The Ultimate Fight (12 page)

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Authors: K Harris

BOOK: The Ultimate Fight
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“Okay daddy whatever you say.”


It took some serious research but finally Barron got everything she requested to eat down to the jo-jo’s. To his surprise, he was actually enjoying that meal of choice more than he thought. He hadn’t eaten like that in years. Eating with her definitely couldn’t become habit because she was pregnant, eating for two. He had no excuse. When he spoke to his mother about the crazy stuff she has been wanting to eat adding the fact that he has grown a little attached to eaten it as well, she laughed. His mother went on to explain that it was a part of the sympathy pains in so many words that he was feeling. It’s men’s own natural way of supporting the mother of their children. Even though she hadn’t decided on moving in with him he knew the decision would be coming soon. Mainly because he spends a lot of his free time at her place or his anyway. Changing her address will just make the commute easier.


Chapter seven

Mya was feeling the pressure of moving in with Barron. All the time leading up to the appointment, they would be together when she was off of work. He spent a couple of nights after they found out the sex of the baby. Finally the start of her work week had approached again but this day started off interesting to say the least. Constantly throughout the day she got weird phone calls asking her questions about her relationship with Barron B.A. Anderson. At first she was convinced that this was all some sick joke but soon realized that it was far from that. The nurse’s station was
at an all-time uproar over whether the gossip blogs were accurate or was it just rumor that she was involved with B.A. Of course she tried her best to ignore the inquiries but that soon was blown out the window when pictures were added to the blogs of the two out on the town. The caption read:
Soon to be UFC Champion fighter and alleged mother of his unborn!


Mya was livid that someone had caught such a candid picture of the two as they shared an embrace that could be viewed as more intimate than most. The next one is the one that really made her blood boil. ‘
According to inside sources the unidentified woman with the future UFC champion is a local nurse by the name of Mya Daniels. The two have been seen together on countless dates with just the two of them. Sources say that the two met during his birthday party that was held here in downtown Atlanta.
’ “Shit!” Mya exclaimed truly feeling betrayed that someone had the nerve to actually give out her name and the details of how they met. She couldn’t even fathom any one close to her being the one to divulge that information like that. Just as that thought exited her mind her phone started to vibrate her pockets non-stop. Checking the screen she saw her mother’s picture clear as day.

“Hey Ma?” She stepped away from the desk to answer the call because it had to
be important if her mom was calling her knowing she was at work.

“Hey baby. What is going on down there?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m getting all these damn phone calls asking if I knew the relationship between you and some fighter. Mya you know we didn’t push to know who my grandbaby is by or anything but…”

“Mama…” Mya sighed.

“It’s true, huh? Mya how the hell did you meet this guy?” Her mother wasn’t upset she was just a little concerned.

“Mama, I don’t know who is listening where and why. I gotta talk to you when I leave work okay?”

“Call me as soon as you get off. We need to talk about this. People at your daddy’s job are asking is it true? I almost slapped the shit out of some little teeny bopper that works in my office
because she called you a gold digger. You better tell me something before I get fired.” Mya had to laugh at that threat herself.

“I promise I will call. I gotta go.”

“Okay, be careful. Don’t make me hop on the first thing smoking to Atlanta little girl.”

“Yes ma’am.” They hung up with Mya still laughing at her mama wigging out over this news. Hell she couldn’t even believe it was this serious but considering that he is
a famous bachelor it warrants some curiosity.

, can I speak with you in the office please?” The director of the floor came out to the nurse’s station. She felt like she was being called into the principal’s office.

“Yes.” Mya didn’t have a good feeling about this.

“Mya, I won’t ask you about your personal life because it is none of my business. But the happenings on the floor while at this hospital is ultimately all of our business. With the plentiful distractions of recent we have to request that you take a mandatory leave of absence. We can’t fire you but we can ask that you leave on your own accord before something serious happens.”

“Are you serious?” Mya questioned not believing that she was basically being relieved of her job duties.

“It’s for the safety of our patients. The board feels it will only be a matter of time before security will be breached to get closer to a story. It really is nothing personal. You have done a great job in your position but we ask that you take into consideration the patient’s welfare.”

“Affective when?”

“Immediately.” Sharon the director of that department sadly stated. “Mya you can always come back after the baby is born. We are positive that the ruckus will have cooled down by then. Just think of it as an extended maternity leave.” Mya just forced a smile while removing her badge, giving her keys to the medicine areas, and left the office to retrieve her things from her locker. She didn’t even bother looking at anyone on the floor as she left with a brave front as if she wasn’t fazed.

That couldn’t have been further from the truth, she had worked really hard to get to where she was and it was all flushed down the drain by politics. She knew some of the people on the board didn’t want her to have the job to begin with so that was their excuse to knock her down a notch. ‘What the hell am I going to do now?’ Mya questioned herself but to no avail she got no answer.


As she promised she called her mother after she had gotten comfortable at home. Of course the fact that she was off work early caught Patricia’s attention immediately. Not only did she have to explain about Barron, now she had to tell her about her kind of sort of losing her job in so many words. There was no doubt in her mind that they would make it hard for her to come back
when the time came. Even still if they did let her get her job back after the baby was born, she was only four and some change along in her pregnancy. She didn’t have that type of time stocked up. Since she rarely took time off, she had quite a bit of vacation time stored up but it was nowhere near enough for six to eight months of pay. Nor could they hold her job that long. She felt physically drained from trying to think too hard over what she would do next.


