The Ultimate Fight (11 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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“Your home is beautiful Barron.” Mya gushed when he returned to his room in dry clothes carrying two mugs with steam rising from the rim. From the smell Mya would guess cocoa.

“Thank you. Cocoa?”

“Yes please.” They sat in his sitting area watching television. Getting comfortable in each other’s presence was an important milestone. Before either of them realized
it they had falling asleep with Mya somehow laying her head on his chest and his arm protectively around her waist.

Barron was awakened by a loud clap of thunder, Mya flinched but didn’t wake up fully. Instead she snuggled deeper into his embrace. Gently shaking her to rouse her awake did nothing, whispering her name only caused her to moan. Barron chuckled knowing she must be dreaming about some naughty things. Morning wood didn’t have nothing on his evening hard-on. Her moan just sent him into overdrive. He wanted to be laid so bad it damn near hurt. Plus it was raining outside, which was baby making weather. Luckily they already had the bun in the oven but he wouldn’t mind putting something else into her.


Mya woke up feeling feather kisses and soft fingertips massaging her hairline. Looking into the face of the culprit all she could do was stare and remember how it felt
to have him buried deep within her cookie jar. Recalling how he brought her to ecstasy over and over on two different occasions. The reality that she had started to feel something within her scared her shitless. Something about Barron was making her want him not just to raise their child in unison but for the long haul. She wouldn’t mind calling him hers and he calling her his but the reality of the situation is unlikely that would ever happen. Thinking ‘why not live in the moment’, Mya initiated an intimate kiss while adjusting her body to straddle his.

Mya didn’t hesitate to slip a hand into his jogging pants to massage his hardened extremity garnering a gasp of surprise from Barron. She was stroking him so good he broke away from the kiss to lean his head back and relish in the feelings traveling through his body. Her forward behavior was new to him since he’s met her, he has been the one to always initiate sex between them. Before he knew it she was sliding down his stick to the base, Mya wasn’t thinking, she was just doing. It felt so right to join their bodies in this manner. The fervent rock of her hips was building a blow up quickly. This romp was impromptu and aggressive, neither recipient seemed to mind for the time being. Maybe it was the hormones but Mya couldn’t get enough of his body. Since she didn’t feel comfortable sleeping with any random guy while pregnant, getting down with Barron will become one of her favorite past times.



Barron had been contemplating whether or not he was just being selfish when he asked Mya to move in with him. It wasn’t a traditional relationship by any means, they had an intense one night that resulted in them becoming parents. He’s read several articles about folk’s co-parenting and it actually working out. If he were honest with her and himself, he wasn’t pursuing her in hopes of being in a relationship, he just wanted to be around her on a daily basis. His friends thought he was bonkers for even considering moving her in with him. Letting her roam freely in his space while he had to put his escapades on hold. He had no plans on putting anything on hold, mainly because it wasn’t like he was doing all that much anyway. Actually it was convenient for him to just be with her at the moment anyway. All the goodies he could get with no restrictions and no suspicions of trying to trap him.

“Dude, how the hell do you even know that she is really pregnant with your seed?” Davey exclaimed. “For all you know she been screwing left and right.”

“Chill out on baby mama. Damn.” Barron casually stated growing tired of their constant nagging about Mya.

“That’s what we saying she might not even be your baby mama.”

“You have never met her, talked to her, and you barely seen her because your nose was so far up in the air thinking you are better than she is.” Thomas threw in.

“Ain’t nobody asked your ass shit. On the business side, you need to be the one to make him see reason that she could be one big ass con artist.”

“I second that advice. You remember what happened with ole girl from high school. Everybody should.” Toby added his two cents bringing up a painful memory of how he almost got trapped.

“Why you gotta bring up old shit?” Thomas said irritated.

“Why are you not bringing it up more? He could be making a huge mistake and y’all just sitting back.” Toby pushed.

“You both seem awfully invested in whether or not he accepts Mya.”

“Will y’all just give it a rest please?” Barron stated to no avail they just kept going.

“For all you know that dude Damon whatever his name is could be the daddy of her baby.” That struck a nerve with Barron because for the life of him he couldn’t figure out how they were just friends. When did they meet? Are they friends with benefits? Why would any hot blooded male want to be just friends with Mya’s sexy ass? They could be on to something in that department. He wouldn’t admit to anyone that he was a little jealous at their relationship.

One night he was at her house relaxing, her phone vibrated on the table while she was out of the room, and the urge to be nosy got the best of him as he took a quick peak. Picking up the phone hitting the power up button, he noticed she didn’t lock it so he took a look at the message that just came through. It was from Damon saying ‘he loved her more’. Scanning further up in the thread he read how she had just stated she loved him and just like that jealousy fueled something awful in him.

Instead of reading anymore he stopped at their endearments and closed her phone putting it back where he got it from. Barron had expressed his anger in an interesting way
that night, through sex. He had punished her kitty so tough, she was damn near lethargic from the many releases he caused. Never confronting her about what he read because he shouldn’t have been in her stuff in the first place. Knowing full well he would have been livid if she had invaded his privacy like that.

“Baby boy, don’t listen to those idiots. They don’t know shit.”


“Tell me you not listening to what they are saying. Mya doesn’t seem like that type. That’s just the vibe I’m getting.”

“I never said I believed them but let’s be real, I never said I wanted anything deeper with her either.”

“So you just gonna be co-parents?”


“Then you might want to quit banging her brains out.”

“Who says I’m banging her brains out?”

