The Ultimate Fight (4 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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"Baby boy that was some kind of sparring you did back there. You alright?" His older brother Thomas asked. Since he was his publicist, he kept up with his sparring. Sometimes recording those for footage to further promote him as a brand.

"Hell nah, he ain't. Did you see that fool punch ole boys helmet until it turned around?" His boy Davey teased.

"He got some pent up something in them satchels." Toby his other friend added. "Can't you tell?" They all laughed while he got cut out of the tape that was around his knuckles.

"I love how y'all talking about me as if I'm not standing right here." Barron gruffly stated. He really did need to let off some steam before he messed around and hurt somebody. Normally when he trains real hard any kind of partying is out of the question, so finding somebody willing and able was not possible. Paying is out with all this free out here, so beating his own meat is where he was left and that would only take the edge off for a second.

"With all the talk around the ATL about your birthday party tonight, somebody will fit your standards I'm sure."

"We'll see." Lately the hoes they flaunt in front of him are just too gutter for him. Yeah he likes to get his rocks off but not with anything. He at least wants to be turned on.

"In case you forgot, you just looking to buck and duck. Why the hell you so damn picky?"

"For real dude. That last little tender I tried to set you up with was all in and you turned her away with the quickness."

"Shows how well you know me then." He cryptically stated and just looked at his friends. His brother was busy doing something on his phone. "Who ever said I only wanted to buck and duck? I didn't. Actually I would much rather have one woman that I know I'm getting into every night without a doubt." He left out the one long if. The big IF. If he didn’t have trust issues that ran too damn deep.

"Dude you talking crazy!" Davey exclaimed looking at him like he had two heads. "Why would you want to settle down with all of this action going on around you?"

"Word?" Toby added.

"Looking for the random is just a quick fix." Barron said.

"Instead you want to be tied down to one chick. Nagging you about going out, who you with, y'all don't spend enough time together, or better yet one who isn't into the fighting. You think you are going to find one that would want a man who is knee deep in such a violent sport?" Davey continued preaching.

"Doubt it." Toby cosigned.

"You know what tweedledum and tweedledee, what the hell do you know last I checked neither of you were married? This conversation should be over." Thomas finally spoke up getting super tired of these dumbass birds trying to turn Barron into a selfish hoe bag. "Hit the showers baby boy. Relax your mind as best as you can. Ebony will meet you at the house with a variety of pieces to see what you want to rock tonight. The party begins at nine, what time do you want to arrive?"

"The party don't start till he walks through them doors." Davey sung.

"Shut up, this is the business portion of the hour. You assholes can step outside or keep your trap shut. Ya dig?" Barron is used to the bickering between his brothers and his friends so he just tunes it out. He just left to take a shower instead while they battle it out.

"Barron interview at 1:00
pm and 5:00 pm!" Thomas shouts before he disappears into the locker room. He throws up two fingers in acknowledgment.

First he showers to get the funk off then he relaxes in the tin bath filled with ice water to relieve soreness and stiffness. Actually it's helping with his hormones as well being that it’s been two actual months since he has had any action. Being on a strict training schedule hindered him from going out too much and when he did the pickings were slim to none. He may not be looking for a wife or anyone permanent for that matter at this very moment but he was still picky about who he lays with. Barron was no dummy by any means, his mother made sure he got college educated. So his standards may be above par for random hookups, but pretty smart girls get down too. He should know he's been with quite a few over the years all around the world.


Only once did he almost get bamboozled with a paternity suit and that was early in his career from a girl from around the way back home. This chick found out he was going places in his career so she tried to
attach her carriage and what a large carriage it was. Claiming to be pregnant by Barron was like being punched in the head with a sledge hammer. Little Rock is literally a small world and everybody knows everybody, or knows somebody who knows somebody. Barron is originally from Little Rock Arkansas, he just ended up moving to Georgia because it was the big city of sorts. He still represents Arkansas as his home though especially when it comes to outreach programs and such.


He met the chick his senior year in high school and she was cool. Amber was a redbone with a stripper’s body even in high school, the face wasn't too bad either. They started dating, dating turned to messing around, and then messing around turned into straight screwing. He would never introduce her to his family for some strange reason that he couldn't decipher until it was almost too late. A month before prom she claimed to be extremely ill and couldn't go out as much as before. Barron offered to take her to the doctor after another week had passed and she was better but not one hundred. She accepted after another week had passed. The news she gave him when they were seated in his car was like no other shock wave a young man in his prime should be forced to hear. "I'M PREGNANT!"

Barron was confused at how she could be pregnant when they always strapped up but she just kept with the, ‘they are not 100 percent’ excuse. He tried not to show it but he had his doubts that she was telling the truth having heard rumors. Never confronting her on the rumors or the sources of them, he went along silently and waited. For his mother always says 'what's done in the dark will come to the light'. She always wanted to talk about their future together now that they were expecting but Barron would sidestep those attempts every time. Often complaining that she felt he would ditch her and leave her with their baby would start an argument resulting in Barron leaving to avoid the confrontation. Sex was definitely out of the question, he was a teenager with raging hormones but when he thought about his life choices being taken away from him his hard on would go flaccid instantly.

Prom night came and they acted as if they didn't have the weight of the world on their shoulders. Posing for countless pictures at her grandmother’s house with all of her family in attendance. Then it was off to the park where their school would have the prom march every year, his family would be meeting her for the first time ever. Upon introduction he could tell his mother and his sister were not feeling his date at all. His mother kept a smile on her face out of being polite but his sister just outright scowled earning a return scowl from Amber.