Spending the next few days hemmed up in her home refusing conversation from Barron or anyone else. Damon was away on a business trip but he couldn’t even get too far in getting her to open up. Luckily she had went grocery shopping or she would have been starving. The only things she did was shower, straighten up after herself, but mainly sleeping and eating. By the fourth day Barron was threatening bodily harm if she didn’t answer the damn door when he came by. Not wanting to call his bluff, she opened up when he rang the doorbell with a simple ‘hi’ and walked away leaving him looking stupid at the door.

“What the hell is up with you Mya?”


“Is everything okay with the baby?” He rushed to her side.

“Everything’s fine with the baby.”

“Then why have you been ignoring me?”

“I just have a lot on my mind.”

“You had me worried. If I didn’t receive your text every day to allow me to know you were okay I would have kicked your door in a long time ago.” That vision of him doing that popped into her head making her chuckled a little. “I’m serious. Now what can daddy do to help?”

“Can you get my job back?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I know you’ve seen the media sites.”

“Yeah that’s one of the reasons why I called to check on you but you ignored me.”

“Oh yeah, well I just didn’t feel like talking to anyone.”

“Even Damon?”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Did you ignore everyone as you did me?”

“Careful Barron, an outsider might think you were jealous.”

“That also wasn’t an answer.”

“Barron I haven’t spoken to anyone besides my mother.” He nodded his head in response trying not to show how happy that made him that he wasn’t the only one she was shutting out. “The hospital put me on a mandatory maternity leave as they called it.”

“Can they do that?”

“According to the board they can because I would be putting the patients at risk.”

“Because you’re pregnant?”

“Because I’m pregnant by you. The press has been eating this up. The blogs, gossip magazines, and some supposed reporters have been calling non-stop for interviews or any kind of statement.”

“I’m sorry Mya.”

“It’s not your fault.” They both turned towards the door hearing keys in the lock. When the door opened, Mya pretty much figured who it was but Barron was pissed to see him just walking up in her house. He didn’t even have a key, what’s up with that.


“Hey boo.”

“Hey sugar bear.” And to top it all off they got pet names. ‘Ain’t this a bitch,’ Barron thought to himself as he watched them embrace feeling like an outsider suddenly.

“I guess I will go and let you two catch up.”

“You don’t have to leave. I didn’t even know you were here.” Damon said mockingly. Mya knew him oh so well.

“Damon behave. Barron you don’t have to leave. Excuse my best friend, he knows no boundaries. He comes and goes as he pleases.”

“No need to explain for me but she is right. I pop-up to keep her on her toes.”

“That’s what we call it now.” Mya folded her arms across her chest. He only smirked and nodded his head. “I’m gonna remember that when I just pop-up when one of your friends are in town.”

“You wouldn’t!”

“I would.”

“Suit yourself but I bet you get an eye full that could possibly hurt your feelings.”

“My feelings? I doubt, my stomach maybe.”

“Oh it’s like that. See when the next time I help clean up your mess when you get another stomach virus.”

“DAMON!” Barron even had to admit their banter was funny even though it was a nasty thought. “So Barron you gonna join in on the laugh at Mya show Damon is putting on?”


“Huh hell…”

“No seriously what the hell is going on that you two are all in the media? And what the hell is this I hear about them assholes at the hospital making you go on maternity leave now?”

“Damon, how the hell did you hear about that?”

“I have my sources. Don’t make me repeat myself.”

“I don’t know who would maliciously leak my name like that.”

“Could it have been a family member?” Barron decided to get some much needed answers himself. He was wondering the same thing about who would bump their gums.

“No one knew who I was pregnant by. I wouldn’t tell anyone your name. Damon found out when we ran into each other at the restaurant.”

“What about the chicks you were with at the party?”

“Shannon and Kim wouldn’t know technically because I told them nothing happened between us.”

“Them raggedy bitches! Why didn’t I figure that out sooner? Hell yeah you know either one of them or they both did it together to get back at you for getting the prize before they could. I can’t stand them hoes.”

“What would they have to gain?”

“What do they ever have to gain by sleeping with the highest bidder?”

“Money!” Barron and Damon both said at the same time.

“Besides that, how much money do you have saved?” Damon asked.



“Don’t start Damon.”

“I’m not starting anything Mya. I know you don’t have enough hours to cover six to eight months of leave nor do you have enough money saved to keep you until you can get back to work.” He pointed out making Mya sigh in frustration. “You got two options. Move back in with me or I pay your bills for a while.”

“Or the third option. Move in with me like I asked.” Barron added his two cents. No way in hell was she moving in with another man, especially not carrying his child.

“I don’t want to move in with anyone.”

“This is not just about you anymore Mya. We talking about our little girl who deserves to be relaxed while you carry her.”

“As much as I don’t understand what’s exactly going on with you two, I have to agree with Barron. Think of my little niecy-poo. She deserves a stress-free dwelling place.”

“Then it’s settled. You’re moving in with me.” Barron stood up.

“What? I never gave you an answer.”

“You didn’t say no either.”

“Well in that case no.”

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