co-workers, either way I don’t really care. You are going to go out, relax, and maybe even get you a little piece to put a dip in your step.”

“Shouldn’t it be ‘pep’ in my step?”

“Not if you get a good one like you’re boy.”

“You are so damn conceited.”

“I’ll be that.”

“You know I can’t do that.”

“Yes you can and you will or there will be consequences.”

“What kind of consequences?”

“Try me and find out. If you don’t get your rocks off at least unwind a little and enjoy being young for a change. You will be in VIP so hopefully you won’t end up with no dud or scrub.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“No, you’re going. Gotta go, love you.”

“Love you too.” Mya hung up the phone in deep thought. She really wishes she could let loose and enjoy living life for a change. Unfortunately she was a bit of a prude when it came to things so intimate. Never having a one night stand before, she didn’t know what to expect. How do folks even go about having those, it seems so scary. Meet someone at the club, interact with one another, leave together, and do some scandalous things. All without any emotional attachment. Mya was shaken from her thoughts when her phone rang.

“Hey Kim, what’s up?”

“I read on
a social feed that your little boyfriend is in Cali still. I thought you all had plans.”

“We did but he had to cancel. Photo shoot with some sponsor or something of that nature.”

“He is such a…”

“Watch it!” Mya cut her off from her rant. She knew she would start trying to insult Damon and they knew
Mya didn’t play that.

“Anyway, so that means you are down to go out with us after all right?”

“I don’t know.”

“Oh come on Mya, stop being so, ugh!”

“Fine, I don’t really want to hear this from you too.”

“Me too?”

“Yeah Damon gave me a speech. It’s not important.”

“This I know. Last I checked he didn’t have a wife. Where were you all going tonight anyway?” Kim and Shannon had always been jealous of her friendship with Damon mainly because she didn’t take to them as easily. They each also secretly tried to pursue Damon but he shut them down.

“That he doesn’t. We were going to some fighter’s birthday party or something like that but he did set up for me and two guests to still attend in his absence.” Mya thought she had gone deaf from the screaming on the other end of the phone.

“Please tell me it’s the party for B.A.”

“I don’t know who it is honestly. I didn’t ask.”

“How can you not ask?”

“Do you want to go or not?” Mya was losing patience with Kim quickly.

“My bad. Heck yea I want to go. I don’t care who it is honestly.”

“That’s what I thought.”

“Whatever girl let me get started on my look for tonight. Call Shannon to let her know.”

Mya called Shannon getting the same response as Kim. Shannon was a little chiller about her attempts at trying to get with the famous guys. Letting her beauty speak for her, she knew she was something to be chased so she didn’t work too hard. Shannon was mixed and had a models figure standing five foot ten inches tall with moderate curves. Wearing her honey blonde colored hair in a bob, French tip acrylic nails, and makeup always flawless she could have any man she wanted with just the strut of her steps. Kim was a little on the thin side in some people’s eyes, she stood at five feet eight inches, brown skin, wearing long jet black wet wavy weave, colorful nails, and attitude to boot. Both women were hell bent on getting them husbands. They weren’t in the market for just any ole husband though, they both desired rich, well off, and successful men.


While Mya was focused on her studies her associates were focused on partying. Having spent countless nights, days, vacations, and other free moments with the jocks of the school who were rumored to make it thinking they could be the misses. They were sadly mistaken when they would hit the big time but wouldn’t look at them twice after they had already hit. Even a couple who they thought was going to take them along for the ride turned out to be a big fat nothing working for a living like everyone else. To say they snubbed their noses at them quickly didn’t even tip the iceberg. Damon was not a jock and could care less about making himself known on campus when they were in college. They never looked at him in that light until it was a well-known fact that he was destined to be something in the fighting world. After several failed attempts they just decided that he wasn’t worth the energy and let it go. Always voicing their dislike for him for not giving them even a cursory glance.

“Ooh girl you look great.” Shannon and Kim said when they arrived at her house. They insisted on driving because they know how Mya can be. She will want to leave too soon.


“You must be looking to let loose tonight.”

“Something like that.”

“It’s about damn time.”

“We will see.”

“Girl we are going to have a blast. I feel like tonight is my lucky night.”