That was the beginning of the long list of strikeouts where Barron was concerned. Needless to say prom night did not end with a happy ending like most of his classmates had, instead it ended with Amber being pissed because he refused to go raw. That triggered a light bulb to go off in his dome. 'Why was she so hell bent on not using a rubber,' he thought to himself. He may have been a little tipsy, horny as hell, but he wasn't stupid by a long shot. He went home leaving her in the hotel room pissed.

After telling his parents that Amber says she's pregnant his father hit the roof asking how he could be so irresponsible to not use protection. 'That’s what it's made for,' he would yell. Barron couldn't get a word in to tell him that he did so he let him vent. His mother calmly shushed his father’s raging temper with a kiss. Some kids found it utterly disgusting to see their parents making out but to him and his siblings, they always thought it was beautiful.

"How are you so calm about this wife?"

"Because I'm a mother and I know things." She winked at him. "Bring her to me, I think we need to have a chat."

"Okay." Barron called Amber telling her that she needed to come over because he had told his parents about the baby. She was reluctant at first but then conceded thinking she would be accepted. Knowing that his family was a traditional type of family, she just knew they would demand he marry her. "She's on her way."

"Good, now get lost."


"I didn't stutter. Go downstairs and workout in the gym until I call you." Barron and his father obeyed. His father apologized for flipping out before hearing him out. He understood the severity of the matter so he didn't trip on the reprimand. About an hour later, his mother called on the intercom for them to come back upstairs. Amber was sitting at the table with a tear stained face and slumped shoulders. His father went to stand behind his mother rubbing circles in her back, Barron leaned against the island countertop and waited to be filled in on their conversation.

"Barron, have we or have we not instilled in you the importance of using condoms?" Sheila asked never taking her eyes off of Amber. Amber on the other hand looked nervously at Barron.

"Yes ma'am. You say it every time we leave to go out." Barron said never taking his eyes off of his mother even though he knew Amber was looking at him.

"Have you ever disobeyed me son?"

"Barr..." Amber started to call his name but Sheila used her hand to signal her to be silent.

"No ma'am, never."

"What else do I say about using condoms?"

"Never use one that has been given to me, always use one from a fresh box that I purchased myself." He said still looking at his mother wondering where this line of questioning was leading.

"Have you had unprotected sex since this little girl claims she is pregnant?"

"This is bullshit!" Amber exclaimed.

"Hold up lil mama, you not finna disrespect my mama’s house." Barron turned his heated gaze on Amber finally. "No ma'am we haven't done anything since Valentine’s Day weekend."

"Oh really?!" Sheila smiled a dazzling smile as if saying gotcha. "Well it seems you have been falsely accused baby. She says she's only two months pregnant."

"I didn't say that, you did."

"Actually you gave me the info I needed to come up with the conclusion."

"You're not a doctor! You can't tell me shit."

"Oh but dear heart, I'm as close to one as they come. Did Barron not tell you that I'm a midwife?"

"It doesn't matter. I want to get an abortion."

"On someone else's dime. Get out!" Barry shouted.


"You heard, bounce!" That was the last he saw of Amber until they had the assembly in the auditorium to hear the list of names to be called to talk with the counselors.

Those that were called had unfinished business before they could walk with the class or couldn't graduate at all. Come to find out she wouldn't be graduating at all. In hopes of possibly sliding into Amber’s vacant spot in Barron's life her friend told him Amber's entire scheme. From the plot to get pregnant in order to force him into marrying her or at least taking care of her for as long as she had the baby. This entire time they have been together she has slit or poked holes in condoms found in his car or wallet. Not knowing his mother’s instructions until the day they talked that's why it didn't work. It turns out that she did get pregnant by mistakenly using one of the faulty condoms while he was away for spring break with his family. Unfortunately she doesn't know by whom because she was wasted beyond measure and there were multiple recipients partaking of her goodies.

Barron never being the unfaithful type never ventured out no matter how many temptations were thrown in his path. So to hear that's how she rolled just because he was away put a bitter taste in his mouth. Having always kind of dug her friend’s petite body, he thought what the hell? He gave her a taste graduation night during their graduation celebration. Only a taste was given because she wasn't prepared for his size at no point of entrance. Only getting a portion of himself inside after a few pumps she was almost in tears, he pulled out not feeling
that vibe at all. She dropped to her knees in apology to finish him off as best she could with her mouth. After getting his load off, to prevent blue balls, he never spoke to her again. He's had quite a few wild nights but never unprotected. Finding a real chick that could handle him would be great but the reality is that he is a celebrity in his field. Real is just not reality in his world, no matter how you spell it.


"Okay baby boy, you ready to go over your itinerary?" Thomas asked as they rode in the SUV leaving the gym.

"Yeah go ahead."

"You have two radio interviews, fitting with Ebony, and photo shoot before the party. Ebony will have your barber there in place that will provide you with a fresh cut. Upon arrival at the party you will pose with those waiting to take pictures with you. Then off to the private area where you will be set to do you until it’s time to cut the cake and give a quick speech. Then you’re free for the remainder of your party." Thomas ran all the details down like it was nothing. Barron checked each detail off on his phone as he read them.

"Can we grab something to eat after the first interview?"

"That's fine." The first interview was with the Lady Vee radio personality and all the fellas in the studio could admire how fine she was. She kept her flirt game turned on high towards Barron. He thinks he has found his conquest of the night.

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