“…” Thomas gave him the look he got so many times when he was younger and lied about anything.

“Fine. I can’t help it. I’m like Pookie from New Jack City, ‘
It be calling me

“You stupid.
” “You are going to make transitioning to just mommy and daddy a hard task.”

“She isn’t turning it down.”

“What’s going on with that Naomi chick?”

“Not shit, she
throwing the bait and I’m not biting.”

“Something is not right about her. Her vibe is all off to me.”

“I’ve heard that before. We were just fucking anyway. The press just caught us out together a few times too many.”

“I think she is an opportunist.”

“I can see that. Anyway I’m about to roll out, gotta take Mya to her doctor’s appointment.”

“Alright baby boy, tell my future sister in law I said ‘what’s up’.” Thomas teased.
Barron flipped him off.


Barron pulled through the circular drive in the front of the hospital Mya worked at so they could drive to her appointment together. She quickly got into the car and greeted him with a sideways hug before putting on her seatbelt. Today had been a tad bit stressful on him but from the look on her face it was a lot more for her. He found himself staring at her natural features with no make-up, her body in scrubs, and hair in a high ponytail. She was texting quickly on her phone, no doubt probably texting Damon as usual. The envious feeling was starting to creep back up right where it left off. They were so close, it was sickening.

“So how was your day?” He asked to try and deter her attention to him versus her phone.

“It was interesting.”

“Care to elaborate.”

“Well… I have been getting these looks from a lot of the staff as if they know something I don’t. Then I went to the break room during lunch and someone had put a magazine onto the table with a picture of us when we were out for lunch. Of course people wouldn’t know it was me unless they know me personally but it’s just that I know someone put it there as a sign saying ‘I know who this is.’”

“Maybe it’s not as bad as it seems.”

“Maybe I’m just being paranoid. It’s not like I’ve never been in pictures before while being out with Damon.”

“Then you should be used to it.”

“I’ll never be used to it.” Mya giggled not picking up on Barron’s obvious attitude towards her and Damon’s relationship. “I don’t like being center of attention. That’s when trouble rears its ugly head.”

Barron and Mya walked into her obstetrician’s office in silence. Mya was anxious to find out what she was having but Barron was nervous as hell having never been in this situation. When they finally called her name to the back, he was relieved to be away from the prying eyes of people in the waiting room. He knew some of those looks were from fans or just people who knew who he was. Thankfully Mya was none the wiser because she was reading a book on her
iPad and that was just fine with him. The less she freaked out the better for him. He busied himself with sending a heads up to Thomas to be ready to shield the news that’s bound to surface about his soon to be fatherhood.

“Good afternoon Ms. Daniels. Nice to see you again.” The doctor spoke to Mya and then looked to where Barron was seated. “Hello sir. I’m Dr. Jacobs.”

“Hello Dr. Jacobs, I’m Barron Anderson.”



“It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting
the uncle, Damon Johnson already. It’s such a wonderful surprise to see a woman with the support of two men in her life. You are a very lucky girl Ms. Daniels.”

“That I am.” Barron could feel the steam rising within him that Damon had been to appointments,
being a part of this pregnancy since day one.

“Well let’s get going on this appointment shall we?” They both nodded both eager to find out what the sex was and if the baby was healthy. Squirting the gel onto Mya’s stomach, moving the wand around to different parts showed a dark area on the screen with some white throughout. The doctor first pointed out the strong heartbeat, then the fingers, toes, and other body parts. Skipping the genitals all together to build up anticipation.

“What do you want dad?”

“A girl.”

“A girl?” Mya questioned.

“Most father’s all want a boy, it’s rare to hear of one wanting a girl.”

“I’m unique, what can I say.”

“That you are.”

“Well it looks to be a… Oops I’m sorry mom what do you want.”

“A girl as well.”

“Congratulations, it’s a girl!”

“Really?!” All the anger that Barron once had oozed away and was replaced with happiness of seeing his little angel’s first picture.

“I will print you guys off some pictures and get your DVD ready. Everything else looks good. I will see you in a month Ms. Daniels.”

“Okay thank you Dr. Jacobs.”

“Nice meeting you Mr. Anderson.”

“You too see you next time.”

After the doctor left out, the nurse came back about five minutes later with a return appointment and the video from the ultrasound. Barron noticed the nurse kept giving him a knowing look secretly telling him that she knew exactly who he was. He feared that someone in this office was going to leak to the press everything that should be kept between just them. Like the sex of the baby, if they didn’t release that information then he feared that someone would. Plenty of magazines pay a nice little penny for the scoop. The couple walked out with smiles on their face regardless of the pending issues that might arise. Barron made a mental note to discuss this issue with Mya later today because there might be some precautions that need to be taken.

“I am so dang hungry.” Barron chuckled at Mya’s sudden outburst of hunger. “What
, that’s not funny. I am.”

“What do you want to eat sweetheart?”

“Umm… Chicken wings… Spicy… some cold slaw… ooh and some jo jo’s… extra ketchup with some banana peppers… and”



“First I haven’t found anywhere here in the ATL that has jo-jo’s. What do you know about them jo-jo’s girl?”

“Whatever boy you tripping… I used to hit up Chester Fried all the time.”

“Me too especially when I’m not training. Oh snap, I keep forgetting you from around the Little Rock area too. That explains what you want to eat.”

“Why? I’m just craving that, thank you very much.”

“Okay, quit pouting. Daddy gonna make that meal happen for you.”

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