“You always say that.”

“Girl don’t get me wrong we get invited to industry parties a lot but you done got us hooked up to be in the VIP section. Tonight is going to be the night, watch. I’m leaving with a baller.” Kim was bouncing in her heels with excitement. Shannon and Mya looked at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter. Kim scowled but got over it as they made their way to Shannon’s Cayenne. Tonight was off to a good start, now if it will ended well that was the mystery.


Chapter two

Barron Anderson has always been the type of guy that kept to himself, never the loud obnoxious type, and definitely not the life of the party. Aside from his two childhood friends, he didn't even consider himself friendly. His boxing persona has always been ruthless, cut-throat since the beginning of his fighting career. He first got involved with mixed martial arts competitions in his early teens but he started taking karate beginners as early as four years old. Being that his father owned his own martial arts studio, teaching classes on many different levels, he was bound to advance with time. His father, Barry had never fought professionally but was a competitor for many years prior to him and his wife starting a family.


Barron's mother, Sheila was not for starting a family with Barry until she knew he would be around at all times.  Traveling the world knowing full well that she could not was not an option so he made the decision to give it all up to teach instead. Having made that decision without much fight Sheila wondered would he ever regret the decision and he would always rest her mind assure the thought never crossed his mind. Upon finding out that her youngest son not only followed in her husband’s footsteps but surpassed them taking the mixed martial arts world by storm she was nervous. Soon she recovered marveling at how Barron had made a name for himself. Fighting under the name B.A. or Baracus was actually a dare that was initiated when he was ten years old by his older siblings. They dared Barron to cut his hair like the infamous Bosco B.A. Baracus from the hit 80s television show 'The A-Team'. The dare just so happened to be the week before an important competition for his age group.


The opposing team made fun of Barron so much that it caused him to step into this cold shell and out came such a fierce fighter that he was removed from his division being bumped up to the older level if he picked up the necessary weight. This only caused Barron to train harder and become more secluded from regular children's activities. Starting middle school with a mindset of grades and training Barron never attempted to make friends much. Somehow that never deterred the cool boys or jocks from trying to befriend him just because of his appearance. The girls would fawn over him because he had begun to build muscle but because he was so reserved they didn't know what to think. Every so called girlfriend he had would eventually break up with him after so many failed attempts at getting any kind of emotion out of him.


To the popular cool kids he was the cat’s meow but to the professional bullies that didn't have a life nor fit in anywhere he was a thorn in their side, a bump in their road of destruction. Too many times he has broken up their attempts of harming his weaker classmates that couldn't defend themselves and were too afraid to ask for help. Some of his associates actually started having bullying tendencies and their parents complained to the school board about him being too forceful. Because of his fighting skill level the schools administration would come down hard on him for jumping in a situation that had nothing to do with him and he would be reprimanded along with the actual villains. Knowing full well their son did not use his near lethal skills he was never punished for the crime he had been given, they agreed that the schools were punishing him enough. They had explained to him on several occasions he was not to fight unless provoked but he always remained calm while stating simply that he was. This resulted in him only hanging out with his family not really wanting to be bothered with his peer’s fake ways. Again his attention slid to his training and fine tuning his skills. By the time he was in high school, the professional sport of MMA fighting had become quite popular.


Oftentimes Excluding his age as a factor his father saw something in Barron that his older two sons did not show, the fighter mentality. The determination to be one of the greatest or THE greatest. Increasing his teachings, becoming not only his teacher but his mentor along with being his father, Barry was hyped. Not knowing that he would one day be the head of his team as well as be the one who hired his manager, another person he trained. One of his brothers was his publicist, the other was his accountant and his sister was his stylist.

Keeping it all in the family was best for everyone considering he didn't trust anyone outside
of them aside from his two best friends. Toby and Davey had hitched their wagon to his sometime during high school after he stopped a gang of guys attempting to beat them to a pulp. They later joined his team as a hype man group as his sister always put it. Better to keep the entourage small. They were more or less blockers leaving the security matters to his two guards who also did the driving. Sure he could take care of himself but he understands that fighting now a days would be suicide to his career because his hands are considered as lethal weapons. Staying out of frivolous confrontations is what makes more sense. 


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